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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 1 hr ago
Threads: 4
Posts: 7532

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17 Mar 2024
Life / St Patrick's day in Poland [272]

I will celebrate Irish culture when the Irish learn how to shoot the invading army of useless people nobody wants.
17 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

My thread that I started but I never said that I "owned it" , Duh !!!

Then say: this thread or the thread I started.

In English, "my" means belonging to me - as in "my dick" or "my ass". You do own both, right?
17 Mar 2024
Life / St Patrick's day in Poland [272]

Why the hell would Poland celebrate St. P day?

What's next? Sitting Bull Day? How about Genghis Khan Day?
17 Mar 2024
News / How will Polish-American relations change if Trump is elected president again? [339]

Trump is no Reagan. Not even remotely.

Trump is better because he is less naive.

It was Reagan who naively gave amnesty to 3 million illegal scumbags in exchange for what he never got from the lying Democrats.

That's why Trump is not buying any of that "bi-partisan" bill from hell and the 5,000 scum a day limit that would magically morph into 15,000 "because these are poor and hungry people who came to America to better themselves".

Bank robbers rob banks to better themselves, too...

A dictatorship is namely a system of government in which the leader declares him or herself the sole and supreme ruler.


A dictator is a person who acts like one and against the tribe's wishes.

See Biden and his open border criminally.

You forgot "the" in front of "sole". I fixed it for you.
17 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

Did anyone say that they "owned" a thread ?

You did.

Now get back On-Topic of my thread or please don't post in it anymore.

My shoes, my car, my thread...
17 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

Nobody here owns threads. We can only start them. That's why "OP", not TO.
16 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Things we hate [405]

I hate US border guards.

They should be trained to be kinder and hug every migrant - especially those with MS-13 on their foreheads.

Since migrants are precious and a great asset, we should follow the Pope's wishes and have high-speed trains running every hour from every sh*ithole to bring at least 10 million of them every year. Plus a check for 10,000 dollars per person per month.
15 Mar 2024
News / How will Polish-American relations change if Trump is elected president again? [339]

and the migrants are the republican's new best friend, and the educated whites are the enemy.

We already know this.
The very worst are the indoctrinated college white women. That's why on my island to vote you would have to be older than 30, US-born, end employed. I want those frontal lobes to be fully developed and working well.
13 Mar 2024
News / NATO expansion in northern Europe - great news for Poland [136]

It is giving access to 17 military bases to the US.

There you go! Another parasite on my dole...another lopsided Euro crap...
Sweden coming to the defense of the US...hahahahahahahaha...BTW, why are there no Euro bases in the US?

Here is why...Because everybody knows the US needs Euros and NATO to stay safe like I need cancer. You are useless parasites and a liability that gets bigger with every new parasite.

Unless, of course, the US warmongers are planning a war with Russia...Then Poland and Sweden are assets - and recipients of Russia's first tactical nukes. Congratulations!
12 Mar 2024
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [670]

I didn't mean extermination. I meant acting like the real border guards who guard borders, not migrants from angry locals.
See Texas - as place where the governor and the citizens want the migrant plague stopped and the DC mafia, instead of assisting Texas, has sued Texas.

The result: migrant scum wants to be "apprehended" by the US Border Guard so that they can spit out that magic word "asylum".
11 Mar 2024
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

Bobko, you need to study more Polish history,

Bobko, don't waste your time on this stuff...I forgot 90% of Polish history and life is sweet.
Instead, figure out how to liberate Donbass and Luhansk faster.

and not RuSSian version or your personal version of it, if you hope to continue debating Polish history :)

Please. never debate morons who insult you.
11 Mar 2024
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [670]

his little sister is being moIested by Muslim cultural enricher.

I like when this happens and speeds up nazifying woke white morons.
I am beginning to like NAZIs. They would solve the problem very quickly.
10 Mar 2024
Life / Womans day in Poland? [242]

.I would only add "no smokes" plus some vitamin/mineral supplements, but yeah...that's about it. :)

Smokes are outside of nutrition. They are no different from a hook, rope, and a chair - except slower.
10 Mar 2024
Life / Womans day in Poland? [242]

Most guys are terribly afraid of doctors for one reason or another.

I greatly appreciate doctors and nurses. I run to them with as much as a pimple on my dick. Early detection is everything.

This is how I survived my prostate cancer 9 years ago...I knew that biopsy would hurt like hell so I was dragging my ass until my wife said: Go get that damn biopsy, moron!!! Not exactly her words, but close...

For example nutrition..

It's actually very simple. Here is my book about nutrition:

1. Cals in = calls out
2. No food after 3 pm
3. No sugar
4. No alcohol
5. No sodas or juices
6. Water
7. Pump iron three times a week
8. Walk
9. Sleep 8 hours

Don't forget a gun to kill yourself when you decide that a life like this is not worth living.


Bobko, as far as being single...Never import a wife and never look for one in bars. Sign up at LA Fitness or equivalent. This way you will see them almost naked and if they already have rolls of fat on them. People who work out are also more likely to follow my recommendations 1 - 9.

Find one you like and ask if she would consider being your friend. Skip "with benefits" for now.
10 Mar 2024
Life / Womans day in Poland? [242]

Women do invaluable work within the home

Then they should be paid invaluable amounts in invaluable money.

woman gives to the State a support without which

Bullsh*it! Women used to have babies thousands of years before the State came into existence. Women have babies exclusively for their personal gratification. All the rest are side effects.

If that's too complicated...Women would have babies on a deserted island with no State or households to "slave" in.

One can't claim credit for self-serving deeds.

Should I get paid for taking garbage out once a week? Or for protecting my wife 24/7? At 20 an hour, it's 480 bucks a day. Where do I send the invoice?
10 Mar 2024
News / How will Polish-American relations change if Trump is elected president again? [339]

for anyone or anything but Donald J. Trump!

...and that's why he refused to accept his paycheck as president. Pure evil...

Theyre are already signing up illegals to vote in the forthcoming election.

This or some other kind of fraud...

Democrats care more about foreign criminals than American law-abiding citizens.

...because "Democrats" are fascists in wait ready to turn the US into the Soviet Union 2.0:

Step 1: Take guns.
Step 2. Ministry of Truth - currently the Department of Education.
Step 3. Confiscation of accounts the Canadian way.
10 Mar 2024
Life / Womans day in Poland? [242]

Aren't we?
Of course incels are barely people at all.

What the fvck did that have to do with "Women's day" in Poland?

BTW, those twins inside the woman are people because they are humans, not animals, plants, or things. Duh!
10 Mar 2024
Life / Womans day in Poland? [242]

Says a moron because he has no good answers to my questions. Good move...
This is a perfect thread to talk about abortion since women are 95% about abortion.
10 Mar 2024
Life / Womans day in Poland? [242]

What are they before they become people?
Animals, plants, or things?
10 Mar 2024
Life / Womans day in Poland? [242]

If a woman is pregnant with twins...Are they people?