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Joined: 6 Jul 2017 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 12 Jun 2024
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24 May 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11 [1326]

a sh*tty one, corrupt to the core, and rapidly depopulating

And yet this state and its' people are able to hold off Russia for more than 2 years by now. The push at Kharkiv has been halted yet again, with hundreds of Russian casualties per day. Underestimating has been Russia's biggest mistake since day 1. When the world thought that Kiev would fall within days, the Ukrainians stood their ground and blew Russian helicoperers from the sky near Kiev.

As a side note, don't project your feelings about Russia on Ukraine. It wasn't Zelensky who was almost ousted by a drunken group of mercenaries barely a year ago. I get it, it is painful to realize that the one thing Russian thought they could be proud off - their military might and ability to conquer smaller countries - has proven to be as non-existent as stories about Putin's bravery.

our population was daily sending several hundred of your boys to an early grave through attacks in the rear.

Most of the fighting and dying was done by non-Russians on the Soviet side, with the Ukrainians making the most notable contribution. Their grandchildren are now busy fighting and killing your thugs.
27 May 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11 [1326]

@Bratwurst Boy

there is a drop but the majority still views NATO positively!

No wonder, since being a member is objectively beneficial for the USA. As is the support for Ukraine. Leaving out the political and diplomatic side of it, the war has become one big advertisement for Western weapons, many of which are produced by the USA. There are countles videos of older Western weapons taking out their supposedly cutting-edge Russian counterparts. From a Bradley defeating a T-90, a Patriot System intercepting supposedly unstoppable Russian missiles to ATACAMs destroying a S-400 (which was advertised as being specifically designed to stop those). Honestly whenever an American seller competes with a competitor from Russia, he can from now on just show them a video and win the sale (unless the buyers do not care about quality and rather accept Russian bribes). Particulary the Indians do not seem very impressed by the performance of their largest weapon supplier.

That some Americans still believe that they are somehow losing money on Ukraine, when the producers of HIMARS, Patriots and F-35 have now backlogs well into the 2030s really boggles the mind.
27 May 2024
Off-Topic / The case of Srebrenica, stance of Poland and international consequences [31]


We don`t have a dialogue here.

You can' have a dialogue if one person makes up things and denies basic facts. The truth about the genocide in Srebenica is well-documented and has been established in numerous trials. If given the choice, no sane person would disregard this evidence in favour of the ranting of some crazy person on the internet.
27 May 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11 [1326]

The Indians seem to have taken notice as well.

India looks beyond Russia for defense imports

According to Swasti Rao of the Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses, India has been looking on with surprise at the performance of some of the Russian kit.

How come the Patriots took down the Kinzhal missiles that were touted as invincible? How come Russian ships are becoming such easy targets from a country that doesn't have a navy? Its spy planes such as A-50s, and fighter jets such as Sukhois have been downed so effectively,?
27 May 2024
Off-Topic / The case of Srebrenica, stance of Poland and international consequences [31]


You again ignoring Muslim mujaheedine killing of more then 3000

I am ignoring things that you make up. It has been established that thousands of people were murdered by the Bosnian Serb army. The International Tribunal has soundly rejected any defense of the genocide with previously real or fictional crimes commited by muslims. Ratko Mladic has been convicted for this atrocity and now serves a life-sentence.

To quote the ruling of the tribunal.

"By seeking to eliminate a part of the Bosnian Muslims, the Bosnian Serb forces committed genocide. They targeted for extinction the 40,000 Bosnian Muslims living in Srebrenica, a group which was emblematic of the Bosnian Muslims in general. They stripped all the male Muslim prisoners, military and civilian, elderly and young, of their personal belongings and identification, and deliberately and methodically killed them solely on the basis of their identity.["
28 May 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11 [1326]

Worth remembering that Belgrade belonged to Bulgaria at the same time. Pretty sure Serbs would not be happy to redraw borders to match their state from the 12th century....
28 May 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11 [1326]


Why is it wrong for the US people to be tired of this?

Tired of what, exactly? Selling your weapons and LNG gas to us at a huge profit? Where exactly lies the "burden" for the US in supporting Ukraine You get all the benefits (more energy and weapon sales) without the true costs that the Europeans are carrying (accomodating refugees, financial and humanitarian aid to Ukraine which lets' face it, Ukraine won't be in any position to pay back, and should not be expected to).

Hard to take back something that was legally sold too

We are in the year 2024 and you still think Putin's regime is bothered by the legality of its' actions? They just announced that they want to redraw their maritime borders unilaterally with several neighbours along the Baltic Sea... .
29 May 2024
News / Polish coal will be back [126]

As someone from the Ruhr Valley I can see the charm of coal and its' value to the community. But knowing the damage it does to the planet and the fact it is also increasing the risk of lung diseases, it is for the best once its' no longer used.
1 Jun 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11 [1326]

Well, May came and went. And honestly, given the pessimistic assesments a few weeks ago, it did not go too badly for Ukraine given the circumstances. The Russian push at Charkiv has been halted very early on with heavy casualties for the attackers. The Ukainians are getting better and better at hurting the Russians via long-range drone strikes and they have been given permission to fire into Russian territory close to Kharkiv. There have been several significant new aid pledges and it looks like the ammunition situation will improve in June. Let us hope for the best.
1 Jun 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11 [1326]


It is not bad if you think that minus 35.000 ukrainians,

Russia lost by all reasonable accounts significantly more men than Ukraine, but even they are unlikely did not reach this number.

have already lost several times

That Russia already suffered several heavy defeats, yet continues this ruinous war is hardly something to brag about.

even standing in Berlin

Empty bravado. 27 months into this war and you haven't even reach Kharkiv.
1 Jun 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11 [1326]


because Russia is not stupid.

That is what we used to think until 2022. Then they started a brutal war which they continue to this day against all reason.

@Bratwurst Boy could say Germany has a duty to help Ukraine in this!

Indeed. And as bonus, when future Ukrainians learn about the history of their country, they won't just learn about German tanks invading them in 1940s but also how they were used in their defense in the 2020s.

As horrible as this war is, it has become an opportunity to recast our role in the public perception.
1 Jun 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11 [1326]

Over 465,000 Russian personnel killed or wounded since 2022

The UK intelligence services have proven that they have a pretty good insight into the war. But even if it were 400k or 600k, the scale is staggering. More than all US casualties combined since WWII. Who knows, maybe they'll surpass US casualties during WWII in the end. What a waste of life and ressources. But I suppose this is why the USA is a superpower, and Russia a Great power in decline. For all their faults, democracies do not tolerate the senseless waste of their people at a scale that the Russians still find acceptable.

And the killing goes on, and on and on, with Russia's only plan of victory being outwaiting Western support for Ukraine.
1 Jun 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11 [1326]


too much attention to interests of Germans

Our interests are pretty simple. To live in a peaceful Europe that is positively predisposed towards us and buys our products. The Russian war of agression has put this into jeopardy. Ukraine was not a close trade partner or ally, but if Russia is not stopped there, they may end up invading those down the line. Not to mention the millions of refugees that would cause. Poland is a much more vital partner for us than Russia since it joined the EU. Yeah, supporting Ukraine is expensive, but it is cheap compared to the alternative. And if it ends up neutering Russia's military capabilities, then that is a welcome bonus as well.
1 Jun 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11 [1326]


but not staggering enough to stop pouring gasoline over it?

Apparantly not. Russia just digs itself deeper and deeper. Putin does not care, he is in his 70s. But the young Russians (who are not killed in Ukraine) will have to live in a decaying country afterwards.

Because you aid and abet it

Nonsense. We aid Ukraine's fight against Russia. If we stopped the aid, the fighting would stop, but the killing would continue. Russians could finally implement their murderous plans for Ukraine.
1 Jun 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11 [1326]


We don't need to do anything. The Ukrainians are fighting, and they bore the brunt of the fighting and suffering in WWII.


It is a pity that Stalin did not support it

Less than Russians did not use the opportunity in the 1990s to democratize and decolonize. Truly a shame, and something Russia will come to regret for many years to come.
1 Jun 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11 [1326]


Europe and i know perfectly what a **** hole Europe now is.

Yet infinitely wealthier and liveable than Russia. Even the official figures (which are hardly trustworthy) paint a bleak picture. Poverty, death related to alcoholism, violence, AIDS just to name a few. Corruption is everywhere.

Russian know this as well. Hence the rich Russians are leaving for the West, and the poor ones sign up to the Russian army because being used as cannon fodder pays better than whatever jobs are available in their poor 3rd world like villages.
2 Jun 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11 [1326]

Russia has certainly some peculiar laws.

For example someone who commits statuory rape is exempted from punishment if he pressures his victim into marrying him.

Domestic violence is so common that they partly legalized it.

And how people who rape and kill someone can end up with lower sentences than those who criticize the regime like Navalny (who before being murdered received a ninteen years prison sentence).
3 Jun 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11 [1326]


A German gloating when men are dying...

You are really the last person on thos forum to make sich accusations.

Looks like the Ukrainians are now striking targets at the Belogorod ares. There is now evidence that the Russians as a response started using civilian markets as launching points for their rockets. Russia copying tactics from Hamas, how surprising... .
3 Jun 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11 [1326]


Since it was created - Russia has been a superpower

Nonsense. At which point from before 1945 do you look at Russia and think: That is a Superpower alright. Russia was not even the most powerful country in Europe before the end of WWII.
3 Jun 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11 [1326]

Please note that he never mentions how many Russians have been caught, because then he would have to admit that he uses Russian propaganda numbers that put the number of Russian fatalities at a fraction of the alleged Ukrainian losses.