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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
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Posts: 7530

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8 Mar 2024
News / How will Polish-American relations change if Trump is elected president again? [339]

I responded to your:

partisan lies both the right

Trump is just one person. "The right" implies a large group and its policies. Plus, I am not interested in lies with zero impact on the US.

For example: "The border is secure" is a lie by Biden that has a colossal impact on how we will vote and our future.

Another leftists lie: Ukraine is fighting for "democracy".

Or: Russia is planning to invade Western Europe.

Finally, when a poster sends me to a link or Google, that's where the conversation ends. I cannot debate a link or Google.
8 Mar 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

Sweden is now a full member of NATO,


Sweden merely joined the long list of European parasites currently on US military welfare, thus, increasing our risks of getting into a shooting war with Russia while adding exactly zero to the US security.

Did I mention that I hate you, Euros, and your baseless smugness?

Again...Why does the US need NATO to be safe?
8 Mar 2024
Life / Do colored immigrants in Poland function better than in Western countries? [190]

Quite possibly by an Irish monk, St Brendan the Navigator back in the sixth century.

...again proving my point that whites are the superior race.

BTW, why do PF whites cringe and object when I post this obvious truth? Since no two things are perfectly identical, one race has to be number 1.

So, if I am wrong, which one is number 1 as measured by the achievements in science, engineering, architecture, arts, music, discoveries, inventions, patents, medicine, space exploration, or the number of genders and mutilated kids?
8 Mar 2024
History / Is There A Polish Foreign Legion? [35]

I am too old and dilapidated to join a Polish Foreign Legion.

You should have never admitted this here. The azholes who disagree with you will latch on to your age as a debating tool.

so long as I can bring my rifles to snipe with. And I'll load my own ammo too.

That was my go to the border, get a license to kill, and stop the invasion. I wrote to Trump when he was president twice and all I got was a couple of bs form letters.
7 Mar 2024
News / How will Polish-American relations change if Trump is elected president again? [339]

Clearly relations would worsen, perhaps irreparably so, Alien!

I want no relations with Poland and the rest of Europe. We don't need either.

the same Democracy for which his fellow Americans fought and died.

In WW2, Americans died for other reasons. Nobody sane ever died for "Democracy".

Would you put your life on the line so that Ivan can vote in "democratic" elections in Russia?

Trump doesn't care about checks and balances; he believes only in an Executive Office in which the Chief Executive answers to nobody but himself.

Biden doesn't care about checks and balances. The pos opened the border to 8 million smelly scum without asking anyone, Congress included, because he believes only in an Executive Office in which the Chief Executive answers to nobody but himself.

Lyzko, I am so proud of you for telling us what a scumbag Biden is.

Ah Russiagate lies.

What do you expect from a sex pervert...They love pis*sing and crapping on each other.
7 Mar 2024
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

in their view only the human ego matters,

...and self-identification. Objective facts do not matter anymore and if you say that they do you are a heartless and hateful person.

On the other hand, thanks to the trans movement, I am now free to use women's restrooms as I please - mostly when men's restrooms are too busy or there is too much urine on the floor.

you feminized retard.

...aka male cvnt.
7 Mar 2024
Life / Do colored immigrants in Poland function better than in Western countries? [190]

No it isn't.

Based on your response with "Codswallop" to my:

Culture comes from race. The better the race, the higher the culture. The white race is superior to any other race.
Walk into any hospital and check where all that life-saving equipment was invented. Also, who invented life-ending objects like nukes?
A clue...Nukes were not invented by Africans, Asians, or Hindus. are a moron and I am a genius.
7 Mar 2024
Life / Do colored immigrants in Poland function better than in Western countries? [190]

Culture/geography or race?

Culture comes from race. The better the race, the higher the culture. The white race is superior to any other race.
Walk into any hospital and check where all that life-saving equipment was invented. Also, who invented the life-ending objects like nukes?
A clue...Nukes were not invented by Africans, Asians, or Hindus.
7 Mar 2024
Life / Do colored immigrants in Poland function better than in Western countries? [190]

Yes, they are. MRI scans reveal the difference. If you want to debate the meaning of "species" I am fine with that. So how about sub-species, like wolves and dogs?

Have you seen eagles and pigeons living in harmony? How about orangutans and chimpanses? Are they the same species?
7 Mar 2024
Life / Do colored immigrants in Poland function better than in Western countries? [190]

US whites and blacks are different species, too. Want stats?
Let's start with murder rates... Black rate = White rate x 17. If a white guy is human, what is a black guy who statistically murders at a 17x rate? A subhuman?

How about rape? Blacks rape 35,000 white women every year. Whites rape 10 black women. See FBI.

The same with wolves and sheep. Just as US blacks need US whites to prosper, wolves need sheep for the same reason.
7 Mar 2024
Life / Do colored immigrants in Poland function better than in Western countries? [190]

I don't want to be racists or anything

Nature is racist. Have you seen wolves and sheep living in harmony?
Humans unite to be able to defend themselves better. That is why Indians were on one side and Europeans were on the other.
What unites humans is race, language, morality, and religion. This is how Poles and Poland survived for centuries - not through that gift from hell aka DEI.
6 Mar 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

Instead of spewing bile.

You stop that crap with r*SSia and I will stop spewing bile.

Oops...I forgot that misspelling names wins debates among morons...

BTW...Did you detect anything factually incorrect in my totally awesome...

Say hi to that pos Boris who went to see Zwhore to make sure that this one went as planned in DC.
6 Mar 2024
Life / Grisly crimes in Poland [92]

Nut it would be if you disappeared from PF

This forum needs more women so I will stay.
You can always ask the administrator to ban me.
6 Mar 2024
Life / Grisly crimes in Poland [92]

If that fails then just blame all men but never the migrant.

That's why migrants should be shot at the border.

As far as gender-neutral bs...

Some women assault their kids and later play dumb with the medical staff. Predictably, the definitions of Munchhausen by proxy use gender-neutral terms like parent or caregiver while ignoring the statistics that the syndrome is entirely a female mental disorder. Some of the sick bi*tches are nurses.
6 Mar 2024
Life / Grisly crimes in Poland [92]

They simply don't know anything better

Now they do...


Chapter 3. Never say "Yeah...but I love him"

...when you know damn well that it's over.

Treat violence against you without mercy and forgiveness; one strike and you are done. Don't bother dragging him to marriage counseling to get him fixed. A safer bet is that they never change and always lie their way back to repeat the hit and I-am-so-sorry cycle.

When asked why they act out, their stock answer is that they have anger issues - a lie meant to deflect from the fact that men beat women because so many of them are testosterone-driven cowards unloading their disappointments in themselves on the physically weaker victims who are unlikely to get even. If you already bought his excuse about his uncontrollable impulses, try to recall how many times he went nuts with his boss after a bad review. If you can't, let me help you: never.

When Mr. Right morphs into a husband from hell, it's time to run. If you decide to file for divorce, do not tell him. Instead, take whatever you need, pack up, and move out when he is away. Immediately apply for a restraining order and get a lawyer. His visitation rights, if you have kids, will be handled later.

Do not forget to take the computer. You will need it for the financial data and his record of online gambling, cheating, and anything else your divorce lawyer may find useful.

Once you decide that you have had enough, the dumbest thing you can do is to provoke him with that theatrical I want a divorce, as if a divorce was an object like your car keys. This announcement is so ridiculous and without purpose that he may rightfully conclude that you actually don't mean it and that all you want is his attention and a chance to vent.

I-want-a-divorce will belong to your lawyer in his letter to your future ex while you are safely out of reach. Once the process starts, never go back to his place or invite him to yours if you value your life.

If staying alive doesn't mean much to you, just scream this to him: I am going to the police! I am going to report you to the IRS! I am going to take you out of my will! I am going to cancel my life insurance! I found somebody new and he is much better in bed!

It is not clear which one is the deadliest or the dumbest. What is not debatable is that women do it routinely and many of them die because of that irresistible desire to see men grovel.

We will never know what motivated Tanya Buschman to tell her husband not only that she would be leaving him, but also that she had found another man, as it is hard to interview dead people. What we do know is that men don't handle rejections very well.

When you get to that point in your life when you feel an irresistible urge to threaten, the line is already drawn and he is the enemy. It is always a tactical blunder to tell an enemy what you are planning, and the rule applies just the same at home. By telling him that you will call the IRS because you know he lied to them you will likely be signing your death warrant.

If despite what you just read you still want to trade - you give me the kids and I will not rat you out - at least be smart and protect yourself just in case he may feel tempted to score big if you were to suddenly disappear. With you mysteriously gone, he would be off the hook with the feds, keep the kids, and the money that would go to you if you divorced him. If you have a life insurance policy with him as the beneficiary, his desire to dispose of you will be even more irresistible.

To prevent all of this from happening, collect all the incriminating evidence and give it to your lawyer. Never accept an invitation to see him face-to-face alone regardless of how much enjoyment it would give you to watch him squirm.

If the one-strike-and-out advice looks too radical and you decide to linger on hoping that things will get better because he just got carried away, or snapped, or whatever excuse your forgiving and creative mind is desperately trying to come up with, consider that a single-act violent man is as likely as a one-time rapist or child molester.

You shouldn't give a rat's ass if violence is in his genes or a result of an unhappy childhood because there isn't a damn thing you can do about it except run and immediately file a criminal complaint with the police. Many women who procrastinated, or just decided not to do it, came to regret it when they found out later what their abusers did to other women, including murder. Many paid the ultimate price themselves.

Contrary to what you may think, the longer you stay in a bad relationship, the weaker your case. I was abused for twenty years, followed by ...but I still love him...makes the victim a lot less credible.

The first assault can be excused because you were blindsided, or you may feel you deserved it. If you don't act after the second incident, your friends and, later, the jury may wonder not what is wrong with him, but what is wrong with you, unless you were literally held captive in the basement.

Kissing up with a violent lowlife is nothing else than postponing the inevitable and engaging in wishful thinking most of us who never shared our experience will have a hard time understanding.


To Mods: The above is what I wrote in the past.
5 Mar 2024
Life / Grisly crimes in Poland [92]

he was hitting her.

A woman can be hurt only once by a guy. The second time, it's consensual.

Russian occupation was good for Poland in at least one aspect - they became funny.

If they can claim migrants are good for Poland, you can claim what you just did.