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Posts by ConstantineK  

Joined: 10 May 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Jun 2024
Threads: Total: 26 / Live: 2 / Archived: 24
Posts: Total: 1298 / Live: 230 / Archived: 1068
From: Moscow(Russia)
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: History of Late Ancient World, Tragedie Lyrique (J.B.Lully)

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20 Jun 2009
History / Communism fell 20 years ago, Poland led the fight since WW2 [339]

Well Kostik... it was Russian communism.Wasn't it ?

If I were on the Gorbachev's place, please don't think about me as insane "napoleon", I would wipe out all Poles rather then allow them to shake the lawfull government, believe me Borrka. That would be a good example for the rest of europe and you present masters, who actually don't care about your fate my poor brothers.
20 Jun 2009
History / Communism fell 20 years ago, Poland led the fight since WW2 [339]

Patriotic demonstration in 1979.

It is incredible, my friends, all contemporary regimes, for I think about communism as good pattern for modern governments, have one significant and fatal weakness which prevents them from being true representative of their people. Regardless democracy it is or autocraty, they can deal nothing with street protestors, whose protests, in fact, are inspired from behind the border. They all afraid of the bloodshed, though little bloodshed is always useful in such cases. Remember, one gun-machine's shot may save situation and cease all protests in a moment. Poor communists, they were afraid to use this salutary remedy, that was their mistake.
13 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

I have nothing to say. Here lay the initial grains of future Prussian militarism. It seems to me that we will have new great war in the future. Hitler and his war machine were only the parts and episodes of prussian-unker ideology. Somehow it managed to revive after first and second wars.
13 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Sh!t, do you understand that it was Germany who began the war? You are juggling with facts. There was nothing similar with scorched land from Stalin's side. Quite the contrary, there was the order "not a single inch of land for enemy". The scorched land was provided by the german troops after their retreat. Special battalions of incendiarys were burning whole villages in 1941-1943. Here I am speaking about the facts I know from my grandma who had lived in this time in small village near Moscow.
13 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Sh!t, I am becoming very nervous when I hear the profane discourses about "atrocious partisans" and "mild SS solders" from german citisen's lips. Are you out of your senses? And what about thousands and thousands of burned villages and towns?
23 Feb 2009
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Actually, he is Pole! Now I understand why I dislike his roles...
23 Feb 2009
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

He is not Pole. If you are -sky, it dose not mean you are of polish origin automaticaly. In this case, Yanko- exposes his ukrainian origin.
25 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Frankly speaking, I am recalling Mr. Berezvski, who once proclaimed himself Cossak's chief. He-he...
25 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Russian cannot be a jew, but Jew certainly may be Russian.
22 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Are these names Russians? Never have heard them!
21 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Hey, how are you southern? I heard that you have some post of revolution just now! Do you participate?
21 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Everything is simple. Sasha, you should say you thank for your name to Catherine II who having plans of reconqest Costaninopole from Turks named her two grand sons Alexander and Constantine respectively. It was intended to Alexander to be a Russian emperor as Alexander I and the second grandson to be an emperor of re-established new Byzantine Empire as Constantine XIII. Later Alexander will be a national hero as for vanquishing Napoleon. Thus, this name became very popular in Russia. Meanwhile Constantine later will be famous only for his rejecting Russian throne after the Alexander's death causing the Decemberist's revolt and miss-minded silver ruble, very valuable among numizmats.
21 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Ha-ha! You make me laugh! Do you expect that your son will be a horse? No way! Listen to me, don't make his future life terrible, name him Ioann instead. Nice name.
21 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Do you think that it sounds effeminate? I dont think so. Unlike polish dog-like names, Russians ascends very deep in roman and greek history. Here you cited only deminutive names, and you know very well that it is not correct. For example my name ascends to Constantius Chlorus who was the Roman Caesar reconquered British island to Roman Empire in times of Deocletian August. Later he would be a father of another Constantine, the Grate. Meanwhile, Sasha's name even more ancient, it ascends to the famous Alexander III the Great.

Do you still think that Russian names have a lack of manhood?
21 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

The theme of legal euthanasia is very popular in europe now. Russia was a merciful healer of 18 century. She made a lethal injection ending desperate torments of Poland. How dare you to blame Russia for act of charity.
21 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Sorry me Prince, but I cannot agree with you. May be you are denying the fact that Poland had been near death long before Russian interference, and the prime causes of the decline were within Polish borders.
21 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

I insist that all partitions were made for the sake of Poland.
Who knows what would happen with Poland, if Russia didn't accomplish those healing incursions!
20 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

I never pretended on russian purity. Certainly we are the mix, but as we say "our strength is in swims". Many nations were melt together in Russians.
20 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

This fact proves only one thing that Poles may be easily assimilated
30 Nov 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

The fact is, that Poland had never been great power, never through her whole history. And even in the period of her maximal ascent, in 17-th century, her policy directed from other capitals, being a faithful tool in the hands of papistry. So, do you think that you have a right to judge us?
30 Nov 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

how you dare even to compare Russians, these Titans among nations and Poles, loosers on historical stage?
30 Nov 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Seanus asked me, why we think about Poles as totally arrogant nation. Well, I think I have the answer. You are arrogant only because being proselites yourself, you are trying to teach us how to behave in our domestic affairs. This is an ultimate and ugly pattern of arrogancy and baseless proud. The situation is saved by the only fact of absolute pointless of your attempts, by other words you are just funny (see on your clown president).
30 Nov 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

I'd never like to have Russian political system, not to mention Belarusian.

Oh my God.....Don't even try to advise us how to live... You forget one very imortant question, the TERRITORY. Russia lays in eleven time zones while Poland is hardly visible on the globe. We cannot change all in one hour. If you provoke us to do instant transformations, you should clearly understand the direct threat for Poland of such rush transmutations as well....
29 Nov 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Well, why did you say that we are captured by the circumstances of our lives?

You can be captured by the circumstances but be free in the same time, where I am wrong?

Why aren't we taken to court for murdering flies, CK?

before fly Christ or fly Zeno? brrrr
29 Nov 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

I didn't even imply that I placed my life's value on a higher pedestal than that of anything or anyone else. I simply respect the right to live.

Ok, assuming it, you should concede, of course if you think logicaly, the existance of fly paradase, dog paradase, etc., apart from the human one...

but certainly this situation is unbelivable..., so there is no any paradises, so we are just animated pices of meat, so the kiling of man is equal to kiling of fly.

What they write about understanding of freedom and learning it

Freedom is inside us!

And if you knew what the stoic philosophy is based on, you would know that there is a fundamental belief in a "giver" or God.
Perhaps read up on Epictetus or Marcus Aurelius.

Well, may be you hope to appear before the court of Christ and twelve apostles?
And who is mad after this statement?
29 Nov 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Life's what you make it and no fool will take mine away without a big fight.

You have pretty lot of chances to be killed brick for example...

Get out of the Gulag mentality man

It have nothing with a "gulag mentality". And please don't throw with such words as "life value". Both you and me know nothing about our own lives value....

Why you think that your life is more valuated than life of poor fly killed by you during last summer?
29 Nov 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

It really is a testimony of the backwardness of a society when utopian Jewish ideals

Then we shoul abolish the Christianity first as a first jewish attempt to built the communism.

Aaaand...btw I never said that Lenin is my hero.... certainly I am not communist....
29 Nov 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

That's a very cold and chilling account, CK.

In which part?

People have choices.

People don't have choice, because they live captured by the circumstances of their lives...

You are implying that such a noble deed as feeding the poor is more important than life itself.

Please don't think that I feel good thinking that there is no any "immortal human soul". It's just my cold mind observation. Nothing were before us, nothing will be after.

Don't you think that by killing cock roach on your kitchen you automatically transfer his soul in the "cock roach paradise"? But if it is not so, then which proofs can force us to belive in human version of such place? Or may be you think that your body is much better then his or you are just lucky to be a human?

How about I push your off button? How about that?

I am stoic, so let it be
29 Nov 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Were the 20,000 Polish soldiers who were killed just animated pieces of meat?

Certainly no, their animation was taken apart from them....

Life isn't a God given gift? What's your grand theory then?

There is no hell/paradise and of course there is no any "dark tunnel with shining end". By killing man you just push the off button like on computer...

communism but the basic ideal is FAR from perfect, sunshine.

Really? Where? Or may be the desire to feed poors is not sufficient aim to animate best parts of man's "soul"?