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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
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6 Jan 2024
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

It is these same WOKE women who want to absolutely destroy the special place women have in society.

My best and the kindest explanation why women are that moronic and allow men into their spaces and sports is that they are raised to be "nice".

How many parents ever told their daughters to practice "Fvck off, a-hole" - the phrase that would have saved thousands from being raped and murdered.

It's always "How can I help you?"
6 Jan 2024
News / Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament [358]

That's exactly what they did to survive

Why then you could tell one from a distance? How would you know what is my religion if any?

This statement is a contradiction in terms.

Absolutely not. Visit any US uni.
We have a Supreme Court justice who doesn't know what a woman is. She heard "first black woman on the USSC" but is still too stupid to define a woman.
6 Jan 2024
News / Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament [358]

How else should they be treated differently?

Jews are intelligent and educated and still dumb like a rock. They knew what Germans thought about them in September 1939. I would immediately shave that disgusting beard, burn my black clothes, dye my hair, get me a cross necklace, and become a Catholic. My Jewish God would be so proud knowing that it would be just for show and to stay alive.

Even the Jewish God has no use for dead Jews.
6 Jan 2024
News / Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament [358]

refer to themselves as Jews who were born in Poland, but not as Poles!

They should be deported.

@Poloniusz, you're putting words in my mouth....again.

No, he is not since he is not referring to you in any way.

1. Did the assimilated Jews before WW2 speak Hebrew or Polish at home?
2. Did they sing the Polish national anthem?
3. If so, pro forma or with the same emotional engagement as the Poles?
6 Jan 2024
News / Poland - A True Bastion and Defender of Free Speech [250]

People who see wars only on TV and never get invoices tend to be more tolerant of them. Add to it a good dose of patriotism, "freedom and democracy" talk, and they will love any war no matter how far least initially...Then those body bags and men without legs and arms...ouch...The romance is over...
6 Jan 2024
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

Poland is a patriarchy? LOL. You're crazy!

I have a Nobel Prize-grade idea of how to stop men from oppressing women...

1. Women should work only in women-owned businesses.
2. Women should set their salaries and work schedules.
3. Women should come to work only when they are in the mood.
4. Poland should designate half of each city as "Females Only" to eliminate rapes and other acts of violence.
5. In their zones, women should have access to free on demand abortions during pregnancy and up to six months after delivery if depressed.
6. To lift heavy objects and repair sinks only castrated or gay men should be allowed in temporarily.

Any other ideas?
5 Jan 2024
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

The government must save EUR 60 billion.

Why does the German gov have to save 60 billion euros?
Would the sanctions be the reason?
5 Jan 2024
History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first [280]

Later, this process of Serb's segmentation,

That's exactly what the DC warmongers are planning for Russia: divide and plunder.
Other than that, the most shameful is the role Germany plays in this diabolical bs by supplying tanks to kill Russians. I thought that they killed enough of them not long ago...
5 Jan 2024
History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first [280]

Poles and Russians are people.

Not according to PF Russia haters.

Ukraine not welcome in NATO and EU - former Zelensky adviser
Kiev should "stop humiliating itself" and end the "illusion" that it will soon join the EU and NATO, Aleksey Arestovich has said.

This could be funny if not for the dead and the wounded. Also, that fact that we are coming full circle back to March 2022...

I wonder which Western moron will tell Ukraine how good it feels to fight to the last Ukrainian.
5 Jan 2024
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

Currently, the bigger terrorists in Germany are farmers blocking roads

Why are German farmers blocking roads?
5 Jan 2024
News / Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament [358]

whoever was born in Poland and is a Polish citizen is thereby a Pole, ethnic origins notwithstanding.

...except for the Jews who said at least once: Poles and Jews. Those Jews are not Poles.

We are all humans sure, but we all have our homes.

...our separate homes.

Good point, Crow.
5 Jan 2024
News / Poland - A True Bastion and Defender of Free Speech [250]

And that's why the US is still an unmatched gold standard of free speech.
Europe's free speech laws with their asterisks and disclaimers are a bad joke.
The main reason for the First Amendment was to protect hateful and offensive speech - the kind that makes Euros cringe in discomfort. Good. Cringe...
5 Jan 2024
UK, Ireland / Is it good for Poland as Sinn Fein will win today in Northen Ireland [282]

The anti-illegal -immigrant riots are downplayed

To Ireland's credit, at least they have riots as proof they are not braindead.
Americans are braindead. No riots. No demonstrations. Nothing...3 million scum crossing the border in 2023 still wasn't enough to get any reaction from the sheep.

On the bootlicker scale, white Americans are the worst. My apologies to the Europeans.
5 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [258]

[login to read]
4 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Best posters [701]

...beyond being a lie...
3 Jan 2024
Food / Polish Dinner for Boyfriend - what to cook? [34]

Men die sooner than women because women like cooking and nagging men into eating more than they should and, thus, into an early grave.
The trick to longevity is being able to say no to men killers like grandmas and their daughters. I got this ability down pat and that is why my weight now is 6 pounds over what it was when I was 20 at 87kg.
3 Jan 2024
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

My father is too lazy to even peel an apple for himself - my mother has to do it for him.

She doesn't have to. What some women do is work around the house to earn the right to nag. "You don't do anything!" When he does, she will be telling him nonstop how to do it.

When she breaks a glass, he asks her if she is OK. When he breaks a glass, she asks him how he could be clumsy.

My wife still doesn't let me handle eggs when we go shopping.
3 Jan 2024
News / Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament [358]

Hyphenated does not equal assimilated.

That and the fact that he placed "Jewish" in the dominant position.
In "Polish Americans", Americans is a noun and, thus, dominant. Polish is added as an adjective to define a subset of Americans who happen to be ethnically Polish.

I noticed that he didn't object to:

The moment a Jewish person says "Poles and Jews", that person is no longer a Pole.

Nobody here wants to touch that one...
2 Jan 2024
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

It's not so much the expense. It's the productivity.
A man can be a "father" 100 times a year. A woman can be a mother only once.
2 Jan 2024
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

And I have three of them. I didn't know I was so rich.

You paid directly, through taxes, and inflation.

or even in the police pretty often aren't terribly enthusiastic about women joining.

In any confrontation with bad dudes, a woman officer is not as good as a man. She can be overpowered easily and have her gun taken away from her.

Add to it jealousy issues at home and in the office and you have a major problem.