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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 19 hrs ago
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From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
30 Dec 2019
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

And omnipresent. You can be deplatformed/demonitized from social media for sharing not 'politically correct' thoughts.

You know that "social media" is an US thing? Google...Facebook...Twitter....Insta....what about that is EU?

Okay...the Chinese are coming up...with their TikTok....and they are known to censor their internet quite heavily...Russia is developing their own "state net" too, that they can cut off at will if they want to...

Again, what about "social media" is owned and controlled be the EU?
Bratwurst Boy   
30 Dec 2019
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

Why not call it Konzentrationslager? Why not Auschwitz?

It's all the same crap!

You know criticism is alright and often enough justified and necessary...but with those comparisons you only shoot yourself in the foot. Who should take you seriously after THAT?

After all it IS a fact that you can criticize and spout crap about the EU as much as you want...there will still be no Gulag or a mighty Secret Service knocking at your door deep in the night for you, you won't be kidnapped or jailed or murdered for what you say...think about that for a second!
Bratwurst Boy   
30 Dec 2019
Off-Topic / An average brain weight by ethnicity/nation [18]

A link?

Japanese - 1313

Japanese are tiny...

Theoretically if you go by average height and weight the Dutch should lead this list!
Bratwurst Boy   
28 Dec 2019
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

Not the Brexit arguments again....

And Britain had alot more going for it...being a net payer!

Just for your information:

"....From the perspective of the EU, the treaties contain largely the same content as the EEA treaties, making Switzerland a virtual member of the EEA. Most EU law applies universally throughout the EU, the EEA and Switzerland, providing most of the conditions of the free movement of people, goods, services and capital that apply to the member states. Switzerland pays into the EU budget...."

"...In 2008 Norway's contribution was €188 million. Throughout the programme period 2007-2013, the Norwegian contribution will increase substantially in parallel with the development of the EU programme budget, from €130 million in 2007 to €290 million in 2013. For the EEA and Norway Grants from 2004 to 2009, Norway provided almost €1.3 billion.[9][10]..."

They both pay dearly for all of it, after all being a member has it's privileges! Being "out" is just not the same...

Again....move out....and then buy your way back into the Single Market (after complicated and forever taking trade negotiations) but now without any vote at all and of course no more support funds...go on! Let's see how big the appetite for shooting itself in the foot is in the polish population!

Good luck!

PS: I'm not sure such a thoroughly capitalist success like the Single Market can be seen as something "leftist" at all....
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Dec 2019
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

Poland take some refuges and a part of Germany wealth - fair is fair after all.

Well...big parts of the EU support funds (BILLIONS!) are being german's the EU net payer who fill the pot net taker are taking out from. Germany IS sharing it's wealth with you already since Poland has become a member.

Do you think Poland should take some refugees for that?

But scratch that, you are totally right...they would eh all try to move into Germany the moment they can...

*wanders off disgruntled*
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Dec 2019
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

the problems of elections when governments can't actually address voter concerns because they're locked into eu structures

I don't see that actually....

Poland doesn't want to take part to help refugees and they don't have the polish gov is very well able to adress their voter concerns. That other countries shouldering the burden don't look favourable to the solidarity ditchers is another point...

Merkel seems to be dead set on Nordstream 2, having Germany's energy needs (voter concern) in her view. That Poland and others don't look favourably at this business with Russia is another point...

Remember the planned constitution of the EU a few years back? Voters in France and Holland (if I remember correctly) voted it down and that was that, there is still no constitution for the EU.

Brussel isn't from Mars, all these people working there, steering and controlling the EU are being send by their member states, and of course they have their voters at home in mind all the works as well as the govs at home, sometimes good, sometimes not so good...but that is no foreign overlord.

Do you have an example when voter concerns at home can't be adressed because of the EU structures?
Bratwurst Boy   
23 Dec 2019
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

"...As of 2019 the Polish economy has been growing steadily for the past 28 years, a record high in the EU and only surpassed by Australia in the world economy. ... According to the Central Statistical Office of Poland, in 2010 the Polish economic growth rate was 3.7%, which was one of the best results in Europe...."
Bratwurst Boy   
23 Dec 2019
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

Not even the UK is above 50%.....

However in the future it would be better for Poland to leave the EU. Simple. A practical approach, I approve.

I'm not sure....the longer a country is part of this union, the longer it has invested in it and has become part of this network, the harder it will be to cut all these fine and thick threads and they are growing all the time.

Poland is not an island like Britain, Poland is near central Europe....people get used to free movement and many more choices across the continent...

Poland in...say....25 years from now on will be an integral part of this mesh....cutting it out again will be much more of a mess than with Britain.
Bratwurst Boy   
16 Nov 2019
History / Churchill and Poland [120]

Do you have a link? Because that sounds unusual...why should a german production use english naming?
Bratwurst Boy   
16 Nov 2019
History / Churchill and Poland [120]

Not in a german production...that's English! :)

Here a few german names:
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Nov 2019
History / Churchill and Poland [120]

You think so?

Look at the first still of the map...The wording "German Reich" is surely not what would be used in a german production...
Bratwurst Boy   
3 Nov 2019
Life / "The Poland question?" Is antisemitism growing? [21]

Always astounding...such a nifty people, such powerful Ü to manipulate the world from behind...since centuries...and yet unable to avoid their expulsion, the destruction of their original homeland, centuries of misery and their near-extinction during the Third Reich!

Don't tell me that was all part of the big plan for world domination...
Bratwurst Boy   
3 Nov 2019
Life / "The Poland question?" Is antisemitism growing? [21]

Right now I personally think the most damage to Germany is being done by Merkel...not by any Zuckerberg or maybe we might have different priorities! that I think about it...she is partly polish...a late revenge on Germany maybe???

*ducks and runs* :)
Bratwurst Boy   
3 Nov 2019
Life / "The Poland question?" Is antisemitism growing? [21]

Why do you think Poles wanted Poland to be re-instated after it's own partitions?

Do you feel world wide harassed, threatened and persecuted for being polish?

The jewish people are special, we non-Jews made them so, because of our murderous singling-out over the centuries. Now their enemies are even begrudging them their tiny country, that has to stop somewhere!

Either something is right universally or not if is not it shouldn't serve as a standard.

If Jews were treated like normal standard there would probably not be a problem, but that isn't so. They aren't treated normally...they are being hated and persecuted for being jewish. THAT is not normal, not Jews wanting to live alone, in peace, by themselves...
Bratwurst Boy   
3 Nov 2019
Life / "The Poland question?" Is antisemitism growing? [21]

Israel is a jewish state, an explicitely jewish state...and, as especially Germans know, for very good reasons!

It therefore implies the discrimination of non-Jews and the preference of Jews, if you like it or not.

The call to change that in the name of democracy and multi-kulti and the Palestinians implies the destruction of the one and only country of, by and for Jews and in consequence the Jews themselves. They would become refugees without a home again, easy pickings for world wide hater...again.

That's pure anti-semitism in it's most modern form!
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Nov 2019
Life / "The Poland question?" Is antisemitism growing? [21]

Sadly no, the latest BDS demonstration happened in October...they are very alive and kicking (Jews).

It was a great medial ruckuss in Germany, but the Berlin gov is very hard leftist and had no problems to allow this to happen. But resistance is mounting!

Some background infos:,7340,L-5605259,00.html
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Nov 2019
Life / "The Poland question?" Is antisemitism growing? [21]

Actually the most antisemits are the Leftists with their unbroken support of "Kauft nicht bei Juden" BDS ("Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions"). They aren't even ashamed of openly anti-israel demonstrations in the midst of Berlin, near the Holocaust memorial, allowing "We want to burn down Tel Aviv" slogans...not to mention the yearly "Al-Quds" demos on the Ku'damm.

The AfD on the other hand openly supports Israel even in their party program and laments Germany's behaviour at the UN council with not enough support for Israel during votings, often leaving Israel alone to face it's many arabic enemies. They too support Israel's new capital in Jerusalem!'s more a case again of left against right...even leftist Jews are against the AfD...the more conservative Jews feel more threatened by Muslims and leftist Germans though...