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Posts by Foreigner4  

Joined: 18 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 5 Sep 2013
Threads: Total: 12 / Live: 1 / Archived: 11
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From: tychy
Speaks Polish?: yes and no
Interests: sports, politics, the economy, history, writing, yadayadayada

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15 Oct 2012
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

we are a part of nature, our actions, not always.

Your statement contradicts itself.
Our actions can be no more unnatural than those of a raven or a dolphin. Nothing is unnatural in the universe- the word "unnatural" has no meaning as I see it.
15 Oct 2012
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

When is an unborn child a life? two months into pregnancy? two days? the twinkle in the woman's and man's eye? before that?

can't tell you when, can only tell you that it is.

Foreigner4,To abort is not natural.To have a baby is

we are born unto this world, we are part of nature, we and our actions are natural.
14 Oct 2012
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

No it's not hard for me to figure out,is it hard for you to figure out what I'm saying?

Yes, yes it is.
Say it more succinctly and plainly because it as I've read (and likely misunderstood) it seems like you're saying things should be different than nature dictates.
14 Oct 2012
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

So does a woman during sexy time..

sigh...biology dictates that with the duty of carrying us when we're developing, our mothers also get more of a "say" in what happens to us. Is this really that hard for you to figure out?
14 Oct 2012
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Can I not think both of the presented options to be nutty?

I just think the idea of carting off a person and forcing them to do something with their body which is against their will is an extremely bad idea in general. I acknowledge that every situation is different and sometimes people can really suck sh*t and then intervention is required. That isn't to say I would ever support that being a normal occurrence in any society I lived in.

A man has his a "say" during sexy time.
14 Oct 2012
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

In all honesty, I think your idea is completely ludicrous and takes a plunge down the slippery slope to an Authoritarian Republic. I wouldn't want to bring a new life into such a society.

That scenario is, I think, a good reason to be selective when creating a love explosion and I honestly believe the way I think on this to be the far saner and more progressive approach than what you described.

But as you stated, we can agree to disagree.

Okay, maybe that was a bit harsh. I guess I think it would be ludicrous if that was a normal occurrence. I suppose we must acknowledge that if a woman decides to engage in the lateral dance then she must also take on the potential responsibilities...I'm back on the fence now...: /

last response was edited
14 Oct 2012
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

p3undone: Paragraphs are your friend.

I'm not sure if you're trying to say there is an imbalance in the laws surrounding such things or if you're trying to say, we men should be more selective of who we copulate with, or, more plainly speaking:

If daho be all tretenin-like to kill ya baby cells den ya shuda not got all up in-a b*tch inafusplace...

Which one is it? Maybe you're saying neither, this wouldn't be the first time I've wandered into a thread completely lost...: /
14 Oct 2012
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

It's a bit of a muddy issue.
On the one hand, if you fancy it your decision to tell another person (not your own underage child for those who just want to argue) what they can or cannot do with their body then you've got a lot of maturing to do.

On the other hand, an unborn child is a life and that is true with or without your notions of God, Allah, Yahweh, etc. Anyone trying to debate that is simply uninformed.

Now, if you are incapable of entertaining the notion that you aren't blessed with some insight that everyone else who disagrees with you isn't, then consider this: why would _________ (insert holy name) have entrusted a woman to bear children if it wasn't _________'s intention to leave such decisions up to the mother?

I find the idea of killing an unborn child to be very saddening, at the same time I must accept others think differently and may have good reasons for doing so.

How many of you, who would tell her what to do would also help her in raising the child properly?
I do not expect honest answers.
30 Sep 2012
Law / Poland economy is slowing down - how does it affect you? [117]

The last post is correct. The observations are acute and resonate with clarity.

And to the cheapskate on here, if you're going to brag about how much you pay someone then make sure it's brag-worthy.

That is all.
25 May 2012
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

RIGHT SIDE OF THE PATH AND OR PAVEMENT- jesus bloody murphy! Why is it so hard for Poles over the age of 30 to figure that out?
23 May 2012
News / Der Spiegel: "Poles are now the masters of Europe" [49]

^You may have a point but if you look at the want ads on Polish sites, there are an incredible number of ads promising work at "prestigious international" firms who all seem to be looking for people who can speak 3 languages but, for some odd reason, they only seem to be interested in students....I wonder why that is?

If the face of the new Polish economy is indentured servitude for a pittance with no security then I'm not impressed.

The key word is "if."
7 May 2012
Life / Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland? [701]

^Yeah, it's like he elaborately explained how he does not have an opinion on this. I'm wondering why we were even writing to eachother now *scratches head* (no not that one!)
6 May 2012
Life / Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland? [701]

THAT is what I'm saying and an appendix, or wisdom teeth, or any of the countless other examples, show that we are far from perfectly designed. STOP grouping me in with other posters. Read what I write and take it for face value.

Yes I've read that and I understand what you're getting at but so what? Yes, I get it, naturally, we get deforimities and some can be deadly but so what? This bit of skin we're reflecting on doesn't have any history of killing the owner nor causing him great discomfort in any great numbers I've ever heard of.

this is a meaningless comparison. you're just missing the point. you CANNOT say that because it's there, it must be perfect, it must be perfectly designed.

That isn't what I wanted to communicate, perhaps you're grouping me in with other posters on this thread? I'm not saying because it's there it must be perfectly designed but if there is a flaw in the design could you please point me to (no pun intended) what it is and how often and to what degree it occurs to warrant removal?

We could take the approach that "nature" gets it wrong all the time but then we have to define what "nature" is and what "gets it wrong" means, like how "wrong" is wrong enough to cut it off?

You feel what I'm sayin?
5 May 2012
Life / Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland? [701]

again, there is a long list of things that nature gets sooooo wrong at a consistent rate, even though it shouldn't be there or isn't really necessary, unless you have some sort of explanation as to why foreskin is much less of a "mistake" compared to say an appendix in today's man.

Sorry, missed your response-it's been a while
Appendixes can rupture for apparently no cause and often enough to warrant people having them removed. Foreskin doesn't seem to exhibit, with any notable regularity, the tendency to be life-threatening despite safe and clean living. An appendix can do that so I have to reject that comparison, can you convince me to rethink that?

Okay so aside from that, if I understand you correctly, you're saying that if we use the argument that foreskin is naturally occurring then it doesn't mean squat because we could, from various perspectives, take the approach that nature gets it wrong all the time.

Let me know if that's what you're stating and then I am ready to agree with that it is true, we COULD do that but it would be silly to use that line of reasoning in this case.

Just to make sure we don't go down the road of disease or virus, I have to state that those are not consistent, those are mutations due to contact with other organisms and not even statistically in the same galaxy as a healthy baby boy born with all his bits and pieces where they ought to be. I don't know what you could be talking about that is as frequently occurring and unencumbering to pull your logic through but I am curious to find out.
19 Apr 2012
News / Polish Silesian Autonomy movement [67]

I also don't know what the results will be If you open the window and jump out but I can predict that with high probability.

No, gravity is a given regardless if it is the ground or top floor. The two situations have no parallels. While catchy and humorous, your comparison is nothing more.

And that's how it works in Poland, a lot of public money is spend locally.

You tell me, or are you suggesting the system is perfect as it is?

The problem is that government is taking too much money away from people, not the geographic distribution of the spendings.

I agree with you completely on much of this and this is why having more regional autonomy works out better.

For example early retirement for miners...

While I do wonder what the aggregate cost of miners' early retirement is on the whole population vs the benefits of having miners in a country to extract elements from the ground, I would guess it to be less than what is lost on tax breaks to corporate entities but that would require obtaining a lot of data I haven't the time to analyse. I'm not sure what point you're making with that though could you explain it more?

It's not some ancient Greek democracy. Silesian voivodship have millions of people living there

Numerically that is false both proportionally and logarithmically. Observe people in nations with states comprising 2-5 million people and those people hold politicians feet much closer to the fire than they are able to do with national leaders.

So basically you are proposing 16 ministries of education, 16 ministries of health care

And would those systems be so completely different from each other? You're really begging the question as to how stubborn and hell-bent on doing things "their" way I think Poles are. I think Poles are sensible enough to see the merits of doing things in a way that works and if they saw their opinions matter more then they'd become more well versed in how to do things- either this way or that. So while 16 ministries of education might sound implausible, it's very possible they would all be very very similar in curriculum and delivery just more responsive to the population they serve. Yes it could fail miserably but that would depend on how intelligently the system were implemented.

It was my own proposal, not the interpretation of yours...

Then I apologize and wonder why you interpret smaller local government as being "more" government to one big central unit. Smaller units are easier to keep track of and stop from expanding, whereas a central government, as experience has shown, seems to compound in employees at breakneck speed.

Please enlight me why Polish politicians are supposed to stop mismanaging and wasting a great deal of tax revenues

Why or how?
It would depend on the voting public and how much of a voter turnout there was in the region. If it were to be 30% turnout then it would be a different version of the same thing, if it were >50% then there would be a real chance at keeping politicians accountable. You know and must acknowledge the degree to which distance and how removed people see themselves from a process will affect their willingness to participate in it.

Now please google up statistics regarding the number of Polish local politicians/administration employees arrested for corruption

I'm pressed for time here BUT You seem to have those numbers and must be feeling VERY confident they support your "position," so go ahead and post them:)
18 Apr 2012
Life / Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland? [701]

oh OK, but I guess nature intended us to have:etc etc.

Forgive my edit but I think I understand the point you're tryiing to convey. I see nothing compelling in your angle though.
You could make the same list for anything in nature though: volcanoes, drought, etc, animals get old too.
There are unpleasant things in life, we get it.

However, nature doesn't get it soooo wrong at such a consistent level as to endow every male of a species (and not just one species in this case) with something that shouldn't be there for so long.

If you like how your cock looks snipped then fine, but to advocate it for every male out of a concern for safety is just ridiculous. Where was the cock cancer in the distant past? Are you suggesting dirty cocks were such a problem in the past but so few individuals were able to figure out the best way to deal with it was to cut part of it off?

I don't care one way or the other but the line of reasoning you're trying to use is a joke.
18 Apr 2012
News / Polish Silesian Autonomy movement [67]

Yes... So why create additional institutions If result is the same ?

You don't know what those results will be. I see what you're saying but it seems to amount to expecting and accepting failure before trying.

LOL ! There's the army, police, courts, embassies and many other national institutions to finance. If the taxes generated in Silesia, go to Silesians, then more taxes outside of Silesia need to be generated to pay for these institutions.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA is right-Autonomy can mean autonomy over specific aspects of life while still contributing to the elements of the system which everyone might rely on.

As it works in other parts of the world, ALL TAXES don't get diverted from the federal system back to the region. Rather, taxes for a lot of infrastructure, health care, schools and aspects of government spending that the locals use is where the majority of their taxes go. The local police should be paid with local taxes and the local courts should be funded, primarily, with local taxes. Why should people in area x pay for the costs in costs in area y? Some tax revenue STILL goes to the federal system but limits the amount of money that can be wasted in the capital as long as the federal government is then REDUCED. Yes the federal government would have to be REDUCED, otherwise you're predictions would probably happen.

Because this is largely what a country is about ? So you now... people from BiaƂystock pay for the highway in Silesia and so on...

Well then what's a region "about?" You seem to be advocating the notion of "country" which simply doesn't match the reality. The reality is, the federal government is less accountable with such limited regional autonomy. Keep the majority of the money where it's generated and spread the remainder around. Then leave it up to the people in a region to fix their problems instead of relying on distant politicians making promises from afar. The system being proposed encourages people to be more involved with politics and that is a very good thing.

You clearly have no clue what autonomy is about. It is not about more money staying in the region, in Poland each voivodship/gmina etc. gets x % of taxes generated on its teritory, that x could be increased significally without any "autonomy" (or descreased with "autonomy").

Oh here's where it starts with you, isn't it? You can't come up with anything but rhetoric that wreaks of fear of change so you try the semantic angle. As I already stated, government in a region can have Autonomy over certain aspects of governance. This shouldn not only about money but also be about people deciding what they think works best for them. You can then have competing models of healthcare, and education and then when one proves to be less successful, it can be dropped in favour of a different model. It's a much more flexible and responsive way of adapting to change. It worked in the U.S. for the longest time until the central government expanded and the system is still working very well in Canada and Australia.

This is what I wrote:

The less centralized government, the better

This is what you interpreted:

The less government, the better.

Do you see the difference? This shows you haven't really been thinking about a thing I've written but just gone into an automated response mode.

If Silesia gets autonomy, Polish politicians will be there - mismanaging and wasting a great deal of tax revenues. The main difference will be that they will have more jobs (with regional "government" being created) to distribute to their buddies, more public orders to steal from etc.

No, that is incorrect. You don't know how such a system will evolve. You're simply repeating that attitude from the past that admits defeat and failure before trying something new.

Corruption is the greatest threat to any system. If people do become involved at a more local level, it limits that threat. Compare the waste that occurs at a municipal level to a national one. There's really no comparison- you don't even know how badly the federal politicians waste your money. This system should encourage people to hold politicians to be much more accountable. The more removed we see ourselves from a decision making process, the less we care and vice versa.

Again I have to marvel at your thinking: the system is clearly broken but don't try to fix it for fear of breaking it further.
17 Apr 2012
News / Polish Silesian Autonomy movement [67]

Does the regional/local administration in Silesia have so good record on spending public money ? I don't think so.

we could ask the same about Warszawa and get the same answer, what point could you be making other than to stick with a losing formula?

The taxes generated by those in Silesia should go to Silesians, what's so hard to get about this concept?

Then please explain why people from one region should be privileged over people from other regions?

Please explain why other people in other regions should be so privileged as to have Silesian tax revenue pay for the projects in their region?

Each voivod population should have more autonomy, not only Silesia. It would be a good place to start though.

They can modify whatever they want unless I have to pay for it one way or another.

Some people in Silesia might say, they're paying more for the system you're advocating.
If you were to pay more after Silesian tax revenue stayed in Silesia then wouldn't that be an indication you've been enjoying more than you've been paying for?

The less centralized government, the better. As it is now, Polish politicians have mismanaged and wasted a great deal of tax revenue and they've been able to do that under the current system. A less centralized system should get people more involved at the local level. Surely you have to recognize this.
17 Apr 2012
News / Polish Silesian Autonomy movement [67]

How can you form additional administration without rising the taxes ?

I'm hoping the plan would be to divert money away from Warsaw and to the region of said taxpayers.

How else should that develop ?

Should? I believe I just answered that but yes, proof of competence would go a long way to secure this movement. I will ask you this though, why shouldn't people try to modify the existing system if it is not running smoothly? It's obviously broken, so why not try to fix it?

This system has enjoyed or still enjoys success in other parts of the world (if I understand the idea correctly).
16 Apr 2012
News / Polish Silesian Autonomy movement [67]

LOL ! Central government would stay as it is and there would be additional regional government

Seriously, why do you think that is the only way for this to develop?
If it meant an increase in taxes then I can't see anyone supporting this but if taxes don't increase then what's the problem?
16 Apr 2012
Life / Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland? [701]

LOL. So what about Mary, the mother of Jesus?? Which one was it for her??

LOL is right, you know nothing factual about if those people existed or in what capacity they did. You'd have been better off without this in your post.

There is a reason, Peter, that the lowest rates of Cervical cancer in the world, are in the same countries where circumcision is routinely practiced

The reasons could very well be circumsision but the reasons may also be correlated to standards of living. If you really want to get analytical then take the number of cases of cock cancer in those countries and compare which ones are of circumcized men vs non circumcized and then compare those rates to the rates of circumcision and THEN you'll have something to talk about.

What about animals, do they get circumsized? Do they get the cock cancer? We are animals after all, maybe it's not our bodies but it's how we live that is the problem...
16 Apr 2012
News / Polish Silesian Autonomy movement [67]

It's a great idea. Smaller government means people's votes and opinions matter more.
This "autonomy" is not a question of having more "rights" but is a question of people having less of a centralized government and more responsibility for how their taxes are spent.
14 Apr 2012
Life / Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland? [701]

I guess Polish men simply don't care or are completely unattracted to American women as it seems it's American women who mostly seem to be calling for this. Now why aren't Polish men interested in American women? There's probably not enough room on the internet for that:)
13 Apr 2012
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

Great. People like you are living in a dream world. Ya'all have no clue in the world as what is happening in America... Below is a clip from what is going on. This is as of this week ... This is what we live with. In the mean time I will pack my ACP 45. ( With hollow nose bullets )

So you're saying that it's colour, not culture and not economics and not education and not religion and not short-sighted political motives and not corruption and nothing else except colour that is the problem in America?

Have I interpreted your words correctly or is there something I missed in your response?
13 Apr 2012
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

My wife carries a Glock 40 at all times We have a stand your ground law in Florida that allows on to use a weapon in self defence. We along with many others spend a lot of time on the gun range.Along with myself, my wife has become a good shot. I carry a heavier gun.. An ACP Colt 45.. No. We are not Cowboys.. This is what America is like today

It seems like you're focusing on symptoms. I will state this again: I firmly believe when a population is well educated and enjoys opportunities to fairly improve their lives then they are a happy and relatively peaceful bunch. I am not aware of any exceptions to this. Colour doesn't matter in that respect. Colour can only indicate with whom there is a problem but it doesn't solve WHAT that problem is. And NO colour is not the problem.
11 Apr 2012
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

Compared to America Poland is pretty well crime free.

perhaps, but I can't help but think you're only accounting for violent crime in your interpretation. There's plenty of crime here in terms of low level corruption. Alas, when we think of criminals we, often mistakenly, don't usually picture men and women in designer clothing