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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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5 Oct 2019
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

Dalmatia shall be free, Serbian and Slavic!

Croatia starting to shatter from within. Those who feel Croats (ie Germanized Catholic Serbs) openly starting attacking and insulting Catholic Serbs of Croatia that number at least 30-40% of populace and number rising with more and more people refusing Germanized Croatian identity.

/translation: You dirty Rijeka, you are full of Serbe,.... but never mind we have many trees (for hanging).../
"Šugava Rijeko puna si Srba, ne brini Rijeko ima još vrba...": Od Torcide do odbornice HDZ-a, priča o vrbama i "nespretnom izražavanju"

Srba, nama ne trebaju nikakve vrbe, možda po nekim selima u Dalmaciji gde ih ima 30-40", rekla je Milinovićeva.

26 Sep 2019
UK, Ireland / Why are Polish people, especially women, so disrespectful toward the English? [437]

Its not only Polish woman. Don`t get wrong impression. Its obvious that all Poles rapidly changes opinion on English. Opinion worsening. And with reason. Its lies. English lies. In every segment. Sick, lies. From government it sunk on people and they now all lie. Bestially lie. Actually they themselves don`t know what is lie and what is truth.

Woman just have that female intuition. They were first to know.
13 Sep 2019
History / Occupation of Eastern Poland in 1939 [97]

German and Soviet troops in the occupied Polish city during the parade of victory:

Best allies of 1939

Before 1939 happened 1938. Matter of fact.

Official Poland greatly mistaken for gave wrong signals in 1938, when together with Nazi Germany (with blessings of western Europe!), took part in partition of Czechoslovakia. Germany annexed Czechoslovakia's border regions - Sudet, while Poland entered and overrun northeastern part of the borderland region known as Zaolzie.

I don`t say that Soviets were right. I just say that Poland played badly, got assurances from Britain and France and even from Nazi Germany, while played role of open enemy to communist Soviet Union. Not to speak that everything that coming from East was and is always demonized in Poland. Then, masks fall down and Poland was obliterated, in the first place, by western Europe.

You would note that official Poland making similar mistakes these days. Seams that official Poland don`t serve Poland but some other interests.
9 Sep 2019
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

As a Pole i don't have a hint of a clue on what Dalmatia even is.

Let me then explain in very very short.

Dalmatia is ancient Slavic (ie Sarmatian) native ground, part of old dinaric core and therefore area of primary Ice age refugium during glacial periods. One of rare warm seas European areas that never stooped to be Slavic. It is even today Shtokavian Slavic (Serbian) linguistic speaking area. Also, Serbian in sense of ethnic origin with now open question of peoples ethnicity in many parts of what was once Roman province of Dalmatia, due to great pressure on Serbians and their merciless assimilation, weakening and extermination. In that pressure, Germanics and Vatican distinguished themselves. Italians, British and French, too.

Whole area of Dalmatia changed rulers throughout history, was ruled by Sarmats (ie Slavs), Romans (Western and Eastern), Venetians, Hungarians, Austrians, French, etc. Finally, it was in WWI liberated by Serbians and re-taken for Slavic world. Today, Dalmatia is split among several former Yugoslavian states: Slovenia, Greater Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro.

Important to say is that by creation of Greater Croatia, Germany secured eastern coast of Adriatic in its domain and area of influence. In Bosnia-Herzegovina and Slovenia, also dominates Germanic factor, while Italy penetrate its influence in Montenegro. Sure, Serbians didn`t tall its last and Dalmatia will again, be sure, liberated and re-taken back for Slavic world. And Serbs will be free. All Serbs.
1 Sep 2019
History / Do Polish people in general dislike Russia or Germany more? [369]

It's time to lower the dependency on (Russian!) gas and the polluting coals.

Are you moron?

Poles aren`t that crazy. Poles do play politics. But its politics. Poles very well knows how is love of western Europe love of `black widow`. So Poles, as sane, helping Russia keep its power, because they know if Russia collapse, the next day Poland coming to manu of her ``friends`` from the western side.
1 Sep 2019
History / Do Polish people in general dislike Russia or Germany more? [369]

But how could one resist to urge not to love Germany? Germany is so miserable that awake only love in those who observe. Like with retarded child.

And 2000 and 3000 years ago, when civilizations flourished here, they were naked and today they again retreat in their naked state. They didn`t learn anything. Only Roman experiments temporarily pushed them where they don`t belong. And now, we who didn`t walk naked 2000-3000 years ago, coming back.

Take this for the morning > Moskau >
31 Aug 2019
History / Do Polish people in general dislike Russia or Germany more? [369]

BDW, one info that very few people knows. When Britain and France were signing deals with Hitler, behind back of their official ally- Poland, they did sign those documents on the level of Prime Ministers. At the same time, all documents signed by Soviet Union (that was not ally to Poland) and Hitler went via Foreign Ministers.
30 Aug 2019
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

How does the word "love" apply here?

Love in the sense of love for something valuable in touristic, economic and strategic sense.

But, considering other factors, I shouldn't have even bothered...

I know. Daily politics, moronic people and my specific style can be challenging.
29 Aug 2019
News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland? [358]

People, you really have problem with PiS in Poland. Not just because of whom PiS ignore, but because of whom PiS welcome in Poland. It could be that same deals were made to make Poland looks ridiculous and therefore proved to be historically obsolete.

Be aware that signals exist. Be aware how PiS sold you. I`m afraid not only PiS.

Somethings happening in and around Poland. No, not that what journalists telling to you.
29 Aug 2019
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

And yet Netanyahu claimed that the mufti inspired Hitler to kill them all.

Do you really think Netanyahu is that stupid to openly say how Vatican and Protestant magnates and bankers made deal to exterminate Jews?
29 Aug 2019
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

Yes, fine winged horseman. I love it. Last scream of beautiful medieval Serbian Empire was dedicated to Poland. Some of best things there even today makes Poland and Poles better. And not that Poles didn`t do their best to repay the debt to Serbians. They did. Their Kings gave their heads to it even. Poles went down in hell and puled us out from the grave in which we were buried alive. And they will come to us again, same as we came to them in time of their need. Then Sarmatian Dragon will be awaken and we shall push back our foes. What is Ours will be Ours, from Europe to the Chicago.
22 Aug 2019
USA, Canada / Are there any Polish people in Florida? [311]

Are there any Polish people in Florida?

God help them that all aren`t assimilated already and forgot about Poland and, who knows, to put cross on myself, maybe even feel shame of their Polish ancestry.
22 Aug 2019
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Polish-German alliance

Nonsensical concept that suggests eternal subjugation of Poland to ``older`` partner- Germany.

Anyway, ask yourself why did great Pilsudski wanted Intermarium to guaranty safety to Poland, from both, from East and West. And then ask yourself why somebody wants to promote Intermarium as anti-Russian creation. Who needs that? Ask yourself! Don`t be deaf, ignorant, hypocrite. Double standards, that`s what we see. And you know why? Because Pope wants to stimulate missionary work on East. That is why they pushing Poland on East. No, not pushing. Rather using Poland as condom. Then canes the Russia`s respond and Poland finds itself in the middle.

Face facts my sisters and brothers. We Slavs do have our differences but we do share people who wish to control, use and rule us. Not to use words such are- that they wish to ruin and destroy us. Sure, nothing personal. They only think Slavs are infidels, while Germanics and western Europeans have that God given right and talent to prosper.

Only respond is Central European Union. Only.
22 Aug 2019
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Poles as accomplices would lose their Eastern territory but wouldn`t be granted Western ex German lands. Poland would look like in 11th century.

Yes, think how would Poland look like with all its stolen Western territories returned. Would be almost double bigger then it is now.

Its because Popes and Vatican who s****d Poland on this and played on Germanics.
22 Aug 2019
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

The Cops seem


Save Chicago, Our hallowed outpost among hostiles!

Those cops all looks very incompetent, you know. They need decent training and decent general to guide them. I know one in Polish jail that is regularly, as innocent and competent, visited and praised by sisters and brothers from Polski NOP.
21 Aug 2019
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

Language is key. Shtokavian dialect is by science Serbian language. Almost 100% of Dalmatia is even now after so many genocides committed on Serbs, area of Shtokavian dialect. Scientific fact.

See, science don`t obey to Vatican`s, Italic, Germanic, British and Franco ideas of necessity to form many new nations from Serbian people, just in order to divide region and control it more easily.

The Croat tribes inhabited The Balkans before The Serbs even got there.

Very nonsensical statement.

You heard Israeli PM Netanyahu, that Jews and Serbs cooperated even at 500 BC at time of Roman Republic.
20 Aug 2019
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

Let us avoid dark mood. Something more positive. Look at this beautiful pearl of Our culture at the venerable University of Chicago > The Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures

source > homepage >

And still nobody wants to listen to some ridiculous fantasy concocted inside your thick head!

Don`t say that, don`t do that. If you are Westernized, I am free to be Western. I speak from the angle which puts in focus Slavic global interests. You are free to disagree but you have to tolerate me.
19 Aug 2019
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

But Dalmatia is in Croatia.

Only partially. Partially. And in today`s Greater Croatia. Tomorrow we`ll see. Their Nazi and Nazi-Islamic ways won`t bring any good to Greater Croatia. Liberation of our people there is immanent. When we take back what is ours, Vatican, Germanics, Brits and French can take the rest.

And historically, despite a very short period, Serbs have absolutely no claim on these lands.

People of Dalmatia is ethnic Serbian in origin. Exposed to violent Italization and Croatization.
19 Aug 2019
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

I telling to you people all the time. Form Polish-Serbian Winged Guard and patrol the city, while there is still time. Chicago is Our.
18 Aug 2019
History / Why Poles love Russia [105]

That is amazing, isn't it?

I also heard about this and was shocked.

Russian communists are against Lenin's body burial. For now Russian govt. doesn't see a serious reason to engage

I tend to accept this explanation. They will probably wait till old generations naturally dies and avoid that internal antagonistic situation.
15 Aug 2019
Life / How to vote in the Polish elections? [23]

Alright. Then Hungary. Just don`t vote for traitors and mujaheedine friendly politicians no matter how sweet are their words. Sad really that Poles actually don`t have information.
15 Aug 2019
Life / How to vote in the Polish elections? [23]

Poles should give vote to patriots that openly speak of closer ties with Hungary and Serbia. That is how you know, you won`t give voice to traitors of Poland and to corrupt politicians.

Thinking of voting PIS :) :)

No, don`t do that. They sending Polish troops to work with and train mujaheedines.
11 Aug 2019
News / Poland's LBGT Seen as Dangerous Foreign Idea. [39]

(PiS) party has made hostility to gays a central focus of its campaign, depicting LGBT rights as a dangerous foreign idea

Its a wrong approach.

Homosexual people exist since humans exist and by that, as long as it is willing by those involved it is normal. But, on the other hand, same as everything in human political affairs, homosexuality is also manipulated in political purposes. Oldest example that we know of is of old Greeks that stimulated admiration to male body in order to de-stimulate growth of population. Reason was limited available resources. Later, Romans and others continued to manipulate with homosexuality. In out time, it is EU that continued that practice.

But, Slavic countries don`t need reduction of population but growth and that is why those practices greatly damage Slavic countries.
10 Aug 2019
Food / British food products in Poland? [334]

Yes.The Zakopane cheeses are the only good ones in Poland.

Ah finally something good about Poland, out of you.

Love to Britain leads to eating British food in friendly talk and company with radical Muslims and mujaheedines.
8 Aug 2019
Food / British food products in Poland? [334]

People, panowie, venerable panke, let`s not generalize.

This is great injustice to speak about British food products in Poland. Why not in particular English, Zulu, Welsh, Pakistani, Scottish or let`s say Afgan or Irish food products? Those ethnicities are all part of Britain. And many more. Britain is great Mother of the World. Great pregnant abused Mother.