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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
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29 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

to have the right to have a gun in their home.

You are absolutely correct.

Poles, better than any other country, know what happens to defenseless people.

To suggest that Poles, brave enough to stand up to the Germans in 1939 and 1944, would voluntarily disarm themselves and beg for their lives when a couple of drunk azzholes came uninvited at 2 am is insanity.
29 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Why would anyone need to?

When I see your "jon357" I feel like I need to throw up. Please don't make it worse by idiotic comments like your last one.

In the hetero world, men attack men with fists, hard objects, and guns. In your world, there are no men so I am not surprised by your question.

Go away...
28 Apr 2024
Life / Why Poles have so pro-emigration attitude? [85]

Great, let's start with you.

A moron (def.) - A person who reads this:

Poles, like other idiots, are for immigration because they never get monthly invoices. Those are hidden in general taxes or inflation. Duh!
When immigrants rape and murder, that data is hidden, too.

Bottom line: What morons say should be ignored,

...and comments on that:

What morons say should be ignored

Poland is full of morons like this. Unfortunately, they are allowed to vote and emigrate.
28 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

The laws around storing your gun don't negate that.

Without a gun, even adult men can't defend themselves. This is why cops carry guns.

Why don't you call that grandma and tell her how to do it without a gun?
28 Apr 2024
Life / Why Poles have so pro-emigration attitude? [85]

Poles, like other idiots, are for immigration because they never get monthly invoices. Those are hidden in general taxes or inflation. Duh!
When immigrants rape and murder, that data is hidden, too.

Bottom line: What morons say should be ignored,
28 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

No, it means we treat seriously the possibility of accidental shooting and chance of the gun being stolen.

You are not entitled to switch subjects while responding to a claim.

Poles have no right to self-defense

My claim sands alone. You either agree with it or not.

Your quoted sentence deals with policies and rules. You can collectively decide to give up your right to self-defense for a variety of reasons.

But that is separate from the fact that today you have no right to self-defense. We do and will never give it up. Ask any American here.

Any BS about how guns are statistically dangerous to "society" is pure demagoguery because when MY LIFE is threatened statistics don't matter.

The only thing that matters is who will be still standing in the next 10 seconds.

Nor is it a genuine statistic since there's no such thing as "white America".

Yes, there is such a thing as white America - the America where nig*ers don't live in numbers sufficient to sway the crime rates. See Vermont, Montana...

Locally, Northbrook, Illinois. Haven't seen black face yet...

Why do you think houses are so expensive there...
28 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Yes but it has to be kept in a safe

Then it's useless.

It also means that Poles have no right to self-defense and that defense against violent attacks is a state monopoly.

Yet in that country they have 120 guns per 100 people and it doesn't stop violent crime at all

You are a damn liar.

The white US with its 400,000,000 guns has a murder rate that is lower than in Finland, Austria, France, and Canada.

See Post 2646. If your data is different, post it or GFY.

Is every Euro a brainless moron?
28 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

In Poland, in 2020:

Deadly car accidents - 2500 per year
Homicides - 500 per year

Ban private cars, give the government a monopoly on transporting goods and people, and save 2400 lives.

Unreasonable? Fine...Pass a law that suspends DL for life after being caught with more alcohol than in a baby's formula.
28 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Again, cars are useful on a daily basis. Guns are not.

If guns were not useful on a daily basis, cops would not be carrying them daily. Only on parades.

The probability of being useful is another matter.

To estimate guns' usefulness you multiply the probability of being absolutely critical by the value of what they protect when that moment comes.

If this concept is over your head, I will be happy to elaborate further.

Because I needed different services.

You are lying. Nobody calls 911 unless it's an emergency. When you do, they ask if you want the police or EMTs or both. For information, every police department had a different number.

So what was the reason why you called their emergency number?
28 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / What's your hobby? [166]

Yes, she just want to remain anonymous.

...for a reason. What's that reason? NOYFB is not a reason.

I took mine down for a very simple reason...I found myself in a mob-controlled fascist country and decided that the risks were too high compared to the benefits.
28 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / What's your hobby? [166]

Hey, Mr. Embarrassment, publishing a book and staying anonymous are not mutually exclusive. It is done every day...
I did it, too.

She doesn't want us to know.

So 7 billion people knew but a dozen more would be a calamity?
28 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Can be, true. But they are also immensely useful

Not "can be". They are when used irresponsibly. Following your logic, the state should have a monopoly on transporting people just as it has a monopoly of protecting them.

Therefore, cars should be driven only by well-trained and licensed government car operators. Private ownership should be banned. Need to go shopping? Call 1-800-123-TAXI.

Why did you call 911, not a local library or a priest?
28 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / What's your hobby? [166]

She said already she is not going to give the info.


1. She is embarrassed about how bad it is in grammar and style.
2. What she wrote can be used against her in a civil or criminal trial.
3. She plagiarized another book.
4. She never wrote a book.
5. She is planning to publish a better version.
6. She revealed secrets she wants to keep secret.

Did I miss anything?
28 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / What's your hobby? [166]

Hey, Atch, are you going to keep that book a secret? It's not like a code to activate a nuclear war...
28 Apr 2024
Language / Extremely Hard - Polish the hardest language to learn [226]

You are right.

In the past, gender and sex were interchangeable. Then came the freak confuse the fvck out of the rest of us and deny the existence of immutable body characteristics such as reproductive abilities.

In the process, they claimed that objective truth doesn't exist. Only what one feels.

Strangely, the concept of self-identification is limited only to "gender". So I guess I can't self-id as an 18-year-old black lesbian...Maybe in my next life...
28 Apr 2024
History / Why do Polish people hate to be called Eastern European? [120]

meaning of "Western" or are you simply trolling again?

Yes, I do know what Western stands for.

Lies and deception, pretend democracy, pregnant men, women with dicks, suicidal kids, obesity, looting, disappearing white race, open borders, never-ending wars,...

Want more?

No problem. From today?

You can call me anything except Euro or Western. Even POS or SOB is better...
28 Apr 2024
Language / Extremely Hard - Polish the hardest language to learn [226]

many genders.

Hey, stupid, there are only two genders - male and female. Or man and woman if adults.

Proof: In the history of trans idiocy, there was never a case of some moron asking doctors to make the freak any gender other than either a man or a woman. Duh!

No freak ever asked for gender # 3 or 17.

I am really getting too good at handling idiots...
28 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / Islamists and the Woke Left are uniting to topple the West [30]

absolutely nothing but garbage.

They learn how to be screaming revolutionaries. That must be worth something...

So many choices...Women's Studies, Black Studies, Social Justice Studies, Gender Studies, Ethnic Studies, White Oppression Studies, Riot and Looting Studies, Street Blocking Studies...

Did I miss anything?