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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
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Posts: 7530

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9 Mar 2024
Life / Womans day in Poland? [242]

You are so cucked that you can't even call your wife your wife.

He is married to jon.

Ask him how he defines a woman.
9 Mar 2024
Life / Womans day in Poland? [242]

You really don't like women much, do you...

Did you love a woman?
9 Mar 2024
Life / Why women's rights are not respected here in Poland? [64]

Depends what you count as living.

Living as opposed to dead.


How long can a stillborn baby stay in the womb?
Most pregnant people with a stillbirth have their providers induce labor soon after they learn of their baby's death. If you decide to wait to go into labor on your own and it doesn't happen by 2 weeks after your baby's death, your provider may induce labor to help prevent dangerous blood clots from developing.

The woke moron who wrote this couldn't possibly leave good enough alone and came up with "pregnant people". No, azhole, we call them "pregnant women".

But the idiot slipped badly with that "baby"! Three times!!! Even when the "baby" is dead!!! It's still a baby...Amazing...

Now back to me...

Inside a pregnant woman is a live human being.
9 Mar 2024
Life / Why women's rights are not respected here in Poland? [64]

You said 'I would'.

I said "I would" because YOU addressed ME directly with this:

Then take it out and keep it.

In the meantime...

Inside a pregnant woman is a live human being.
9 Mar 2024
Life / Why women's rights are not respected here in Poland? [64]

Anyway, a foetus us no personality, no memory no consciousness or sense of self.

An old person with Alzheimer's in a coma has no sense of self.
What an idiot.

You can call it R2D2 but it's still a live human being.
9 Mar 2024
News / How will Polish-American relations change if Trump is elected president again? [339]

You cherry picked data. 2007? Seriously?

Yes, seriously. Post your data instead of asking stupid questions.

2007 is not 1907. Fresh enough. If anything, the murder rate in the US went up from 5.6 in 2007 to 6.8 in 2023.

Un-cherry enough?

Here is the list of 100% black activities in the Chicago area:

1. Carjackings
2. Shooting from bridges
3. Looting
4. Mindless vandalism
5. Riots at McDonald's
6. Killing black kids on the way to school
7. Two dozen shootings every weekend, 5 deaths.


7. Pushing people off the subway platform onto tracks
8. Body slamming old men and women on sidewalks.

All 100% black and current.
9 Mar 2024
Life / Why women's rights are not respected here in Poland? [64]

Why would they have an issue with killing you too?

We could call it very late-term abortion or VLTA or post-birth abortion, PBA.

Hey, danny, I have news for you...Inside a pregnant woman is a live human being.

You are welcome.
9 Mar 2024
News / How will Polish-American relations change if Trump is elected president again? [339]

Crime is crime. All races have it

A BS deflection...It is black thugs that made an evening weekend trip to downtown Chicago more dangerous than to Baghdad.

The same with excellence and achievement; all races have it.

Name three from Africa and South America.

I will dial down what black activists and white leftists stop calling the US a racist country.

9 Mar 2024
Travel / Why do you visit Poland? [222]

USA because they are fundamentally different

It's amazing what happens to people when they don't have the First Amendment to keep them out of prison for hate speech.

Today, Canada is the new USSR, minus Siberian gulags. Denying the Holocaust will land you in one and so will using wrong pronoun.
When you peacefully oppose the government, they confiscate your account.
9 Mar 2024
Life / Why women's rights are not respected here in Poland? [64]

And the absurdity of your all of your posts proves that

...he is just a useless male cvnt.
I love a good argument but not with a slime like this. It's like beating a 12-year-old girl that never stops giggling...
8 Mar 2024
News / How will Polish-American relations change if Trump is elected president again? [339]

extremes both hate centrism

Because in real life, there are few things where centrism makes sense.
Try to be a centrist about the open border. How about abortion on demand...How about a 1.5 trillion annual deficit ...How about NATO as military welfare for Euros...

How about black thugs looting, raping, and murdering whites?

Go ahead and tell me how you can "reach across the aisle" and compromise with the leftist bastards...
8 Mar 2024
Life / Why women's rights are not respected here in Poland? [64]

for rights to be respected.

Memo to all dumb screaming broads out there: THERE IS NO RIGHT TO ABORTION!!!
Just as there is no constitutional right to a haircut. Those are for-fee services. Some are legal, some are not.
8 Mar 2024
Life / Womans day in Poland? [242]

but also, we really like it when somebody takes care of us.

There is a Niagara-size difference between taking care of and mothering to death. When vives turn into mothers is hard to detect but it is inevitable.

the question of equality between genders.

...between both genders...
8 Mar 2024
Life / Womans day in Poland? [242]

Congrats! :)

We congratulate achievements. Is being a woman an achievement now?
8 Mar 2024
Life / Womans day in Poland? [242]

Happy International Women's Day, ladies!

Thank you, Bobko.

Let me know when Men's Day will be celebrated so I will trans back to a man.
8 Mar 2024
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

and he kissed my hand.

Do you kiss his? If not, the two genders are not equal. They were never meant to be equal, and will never be equal
God, thank you for the difference.
8 Mar 2024
Life / Do colored immigrants in Poland function better than in Western countries? [190]

I wasn't trying to disprove it.

You agreed with my point that whites are superior to any other race. Thanks.

From ancient times to present day.

I don't care about ancient times. I care about what is today as a result of what humanity achieved in the last 50 years.
So please don't mention paper and Egypt. Or powder and China...