The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by PennBoy  

Joined: 7 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Dec 2013
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From: USA
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22 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in the UK, you know were the door is [105]

I think it's harder for immigrants find good office jobs locals wanna hire their own. There's this perception that the immigrant is supposed to make less than an American and do the job he himself doesn't want and it's actually implemented through practice. I have Polish friends who started their own business and I don't think they'd even consider hiring Americans, they all employ other Europeans mostly Eastern. It's not that they want more money but that there's a bond to help others alike out because they know Americans would hire their own over them.
22 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in the UK, you know were the door is [105]

You making it sound like I don't know what I'm talking about and am only guessing when it;s you who's doing the guessing and assuming things to be a certain way i've been here for 20 years and have met people all over this country.
22 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in the UK, you know were the door is [105]

You know personally maybe few hundred (if that much) people altogether (including all your relatives), just like everyone else and you say many like you knew millions of them. That's why saying SOME usually makes way more sense.

Let's investigate.

Guesswho don't patronize me. When a statistic is done 100 million people aren't asked. A few thousand at most. Like in a statistic, I make my claims to know from knowing and meeting people from different social classes from different areas around this country (Chicago, Detroit, Connecticut, Boston, NY, PA, FL) and then out of that you get a percentage of how many do this or that.
22 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in the UK, you know were the door is [105]

just check many of your posts here PB, you'll see what "ignorant" means.

My statement are from being and living in, with or among whatever I describe, from actually knowing.

nope, not the only one, many people are escaping all kinds of discrimination

I meant not much besides that, money and feeling something meaning this isn't some glamorous place to live in.
22 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in the UK, you know were the door is [105]

maybe mostly but not always PB. I know, you're trying to excuse your butt now, (lol) but don't speak for everyone else because that Czech guy really sounded like he meant what he was saying.

The Czech guy loved what America can offer him, work much more money than what he could make back home this is the only reason why people come here.

I don't know about MANY but some for sure. I could imagine, it's mostly the case with Pol-Ams judging by this forum but then again, some guy (a member of PF too) from Chicago told me that PolAms in Chicago are not as anti American as some of you here.

Now you're being straight up ignorant. How many of the people in your area are 1st or 2nd generation in America? close to none? How many times have you been to Polish communities in Chicago, New York, north Jersey or Philly? none? don't just assume something. I know people who were born here and say they're Italian, or Irish, or Polish.
21 Jul 2011
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

You're twisting my words around or misunderstanding me. They are Polish that's who I'm talking about. The point being that a Polish girl can come in a variety of hair, eye, and skin colors and just like an European ethnicity. The difference is some some countries have more girls with beautiful features than others.

The 19th-century German Heinrich Heine was a big fan, describing the "schöne Polin" as an "angel on earth", an "Aphrodite of the Vistula".

More recently, a journalist from the Sydney Morning Herald enthused (honestly): "Polish women may not be famous worldwide for their beauty but the average girl on the street can fair dinkum stop your heart with Arctic eyes peering out from under a fur-lined hood."

Greg Hodge, managing director of, claimed only 9% of male Polish applicants were attractive enough to join his site, compared with 39% of Polish women.
21 Jul 2011
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

Some guy IKrash from Pakistan said that. I seriously doubt many Polish or western men would disagree with me. Guesswho the types that men have are : he likes white girls, latino, asian, arabian, black or some other kind. It only get's deeper to a point like 'I only like blondes' or only like 'brunettes' or big boobs or ass. A Polish girl could pass for a number of different ethnicities we have blondes, brunettes, blue, green, brown eyed etc.

The point is those girls represented a broad rage of different looks and pretty or as pretty as it gets with such features. So for someone not to agree with it he simply must not find white girls attractive.
21 Jul 2011
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

Yea lol. 70% of the girls on that youtube video i've posted were hot I don't care what you 'behold' or what your 'taste' is. Unless someone doesn't find white women attractive or likes guys.
16 Jul 2011
Travel / How welcoming is Poland for an American visitor? And great places to visit. [43]

Driving is dangerous in Poland, many drunk drivers

LOL My friend who was here for a few weeks before returning to Poland took a drive with us to New York via the New Jersey Turnpike claimed that people in the States drive much safer then in Poland. Here people drive usually up to 120kph once in a while faster, while in Poland 180kph is not uncommon. The worst thing is how drivers going at such speeds on a single carriageway road pass vehicles in front of them while barely fitting through the truck in the opposite lane.
15 Jul 2011
Food / Are there any Polish wines worth purchasing? [65]

What is actually Miod Pitny?

Honey based liquer somewhat stronger than wine. It can still be purchased it was very popular from the middle ages till the 18th century. If you watched Ogniem i Mieczem or Potop that was what they usually drank.
15 Jul 2011
Food / Are there any Polish wines worth purchasing? [65]

That's the place that I'm going to buy some bottles from and test.

Almost every single Polish vodka and beer brand can be purchased here in the States but I don't recall ever seeing any wines.
14 Jul 2011
Food / Are there any Polish wines worth purchasing? [65]

you do know that Poland is a Northern, cold country, right?

No I was only born there and lived there. But during the short hot summer weather something must be grown I've seen plenty of vineyards in Poland. People make swojskie wino in their homes so there's gotta be a few store brands.
14 Jul 2011
Food / Are there any Polish wines worth purchasing? [65]

I've recently discovered a new found love for red wines (sweet). Apart from the tasty Californian, Australian or Argentinian which Polish wines if any are worth a try? (And by wine I don't mean a sulfur infested jabol)
12 Jul 2011
Love / Is it true that Polish women are very busty? [71]

Is it true that polish women are very busty?

Many do have large breasts but so do Russian women, British women have the largest in Europe.
12 Jul 2011
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

long pointed nose

I think a longer, not necessarily pointed, but longer nose is a truly European trait. Some people in eastern Europe have that Asiatic nose with the tip upwards.
11 Jul 2011
Language / Why is the Polish language so difficult? [309]

Almost every Czech person I've met spoke Polish well so I never really heard them speak it to make a judgement if it's similar to Polish or not.
10 Jul 2011
Language / Why is the Polish language so difficult? [309]

Czech appears both structurally as well as morphologically similar to written Polish.

But which is closer to Russian? Polish or Czech. Through words used and sound?
9 Jul 2011
Life / Stereotypes about Polish people being stupid? [281]

From the west believing false NAzi propaganda. I know the Irish who came to America were also called 'dumb Micks' the Italians 'dumb Dago' but it was worse for Poles because Poles knowingly and self willingly 'locked' themselves in ghettos and didn't socialize with other ethnicities. If you're the only person on your block who doesn't talk to your neighbors you'll be the outcast and will be talked about no matter what your background may be.
9 Jul 2011
Language / Why is the Polish language so difficult? [309]

Polish/Czech months (two exceceptions!) with Russian-:)

Ya ne govoryu horosho po russkomu
Czech Polish Russian

January -- leden Styczen Yanvar'
February -- únor Luty Fevral'
March -- březen Marzec Mart
April -- duben Kwiecien Ahprel'
May -- květen Maj Mai
June -- èerven Czerwiec Iyoon'
July -- èervenec Lipiec Iyool'
August -- srpen Sierpien Avgoost
September -- září Wrzesien Sentyabr'
October -- říjen Pazdziernik Oktyabr'
November -- listopad Listopad Noyabr'
December -- prosinec Grudzien Dekabr'
9 Jul 2011
Life / Stereotypes about Polish people being stupid? [281]

American tv shows have always had a little joke at the expense of Canada

South Park? ;)

how Canadians think Americans are stupid

Canadians and Americans are more or less the same people. It's shows like for instance 'Jersey Shore' that give a bad image of Americans. The next season will probably be even worse it was bad enough they made fools of themselves in Jersey now they're gonna do it in Italy where it's being filmed. Now Europeans are really gonna have a laugh...