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Posts by Przelotnyptak1  

Joined: 22 Nov 2018 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 1 Dec 2024
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Posts: Total: 371 / Live: 363 / Archived: 8
From: USA Grand Rapids
Speaks Polish?: I do
Interests: Variable

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1 Jun 2024
Po polsku / Poznać w Polska kobieta [18]

Nie krytykowałem niczego bo sam wiem jak trudno jest nauczyć się obcych języków.
@ Alien

Moja krytyka dotyczyła ciebie w nieistotnym stopniu. Rick i jego pytania, o znikomej ilości messages pisanych po Polsku był celem mojego postu.
Rich oczywiście zna przyczynę rozpaczliwego stanu polskiego języka na stronach PF, on ,Rychard ,żartowniś, lubuje się w zagrywkach w podśmiechujki:::)))
1 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

Ciekawe czy znalazł Polkę i już się polskiego nauczył?

Alien,Od Ciebie spodziewałem się bardziej rozsądnej odpowiedzi.Tamir pisze tak jak jego znajomość polskiego pozwala.
Zamiast pochwały i dodania otuchy , spotyka go krytyka i rozpaczliwe próby komedii pozbawionej humoru.
Nie dziwię się wcale,że tylko mała garstka rodaków pisze po Polsku.Według "praw" lub raczej beaprawia
regulujące dostęp do lam PF, tylko absolwenci Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego,których nam brak mogą pisać bez bez obawy of ridicule
1 Jun 2024
Po polsku / Poznać w Polska kobieta [18]

Ciekawe czy znalazł Polkę i już się polskiego nauczył?

Alien,Od Ciebie spodziewałem się bardziej rozsądnej odpowiedzi.Tamir pisze tak jak jego znajomość polskiego pozwala.
Zamiast pochwały i dodania otuchy , spotyka go krytyka i rozpaczliwe próby komedii pozbawionej humoru.
Nie dziwię się wcale,że tylko mała garstka rodaków pisze po Polsku.Według "praw" lub raczej beaprawia
regulujące dostęp do lam PF, tylko absolwenci Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego,których nam brak mogą pisać bez bez obawy of ridicule
31 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

While we were camping by the lake, a couple of people went missing. As we were watching our fishing boat, we heard a female voice saying, "John, please don't, not now, please don't stop." I'm concerned that she might have been in trouble. What are your thoughts on this, Feniks?
31 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

"Excellence, as always. My perception of Chemikem differs from yours. I find her attractive and shapely, but she seems confused about her own attractiveness due to her proximity to certain Polish women. Her criticism of my poetry and prose has never bothered me. I actually quite like her, except for her obsessive criticism of you."
31 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

If you had an ounce of humanity you would not be condoning what Johnny writes about young girls.
@ Feniks

Are you Chemikem? I am confused, or have you just lost your edge? Chemikem, in a certain way, was a loose cannon, dealing with Johny,

but always eloquent and marginally logical in her responses; now I doubt your authenticity; you must be an imposter.

Can I answer that one for Finkus, Ptak ?

Well yes by any means, Write away

30 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

If you had an ounce of humanity, you would not be condoning the things that Johnny writes about young girls.
@ Feniks

I admit I am a caricature of a human, ghoulish in fact. What do you present yourself as? By the way, do you smell like roses?"
30 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

Please keep in mind the following text:

about JR's offensive quotes that I posted.

You mistakenly posted Johnny reminiscing about events from an ancient era when modern feminism was practiced by a few radical individuals, and common sense prevailed. It is very dishonest to apply ancient quotes and pretend that they apply to current events. Different eras have different rules. Teenagers with raging hormones in the 1950s are not the same as the mature and responsible Johnny of today.

[quote=Bobko]How can you look at this pathetic excuse for a human being, and think -

It's a really uplifting description of a human being. May I remind you you are not talking about Strzelsec?
30 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]


simply because I'm female.

Let's disregard the divisive male/female perspective and focus on our common humanity. Improvement will be immediate and guaranteed.
Well, I'm not sure how Lenka will react.
29 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

Giving a young girl illegal drugs and alcohol in order to have sex with her isn't a problem for you? Really Noted.

Sexual violence is what you concentrate on and treat as frequent and everyday occurrences. To get your attention focused on the proper perspective.
Thousand of loving encounters occur every minute, but you, in the warped perception, see drug violence and alcohol as one.
I conclude that your outlook on sexuality is pathetic. I have no problem with the above false statement your statement;pathetic
29 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

quote=Feniks]If you support him that much, then you should have no problem introducing him to your granddaughters.[/quote]
It is mind-boggling how low some people can go. Where do innocent granddaughters come from, and what possessed you to drag innocent children
into the pages of PF?
28 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

quote=Feniks] They are his own words, not mine.[/quote]
Sure they are, posted from the perspective of a young, vigorous American with raging hormones. What's abnormal about it?
Read on to plug the sizable hole in your limited knowledge concerning senior males' minds. You would be surprised by the amount of "dirt." the senior mind contains:::)))

Looking at and admiring a flat stomach and shapely body is not a crime; millions of senior citizens do it daily at thousands of beaches. What is wrong with it? Assuming the senior can get it and handle it properly, more power to him. Anyway, it does not concern you; it is between a rigid body with a tight arse

and a vigorous senior you don't fit the equation.
28 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

Would you like links to the original posts

I do not indulge in gossip. Sorry, Lazarus. I question your integrity, authenticity, and existence as Lazarus.
28 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

Perhaps you'd like to introduce him to one of your young female family members.
@ Feniks

I don't see any problems here, Johnny, nothing less than a perfect gentleman in the presence of my family.
28 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

You try your best to insinuate that I'm overweight and over the hill to try and justify your unnatural way of thinking about young girls.

Dear Feniks, Let's assume you are entirely wrong, and Johnny approaching retirement age is attractive, virile, and potent. It is entirely possible.
28 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

Would you like them plied with alcohol and cocaine?

I am sure you have some undeniable truth supporting the above statement, excluding Lazarus's fantastically crazy travels into the world of disbelief.
27 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

Not when uncorked, as Jim is..... it turns to vinegar......
@ Miloslaw

Milo, but don't forget the best noble vinegar you can find. Only five-star restaurants serve the delicacy that is Johnny, in all his glory, Feniks. Are you listening?
27 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]


You are over 70. You come across as a completely lecherous creep.
@ Feniks

Like a fine wine, it gets better with age. The critical factor is "noble." Have you ever experienced nobility? It's a rare occurrence among commoners.

Be kind to Johnny; one night, you might wake up in paradise, even though Richard, the wise one, claims you are equipped with an appendage, not a receptacle. :)"
27 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

Please remember the following text:

You forget that this is sadly all too real and a matter of public record.
@ jon357

I forgot nothing; you, on the other hand, you remember fantasies that never happened. It is simple to find any atrocities in the public record and falsely apply them to any innocent victim, including you. Remember this simple fact for your future writings.
27 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

Jim, it's a matter of public record and a serious one

Sure, and I could come up with an equally idiotic accusation against you. All you need is a convicted pedophile and connect him to you.
27 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

I trust their metrics more than your opinion.

Of course you do; I would be shocked to find out you lost your blindfold, or by some unexplained reason, your mind became open to the truth
26 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]


He is the best president since Reagan and, in all probability, the most honest. Biden and the immense power of the federal government still cannot invent even a hint of a crime. If they were smart, they would employ you and Lazarus. Improvement guaranteed - no crime, just more creative lies.
26 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

Did you think UN healthcare rankings were about 'hurt feelings'?

No, Jon, I think it is garbage; that's all.

There is no thinking, no feelings, just chaos. A fat cat from Burundi is stuffing his pocket with cash and laughing at the useful idiots, woke practitioners.
26 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

Yours (if it can be called a system) has people losing their homes and others unable to afford medicin

Your thinking is a definition of a contradiction; otherwise, how do you explain the health care provided to millions of illegal lawbreakers who demand freebies

every step of the way, including free medical care, while contributing little, oh well, huge contribution to crime, rape, and lawlessness.
26 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

"Why do you pretend that global rankings aren't neutral?"

You seem to be avoiding the truth. While I firmly believe in realistic thinking, it seems like you are pretending and ignoring the fact that the UN is inefficient. The facts are undeniable; no amount of twisting, inventing, or lying will change the truth.
26 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

Your health system is shít.

It is much less smelly than the UK system. However, removing the US contribution to the world's healthcare system would leave us firmly stuck in the 19th century.
26 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

My last non-emergency wait was 2 days.

Rich, Jon's rantings are what they are: envy. Don't you think a reasonable person would give credit where credit is due because most of the advances in modern medicine were created in the US and paid for by American taxpayers?