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Polish Silesian Autonomy movement [67]
Yes... So why create additional institutions If result is the same ?
You don't know what those results will be. I see what you're saying but it seems to amount to expecting and accepting failure before trying.
LOL ! There's the army, police, courts, embassies and many other national institutions to finance. If the taxes generated in Silesia, go to Silesians, then more taxes outside of Silesia need to be generated to pay for these institutions.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA is right-Autonomy can mean autonomy over specific aspects of life while still contributing to the elements of the system which everyone might rely on.
As it works in other parts of the world, ALL TAXES don't get diverted from the federal system back to the region. Rather, taxes for a lot of infrastructure, health care, schools and aspects of government spending that the locals use is where the majority of their taxes go. The local police should be paid with local taxes and the local courts should be funded, primarily, with local taxes. Why should people in area x pay for the costs in costs in area y? Some tax revenue STILL goes to the federal system but limits the amount of money that can be wasted in the capital as long as the federal government is then REDUCED. Yes the federal government would have to be REDUCED, otherwise you're predictions would probably happen.
Because this is largely what a country is about ? So you now... people from BiaĆystock pay for the highway in Silesia and so on...
Well then what's a region "about?" You seem to be advocating the notion of "country" which simply doesn't match the reality. The reality is, the federal government is less accountable with such limited regional autonomy. Keep the majority of the money where it's generated and spread the remainder around. Then leave it up to the people in a region to fix their problems instead of relying on distant politicians making promises from afar. The system being proposed encourages people to be more involved with politics and that is a very good thing.
You clearly have no clue what autonomy is about. It is not about more money staying in the region, in Poland each voivodship/gmina etc. gets x % of taxes generated on its teritory, that x could be increased significally without any "autonomy" (or descreased with "autonomy").
Oh here's where it starts with you, isn't it? You can't come up with anything but rhetoric that wreaks of fear of change so you try the semantic angle. As I already stated, government in a region can have Autonomy over certain aspects of governance. This shouldn not only about money but also be about people deciding what they think works best for them. You can then have competing models of healthcare, and education and then when one proves to be less successful, it can be dropped in favour of a different model. It's a much more flexible and responsive way of adapting to change. It worked in the U.S. for the longest time until the central government expanded and the system is still working very well in Canada and Australia.
This is what I wrote:
The less centralized government, the better
This is what you interpreted:
The less government, the better.
Do you see the difference? This shows you haven't really been thinking about a thing I've written but just gone into an automated response mode.
If Silesia gets autonomy, Polish politicians will be there - mismanaging and wasting a great deal of tax revenues. The main difference will be that they will have more jobs (with regional "government" being created) to distribute to their buddies, more public orders to steal from etc.
No, that is incorrect. You don't know how such a system will evolve. You're simply repeating that attitude from the past that admits defeat and failure before trying something new.
Corruption is the greatest threat to any system. If people do become involved at a more local level, it limits that threat. Compare the waste that occurs at a municipal level to a national one. There's really no comparison- you don't even know how badly the federal politicians waste your money. This system should encourage people to hold politicians to be much more accountable. The more removed we see ourselves from a decision making process, the less we care and vice versa.
Again I have to marvel at your thinking: the system is clearly broken but don't try to fix it for fear of breaking it further.