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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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8 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [318]

I don't think any major partition of Ukraine is likely in the nearest 30 years.

I thought in this direction. But its kind of maximal delay.

In western Ukraine time will work for Poland. In rest, time will work for Russia. Outside of Ukraine situation will also change. Serbia will be stronger and it means Slavic South safe from outside non-Slavic hostile presents, with interests of Poland and Russia in perfect balance, here in the region. EU won`t exist and Visegrad would emerge as unique power. Germany and France would be probably already devastated by internal racial and religious Civil Wars.

See, in that situation, Poland and Russia just shake hands. Ukraine would dissolve naturally and peacefully.

Baltics? Well, with weak Germany, like Ukraine, it would turn to stronger, to Poland and Russia.

When that is over, well, Russia turns to closer ties with Iran (read old Persia) and strengthen further Eurasian Union. At the same time Visegrad around Poland and ``Little Schengen`` (ongoing working title) around Serbia becoming closer and finally merge into Central European Union.

Belarus? It depend.
7 Jul 2020
History / Pomerania -a Polish land since the creation of Poland and the German invaders. [60]

I prove my point on this example.

1. Poland kindly ask Vatican to help Poland retrive its lands stolen by Germans. Pope give middle finger to Poland.

2. Poland try alone to take back what was stolen from Her and all give middle finger to Poland, Pope of Rome and also Russia included.

Only possible option...

3. Poles work with Serbs and Poland take it back.

Think about this.
6 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [318]

when you steal their cow, it is a good deed.

Not just good. When Poles and Serbs doing it togather it is always for higher good.

Sarmatia must be happy and satisfied. Its just natural order of things.

Because they starved

That? Its pain. I can imagine. Believe me I can. But you must find balance. You must try not to generalize. Our personal pain of the moment isnt all of it. God help us all

But see, children againg cooperate. What else can they do.
6 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [318]

No, they arent perfect. But look to the west. Drang Nach Osten always came from the west.

So why not cooperate with Russia when interests owerlap.

As for Lwow, never mind who created problem. We Serbs were with you when you Poles created part of that problem. Or solution. In any case that cow would go to Poland.
6 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [318]

Be realistic. You see what happening. Poland isnt able to directly and alone support Serbia. How could Poland when Rome and western Europe threat Poland's vital interests. That is why Serbs finishing things. But not alone, of course. And, when the moment come, not without Poland. Dont think you would avoid party
6 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [318]


Brate, the EU would evolve only in bigger and more powerfull evil. For your info, visegrad and balkans, meaning Polands and Serbias domains hold more then half natural energy/resources reserves of Europe. What you think what happening THEY become aware THEY losing control for good? And USA moving out of Europe. Yes, we would be on our own and little bit Russia, if we are lucky.

Why do you think Duda work with Russia in arming Serbia. I can tell you, frantically work on it because I see what coming to us from Russia via Poland and Hungary.

Things would go ugly
6 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [318]

cash payments will be extended to fix Ukraines infrastructure

And then when Poland leave EU have to give back all. And if don't have to give back would pay with teritories.

Forget EU on the long run. There wont be EU. All would ask for their money back. There would be wild brawl
6 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [318]

I wouldn't suggest that Poland invade. Instead, Poland should start media campaign that will show intwntions of Poland to merge with western Ukraine.

If I lead media campaign I would focus on several feelds in mass medua. 1 Explanation to Poland s population. 2 Explanation to population of Ukraine and western Ukraine. 3 Explanation to Russia that its not hostile move but suggestion to solve problem. 4 Explanation to Nato and EU. 5 Explanation to the Slavic world and globe.

So, it should show intention of Poland. Then wait for signals and act when suitable. Most important is that Ukraine and Russia accept. That green light you need to make it work when it happening and later to live with it.

But it wont be cheap financially.
5 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [318]

those who want Lviv back are complete fringes of Polish society - it's a non-issue in serious politics in Poland

Why that isn't serious and molesting Czeska is serious?

Is only normalcy in Poland's politics on kin Slavs, decision to permit arming of Serbia?
5 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [318]

independence of Ukraine

Like all countries of former Yugoslavia, except Serbia and Slovenia, Ukraine is a proxi and the rogue state. There are ethnically and historically regions that are Russian, Polish, Ukrainian and Ruthenian. Serbian element is largely assimilated by all those. They are aware of their Serbian traces but assimilation is reality.

Why not divide territory on those four regions and then talk of what is Ukraine, what is independent and what is to merge with Poland or Russia. That is what people there want if anybody care. Rest, what we see now, is politics.

Plus, Ukrainians and Ruthenians are nations that aren`t completely formed as unique nations. Or they are? Or partially? Is it alright to finish their formation as unique nations or it represent stealing from Poland and Russia? If allow formation of those new nations, why then not revive Serbian element and regions, too?
4 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [318]

You know, if its up to me, Lwow will be part of Poland in an instant. First take and then ask. If Poland don't take it banderists will and then Germany will be asked. You Poles want that? Germans on your Southern borders, too? See, thank Popes for that situation.

So, act now or don't complain later.
4 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [318]

steal history like Macedonians

If you speak of antiquity, no Macedonia didn't stole nothing from Greaks. Its quite oposite because Greaks stolen Slavic history.

But Macedonia failed to say complete truth and that is fact that population of Macedonia represent mixture of Bulgarians and Serbs, where communists tried to finish formation of new nation but eventualy failed. In middle age and to the WWI, all to the Saloniki lived Serbs as majority then Greaks killed 1 mil Serbs in genicide after WWI and populated area with Greek refugees from collapsed Tukish Empire, from Anatolia.

Greeks are very cruel and savage and Patriarchs of Constabtinople are evil same as Popes of Rome. Patrarchs hiding Greak genicide on Serbs and Vatican hiding genocid that happened on 1 mil Serbs in Croatia, during WWII where Vatican even was ditectly involved.

Those who lead Christianity arent Christians.
3 Jul 2020
History / Roman Dmowski-Patriot, Nationalist, Anti-Semite? [251]

I have respect for brat Dmowski. He was patriot alright but took it wrongly. Unlike brat Pilusdski who believed in Sarmatism, Dmowski never, that I know, mentioned any other Slavic ethnic group within Poland, except Poles. What about Kashubs, Lusatians, Silesians, Lemki, etc, etc, smaller Slavic groups on the territory of Poland? Why force them to be Poles? Why subjugate all to Roman Catholicism? And why it had to be Roman, instead of Polish Catholic Church???? Why wrong, negative choices, underlined foreign rule????????????

If Poland wants to win as an idea, Poland must turn to Sarmatism. Brat Piludski said it all right. Intermarium, equally independent from East and from the West. Same way far and same way close to Rome, Constantinople, and Jews. And, as it was during the Golden Age, in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Sarmatism.
1 Jul 2020
News / Unfulfilled promises by PiS [558]

Whatever you may hold against PiS, Poland enjoys the freedom of speech.

I agree. Poland is even the cradle of democracy.

Andrzej Duda is president of all Polish people

Why only Polish people?

Poland is mama to many Slavs.