The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
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Threads: 4
Posts: 7522

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21 Feb 2024
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [623]

These were the departures of Poles to the West during communism

Poland was never communist just as Western "democracies" are not democracies.
21 Feb 2024
News / Reactions in Poland to Alexei Navalny's death [128]

Let's turn off emotional spigots and be more practical...

N, better than anyone, knew Russia, and what happens to those who didn't read the memo - especially in wartime.

If he listened to me, he would call Putin and offer him his full support as Putin's attack dog - just like Kamala here. Later, Putin would reward him by greasing the skids for N to become the president or some other big shot. Eventually, Putin retires, and N is happy and goes on...

Here is what's coming my way from stupid Polaks...

...but then he would not be true to his principles...a sellout...traitor...a disappointment to his faithful...and an embarrassment to his wife...a gulag in Siberia is much better than an office in the Kremlin, a nice apartment, and a limo...Sure...
21 Feb 2024
News / Reactions in Poland to Alexei Navalny's death [128]

but mostly they don't care.

...because they found my Z-P=0 and came to the conclusion that - N dead or alive - tomorrow will be like yesterday other than being one day older.

That's why dying for "freedom and democracy" is such a moronic idea. Especially for the other guy's "freedom and democracy" - the most idiotic idea of them all...

Who gives a fvck is such a great question...
21 Feb 2024
History / 70th anniversary of 1943 Wołyń/Volhynia and Eastern Galicia Massacre - controvercies [434]

Doesn't say much about Harvard.

Today, unless a guy wants to be a lawyer, going to a trade school to be a welder or plumber is a sure winner when the other choice is gender studies at Harvard - an indoctrination in wokism the Soviet Union would be too embarrassed to conduct at the re-education camps in Siberia.

To the best of my knowledge, as evil as they were, communists never said that a man can become a woman by just saying "I am a woman". It is possible, however, in the US - according to many medical and sports associations.
20 Feb 2024
News / Reactions in Poland to Alexei Navalny's death [128]

They feel the same way as American citizens feel about Trump facing life in prison and 335 million in fines for a nonexistent "fraud" - except for the fact that Trump is a real threat to the DC swamp and Navalny was not a threat to anyone being safely tucked away in a Siberian "gulag".
20 Feb 2024
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [623]

What exactly did you think you did for Ukraine, in the last 9 months, to merit positive mentions?

They prolonged the war with a known outcome.

To PF morons: Russia will win and keep CDL forever. The rest will depend on how the Western warmongers will behave...
20 Feb 2024
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [623]

Only when the other side begins to come up with funny words like slave, orc, subhuman, etc can one confidently state that we are dealing with

...a mental disorder aka RDS.
One of the symptoms: Auschwitz is forgivable. Katyn is not. Ever...
20 Feb 2024
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [623]

Everybody is for supporting all kinds of crap until they have to pull out a buck out of their own wallet.

Pulling a buck or a thousand out of someone else's wallet is a lot easier. Additional benefit: A lifetime admission to the High Moral Ground.

See Poles on PF.
20 Feb 2024
Life / i regret my former post i now love poland [10]

Many services like health , education,housing are sinking in France or UK due to mass immigration.

There is nothing more despicable than a guilt-ridden woke white pussified man.

I will take NAZIs every day. Scary but not woke. Poland survived the NAZIs but will not survive Brussels.
20 Feb 2024
Life / i regret my former post i now love poland [10]

100% of rapists are homegrown!

...and hard to tame...Migrant rapes are 100% preventable!!!!!!

Where do you live and why did you go there?

Hey, Ric, don't take the bait. Ignore azholes and keep posting. Where you live is irrelevant.
20 Feb 2024
History / 70th anniversary of 1943 Wołyń/Volhynia and Eastern Galicia Massacre - controvercies [434]

Depends on the language

No, it does not. A proper name is a name. Jan Kowalski in Poland does not become John Smith after a 9-hour flight to Chicago.

Translating names is moronic. That's why English with its 26 letters should be the only language on earth. No dots, double dots, tails, and sh*it like this...
19 Feb 2024
Travel / What are the best countries to live in? [161]

You didn't; like most I'm ambivalent about him.

There is nothing in this useless, spineless, gutless, impotent, powerless azhole playing "king" to be ambivalent about.
Even one of his sons couldn't take it anymore and ran here to hook up with a Z-list black broad.
19 Feb 2024
Travel / What are the best countries to live in? [161]

We really hit the homos nerve when talking about his precious pussified King!

A king that never walked into the parliament building and said:

Hey, morons, who the fvck is minding the damn border?

... is a cvnt, not a king.
19 Feb 2024
Travel / What are the best countries to live in? [161]

posting pictures of semi-mythical post-Roman warlords.

Sure beats posting your useless, spineless, gutless, impotent, powerless azhole playing "king" while the UK is overrun by Muslim hordes that will outfvck the locals in no time...Just watch from the safety of Poland...

BTW, I detect some similarities between you and your "king"...

Also, what the fvck is "king"? How does one become "king"? Where do you apply and how much is the fee?
19 Feb 2024
Travel / What are the best countries to live in? [161]

King Arthur legendary king of Britain!

My King would go to the beach and behead every illegal foreign scum who would put his foot on it.

The best place to spend summers is Beverly Hills. Winters - Monte Carlo.
19 Feb 2024
Travel / What are the best countries to live in? [161]

They don't.

They do. Google "Londonistan" and you will get 115,000 results, inluding: Londonistan: How Britain Is Creating a Terror State Within
Your country is fvcked and the clown who plays the king is as useless as tits on the bull.
18 Feb 2024
Travel / What are the best countries to live in? [161]

Why do you think?

The French watch too much p0rn.

This election is our last chance to end wokeness and open borders.

...and that's why I take pills to sleep better. When I don't, I wake up in cold sweat.
18 Feb 2024
Travel / What are the best countries to live in? [161]

Now I am beginning to like you, Iron...

And America for Americans maybe.

Cherokees and Mohicans...You are a genius...Pity you will not reproduce...
18 Feb 2024
Travel / What are the best countries to live in? [161]

but after Brexit they no longer want them.

How about this amazing idea...Germany for Germans, Poland for Poles, and the UK for Brits.

No, a Jamaican dude is not a "Brit". Only when they want to cover his migrant crime he instantly becomes a Brit. No photo, of course...
18 Feb 2024
Travel / What are the best countries to live in? [161]

You've never been there.

I have never been to the moon to know it's not made of cheese.
I have never been inside a volcano to know that it smells bad.

It took me just 20 seconds to count all the Muslim slime in the Greater London area. Me, the PF genius...

There were 1,318,755 Muslims reported in the 2021 census in the Greater London area. In the 2021 census Office for National Statistics, the proportion of Muslims in London had risen to 15% of the population, making Islam the second largest religion in the city after Christianity.[1]

In the next 10 years, Muslim slime will outnumber Christians by fvcking more, and Christians leaving in droves...
18 Feb 2024
Travel / What are the best countries to live in? [161]

Jon Do you live in Poland where there is no terrorism or violence like in the streets of France or Italy?

He lives everywhere except in a Muslim sh*ithole, Londonistan, that used to be all white and commonly known as "London".

Why do you think Poland is so safe?

He won't say.

Hey, Ric, welcome to the nuthouse. Your presence will help in improving the sane-to-insane ratio. Higher is better.
18 Feb 2024
Travel / What are the best countries to live in? [161]

Fewer than half of people in London (45%) also identified as "white British" in the 2011 census.
That was in 2011!!! I bet that today it's 33%. Not long ago, it was 95%.

Dear, white, peaceful UK, it was nice knowing you...Next time, get better queens and kings than the morons that never say or do anything to protect white Brits from the dark scum.

Hey, Chuck, did you know that your country is at the top of the rape list? Did you ever ask why, you idiot?

Youre obsessed with it.

Quit posting and my "obsession" will be cured instantly.