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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
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24 Feb 2024
News / Reactions in Poland to Alexei Navalny's death [128]

I'm sure he had his reasons

Name one... the most likely...

Don't pretend that you know something,

Only Polish morons want it both ways:

Putin killed Navalny.


"I'm sure he had his reasons".

So which one was it? He killed him or not?
24 Feb 2024
News / Reactions in Poland to Alexei Navalny's death [128]

Hey, Polish moron...Why would Putin let Navalny go to Germany with all that poison in him?

If Putin wanted Navalny dead, he would be dead the same day using simpler means. Why waste good novichok...It's messy and can kill others through contact...

With Epstein, it took a little longer to stage his "suicide".
24 Feb 2024
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [448]

I get it you're jealous....

Damn right! I would pay 5 grand for the privilege and the pleasure of executing a pos who raped and murdered a child.

you say GB is better off now than both, Germany

Brits will never admit it but deep down in their trembling woke hearts they wish they had now Putin or Hitler's nicer version running their country. Imagine Muslim-free London...I am tearing up so I will stop now...

In all fairness, this applies to the US, too, so I will vote for Putin or Xi next November. That border would be closed on the inauguration day.
24 Feb 2024
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [448]

Yeah, you like to fantasize about killing people...

Romanians not only fantasized but actually did it. The trial and execution on the same day.

Now, thanks to them, Romania is a "free and democratic" NATO state.

Would you like Ceausescu back?
24 Feb 2024
News / Reactions in Poland to Alexei Navalny's death [128]


On August 20, 2020, Russian opposition figure Aleksei Navalny fell violently ill during a flight from Tomsk to Moscow. After an emergency landing, he was taken to a hospital in Omsk, where he was placed in an induced coma. He was evacuated to the Charité hospital in Berlin two days later.

On September 2, 2020, the German government said that it had "unequivocal evidence" that Navalny had been poisoned by a Novichok agent.

What the quoted text does not include is the fact that it was Putin's personal intervention that allowed Navalny to be evacuated to Germany to save his life.

As always is the case when Putin is discussed...he is extremely evil and a total moron....since only a total moron would allow any evidence of his evilness to leave the country and thus become public knowledge. This is never explained by Russia haters...
24 Feb 2024
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [448]

Since the current royal family is essentially of German descent,

I would invite all royals to a meeting, lock the doors, and give them Ceausescu treatment to make Europe more democratic, with fewer parasitic clowns roaming loose and doing nothing besides smiling and kissing other people's babies. I could do this crap for a lot less and without my MSEE.
24 Feb 2024
News / Reactions in Poland to Alexei Navalny's death [128]

NO, Alien!!! Putin is NOT like Hitler.

That was perfect, Lyzko. I am proud of you, man... Your choise of words is admirable.

Lies like his diminish the tragedy of WW2 and the Holocaust.

That's why I have been consistent in jumping on the "r*SSia" and "Putler" morons here. I truly hate you, mother fvckers...
23 Feb 2024
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [623]

Poland needs young people in power.

My 14-year-old gd would be a better US president. All she would have to do is ask me or Putin what to do...
23 Feb 2024
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [623]

How can you send your ENTIRE CABINET to a f*cking border,

...or put your entire government on a single plane...

Ukrainian government is made of clowns.

Do you mean the clowns in the DC or Kiev?
23 Feb 2024
News / Reactions in Poland to Alexei Navalny's death [128]

the Munich Security Seminar ended up being about dead Navalny

Did that seminar discuss dead Epstein? How about braindead President Biden? You know that death has many forms.

Somebody must have poisoned Biden with moronchok for the man to become that fvcking stupid in just one week after inauguration.
23 Feb 2024
News / Reactions in Poland to Alexei Navalny's death [128]

did putain have him killed? almost certainly

Is maf an idiot? Most certainly because he never explained why a guy with 2% popularity would be worth the effort of killing him while in prison...To shut him up? Like that guy Epstein with a list of pedos linger than my arm - all very prominent in the US and pedo circles?

There must be something wrong with air or water in Poland...
23 Feb 2024
News / Reactions in Poland to Alexei Navalny's death [128]

Memo to the Navalny Is a Hero idiots: He was not a hero and a threat to Putin. If you think he was both, you are really an idiot.

Alexei Navalny: An Unsavory, Manufactured Product of the West

23 Feb 2024
News / Reactions in Poland to Alexei Navalny's death [128]

Never have our enemies been so embolden as under Biden.

I do admit that watching the US Navy hit the scum in Yemen brings a smile to my old face...
22 Feb 2024
News / Reactions in Poland to Alexei Navalny's death [128]

3.Why does she deny that novichock exists as a Russian poison as we in The UK know only too well that it does!

1. There was no novichok found in Navalny in the German hospital.
2. Navalny was on parole and couldn't leave Russia to be treated in Germany. It was Putin who personally intervened to let him go.
3. Navalny was arrested after his return from Germany for violating the conditions of his parole.
4. She does not deny that novichok exists in Russia. It's you and other Westerners who do not admit that it exists in the US, the UK, Germany, and many other places.

5. As said earlier today, Putin had nothing to do with Navalny's death. When the FSB or Mossad want you dead, you will be dead even if you try to hide in a Peruvian cave.

One of the best ways to kill is the Bulgarian way - a poisoned dart a guy standing next to you at a bus stop shoots into your leg. He walks away and you drop dead in a minute or so.

be prepared to die.

That's why I like Russia as well as the US for those extrajudicial executions of terrorists and other azholes who don't read emails - in their homes or cars, with the family right next to the bad guy.

007 would be proud...
22 Feb 2024
Travel / Warsaw weather in april? [13]

I like global warming. Especially after reading about the Irish famine.
22 Feb 2024
Life / Is it worth returning to Poland in old age? [101]

Is it worth returning to Poland in old age?
Only if you are a childless loser and treated your new country as just a better version of Motel 6.
22 Feb 2024
News / Reactions in Poland to Alexei Navalny's death [128]

They're lying about Alexei Navalny "Putin's Enemy"

Navalny was a Russian citizen , and died in Russia , and it triggered an avalanche of condemnation from the west , towards Putin in particular . Whilst Gonzalo Lira a US citizen , tortured and murdered in a Ukraine jail , without even a whimper of dissent from the same hypocrites in the west .

Memo to Putin haters: Watch this video and STFU.
21 Feb 2024
News / Reactions in Poland to Alexei Navalny's death [128]

Who did it then?

Certainly not anyone acting on Putin's orders. To answer this question we have to get the autopsy report.

There are many reasons why inmates die ahead of schedule. You know what those are so I will not get into it now...

In a system without the effective death penalty, the state gives lifers a license to kill. That's why life-no-parole is idiotic; either a limited term to assure good behavior or the death penalty.
21 Feb 2024
News / Reactions in Poland to Alexei Navalny's death [128]

Likely - he didn't kill him at all.

Of course not. Zero upside. Gigantic, Titanic-size downside...

He has sent a clear signal to the few decent citizens

...because these citizens were just born and are clueless about all those terrible consequences even stupid Polaks on PF know so very well...
You should post a full-page ad in Moscow's biggest daily with all your wisdom about Russia...
21 Feb 2024
News / Reactions in Poland to Alexei Navalny's death [128]

The old man made a big mistake killing this guy.

What would be the old man's upside from killing a harmless Siberian prisoner? It's like he was running for the office of the president of Russia...