The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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6 Sep 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus?

What about - nothing? My teacher used to tell that `when one don`t have to do or say anything smart, much better to keep his mouth shut and stay put`.
5 Sep 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

It would be better to have a war with soviet establishment in Poland provided that Polish side would have been victorious

Now define who are soviets in Poland.

Then, define what is Polish side. Poles? Kashubi? Lemki? Lusatians? Etc? I ask because Polish ethnicity isn`t monolitic. Its like Yugoslavian ethnicity. Yugoslavia was kind of South Slavic unity basically created by Serbs and around Serbs, but where live those Slavs who aren`t Serbs. Poland is named after Polani but, its wider story. At the same time, `soviet` is essentially ideological term.

So, define what are Polish and what are soviet sides within Poland before you dream of conflict in Poland or in Belarus or anywhere.
5 Sep 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

I want Central European Union from Baltic to Balkan`s Adriatic, if possible all the way to the Black Sea. EU is obstacle same as AH and Turks. In the meanwhile let us minimize our casualties and that include to be careful with Belarus.
4 Sep 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Keep it civil like a cultural person.

But of course. Thanks for reprimandation. I apologize. Emotions prevailed for the moment. I am fine now.

Poland has been developing in the EU

Sure. Because Poles aren't stupid. They are wise to milk the cow and refuse many residual ugly things the cow offering in abundance.
4 Sep 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

maybe where you live

I sense its worldwide.

Because it's truth and universal, it's for all of us, even the locals.

Crusaders had same arguments but it was all about money. Sure, some believed and they were used. Later came ustashe. Monsters used by bigger monsters.

Tell me, you think that EU seek to offer higher truth to Belarus? Man, Lukashenko is a little child for EU`s democrats.
4 Sep 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Churches are trade guilds. But truly spirited people could be find there and anywhere. Among locals that arent informed, too. So, why upset locals with universal truth?
3 Sep 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Poland, freely choose to enter the EU, did it not?

I would tell it yes, practically yesterday. But today I know more. I mean, I don`t know. What information we all have? Had? 30 years ago I very much liked EU. Today I am terrified of idea of having anything with it.

I strongly dislike supranational government constructs and all that, but Poland wasn't bribed or put under any type of duress to enter the EU

Supranational constructs are also Christian Churches. Islam also function that way. Global things, you know. People want to rule and control and when one refuse, they kill one and all that. So, let us speak openly. We don`t need all those constructs in shadows fighting for ``us``. Why no global government? I mean, whats the difference.
2 Sep 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

One of definitions could be to do what you desire, need and want, something what you feel to be right for you. Ask majority of Poles where they want to invest their energy, in the EU or rather in Visegrad with tendency to create Central European Union. If you could ask them they would tell its not the EU but the other. Then, reality would kick in and most of Poles would satisfy themselves with EU, no matter all sh** within EU and more sh** to come. Why is that so? Bluntly speaking its because of fear. Poles fear of consequences of what would happen if they do what they want. See? Poles aren`t free. They care what would Germany do, what would Vatican says, what would western Europe do, what would USA say, what about NATO, etc. So, Poland`s politics force agenda that don`t serve to that what Poland want. Now, some may say such a politics may be reasonable. But, I see it rather as a negative choice, a servitude, wasting a time.
2 Sep 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Let me clarify: back in 1980, who would've dreamed Poland would be free by 1989? Not too many.

Or let us put it this way. Is Poland free today? No, it isn`t. If Poland is free to choose, citizens, politicians and intelectual elite, Poland would force Visegrad and Central European Union. After all, Duda spoke of Intermarium before first time elected? Do he speak of Intermarium now? No, Poland isn`t free. For so many reasons more that is more then clear.
1 Sep 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Not so fast. Poland wasn`t free in 1980 - it happened in 1990s, really. And throughout 1980s, streets in Polish cities looked like this

Eh, choice was easy back then. We ALL knew where is freedom. Today? Can you guaranty Belorussians they won`t finish importing contingents of Arabs within the EU? Or, can you guaranty to Belorussians how is EU democratic, Slavic loving creation and how NATO isn`t terrorist organization? Can you guaranty them that Pope loves Belorussians more then he love Germans?

Etc. Can you give those guaranties?
31 Aug 2020
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

Braking News

Changes in Dalmatia and Adriatic coast. Influence of Germanic-Vatican`s coalition dropping. Serbian influence strengthen. Meaning, influence of Poland strengthen.

Serbian and pro-Serbian parties won on parliamentary elections in Crna Gora. It was tight but considering to have Germany and Vatican as opposition, one have to be satisfied. And that is just the first round of consolidation of Crna Gora as Serbian state after dissolution of Yugoslavia. Next elections should show clear Serbian future of Crna Gora. Ultimate aim for Serbs is to consolidate in about 60% of former Yugoslavia and to form federation of United Serbian States. Christ and Svetovid!

Election in Montenegro: Opposition parties jointly win a tight majority of seats
29 Aug 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

People? People, are changes in Poland started already? Poland is still in the EU? Poland is still in NATO? Pope still rule you?

Poland isn`t in Central European Union?

What you people think how long we all here would live? No time. Change already.
28 Aug 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

We are in NATO and if they attack us they get nuked.

And then what? Even if Russia is destroyed. You really think Poland would expand onto East. Are THAT deluded dobri brate? You think Papa loves Poland more then he loves Germany? The next day Russia is no more, western Europe would cancel Poland. There wouldn't be a need for Poland to exist anymore.
28 Aug 2020
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]

See, Balkan-Baltic line gave birth to West. Other Whites are just offspirng of that original.
27 Aug 2020
Genealogy / Polish-Ukranian roots and genes [72]

They are kin not fellows. And they would be fine. You know, our ancestors in past even shared their wives. Wise people share even today. Many even don't know they share, live lives in delusion.
27 Aug 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Neo-Marxist, Islamic AND Nazi!!! WOW!!!

Of course. Germany experimented even with Nazi-Islam on the Balkans during WWII and this last Civil War here. What is there surprise to you? Hitler admired to Islam and EU is firmly on Hitler`s path. And now, Germany is God give land for experiments. Many German woman would cry. And not only woman. Also those man who aren`t sure what they are.
27 Aug 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

I'm counting on the EU and its neo-Marxist methods to make such a decision much easier for Poles to say adieu.

Yes, EU just needs more time to prove itself. But not only thru neo-Marxist methods. Also, Islamic and Nazi ways. When sh** starts in that playground, conflicts such was Yugoslavia would look like child's play.

That was reason why Russia allowed conditioned independence of Ukraine and Belarus.

Forgot to mention. Also, for same reason allowed independence of Baltic states.
26 Aug 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Russia generally shows tendency to avoid merging with regions outside of Russia (but connected with Russia) that are historically antagonistic. That was reason why Russia allowed conditioned independance of Ukraine and Belarus.

It was chance for Poland, to gain in it with consent of Russia but western Europe meddling and force Russia to react unpredictably.

I will be blunt. Western Europe harming Poland and hate Poles. And its no secret.
26 Aug 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

@Mr Grunwald
I agree with your words on the EU, Grand Duchy, Russia. All could profit from it. But things, in reality, moved the other way. Idiots from western Europe didn't want it and instead violently destroyed Yugoslavia, Ukraine. Russia now feels threatened and encircled, with good reasons.

Poland might give the false impression of a lap-dog to many :)

I wouldn't say that. But you know what is indicative of a problem? Vatican genocide on Orthodox Serbs. Before it Vatican's cultural genocide on Catholic Serbs (and finally open ethnic genocide on them too). Not a single word from Poland in favor of Catholic or Orthodox Serbs. Not a single word. Poles even don't know of this. And Poland is a big Catholic country. At the same time, positive emotion exists between Orthodox Serbs and Catholic Poles. But still, silence on the Vatican's crimes. That is an indication of a deep problem. See, Poels and Serbs know that their interests go hand in hand and so there are mutual warm feelings. But the Vatican follows its own agenda. So, Serbs now have a problem. Poland has a problem. Not with Serbs. With the Vatican. Fewer Serbs, fewer Polish interests in the region. Not to say that the Serbian question makes the difference of Poland as solely local power or becoming continental and even world power. With Poland-Serbia axis that is reality. But, the Vatican doesn't want it. It seeks absolute control and prefers Germanics. Prefers Germanics.

With the move a finger Vatican ruined Yugoslavia. Great lesson for the future. Poles and Serbs should organize themselves that their expansion and mutual mergings don't depend either on the Vatican, either on east or west of Europe, and neither on the USA.

Do you want Belarus, Czeska, Slovakia around Poland? It goes by that logic I described you. The Serbian question is a test for Poland. Non was loyal to Poland as Serbs were and are. Show us all Poland is independent. Show care. But don't criticize poor Lukashenko, when there are monsters in Rome and Poland says nothing. When criticize, criticize all. Poland must be objective or Poland would fail. Also, don't fear. It will be what will be but the truth must be said and defended. Awake Sarmatism. It's all about it. Above religious differences.

Lead or move aside because changes are coming for all of us. Racowie are in the move.
26 Aug 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]


I am all for changes. I truly hope events in Belarus have cascade effects on neighboring Poland and Russia. We know that Russia need changes. No need to elaborate this. But Poland too. Kashubs aren`t happy. How are things in Silesia? What about Lusatians, Lemkos, etc. What about dictate of Vatican? Do Catholics feel happy about Vatican`s and Papacy pressure? Rights of Orthodox and Protestants in Poland? Majority of Poles aren`t happy that official Poland recognized Kosovo. Drop of EU support in Poland. Etc.

25 Aug 2020
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]

Luka Doncic is the best white player in the NBA.

Blacks are stunned when face dinarid blood. They don`t see many that tall Whites and with Serbs that is usual thing. Whites finest. The best of Arians. Not tiny like those false Hitler`s Germanics. We are the true core of Sarmatia (ie Slavdom). We are those Sarmats from the legends. Alive legends.

And our President now with his 2,00 m is the tallest President in the world. And Tzar Dusan Nemanjic with his 2,14 m was the tallest ruler of his era (TALLEST RULER OF ALL TIMES!). Hey man, it was 2,14 in the middle age. No wonder Rome and Constantinople agreed to topple Serbs. Rome later agreed on it with Turks and Germanics, too. Those fiends buried us alive.

But we coming back from that grave!
24 Aug 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]


Brate Spike31, this is so far best comment. I will only add that instead to do nothing, Poland for change can criticize EU for meddling in affairs of one Slavic country. That stance of official Poland would be great plus. Changes should come in Belarus, but also in many many countries that now criticize Belarus. Imagine just Italy that is in debt for trillion dollars. Absolutely insane country where rule mafia and Vatican, while Muslims arriving in millions. Only deluded madman would rather live in Italy then in Belarus. Still, non seeks to destabilize Italy and push it in bloodshed. K***a EU and NATO rather wants Slavic blood.

People, Arabs literaly eat people in Italy. Can you imagine THAT happen in Belarus? Can you imagine Paki open his vaginal mutilation workshop in Belarus. Ask yourself sincerely. Of course not. But on the west of Europe it becoming necesity. Cultural standard.
23 Aug 2020
Genealogy / Polish-Ukranian roots and genes [72]

Center of Europe would be on Poland-Serbia axis. Its not what one love or don't love. Its just what is reality.
22 Aug 2020
Genealogy / Polish-Ukranian roots and genes [72]

People, why do you focusing yourself on R1a? Its such a nonsense. All Whites are Slavs (ie Sarmatians / ie Thracians) in origin. Different happlogoups and genetic variations are normal thing. Our kind lived on inter-continental level since time immemorial. Time, geography, climate, food, minerals in soil and water, etc, all left its trace on gentics of people.
22 Aug 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]


I see that you disagree with me in a very few things. Give yourself time.

there is no way they can control it or predict it

Do you say that things in Belarus won`t go as it is agreed between Russia and USA? There is no point on the globe where they aren`t in agreement. Or where they won`t be in agreement before dust settle down. And it is good. For all of us.


Am I sensing that you worry for Poland because of events in Belarus, dobri brate? But why worry? My country continuing to receive shipments of most heavy weaponry from Russia via Poland`s air space. Not a single disruption since started tensions in Belarus. Even shipment of weaponry from Belarus that we bought are confirmed via Poland`s air space. So, no worry. Forget daily politics. Will be peace on Poland`s eastern borders. Non would upset children of Poland.
22 Aug 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

You will get out when Muslims rebel on the west of Europe. Use your time and initiate Polexit when western Europe is preoccupied.

Some members of top Polish Church are already doing it

Thank God to that. Poland needs to separate Catholicism from the Vatican. Its not the same.
22 Aug 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

The sanctions imposed on them in 2014 for invading Ukraine have been quite painful.

Yes, so painful that in the meanwhile occurred Brexit and people ask who is next to Exit. Not to mention that Trump happened and the USA giving up from NATO and EU.

Poland should make Polexit, distance itself from Vatican, move out from NATO, declare neutrality on global military alliances and work more on Visegrad. You want Belarus to come to you? And not only Belarus. You want a New Commonwealth and Poland as global power? This is the only way. All other ways are delusional.