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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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22 Apr 2019
News / Polish diplomat Zbigniew Brzezinski has died [53]

Brat Zbigniew told to himself, I am sure, something like this: ... `Zbigniewe, take the money. If you don`t take it somebody else would take it. You Zbigniewe can`t correct sh** of this world so take the money and sleep well.`

Now, we can say brat Zbigniew was selfish, treacherous or whatever. But see, brat took the money. And essentially, he for sure never gave a f*** about Anglo domination. Anglos were cow to him. Yes, cow. Definitely. Cow for milking.
22 Apr 2019
News / Petition for War Crimes Reparations for Poland [126]

There is a reason why poles fear us but we have zero fear about poland.

I love that Serbian nonchalance in Germans, that tiny remain of yourself in yourself. But why speak like that to Poles? You think Poles are out of options? Mistake. They do have. You germanized Serbs failed to destroy rest of Serbs and now, as brat Gavrilo Princip said, ghosts haunt your lords, and they shall subdue themselves to Belgrade, last center of Serbdom, Ariandon or to say Sarmatia or Slavdom or West, as it will please Christ, Svetovid and ancestors. Error will be corrected, that fatal Roman influx.
22 Apr 2019
News / Polish diplomat Zbigniew Brzezinski has died [53]

Brat Zbigniew took great money in his life, in a world ruled by Anglos and influenced by the Jews and then sure Pope, and some others, too. He could write a book ``How to make yourself rich``.
19 Apr 2019
Genealogy / Was name `Szczerbin` first and original Polish ethnic name, local version of Sarmatian name ? [11]

More about traces of original ethnic name of culture that gave Western world, ie Sarmatian/Slavic culture (read in old original- Serbs, ie Thracians, ie etc). Here we seek for name of places that existed on old maps. We here cover more then 5000 years in the past and see that trace of name existed already that deep in time.

in Italy >


Zerba (is a comune in the Province of Piacenza in the Italian region Emilia-Romagna.......

in Germany >


Zerbst is a town in the district of Anhalt-Bitterfeld, in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.

region of early Christian. So name of place precede early Christian >

Mount Serbal

Mount Serbal is a mountain located in Wadi Feiran in southern Sinai. At 2,070 metres (6,791 ft) high, .... fifth highest mountain in Egypt

region of early known Egyptians, name of place existed already in their time and therefore precede them >

Serabit el-Khadim

Serabit el-Khadim is a locality in the southwest Sinai Peninsula, Egypt, where turquoise was mined extensively in antiquity, mainly by the ancient Egyptians.

From Europe to the Ind river, from romanized and germanized Sarmats to those that were semitinized

Kingdom of the Suebi > Suebi > read Kingdom of Serbs >


The Kingdom of the Suebi (Latin: Regnum Suevorum), also called the Kingdom of Gallæcia (Latin: Regnum Gallæciae)

Mind yourself that name of `Germania` came to existance only after Romans conquered local Sarmats and named province as Germania. In similar way, modern day Serbia (ancient cradle of Sarmatian world that preserved Sarmatian name till the our time) was after Roman conquest named as Moeasia.

Swabians > read Serbians >

Swabians (German: Schwaben, singular Schwabe) are ethnic German people who are native to or have ancestral roots in the cultural and linguistic region of Swabia

Swabia > read Serbia >

Swabia, also archaic Suabia or Svebia is a cultural, historic and linguistic region in southwestern Germany.

Swabi > read Srbi > Serbi > in modern day Pakistan >

Swabi or Sawabai is the capital of Swabi District in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan

You can`t even imagine how sound fanny to me when somebody says `Greater Serbia`. Look how wast that concept would be. So, I rather have great satisfaction just knowing how are all Slavs and Europeans nothing but Serbs and only few of us still keep using that original ethnic name. Even outside of Europe, many people got in itself Serbian ancestry.
7 Mar 2019
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations

Hate started when Sarmats of germania were deluded, confused, seduced and assimilated by the Romans and most probably by Arab and Jewish traders, at first. Then they started pathologically to hate other Sarmats. They needed that hate in order to consolidate themselves in their new identity. Then came the greed for resources and more populace.

See, things didn`t change that much. Assimilational machine triggered by Romans always needs more.
12 Feb 2019
Genealogy / Polish & Prussian/German town name cross-reference. [100]

When Germany collapse complete eastern Germany should be attached to Poland, except for regions that will form Lusatia. Lusatia should be formed as independant state. Western Germany forget. It will go freak and will join in Magna France.
11 Feb 2019
Life / Are Poles mentally more Eastern European or Western European? [170]

Always go to genesis to understand situation. Science says that Russians separated from Poles and at time when separated (as nomads!), ancestors of modern day Poles were themselves nomadic.

Listen. After last Ice age was finished Proto-Slavic (ie Sarmatian, ie Slavic) civilization started to spread from minimum 2 Ice age refugiums (1-Balkan and 2-Crimea). Plus, there were our ancients that were outside of Europe. Re-population of Europe went primarily along great rivers and most active was branch from Balkan. They reached Baltic and established strong European backbone, wide line from Balkan to Baltic. They populated entire Baltic and from Baltic they populated complete British islands. They were first sedentary Sarmats.

As for Poland`s population, in particular, as genetics confirms, 40% of all Poles genetically belongs to that oldest Sarmatian wave in Europe (actually, first native Europeans after Ice age was finished). Rest of Polish genetic findings confirms that other branch from Crimea, later, also arrived and merged with first branch. Now, considering that tribes of first wave already populated Baltic and let`s say half of Poland, half of what is now Germany, etc; great deal of tribes of second wave was forced to jump over (travel thru) settled area of first branch and that is how what is now France and Spain were populated. That is also confirmed by linguistics.

As for Russians, genetics confirms that in its entirety Russian genome coming from that second Polish (ie Sarmatian) wave from Crimea. They separated as nomadic branch consisting completely from males that separated, gathered from probably several tribes and traveled Eastern, North-Eastern. Considering that they were nomads, presumably is that entire second Sarmatian branch was actually nomadic (I was surprised with this finding because expected that at least those ancients on Crimea were sedentary but seams that during Ice age itself Crimean ancients mingled with steppe branches from steppes). On the other side, Balkan branch during Ice age preferable communicated with those Sarmats from Anatolia who were also mainly sedentary. So, see, Russians are Poles by their male genetic line.
10 Feb 2019
History / Poland - problem for Germany? (historically continual hostility of German state on Poland) [154]

Germany on the other hand will be hooked on Russian gas, and on a Putin's leash. And they will also screw Ukraine at the same time.

There is the wisdom in this. Germany started maiden in Ukraine and, let us not forget, destroyed Yugoslavia and harmed Serbians. Now Russia finishing whole thing by subjugating Germany. USA blessing Russia for that. EU (magna Germania) going down. Dollar wins. Trump nicely gave candies to Merkel.

Say that Germans aren`t stupid.
10 Feb 2019
History / Poland - problem for Germany? (historically continual hostility of German state on Poland) [154]

AfD is a democratic party and im happy about their sucess, only because AfD, things in Germany changed for the better.

AfD or no AfD, Germany is on the path of oblivion.

Expect even invasion of locusts. Buy yourself sh** umbrella.

Hmm...people are leaving Serbia....alot of them to Germany and France....

Economy greatly consolidates but don`t forget that NATO bombing returned us to stone age. Plus, have in mind how are Serbs famously sado-masohistic people and so they still see Germany as France as perfect. They will soon flee to Serbia or to Poland. To Serbs, Czech Republic is already much more attractive then Germany.
10 Feb 2019
History / Poland - problem for Germany? (historically continual hostility of German state on Poland) [154]

We finally living in era when one can note that German or French states can collapse more easily then Poland. Actually, what fascinates me, even Serbia is more serious state then Germany or France. See, that is the evolution. Eternal circle of things. Historically, nothing strange here. Poles and Serbs have more serious and older culture. So seams that order in Europe actually returning. Now things becoming normal, again.
10 Feb 2019
History / Why are Poles/Poland disliked by Germans? [140]

Complexes. Germans are Serbs who were germanized by Romans and by evil father and even more evil mother of who knows whom, while Poles are Serbs who Polonized themselves. Now, Polish experiment was better. At least Poles don`t hate what they were, while Germans hate what they were and with every new day wants to be even more black.
10 Feb 2019
Life / Are Poles mentally more Eastern European or Western European? [170]

Mentally Western or Eastern? Polish society seams to be strongly internally divided. As every society, after all. On various issues.

But, considering that first Polish contact with western Europe and Rome occurred via western Balkan Serbians, I must say, it would be much better if first Serbian instructions to Poles about Romans was just to burn Roman trader on the first spot (that`s how it started, with traders). What I want to tell you, we wouldn`t even talk of things like this if we Serbs were more vigilant. Orientation of Poles was well cemented and it was not for discussion. But, today, we talk.
6 Feb 2019
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

that is a dictatorship in my book

Do you now feel shame for ever argued in favor of EU? You feel, don`t you?

Evil is exposed now. Evil broke its penis brutally stubbing Serbians. But we endured. No evil penis can stop Sarmatian finest.
6 Feb 2019
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

Yes, yes Polish diaspora have capacities for great changes. I am fascinated with moves. I hope this `Twin Rocks Co.` makes Poland and Serbia bigger, on the behalf of our entire civilization.
6 Feb 2019
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

Blessings on brat Corey Lewandowski and entire Polish US diaspora. Brotherly Poles are sane and that fact warm my heart. I just learned how Polish diaspora formed company `Twin Rocks`. Good symbolical name. Company that will facilitate path for joint Polish-Serbian strategic projects.

So, Polish US dispora is against Duda. Interesting.
2 Feb 2019
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

There is old legend of Bodrici and Lutici tribes about seven sleeping Serbian (ie read Sarmatic) Kings. Legend is from time immemorial and already at a time when Northern Serbs started to lose test of time, they asked themselves when would seven kings arise and take their swords.

Legend live in today`s Lusatia, too. Of seven kings that sleep in caves, who coming to life from time to time and look on ancient Serbian lands, mourn and then go back to sleep. But, belief says, day will come when would these seven Kings awake to take seven golden crowns and swords and emerge in the middle of Ludsatia to deal with old shame.
28 Jan 2019
Genealogy / Polish & Prussian/German town name cross-reference. [100]

Ah, Prussians. Old one, previous then these modern moronic ones. They were artists in culture and warfare, in everything. Svetovid granted them with plenty talents. Then came Romans and ruined them, distorted their vision. Spread sickness of romanization what culminated in germanization.

RiP to ancestors polluted by Czarnybog.
19 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [353]

I do know a Polish guy who's a farmer. He eats slonina sandwiches.

but of course. Man knows.

Choose him for president. In any case he would pass better then Duda.

Everyone, please stick to the topic of this thread.

19 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [353]

What a procession!

Yes. Better then mad archduke Ferdinand ever got it. If eventually pro-German, this Pawel at least wasn`t mass killer of animals. What I read, he was sane man. Corrupted by Germany but sane. If such combination is possible.

He was known to the police from his teenage years

ah, so, he was known to the police.

Germany becoming sloppy with its choices. Expect them to become darker, actually.
18 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [353]

I got feeling that it has something with Germany.

maybe revenge for Lech Kaczinsky? Some say, his own twin, among others, that it was Germany that set down that plane. Probably to hijack Polish-Russian reconciliation and to prevent Polish-Russian official agreement on common stance on Serbian question. Back then Lech Kaczinsky and Vladimir Putin had identical stance on Serbs. Lech even made public scandal in UNGA when criticized NATO and his own Tusk`s government for actions in Serbia. Then Lech died.

You know, sometimes are lunatics used to send true message.
18 Jan 2019
Genealogy / Polish & Prussian/German town name cross-reference. [100]

I am always very sad when think of old Prussians. They were such a good Serbs in their glorious time, prior to being subjugated and germanized. Oh, what a great great Sarmats were they. I mourn for them. Let ancestors forgive them, to those who survived to live in shame.

Man, ancient name for Baltic sea was `Serbian ocean`. What you think what was name of all people that lived on land that surrounded that sea? Poles themselves are Serbs by their meta-ethnicity. Have that in their legends. Sarmats is foreign form of Serb name.

Many are Serbians and that even don`t know that. Its about ethnicity. Nation names came later.
18 Jan 2019
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

Of course that you don`t understand. But you lie anyway. See, Your fabricated lies about Serbs won`t bring you anything. Christ and Svetovid are with Serbs. Unimaginable power. And beauty.

One historical citation for you >

In his report on the Austrian decisive defeat by Serbians, Czech journalist and writer Egon Erwin Kisch, corporal back then in Austrian army himself, wrote: ``Our army has been crushed and it is running away in utter disarray, in a wild and panic-stricken flight: a beaten army - no! an uncontrolled mob running towards the border in senseless panic.``
18 Jan 2019
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

Dalimilova Hroni, people. Listen to me. I will tell you what are vibrations.

Poland is drugged dragon held in chains by infidels and violently raped. BUT. But, Poland have crazy suicidal Serbian dragon brother that would do anything possible and impossible to see its Polish brotherly dragon free.

Now, can you imagine what would be revenge of Polish dragon when dragon brake free. Raped dragon, suddenly free. Then western Europe shall see how it looks like.
15 Jan 2019
History / What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)? [188]

Great money has been invested in covering real reasons behind dissolution of Yugoslavia. But fortunately we have internet. Still

Speaking in short, I will only tell you that when Vatican and Austria, altogether with Germany and then with our allies that betrayed us- Britain and France, decided to destroy Yugoslavia and to punish Serbs for making appearance of Yugoslavia possible, it was over.

Now, imagine we get Intermarium and Vatican says- ``put it down`` and make more space for expansion of Germanics. Do we go down like it was with Yugoslavia? Or what if Vatican says- ``now go spread the word of real God onto Russians``. Do we all exterminate each others?

I think that Poles have to give many answers to themselves before they ever start to dream of Intermarium.

And answers are necessary. Because, if there is no Intermarium, there won`t be Poland.

Think about that.

I will pray that Poles decide to have their own national Church, Polish Catholic Church, that only symbolically listen to the Vatican. Evil sith in Rome and his evil apprentice in Constantinople are eager to rule and live in luxury. That doesn`t mean that we need to follow them blindly.
27 Dec 2018
History / Did NATO help in retrival of heads of Poland's King Władysław III and Zawisza Czarny [16]

Its necessary. Obviously, by losing these noble heads, Poland lost its historical course and mission. So, instead to serve to itself, Poland serve to others. And we all know that Poland isn`t, to say that way, born to be eternal giver.

See, its not just question of heads. Its rather strong symbolical gesture that needs to help in proper orientation of Poland. So I repeat, heads must be given back. Nicely, given back. How would they give them back, its not problem of us who love Poland. If NATO is with us who love Poland, NATO will help, I`m sure.

Pope also can help. If want. If want.

Not to mention EU. EU also can help.