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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 23 mins ago
Threads: 4
Posts: 7537

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20 Mar 2024
Life / St Patrick's day in Poland [272]

but you always write about it all the time

And I will continue until I separate PF bootlickers from the boots they like licking by says this:

Novi, you are a genius and we finally see the light. You are correct about our democracy being just an illusion and a lie. The ruling mob does whatever it fvck wants - migrants and all - and we are powerless to change this sordid sh*it. As somebody said it so well, if elections really mattered, they would be illegal.

The first Euro says that and I will never come back to this subject again.

BTW, "Euro" excludes the Russians. They are smart and my spiritual brothers.
19 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Do you believe government clone people to help the elite conquer death? [44]

Most are staffed by mediocrities and generally make it up as they go along.

By definition, they are parasites who can't produce anything anybody wants so they control how others produce things we want.

On the other hand, I like food that will not kill me.
19 Mar 2024
News / How will Polish-American relations change if Trump is elected president again? [339]

President Jimmy Carter,

A guy called "Jimmy" should never be elected president.

That "Jimmy" gave us the Department of Education - a pile of leftist sh*it Soviets would be too embarrassed to have. Reagan promised to close this nonsense but didn't even try.

Then came the hostages... Instead of dropping a nuke on Iran somewhere as a warning, "Jimmy" sent a couple of choppers that choked on Iranian sand. Fvcking brilliant...

Reagan gets elected and miraculously the hostages are free to go...Jimmy...a gift from hell...
19 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

What university did you graduate

What the idiot overlooked is that more engineers are better. If I was the only engineer in the US, I would be washing dishes somewhere.

He has told so many lies boasting about himself that nothing he claims is believable.

Unless one is Gates or Musk, there is always somebody smarter and richer so what's the point of "flaunting"? To impress letters on the monitor?
19 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

Are you going to post your income tax return statement for the last year that you worked ?

No. But I am not bragging here about how I just opened another CD with what amount.

In fact, I freely admit to buying only used cars that are 10 years old even though I can buy the newest LS500 today for cash without even noticing that 80 grand is now gone.

I get most of my satisfaction from the fact that my wife feels financially secure and that she trusts me. There is no greater reward for a married man.
19 Mar 2024
Life / St Patrick's day in Poland [272]

And I'll leave you with the words of his friend,...

Not yet...How many such "black men" is Ireland planning to let it? Also: When did the Irish say it would be OK in a referendum?

Please, I beg you, do not mention "our democratically elected legal representatives" before I run out to buy more barf bags.
19 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Do you believe government clone people to help the elite conquer death? [44]

Just as cities should be bombed flat to make room for improvements, elites should be executed Boshevik-style and their wealth confiscated to prevent dynasties like the Bushes, Clintons, and Kennedys...

The UK and the rest of that cesspool would be better off with new royals or none.

BTW, how does a girl became a princess? By coming out of the right vagina? I thought that all vaginas are equal under the law.
19 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

I graduated from "Polibuda" in Feb 1966 with an MSEE degree. My first job paid me 1500 zl a month.

Shoes - 500 zl
Shirt - 900 zl
Plastic coat - 1800 zl

As a graduate engineer, I knew how to count so by September the same year I was on a train to Amsterdam with no plans to ever come back again.
19 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Assad is so dumb how do they have so power? [7]

they are too evil

Dear Robin, do you realize that your post would get you charged with a hate crime in Western Europe and in Canada?


Canada's Criminal Code Prohibits hate speech and discriminatory speech. Prohibits "wilful promotion of hatred" and "public incitement of hatred"...

So enjoy our First Amendment while you can...

For the record...I hate Muslims as much as you do. That softness is fake and a tactical tool to disarm the gullible.

Islam is a vicious political movement pretending to be a religion. In all Muslim countries, Islam and power are one.
19 Mar 2024
News / How will Polish-American relations change if Trump is elected president again? [339]

That is the dumbest critique of Reagan.

There is more to criticize Reagan for... He promised to close the Department of Indoctrination and the Department of Energy and he didn't even try.

I voted in 1980 and never since when I realized that voters can be lied to.

Please include the posters' names. I want full credit for my brilliance.
19 Mar 2024
Life / Poles speaking English - examples [245]

never engage in meaningful conversations with anyone. :)

That's why I dropped the azhole, and not because I disagree with him.
19 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

Come on Richy, give us a stock tip we can make a $1000 on in two weeks or stfu.

I don't have to gamble to live reasonably well.

Are you going to post your 2023 trades? I mean your broker's records, not self-serving PF posts.

BTW, if my income was $500 a week, I would kill myself.
18 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

Hey, Joker, how do you like my idea of JR posting his past trades? Minus personal info, of course...

I think it would be a simple way to make all of us green with envy.
18 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

I am glad that you accepted the remaining 99.9% of my post #735.

Baits like this one never fail. "According to Novi" is your problem...hahahahaha...
18 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

Hey, stupid, when one is married with kids, one needs a predictable income. Stock speculation is just a notch better than gambling.

Kids, Daddy lost 10 grand today so no dinner is not an option for normal people.


Studies have shown that more than 97% of day traders lose money over time, and less than 1% of day traders are actually profitable. One percent! But of course, nobody thinks they will be the one losing out.

Like other gamblers, guys like you brag by reporting only the winners. Post your broker's record of your trades or STFU.

You can black out the number of shares to keep this information private.
18 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

I have an idea Rich, lets argue all day again....

We don't argue. I post what every intelligent person already knows. Here it is one more time:

1. Energy and objects cannot be created from nothing.
2. "Miracles" don't happen. Only the events that are either rare or hard to explain for a while. Then we discover it was old red paint, not a blood-crying Mary.

3. God, like transgender "women", does not exist. It's a fiction created by some to feel better.
4. Faith is a state of mind and not based on facts. That's why we say I believe instead of I know. For example: I know it's Monday. Not: I believe it's Monday.

Christianity, according to Novi, can be summed in one sentence: Don't be a mean azhole.

All the rest, including the Virgin Mary on, are unnecessary add-ons and distractions that invite ridicule and derision since her being a virgin or not does not subtract from her son's message and achievements.

No, Jesus was not a son of "God". He had very normal parents, Joseph and Mary, just as you and every other human being born since the beginning of time.
18 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

No, atheists don't believe in God.

Atheists don't accept that energy and objects can be created from nothing. This is where "God' nonsense ends.

We also don't like the concept of mass murder by drowning. That act made Hitler look good as he was more selective in choosing his victims.
18 Mar 2024
Love / Date Guidelines Required [36]

If only I had your sage advice earlier,

I wish I had it, too...
18 Mar 2024
Love / Date Guidelines Required [36]

Ask her if she wants to have a drink with you. If she says yes, run.
The proper answer is: How about a walk, instead...
17 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

You are a god with a small 'g' in your own slipping mind.

There are many gods so I can be one of them...At least I didn't drown anyone.

You just want to watch them big hairy balls don't you.

If you had them you would meet me for lunch.
17 Mar 2024
Life / St Patrick's day in Poland [272]

He looks like such a fat slob, how embarrassing.

I read somewhere that a guy like him can actually burst open.

There is no government and total anarchy reigns

Black democracy in action...

That's why white guys in the US have guns. It's not about evil government. It's about subhumans...

That reminds me...Need more ammo...
17 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

You are slipping Novi as I have told you six times now that you are not my mother.

I am not your mother but I still suffer reading your posts.
I know I can put you back on my ignore list but that will not offer any relief to others.

BTW, how many times did you give me your how-to-be-a-better-man patronizing crap?
You post too much...You are rude and chase people away...

So, go fvck yourself with your Jesus superiority.

No, the guy did not walk on water, did not make water into wine, and was not much better than any TV preacher.

Actually, TV preachers are better...they bullshit for big bucks, live in big houses, and most will die from natural causes, not on some wooden cross while the omnipotent daddy is just watching...the same guy who drowned millions - indiscriminately and with premeditation...What a model of love and mercy...

I would be better as a god.
17 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

This is not your thread is not open for discussion.
Ask the Mods.

"Started" does not mean "my". Learn the difference before you post like a foreigner.
17 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

Please don't tell me what to say and quit trying to run my life.

I am not telling you what to say.
I am telling you what you said.
You said: ..."my thread"...
This is not your thread beyond the fact that you started it.

Now get back On-Topic of my thread or please don't post in it anymore.

This is not your thread.
17 Mar 2024
Life / St Patrick's day in Poland [272]

it is important that they are Catholics, settle them in Ireland.

What a brilliant idea! You are a genius...

Hey, Braney, how about it...Do you want 100,000 Haitians in your town? Or are they too...Haitian...for you...