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Posts by Joker  

Joined: 17 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Warnings: 2 - OO
Last Post: 8 hrs ago
Threads: 2
Posts: Total: 2257 / Live: 2251 / Archived: 6
From: Guess
Speaks Polish?: Sometimes

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2 May 2024
News / Coronavirus in Poland - part 2 [314]

Over 75 actually and can still b!tch slap you around

Youre so old you fart dust!!πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

You couldn't bΔ±tch slap a womble.

Hes just another fat blob sitting in front of his computer, eating a pizza with a fan blowing on him.

He sure has changed his tune from part 1 of this thread when he was condemning everyone for NOT getting the jab and Not wearing a mask.

His stories change like the passing wind blowing out of his pie hole.
4 May 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [774]

I`ll give you more.

Na were good.

Then came the Balkan War, WW1, WW2, destruction of Yugoslavia

Wrong thread, Blago!

How about some real music now:)

7 May 2024
Off-Topic / Let's talk about shoes [269]

I just bought a pair of Sketcher slip ons and they are awesome:)
7 May 2024
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [164]

[login to read]
7 May 2024
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [164]

[login to read]
7 May 2024
Off-Topic / Let's talk about shoes [269]

Aren't they for old people?

Im not like Biden or Johnnys age. Football players wear them too.
9 May 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [774]

This song is almost 50 years old,

Phil Collins ruined Genesis.

You better pray that Blago unites with Trump and they two save Merika!

Blago for VP! Once a Demorat that was awakened by the truth.....

9 May 2024
Off-Topic / Let's talk about shoes [269]

Joker is pushing 60 years old which is old so he is not far behind for slip on shoes.

Im at least 25 years younger than you gramps. You wear the same shoes that Biden does! Hahaha

I am very active

When? Youre always on

All-Terrain New Balance shoe offers

Those are too cheap and fall apart... Nike, Merrill, Timberline and Keen are good, but youll have to pay more.

10 May 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [774]

I wouldn't go that far

What about this??πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

10 May 2024
Off-Topic / 75 Years of Israel and the War - part 2 [713]

Once again, the Biden administration being dictatorial.

He ignored the Supreme Court on student debt relief and got away with it. So, now its Israel's turn.

The dems impeached Trump for supposedly holding up support to Ukraine.

Joe: Our democracy is under attack!

Biden is the actual threat to democracy.
10 May 2024
Off-Topic / Let's talk about shoes [269]

of shoe that the president of the United States wears ?

Have you noticed Bidens staff now accompanies him as hes walking to the helicopter in order to deflect people from seeing him shuffle and stumble through the grass?

President Joe Biden is now having aides walk with him across the South Lawn in an effort to minimize public focus on his "halting and stiff gait," according to a Friday report.

Are you saying I wear the same kind of shoe

Bidens new shoe line is now on sale...

11 May 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [774]

music maestro that was James Brown.....

I always liked his performance in Rocky 4

But then hes like every ghetto nignog that has money!! He constantly beats up his wife first of all. He took police on a high speed car chase while under the influence. Just to name a few of his felonies. Then he did 6 years in jail and came out and never stopped talking $

Brown led them on a high-speed chase through Georgia and South Carolina. He tried to ram police cars with his pickup truck. They shot out two of his tires; he drove on the rims for six miles

This part is funny!
In 1985 the IRS slapped a lien on his 62-acre spread on rural Beech Island,

I like this song...

A bit too much jive and flash for my liking.

11 May 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [774]

Classic Americana from our bicentennial year of Freedom:) 1976

After all...We invented Rock and Roll, Jazz and Blues.....:)
11 May 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [774]

Here's a nice one from everyone's favourite hillbilly:

What about Arlo Guthrie? This song is classic Americana!

Thanks for reminding me......
11 May 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [774]

Some of you did...

The Blues had a Baby and the named it Rock and Roll, its fact!

And another classic

I had an uncle that loved jazz, but from the 50`s like Miles Davis and John Coltrane.

Especially, if Sinatra was singing George Gershwin.

Every Sunday morning he would play his jazz albums.

Janis Joplin did my favorite copy of summertime.

Do you know Ela?

I like all music, but Im a blues guitarist....
11 May 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [774]

Black music sanitised by white boys and most importantly music publishers.

Sounds like another leftist grievance and you should go protest then.

Also, you forgot about the white "Brits" sanitizing everything American then, especially our music and culture.

Led Zeppelin..... Ripped off every blues artist around.

Rolling Stones...... Kissed Muddy Waters ass as much as they

I have plenty more examples of Brits copying.....Bring it on.

You dont really have any original music to call your own. Except punk rock and medieval old crap.

12 May 2024
News / Northern Lights in Poland [40]

Northern lights in the somewhat cloudy skies

Amazing photos! Ill have another chance tonight, no rain, partly cloudy, never know...

Quite a light show when they start changing colors.

Yo, Galileo! Lets see some of your photos, for once? How about that Marlin, come on already, old timer!

Was your grandfather eaten by cannibals as
15 May 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [774]

little virgin girl of 18 years old to this concert and introduced her to cocaine

So youre a coke head as well! sniff sniff

15 May 2024
News / Northern Lights in Poland [40]

I hope you'll succeed - fingers crossed!

No, it was too cloudy by me as well:(

I took several pictures and will see if I can figure out how to download them so

Youre the only moron in the history of PF that cant figure how to upload a photo. How many years have you been here all day and night?

Now, Jimmy wants everyone to believe hes only capable of uploading to google, so he can claim someone else's work, thats all!

Just wait until you see the pictures that I took last night.

Taken whilst you were flying in your learjet , no doubt..hahaha

Welcome to the club... I didn't see anything either

It could always happen again")
16 May 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [774]

She had an eightball of blow to share

So, the 18 year old virgin already had her own coke now, 3.5 grams to be exact " eightball". She must have been a real junkie to be that young and have that much cocaine. And still a virgin too!

I took a little virgin girl of 18 years old to this concert and introduced her to cocaine

How did you introduce it to her if she already had her own eightball of cocaine???????

It seems like someone around here is lying again!

Please keep your fantasies about drugging teenage girls until they cant give any kind of consent to yourself.

Everything he claims is pure fiction.

This is a song from an up and coming British Rock band that sounds depressingly bluesy to start

This song reminds me of Led Zep "since i've been loving you". Good one!
16 May 2024
News / Northern Lights in Poland [40]

That did it, now I am not going to post them for everyone

Thats because they simply dont exist and you know it.... Just like your imaginary yacht, jet, cattle ranch etc......Its all BS!

Thank the Snitch for missing out on some killer pictures of the N. Lights.

Then the lying bastard tries blaming me! Hahahaha

16 May 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [774]

Nobody is laughing with you, theyre laughing at you, cokehead.

16 May 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [774]

You are not here so your projection doesn't count does it.

Im not the one claiming to have virgin cocaine dealers all over

must have been all those drugs......

First he claims he had the coke and then later she had an eightball (3.5 grams!) of her own.. This virgin must have been a drug dealer or serious addict with that amount of coke!

She had an eightball of blow to share so I bought a fifth of Jack Danials and we shacked up that night.

I took a little virgin girl of 18 years old to this concert and introduced her to cocaine and we danced all thru this concert.

Your posts aka "lies" are conflicting here, Johnny Snort! So, who supplied the coke, you or the drug dealing virgin that had sex with you???

But I will say that he claims to have taken a virgin girl to a J.Geils gig and introduced her to cocaine!

Just more lies from the forum clown. Lets keep the music going!

I really liked the Robert Cray Band song you posted. Not heard of him before.

You should like this one, its his biggest hit:)

16 May 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [774]

It seems like he had a few bad

17 May 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [774]

the butt of my sarcasm.

There goes Snorting Jimmy trying to conflate lying with sarcasm again. The fact is youre a habitual liar just like Michael Cohen. You 2 clowns are cut from the same cloth, but he is a bit better bc hes not a cokehead like you are.

Snitch. HooT !

I have never had my reporting button taken away for snitching too much, unlike you.. Snorting Jimmy!

17 May 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [774]

.. Blues/Rock!

Good one!

Im in a old blusey mood today.

This is why I love the music threads, you get to hear lots of new stuff.

Im glad you liked and will look for some more...
18 May 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [774]

Gary clark Jr.

veryone will know however when they see the picture what a little b!tch liar you are.

Oh please,bring it on you lying POS. I cant wait to see this as you have been wrong about all your multiple previous PF stalkings. Do it right now you coke snorting pussy, why wait??? Ill donate $1000 to your favorite charity in your name if youre right.

Are you still planning on coming up to Northen Michigan to beat me up ?

When is your old decrepit ass coming Chicago to "wipe up the streets with me"? You wouldnt last 5 minutes in the city you backwards hillbilly!

You've been told.

Im so scared of some fat old fart from Michigan....lololol

So, stalking people on the internet is what a pathetic liar does when he hasnt any money left in his golden years. You shouldn't have spent in all on cocaine you big dummy!
18 May 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [774]

I purchased the CDs and video when this classic jam was released.

2 blues masters.....

Stevie Ray Vaughan and Albert King
18 May 2024
News / Northern Lights in Poland [40]

Just as predicted, no pics because they dont exist. lol. And you have to be the worlds biggest idiot not to be able figure out how to upload them despite being on here everyday for the past 10 years.

because I have some good ones.

Sure you do, Snorting Jimmy, sure you do....LOL