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Posts by Sokrates  

Joined: 19 Jan 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Oct 2011
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From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Many and varied.

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16 Nov 2010
History / Are Poles happy with the current Polish borders? [134]

one man dream is another man reality :)

Folk sayings wont change the hard facts, vast majority of Poles is indifferent or mildly friendly towards Ukraine, no one would agree to enact a policy of destabilising Ukraine or attempting to take land from it and no kind of media spin outside of ukis mass murdering Poles again could change that.

While personally i consider ukrainians a nation of barbaric peasant descendants without an ounce of culture or civilisation they're unlikely to genocide polish minority any time soon.

Poland stopped to be a power to reckon with in late 17th century when its ravaged society and economy finally gave in under the stiffness of her upper class, it never regained a status of power afterwards and while the interbellum was a good shot it was too short to take advantage of so you're wrong at every turn here.

Well, don't mind me, I'm only a raving lunatic, completely detached from reality!

Not only that but you're interpreting history in a very very loose manner.
16 Nov 2010
History / Are Poles happy with the current Polish borders? [134]

what if there wont be a stable Ukraine ?

Then we need to make sure we dont get drawn into the mess that the region becomes afterwards.

ou conception will crumple ! readiness and variants of plans for every eventuality !

No it wont, if Ukraine indeed collapses the best thing to do is to close the border and pretend nothing happened, the last thing we want is to enter a region thats a potential hot spot.

I don't care what most Poles thinks !

Thats because as far as Lwów is concerned you're a raving lunatic who's completely detached from reality.

Globalfirepower is worth zip, their statistics are based on number of people available.

Mexico for example would be overrun by Poland in a week not having any real heavy ground forces, mexican airforce has literally 10 old fighter planes.

Ukrainian army is practically falling apart as well.
15 Nov 2010
History / Are Poles happy with the current Polish borders? [134]

Whats reality ?
Your off-butted last post ? No thank you!

Reality is that Poland needs a stable Ukraine as a buffer and that most Poles including me do not share your views.
15 Nov 2010
History / Are Poles happy with the current Polish borders? [134]

To a degree yes but i doubt to a degree you'd like them to be swayed.

Talking morals or reality here ?

Both, we need friendly stable Ukraine more than we need Lwów, if it was otherwise i might take a look at your side of the lawn.
15 Nov 2010
History / Are Poles happy with the current Polish borders? [134]

we need to be flexible, and regain our strength

And breaking up Ukraine helps us regain our strength how?

kiss EU good bye,

And face economic ostracism that destroys our country?

and then act, maybe with Russian cooperation !

We both know Russia does not need independent Poland, it does not want independent Poland, any cooperation in dismantling Ukraine would ultimately cost us our sovereignty.

For now, we should make sure that Russia cannot do anything with Ukraine without our say !

But it can and does.
15 Nov 2010
History / Are Poles happy with the current Polish borders? [134]

its only matter of right plan and organization.

Bollocks, booting people out because 0.01% of our population says so? You do know your opinion represents a few thousand extreme right fringe activists and thats it?

Simultaneously, inside integration and grow, need for that a real ruling class!

So essentially the same that Germany is trying to do to Poland? And you see nothing wrong with it?
15 Nov 2010
History / Are Poles happy with the current Polish borders? [134]

If you guys are not wanting to give anything then you also can't expect to get anything either.

Newsflash, a crushing majority of Poles does not want any land from anyone, there's no official or unoficial drive for any kind of border revision.

Lwów and Grodno were our cities and a middle finger to any bugger who claims otherwise but they're ours no longer and thats it really, those of us who were forced to move died and their kids born here consider these regions their home.

In that situation, polish course of action is simple, use EU to bring Ukraine into EU, Europe goes bankrupt and split, we keep what ours and volie!

And what when Ukrainians say "no" and they will say no.
14 Nov 2010
History / Are Poles happy with the current Polish borders? [134]

Like what? I would never accept Wroclaw becoming german again and i'm a voice of milions of Poles as far as this subject is concerned, we're a divided people untill you touch a certain spot, you'd be amazed how united we can be about stuff like that.

Ukrainians will never accept us as their masters unless we go in guns blazing and then they'll submit but hate us even more so what wounds exactly would that kind of revisionism heal?
14 Nov 2010
History / Are Poles happy with the current Polish borders? [134]

While you've got a point there booting people is not a solution i'm willing to accept, not to mention we do not have 2 milion+ settlers needed to replace these people and they wont assimilate.

Even if we could somehow regain these lands the only viable solutions are killing everyone or expelling everyone and since when did we as a nation turn into russians or germans?
14 Nov 2010

Serious question. Historically have there always been more Russians and Germans then Poles?

Yes, the tribes that made up Russians and Germans have been far more numerous, in fact the difference is smaller now than it was in early dark ages.

It wouldn't be fair to blame wars and such on the population differences because along with Poland, Germany also lost a few million of it's men and women and so has Russia.

Not even remotely close to what Poland lost though.

Will the Poles die out eventually?

If the current trend keeps that way yes, but Germans will get there a solid century before us!
14 Nov 2010
History / Are Poles happy with the current Polish borders? [134]

I love Lwów, much of my family hails from Lwów but people who actually lived there are mostly dead at least 20 years by now, i'm the second generation born in Wrocław, more than 90% of Poles are not willing to abandon lives and wealth we built for ourselves here in favor of poverty in the east.

Lwów is a nice sentiment but to give away a city like Wrocław which we rebuilt into a wealthy place in exchange for a poverty stricken dilapidated craphole? No thanks.

Not worth it... solidify what you have now.

I'm pretty sure Poland is one of the most solidified countries in the world, what with 99% of population being white catholic ethnic Poles.

If your heart was even remotedly in it, you wouldn't call them this way. If you can help out to restore the places,

Nathan Poland is helping, my city of Wrocław to be specific gave Lwów gave Lwów 40 milions złotych, thats just one example, only a fraction of that money goes into restoration, most is pocketed by your corrupt goverment.

Than there's also the problem that 90% of historical heritage in Ukraine is stuff built or commissioned by Poles and Ukraine is unwilling to acknowledge Poles created most of ukrainian cultural and architectural heritage.
14 Nov 2010
History / Are Poles happy with the current Polish borders? [134]

well, as long as you get "your" land back in the east, why not? Poland would be much bigger than now and no one would have to bit*h about what he lost.

Because its current owners - Ukraine and Belarus have turned it into such a mess that it would take a generation before we would be able to restore it while our current territories saw significant investment on our part, an investment we'd have to abandon in exchange for nothing.
14 Nov 2010
History / Are Poles happy with the current Polish borders? [134]

Dirt roads? I know exactly what roads you're talking about - and they've been paved with some sort of nice paving recently.

You mean a week ago? Because they're still very much there since they tore out the cobblestones to lay pipes and never put them back.

Plenty of street lights around, even in the mean streets not far from the train station.

Only in the immidiate centre.

Check out these sexy postcard quality pictures from Lwów:) There's lots and lots more too.

Wrocław which has a larger annual budget than Kiev andLwów combined managed to renovate 100 german buildings for 170 milions zlotych, Lwów renovations consume 23 milion dollars (something like 50 milion zlotych) so no its not huge, its small and inadequate.

L'viv looks no worse than £ódź.



You were saying?

Of course, it was totally destroyed by the end of the WW2. That's why I'm saying, you guys should go back to your borders before the war.

So you're saying we should give Lower Silesia to the Germans after we spent 65 years rebuilding it, often from scratch?

No go mate.
14 Nov 2010
History / Are Poles happy with the current Polish borders? [134]

Have you actually been to L'viv? It doesn't look like a dump...

Yes i have been to Lwów and yes it looks like a dump, there's dirt roads as close as half a kilometer from the centre, the buildings are falling apart, there's no such thing as street lights apart from the centre.

Lubomirscy palace for example, 2 streets away from the centre you get ruins for example, not dilapidated buildings but ruins.

Then again dont trust my word on it

Not if your heart is innit....
You would do so gladly! :)

My heart is in it but i've been to both cities and they're positive sh*tholes that require a solid 30+ years of work to look even remotely close to their former glory.
14 Nov 2010
History / Are Poles happy with the current Polish borders? [134]

Very unjust. You should go back to your borders before the WW2

Apart from all political ramifications, Lower Silesia was a moonscaped desert when Poles took it over, we rebuilt it into one of the best developed polish regions.

Lwów and Grodno were turned into dumps by our eastern neighbours, you're calling for Poland to give away regions it rebuilt for the past 65 years in exchange for dilapidated dumps that our former eastern provinces became in the past half century? Thats just silly.

Not to mention we let Germans into what they called East Prussia centuries ago and it took a grand total of 400 years to dislodge them, what kind of an idiot, apart from you obviously would willingly allow Germans into such a strategic position again?

I'm sure after a while there'd be some talk about oppression from the ocean, how it's unfair that the ocean is so big, and that Poland could take on the ocean if need be :)

Y'know Con you may live in Poland but you're not polish you will never see this from our POV, we've been royally f*cked over by our neighbours and beyond, what do you expect? Business as usuall my arse.
13 Nov 2010
History / Are Poles happy with the current Polish borders? [134]

There's a problem with that kind of reasoning, Poles got Wrocław but lost Grodno, Wilno and Lwów, all three cities were intact while Wrocław was moonscaped.

We had to exchange cities with working infrastructure, factories and intact architecture for a region that was a sea of ruins.

As for today, apart from Wilno both Grodno and Lwów are dumps, Ukrainians and Belarussians destroyed our cities so we'd be giving away a huge city we rebuilt for 2 shitholes.

I like current borders + not bordering Russia (kaliningrad does not count) rocks.
27 Sep 2010
History / Should David Irving, Holocaust denier, be allowed to run tours to Poland? [246]

You do realise all of them are of polish ancestry with Mannstein being from a family of almost pure Poles who married with other polish-prussian aristocracy? To be fair though ethnicity was the only thing polish in them, they spoke german, could not utter a word in polish and lost any and all polish heritage since several generations by then.
4 Sep 2010
History / Let's talk about the POLISH ARMY [79]

Pilsudski should have focused on stabilizing Poland instead of picking border conflicts with its neighbors.

He did stabilize Poland, i'm not going to teach you polish history if you know polish google sejmokracja and you'll learn just how stable Poland was (and it was).

BTW where did Germany get the money to rearm after the German depression of the 1920's?

Mostly USA, later on Russia.
3 Sep 2010
History / Let's talk about the POLISH ARMY [79]

Of course Switzerland did have the advantage of being well established as a political unit.

You're an ignorant moron, Switzerland had mined all passes and was the only country that'd exchange german money otherwise Germany would have overrun it in a week.

Switzerland was a cohesive political unit, Poland was just starting out.

Rubbish again, Poland had a stable govt since Piłsudski took over but then again you're a troll who doesnt know sh*t about Poland.
19 Aug 2010
Po polsku / Pomnik ku czci bolszewików? [26]

Jakich dywagacjach? Dostałeś moją odpowiedż,wg mnie żołnierze armii czerwonej byli morderczymi barbarzyńcami którzy chcieli zniszczyć wszystko co nam drogie, kiedy żyli zasługiwali na śmierć a kiedy umarli zasługują na pogardę.

Gdyby to zależało ode mnie usypałbym z ich trupów malowniczą stertę i usmażył miotaczami ognia a dawne cmentarze zamienił na wysypiska śmieci albo miejskie szamba.

Przy okazji dobrze wiedzieć że nie uważasz się za Polaka.
19 Aug 2010
Po polsku / Pomnik ku czci bolszewików? [26]

tak na prawde mnie to ne obchodzi co o tym myslisz..

To nie odpisuj.

warzna sprawa jest zebys sie odwalil bo co nie jest ladne to twoje ataki na mnie bez zadnego powodu.

Warzyłem wagę sprawy bo ważna była jak mało które ale odważyć się nie mogłem bo ważnym jest aby raz naważone piwo wypitym zostało.


twoje ataki na mnie bez zadnego powodu.

Ależ ja ciebie wcale nie atakuję! Jak na razie to ty kazałeś mi spierdalać i zwyzywałeś od kutasów mimo moich, mam nadzieje kulturalnych prób wytknięcia ci braku szacunku do rodzimego języka.
19 Aug 2010
Po polsku / Pomnik ku czci bolszewików? [26]

Nie nie ok, to nie jest forum Onetu i z szacunku do swoich polskich czytelników powinieneś posługiwać się polszczyzną w miarę czytelną, twoje składnia, ortografia i znajomość polskiego w ogóle razi, z kulturą osobistą też widzę jesteś na bakier :)

Odwal się przez duże O ;]
19 Aug 2010
Po polsku / Pomnik ku czci bolszewików? [26]


Ile nie ile, zaczynasz zdanie.

"ku" jest po rusku albo po staro polsku.. nie używane w dzisiejszym języku.

Nie dość że nie po "rusku" ani po "staro polsku" to nawet nie po rosyjsku i staropolsku, to zwrot polski i czynnie używany w j.pol od XIV wieku analfabeto.
19 Aug 2010
Po polsku / Pomnik ku czci bolszewików? [26]

To że nie znasz polskiego analfabeto nie znaczy że każdy ma słomę w butach jak ty.
19 Aug 2010
Po polsku / Pomnik ku czci bolszewików? [26]

Pomniki nie są "ku czci" (tak mi się wydaje),

Żle ci się wydaje, pomniki są po to żeby uczcić.

To nie jest pomnik.
To nagrobek.

Masz problem z czytaniem? Pomnik nie nagrobek.

Armia Czerwona była zbrodnicza i barbarzyńska, dążyła do zniszczenia Polski i jej żołnierze nie zasługują na pamięć.

Nie godzi się żeby czlowiek lezał jak pies - w nieoznaczonym dole.

Godzi jeśli gwałcił nasze kobiety, mordował nasze dzieci i niszczył nasze państwo.