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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Female ♀
Warnings: 3 - AAA
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11 Jan 2024
News / European News and Poland Thread 3 [1108]

One nuke on Warsaw and one on London and it would be over as Europe knows it.

From Russia with love...They wouldn't even have to be the 10-megaton variety. Just a couple of small ones - nuclear hand grenades - and an email to DC: Stay away and we will be fine.
11 Jan 2024
News / European News and Poland Thread 3 [1108]

Complain to your government about it.

I do. In the meantime, I amuse myself with dealing with PF Euro a-holes for practice...
11 Jan 2024
News / European News and Poland Thread 3 [1108]

US presence in Europe costs about 30 billion USD - it means 100 bucks per US citizen.

How much do you, parasitic Euros, spend on the presence of Europe in the US per Euro citizen? Or is Europe the only place worth protecting?

Only the wealth-producing US citizens actually support NATO and everything else.

Children do not. Service workers don't. Retired seniors don't. Gov employees don't. Only farmers, miners, and factory workers do so make it $1000 per person, econ imbecile...

Why do I waste my time here.

Great question, JR. Joker was smart to bail.
11 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Has Palestine ever existed? [68]

To save time and your nerves go to the 6:45 minute mark to start watching.

My nerves were abused by their English. Other than that, I am 100% with Israel and for the kind of revenge that would forever remove any temptation to repeat 10/7. See WW2, Japan, and Germany. It worked very well, didn't it?

Once this box is checked, Israelis and the nice Palestinians can talk.

The very first question to the Palestinian delegation should be: Does Israel have a right to exist? That's where it ends if the answer is no, maybe, it depends, or any Lyzko-class crap.

Now, if the answer is: Yes! Of course...the second question must be: Who and how will guarantee no more rockets and no 10/7 2.0?

There are 1 billion Arabs out there...What a perfect job for them to manage a free Palestine or just grab it. Israel probably wouldn't mind if Gaza and WB were annexed by one of them Crimea-style.
10 Jan 2024
News / European News and Poland Thread 3 [1108]

Do you mean like me disconnecting water and electricity in my house because the CEOs are child molesters?
10 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Has Palestine ever existed? [68]

It is better that both of them are over there than over here.

Considering Jews's unhappy history of encounters with people who liked killing them in 194x, 1948, 1967, and 1973, what is the proper response to an event like the one on 10/7?

Specifically, how many Palestinians can Israel kill in revenge for killing 1300 Israelis without being accused of overkill?

As a reference, Japs killed 2400 Americans in PH. For this stunt, we killed 2,500,000 of them. Using that ratio of roughly 1000 to 1, Israelis should be allowed to kill 1.3 million Palestinians before we get seriously indignant.

10/7 was Israel's Pearl Harbor except a lot worse because of the barbarism perpetrated on their civilians and women.
10 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Has Palestine ever existed? [68]

'There's No Such Thing as Palestinians':

History aside, there are such people because they really exist. If I can identify as a woman, some people can identify as "Palestinians". I am OK with that.

To the simpletons like me, the problem is this: If I had to live next to the guys who can drop a bomb on my family and my house - that would be Israelis - the last thing I would want to do is to rape their daughters, wives, and mothers.

In fact, I would join the bad guys, the Israelis, in locating and killing every last moron on my side to prevent the bad guys, the Israelis, from getting seriously pis*ed off after said morons make unauthorized love to the bad guys' women and slash their throats. Just as I would protect drunk German officers on the way home...
10 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Has Palestine ever existed? [68]

or you are a limp wristed leftie virtue signaller

Good diagnosis, Dr. Milo...Now... Is there a pill for it?
9 Jan 2024
News / Poland - A True Bastion and Defender of Free Speech [250]

the law of humans is that females can become males.

There is no such law so you are lying. Only trans freaks. If there is such a law, name it.

If there was such a law, you could claim that you are a Chinese 16-year-old girl.

Are we back to "What is a fetus?", Rich?

A "fetus" is a human being before birth.

What is a woman?
9 Jan 2024
News / Poland - A True Bastion and Defender of Free Speech [250]

"What is a woman" was asked during a Senate hearing for the USSC. You know it since you live here.
So the question is very intelligent. The problem here is that you are a leftist evasive weasel.
9 Jan 2024
News / Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament [358]

Well, they called Polinisation and say it is a bad thing

Some call it "cultural genocide".
In the US, in real life or on TV shows, when a Christian woman marries a Jew, it's always she who converts. The same with Muslims.

Jews and Muslims are the most intolerant and discriminating subspecies. But it's OK. It's called preserving their cultural identity.
Try the same as a white Christian, and you are the worst scum ever walking on this earth.

Hey, Lyzko, do you know how to define a woman?
9 Jan 2024
News / Poland - A True Bastion and Defender of Free Speech [250]

No, ...

That would get you fired at most US news outlets and unis.
These two questions are used to test wokeness here.
Did you notice how Lyzko didn't answer either one? I am not surprised since we have a black leftist bit*ch on the Supreme Court who couldn't define a woman but has no difficulty with saying: I am the first black woman on the USSC.
9 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Has Palestine ever existed? [68]

Palestinians are ancient,

...but not capable of understanding that killing 1500 Jews in a couple of hours was a very bad idea.
They should have spread this unpleasant activity over time to take the edge out...
7 Jan 2024
News / Poland - A True Bastion and Defender of Free Speech [250]

It works since you have no counterargument.
In fact, no comment of any kind because you are a pacifist weasel. Not even "what you posted is not true". Just a throwaway meaningless crap...
7 Jan 2024
News / Poland - A True Bastion and Defender of Free Speech [250]

Why so threatened by them, Rich? Unless there's something about you we don't know:-)

I am not threatened by a dog sh*it on my front lawn but I still don't want it there.

There is a difference between moving a barrier and removing a barrier. Out of our stupid compassion, we removed all barriers. The result: big guys with big dicks can now enter women's private areas and sports only because they said: I am a woman. Not cutting, drilling, or slicing is necessary...Only the a-hole's verbal declaration.
7 Jan 2024
News / Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament [358]

Deportation doesn't get rid of the problem, does it.

Yes, it does. That's why once a week our garbage is by the curb. It is picked up and dumped far away into a very deep pit. It's still garbage but at least I don't see it or smell it.

No, I don't see Jews as garbage. My best friend and my first love were both Jewish. Just proving your claim wrong.
To me, a pacifist Jew is contemptible. A Jew with an AR-15 is my hero. I call them Israelis.
6 Jan 2024
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

It is these same WOKE women who want to absolutely destroy the special place women have in society.

My best and the kindest explanation why women are that moronic and allow men into their spaces and sports is that they are raised to be "nice".

How many parents ever told their daughters to practice "Fvck off, a-hole" - the phrase that would have saved thousands from being raped and murdered.

It's always "How can I help you?"