The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Cargo pants  

Joined: 31 Mar 2019 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 16 Dec 2023
Threads: Total: 3 / Live: 2 / Archived: 1
Posts: Total: 1443 / Live: 1366 / Archived: 77
From: poland
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Cargo pants   
4 Sep 2020
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

Lil bit late to add,I heard Dubai is the place to buy gold where the premium is only 5$ and there are vending machines all over the place including the airport.Also I heard in London the Indian place in South Hall also they sell for 25 Pounds an ounce premium.
Cargo pants   
5 Sep 2020
UK, Ireland / Old Audi Cars are favorites among Polish men living in the UK? [8]

They are not cheap any more,Once I was looking for one and they were really expensive so I fulfilled my classic car desire by bringing Maluch 126P,which I havent driven for over 8 years.But was fun driving that with Polish plates in the USA for 5/6 months.
Cargo pants   
5 Sep 2020
Life / Owning a house in true countryside of Poland - stories [597]

didn`t calm her down. It wasn`t a pleasant situation for me.

LOL sure happens in Poland when you are making money and dont have attractive life insurance policy:))))))))) ha ha ha!
Cargo pants   
5 Sep 2020
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

across borders too much explaining at customs

Honestly NOPE,You are allowed to travel with 10K euros undeclared and you can buy for that around 4/5 ounce biscuits with current price and bring them back to Poland legally without declaring for personal use.I have never been to Dubai but if I get a chance I will,but too scared to go to that part of the world.LOL and they will fit in your wallet.
Cargo pants   
7 Sep 2020
Classifieds / Looking for an item from Polish brand Stoprocent [7]

Try to contact them here:
Collection in Person: 100% s.c. Świętojańska 35 71-723 Szczecin POLAND Tel.: +48 668 674 133 E-mail: [email protected] Bank Account and IBAN: 50 1140 2017 0000 4402 0603 0821
And if you get it keep the reward,think its from me.
Cargo pants   
8 Sep 2020
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

next 10 to 20 years electric cars will replace gasoline engine cars

Not that early JR.They are still selling gas cars which last over 20 years and will be selling them for another 10 years at least.The big gas stations like Exxon,Shell,Sheetz and WAWA etc around me are still signing 50 year leases and yes they do want to have electric stations built also.But total eradication of gas cars is no where in sight.
Cargo pants   
10 Sep 2020
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

but hybrids and they will only start to replace all-gasoline cars in 10-20 years

We have owned a hybrid,not much of a difference economically and only after driving over 75k miles in the city(If you still own it).It only helps if driving on cruise in new cars.

I am looking forward to Tesla's "Battery Day" on Sept. 22

Me too,heard Musk is going to do something big that day.
Cargo pants   
11 Sep 2020
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

What was the electric range? How much have you spent for electricity and repair? How it compares to a gasoline one? Have you received a subsidy

Hybrids yet are not fully electric.The electric motor kicks in when you are cruising.We never paid attention about the consumption but was very quiet car.One has to get use to it when you start it,always had problems with valet parking as those guys would keep on turning the ignition.We had Toyota Highlander 2006 AWD and changed it in 2011.Never had problem drove around 80k miles.And there was no subsidy from the govt for hybrids.I think they were on all full LPG/Propane and electric vehicles,depending on the State.I did get around 7k tax rebate when I bought tesla though but that was for a first number of cars and is also gone now.
Cargo pants   
11 Sep 2020
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

I hate the most about electric cars

I did too until I bought tesla,it takes around a month to get use to the no dash board with meters and lights etc and just a big screen.But when you come back to gas cars it feels like you have come back to stone age.Matter of getting use to,I cant wait for cyber truck to come out.I booked 2 for us.
Cargo pants   
11 Sep 2020
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

, and smell the tires

lol thats why we always buy AWD cars,my first priority.They good for NJ weather and no screeching of wheels.I guess you like those spinning wheels for front/rear drive cars showing muscle.
Cargo pants   
11 Sep 2020
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

The self driving thing is decades away.

Not really,if the roads are all well marked then not at all.Have you driven a tesla with Summon feature that also finds a parking and comes to you with your cell fone commands(within limited distance)?Yes now Tesla made it mandatory to have your hand on the steering handel(for legal reasons I guess) to drive under full self driving mode(lol and you can snore while its on).If the roads are paved and signs posted Tesla did a good job already.They upgrade almost every month sometimes couple of times.

I do about 40000 km a year

That is more then an average driver does.almost 25k miles a year is a lot,hope you dont lease a car with mileage,I dont know how leasing a car works in Poland as most business people do that usually I think.I do around 12k average a year after staying almost 6 months out of the country & in Poland not even 2000KM a year. but we use my car for long trips to kids.My wife just puts 6k miles and kids put under 10k a year.

How does it add value to consumers.

I dont understand that myself.The batteries will outlast the car and the census say most batteries have problems if changed.Guess it needs more research in that area.
Cargo pants   
13 Sep 2020
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

cars for an average customer in the nearest 50 years, at least.

I will agree with you there as the big gas companies are still signing ground leases or with private gas station owners for 30 to 50 years,so they I am sure know better about the future.Also I see ship loads of cars being imported,and most cars have life span of over 20 years now.I drive by Newark port sometimes and see the car parks with thousands of newly imported cars in the lots.

why Tesla will be the first to get proper self driving on the market

Maybe or maybe not but Tesla certainly is leading in that technology now.
Cargo pants   
14 Sep 2020
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

cell phone opens the garage door, starts his Tesla, backs it out, closes the garage door while his Tesla sits in the drive way running.

YUP! still happens,these buggers should download Tesla app and maybe check themselves(I dont remember what number it requires for access),but I am waiting for my cyber trucks.
Cargo pants   
14 Sep 2020
News / Tipsy Warsaw Mayor gets Mocked [15]

where did you get that news of Rafał Kazimierz Trzaskowski was drunk?No wonder he lost to Duda and is a big supporter of homosexuals.

But drunk Polish politicians is not new,cpl years back drunk Polish politician created a circus in a plane and had to be arrested travelling on an international flight.Thx God they were not coming to the USA or maybe be deported.

here is another incident:
Cargo pants   
14 Sep 2020
News / Tipsy Warsaw Mayor gets Mocked [15]

OH got it,too late to edit
this is better report

This would be Polands new leader if he had won.ABOVE THE LAW.
Cargo pants   
14 Sep 2020
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

The SUMMON feature now is only limited in a parking lot,but they are working on it and updates are almost every month.I think another 5/10 years they might achieve that.
Cargo pants   
15 Sep 2020
News / Tipsy Warsaw Mayor gets Mocked [15]

. He must have been either drunk

That is not an excuse,One never tries to get laid with his mom,daughter or sis when drunk.
Cargo pants   
15 Sep 2020
News / Tipsy Warsaw Mayor gets Mocked [15]

lol only good thing I see in this is at least he didnt shoot anyone while being drunk like our Dick did.Similarities do exit though as Rafal supports LGBT and Cheney has lesbian daughters and both are politicians.
Cargo pants   
15 Sep 2020
News / Polish People STILL denied US Entry [96]

denied by an immigration clerk at the airport.

Poles get ESTA approval to travel,and are again scrutinized when entering the plane and advised if they will be refused entry.The CBP guard usually refuses entry if there has been serious mistake committed or the person has been unruly.For Poles who are refused entry are mostly the cases that they have already overstayed previously or have comitted a crime and coming back on a new passport.remember they have all the records from decades as one of my family members overstayed like most Poles did in 80s and tried to come back to visit her son in 2000s was issued visa but refused entry.Example of that again is when one of my relatives applied for citizenship he was asked to write about all the dates he left the country and came back in,and he didnt remember that,so his lawyer had to write to CBP and it provided every single date for the last 20 odd years of his departure and arrival (for a fee) for citizenship application.

That is for every visa waiver country.
Cargo pants   
15 Sep 2020
Life / Sobering-up station in Poland [13]

@ OP here are cpl of posts I read:
Cargo pants   
16 Sep 2020
Law / How do I verify a Polish company's existence? [240]

asking money upfront

So basically its not a real work permit but a sham to get visa?Lately lots of people are being stiffed by these sham recruiters.BE CAREFUL,and try to come the legal way.
Cargo pants   
16 Sep 2020
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

2 cars, 2 vans and a broken tractor

Too expensive in Warsaw,ever consider Karta Miejska?lol costs me 98Pln a month,and I dont have to look or pay for parking,gas,insurance etc and can drink alcohol anytime anywhere I want.Public transportation is very convenient in Warsaw/Poland,Unlike some English teachers take use of cars as a status symbol.
Cargo pants   
16 Sep 2020
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

one of those over priced things

Cars are way overpriced in Poland,Tesla Model S costs around 360K Pln plus 23% VAT,while here it costs 74K$ plus almost 7% Sales tax.I would never buy a car in Poland and have always took them from States,costs only 800$ to ship them and they are there in 4/5 weeks,plus the fun of driving with American plates gets you out of the eastern borders quick then waiting for miles long lines.

I haven't seen any charging stations though in Konin I saw a sign saying they were putting one there

Here is the map of super charging stations in Poland
Dont forget you can charge from a regular outlet also with there extension cords.BTW Konin has 15 charging stations.
Cargo pants   
16 Sep 2020
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

Not very brilliant thinking.Which developed country in the world has that requirement?All the major cities in the world will never have any traffic problems.No one will need Transport consultants then.
Cargo pants   
16 Sep 2020
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

I live in the country where there is no public transit

we once calculated that a 14 mile distance by us will take over 18 hours with the local NJ Transit bus schedule and changing 3 buses.

Another chunk of central Warsaw is due to be pedestrianised soon; this is seen here as a good thing.

But I do see maybe 10 Super charging stations under Plac of Kultury,and all are with cars waiting.