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Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Female ♀
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14 Dec 2023
News / Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament [358]

That includes RuSSia then, because how would you call the law about "discrediting" the RuSSian army and mercenaries fighting for RuSSia?

You can't have it both Russia evil and later use it as a reference.

Your reference the US and its First Amendment - the world's gold standard of "free speech". Poland, along with other Euro "democracies", is a cruel joke in this regard.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Let me know when you find feelings, however, unless, or any such crap in the above text.
14 Dec 2023
News / Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament [358]

What law defines the possibility of offending the religious feelings

A country that has "feelings" in its penal code is mentally ill and too pussified.

Would you, Jon, be against the nativity scene displayed in the Knesset? What is the difference?

They have an answer for that...One is religious and the other one is cultural. Therefore, the cross is out, and the manora is in. Separation of the brain and common sense...

Hey, Ms. Pee, how do you measure hurt feelings in Poland? Do cops take a blood sample when you show up whining?
14 Dec 2023
News / Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament [358]

I wouldn't want to live in a country where I could end up in prison because some as*hole says I insulted his religious feelings.

How would I know that he is not lying? Or is it the Ministry of Religious Feelings that decides such matters?

Do they stick Feelometer up the offended guy's ass to get a reading or is an MRI machine used to assess his mental anguish?

Compared to the US, Poland is a medieval joke. But then with those hurt feelings as a reason to throw people into prison, Western Europe is not even trying to be funny.

Five years for the rape of an 11-year-old and the same for offending migrants on the internet. Dom wariatow is an oasis of sanity...
14 Dec 2023
News / Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament [358]

It takes being not right in the head to think that Judaism is a "satanist cult".

Some people believe that a man was able to walk on water. He believes that Judaism is a satanic cult. Dead even...

Will you consider living in Saudi Arabia?

How about it Ms. Pee?
13 Dec 2023
News / Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament [358]

And illegal, you idiot.

It's called "civil disobedience" and is the ultimate in free speech - a man who takes a chance of being prosecuted to advance the cause he believes is just and worth that risk.

It takes courage. Men like this do not read Civics 101 textbooks before they act - a concept that is unknown to bootlickers like you and the other one.;prawomocnie;skazana;za;obraze;uczuc;religijnych,80,0,1107792.html

Quoiting from the above: The Penal Code states that whoever insults the religious feelings of others, publicly insulting the subject of religious worship, is subject to a fine, a restriction of liberty, or up to 2 years in prison.

The Penal Code in the USSR and PRL had exactly the same line. Quoting:

The Penal Code states that whoever insults the political feelings of others, publicly insulting the leaders of the Communist Party, is subject to a fine, a restriction of liberty, or up to 2 years in prison.

My advice to you: before you drag it out for all to see, pierdolnij sie w glowe, read it, and think the First Amendment, not some "free speech" Euro crap.

Can you buy a feelings meter in Warsaw? Or do you have Feelings Ministry...What a sh*ithole...
13 Dec 2023
News / Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament [358]

If he disagreed with something he could express his disagreement in a civilized manner.

You may be educated and dumb like a rock at the same time...
"Civilized manner"? Like sending an email to Mr. Big that would never be read?
He chose a better way...

PF has a thread on this subject ONLY because he chose an uncivilized manner. Duh!

And a poster like me is asking how many religions is Sejm obligated to accommodate. All? None? Some? On what basis?

How about some art...Like that a-hole who placed the figure of St. Mary in a glass jar with urine? Too far?

Let me guess...In Poland, insulting Christians is OK and is known as free speech. Do the same to Jews, and the mob is after you...

Lightning candles in public aren't illegal in Poland.

He didn't do it because candles are offensive. He did it because the extra special treatment of Jews in offensive.

We have the same kind of crap going on here.
13 Dec 2023
News / Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament [358]

The fact that you interpret his actions that way is a pretty pathetic commentary on American education.

Now you went too far. There is nothing wrong with American education. Just ask those foreign students...

1,057,188 international students from more than 210 places of origin studied at U.S. higher education institutions during the 2022/23 academic year, a 12 percent increase compared to the previous academic year. This is the fastest growth rate in more than 40 years.
13 Dec 2023
News / Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament [358]

Your comparisons are, as often, ridiculous and unrealistic.

You wanna bet that there is at least one religion among the 4000 that includes slaughtering animals, two faggots fvcking, female genitalia mutilation, and circumcision of boys.

Do you want allow them into Sejm? If not, why not?
13 Dec 2023
News / Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament [358]

Noone would do that, because that would be gross.

So interrupting the act of circumcising is OK because it is gross. I got.

Hey. Ms. Civics, that's not how criminal codes operate. At least in civilized countries. Your feelings don't matter.

Bottom line: The man was right. Sejm is not a museum of cultures and religions.
13 Dec 2023
News / Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament [358]

4,000 religions
According to some estimates, there are over 4,000 religions, faiths groups, and denominations that exist around the world today. Researchers and academics generally categorize the world's religions into five major groups: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Judaism.J

So what makes Judaism special? If some a-hole brought a sheep to be slaughtered in Sejm, and he prevented this bs...Does (art. 195) § 1 apply?

How about a sex act involving two faggots as a religious act? How about circumcision? What is a religion and what is not?

All religions are feel-good crap and are based on lies obedient bootlickers buy because that's what bootlickers always do.
13 Dec 2023
News / Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament [358]

The government is the executive branch

No. The executive branch is part of the government. Quoting:

...the U.S. Federal Government is made up of three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial.

The fact that Polish housewives are sloppy and use "rzad" improperly is not my problem.
13 Dec 2023
News / Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament [358]

He represents something that all decent people would fight against.

Let me guess ... you will be the one who defines "decent".
Are two faggots fvcking a public park during lunch break in San Francisco decent? Or should we just get over it?
12 Dec 2023
News / Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament [358]

harming a bystander.... he's in trouble

BS. Who applied force to whom first?
She didn't act to stop an act of violence against herself or another person. She applied force to him because her feeeeelings were hurt.

Carrying out such an extreme symbolic stunt cries out for the strongest punishment.

What a moron...Symbolic stunt...the strongest punishment...Would that be life no parole? How about the strongest symbolic punishment?

Please notice that the weasel didn't say what that "strongest punishment" should be. Weasels never do.

BTW, do you even read your own crap before pressing POST?
Reading your idiotic posts is the strongest punishment. He should be locked up with you for a month.
12 Dec 2023
News / Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament [358]

He sprayed a bystander trying to stop him in the face.... assault. On tape.

That was self-defense. It's the bystander who committed an assault by stopping him.
In civilized countries, one does not have a right not to be offended. Offensive speech is exactly why the US has the First Amendment.

That's why Europe is no better than the USSR.
12 Dec 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [648]

It's a useful resource for people from elsewhere who've settled in Poland, for those who want to come for a holiday, for people interested in its history, culture, cuisine or current affairs. There are also foreigners with roots here who have questions about place names if they're doing genealogy and occasional discussions about employment here and visas for people from abroad. Plus discussions about Poles in the U.K. etc.

What a load of crap...If PF was the only source, nobody would ever visit Poland. They would also avoid the US and visit Russia, instead.

This place is a trap.

You are so right. When I get up in the morning, going to PF is priority one - even before taking a leak.

And then I see "jon"...What the fvck did I do to deserve this torture?
12 Dec 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [648]

It's not a debating society.

Yes, it is. You just debated me instead of minding your own damn business.

Hey, Atch, learn basic logic. For you to say that 2+2 = 5 is a lie, you have to know what 2+2 is. Duh!

So what are the true unemployment numbers for UK Muslims?
12 Dec 2023
News / Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament [358]

What he did to the candles was free speech. Or art.

Hopefully that immunity will be removed.

And then what?

She is also, simultaneously, the Christ of Nations

What makes Poland superior to the remaining 200 countries in the opinion of the remaining 200 countries?
12 Dec 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [648]

Did he lie about this?

78 percent of Muslim women do not work, they are supported by the state + a free apartment.
63 percent of Muslim men do not work, they are supported by the state + a free apartment.
Muslim families with an average of 6 to 8 children, supported by the state, receive free housing.