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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Female ♀
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7 Dec 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [648]

In England, we would say that you are having a larf!

How exactly is John's life in Baltimore better than Ivan's in Novosibirsk?
7 Dec 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [648]

Why I hate Europe and love the USA, especially Texas...

Germany: German judge lets 8 men who gang-raped girl walk free.

USA: Jurors took less than 10 minutes on Wednesday to hand a life sentence to Jared Len Cruse ...convicted of participating in the gang rape of an 11-year-old girl.
6 Dec 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [648]

There are no minors on this forum.

There are adults here who act like children. So I decided to simplify my posts down to their level.
How else can I explain, for example, that Russia is not one bit worse than Western "democracies"?
Or that dying for "freedom and democracy" is bloody stupid?
So when I start with "children", it's a signal that the post will be easy to read and understand.
6 Dec 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [648]

They need to awaken the Viking spirit

On the scumbag scale, there is nothing lower than men who do not protect their women from the barbarians those men imported to feel good for a moment.

Swedes and other Western pussies make me sick.
6 Dec 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [648]

Poland is increasing year on year.

... because the Polish government agreed to let them in for a specific reason that is beneficial to Poland. That's why Poland does not allow Muslim scum in but was OK with the Ukrainian real refugees - as opposed to the "climate change" crap kind.
6 Dec 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [648]

Millions do, and as I've said, inward migration in Europe is unstoppable.

...while the supply of foreign garbage is unlimited. Welcome to hell, idiots...
This is, children, how morons commit suicide and smile at the same time content that they doing the right thing. See Ireland and Sweden for Exhibits A and B.

Hey, idiot, they are stoppable. Poland did.
5 Dec 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [648]

seem to be leaning to the right anyway.

Leaning is not enough. When they decide to shoot the invading hordes before they cross over, I will call them "the right".

I know how the ruling mobs play that game...To placate the stupid they will scream they are against migrants.

The bottom line result:

They will lower the rate of increase in the migrant invasion.
4 Dec 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [648]

That shows how utterly incompetent

Hey, stupid, there are no right-wing governments anywhere, only some obscure websites.
Anyone who thinks that US RINOs are right-wing thinks that men can get pregnant.
4 Dec 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [648]

Extremel rare.

Therefore what? 9/11 was extremely rare, too, but we went to war anyway...What a moron...

Are you excusing the bestial behavior of migrants by suggesting that others might also engage in such behavior?

Please remember that homosexuality is a mental disorder and that it manifests itself in more ways than one.

What this a-hole refuses to notice is my simple claim that all migrant crimes are 100% preventable. Don't let the garbage in - no migrant crime...Amazing how it works...

He acts exactly like those who didn't notice a dead man on the sidewalk because he has no counterargument.
3 Dec 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [648]

Sweden is a highly industrialized country, with a low birthrate, which is desperately in need of foreign labor

Bullsh*it. Industrialized countries don't need unskilled labor. They need automation.
If that's not enough, they import things, not people.
If they still need people, they import people who look and act like the natives. See Poland and Ukrainians. Brilliant! No blacks, no Muslims!
No sane country ever imports unskilled black scum.

Do only migrants do that?

No, idiot.
Locals cannot be stopped. Migrants can be. Just don't let them in. Duh!
Debating a-holes is so easy...
3 Dec 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [648]

Can somebody finally explain why Ireland needed that Algerian and other scum like him?
How about Sweden...
Why did Sweden need Somali garbage?
2 Dec 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [648]

Like a biblical prophet, you predicted the upcoming catastrophe, only to be ridiculed,

Thanks, Ptak.
On the other hand, I know I will die sooner because I do give a sh*it about such things. If not about migrants and the invading hordes, it's about how woke brains work. It's scary...

And not so much that the owners are stupid. That would be OK. Kids are born stupid but then they learn to be smart.

Woke leftists are beyond repair because of the investment they made in their sick ideas. It's hard at 50 to say that one was a moron all his life. So they try to defend the indefensible.

One technique, practiced by the faggot, is by presenting things as being beyond our control and, thus, inevitable. Like rain in summer and snow in winter.
2 Dec 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [648]

What proactive steps are taken in any European country to forestall the creation of migrant-based organized crime groups?

You have your moments, maf. This is one of them.

I have a simple, albeit post-fact suggestion...

Don't let these motherfvckers in!!! No matter how stupid, woke, or loving you feel...

White progressive men are worse than kids. You can tell a child not to touch a hot stove. White progressive morons are not capable of accepting any advice. The Irish had Germany and Sweden as props. Not enough. The idiots decided to learn things on their own because they were all Barneys.
2 Dec 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [648]

Children, today you will learn how to detect a weasel.

It's actually very simple...Look for weasel words. Like "seems", "believe", perhaps", "might", "maybe'...and sh*it like this that is meant to give the weasel plausible deniability.

Also passive tense.

The example below is special because it combines a weasel word with a moronic idea that mafias could be planned. So, to include this possibility, the weasel starts with "I doubt".

I doubt it was planned.

Please notice the passive tense I just mentioned. "Was planned" - by unknown characters for unknown reasons to avoid pointing fingers. You see, my dear children, weasels would rather die than speak directly by naming names - unless the names belong to Russians. See Atch, Barney, and Tacitus.

No, a-hole, mafias were not planned but they sure were predictable.
2 Dec 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [648]

there is zero support for racist scum in this area.

A new low...To a Euro bootlicker, "Irish Lives Matter" is racist but "Algerian Lives Matter" is progressive.
1 Dec 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [648]

This is what she said:

When they say "White privilege", what they mean is that our rights our land and our society must be handed over to non-Irish invaders.
Anyone that speaks up against this takeover will be locked up under the coming censorship laws.

I regret that this Algerian pos only had a knife, not an AR-15, and that he didn't kill ten or twenty. Or 1500, Hamas-style...That might anger even Barney...
30 Nov 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [648]

I agree to a certain extent that migration law needs overhauled,

...said a weasel without any specifics of what needs to be changed or at least what's wrong with the Irish immigration law today.

...there is no quick and easy way to do that.

To do what? What is "that"? Write a bill, vote, and sign? I can do it for you in less than a day and for free.

Don't know why all this stuff about Ireland is in a thread about immigrants in Poland.

Simple. To show Poles what happens when a tribe turns woke and stupid.
30 Nov 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [648]

Europe is militarily weak and socially liberal and under the political domination of the US.

...and you, spineless Euros, love it...

Being on US military welfare allows you to spend more on your "progressive' social heavens.

As far as that domination...every wh*ore loves her domineering pimp.
30 Nov 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [648]

The key thing is that it's increasing hugely and is likely to continue to do so for decades regardless of what commentators say.

Let me edit your post to what an honest man would say...

The key thing is that the migrant invasion will continue for decades regardless of what the voters say because their "legal representatives" don't give a fvck about what voters want.

There, I fixed it for you stupid leftist...
29 Nov 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [648]

...the perpetrator had overseas connections and may have been related to the attacker.

Such points by bootlicking apologists are nothing but a deflection from the fact that the scumbag should not be in Ireland in the first place.

BTW, are you actually trying to reason with a leftist?
What they deserve is just ridicule and mocking. But since you are a nice guy...good luck...
29 Nov 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [648]

Worth mentioning that the children attacked were Irish kids with roots overseas

No, it's not worth mentioning because it's irrelevant to the question of why Ireland was so incredibly stupid to admit any foreign garbage.

I'm not against migration and have no problem with the ethnicity or religion of people.

Yes, you do and you are lying. How many live with you? None?

You are not against migration because you are a bootlicker who knows that being against migration will be ignored by your "democratic" ruling class. So to stay sane, you are lying to yourself and us.

As a typical Euro weasel, you didn't say that you are for it. That would make you look stupid even here.

So you took a safer, weasel way out..."I am not against it..."...for future deniability:

Who me? I never said I was for it!

That's how Euro weasels communicate. Next time, try the American, fear-free way...
29 Nov 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [648]

What is there to discuss? It turns out that he is mentally ill.

He was ill. Fine. That's better than being an incurable woke moron - the affliction that is common among the ruling mobs and their admirers like the PF troika - you, Atch, and Barney.

There are more like you here but then I couldn't say "troika".

BTW, who disarmed the scumbag is totally irrelevant. What moron let this pos in is.

And why????????????????? What is the upside in being that stupid?
29 Nov 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [648]

Hey, Bobko and PAK, I need help...How do you explain to a Polish idiot that when a town loses a factory it's bad for the town?

Also, that there are only three ways to create wealth: by digging, growing and plowing, and making things. Telling jokes, gambling, and cutting hair do not create wealth.
29 Nov 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [648]

to a country with a 97% white population :) Shocking, isn't it?

Yes, it is because the 97% is powerless to prevent becoming 90, 85, 80...California is now 49% white.
You know damn well that the Irish ruling scum doesn't give a damn about how you and Barney feel. I know because they never asked you if you want 100% to be 97%. If you did, you are insane.

They just went ahead and told you to GFY and shut up. Any objections were called xenophobia and racism.
The problem bootlickers and apologists like you have is how to justify that 3%.

Is there something wrong with you that you keep trying to P1ss through another mans dick?

If you were like Crn3, that Algerian pos would not be in Ireland stabbing people. Unfortunately, Ireland has you.