The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Bobko  

Joined: 13 Mar 2017 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 2 days ago
Threads: Total: 27 / Live: 23 / Archived: 4
Posts: Total: 2063 / Live: 1987 / Archived: 76
From: New York
Speaks Polish?: Y
Interests: reading, camping

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11 Jul 2023
Life / Are Polish Women very promiscuous towards foreigners and refugees? [197]

whoever you are, you have no spine. Like a worm

I said many times, nobody on this forum gets under my skin more than Lyzko - not even Maf who calls me an orc rapist 10 times a week.

You haven't one scintilla, indeed one shred, of proof to back up your ludicrous claims.

OMG... I want to strangle you!!! You goddamn idiot, what hole did you come from?
11 Jul 2023
Life / Are Polish Women very promiscuous towards foreigners and refugees? [197]

Any native English speaker would clearly know that I'm NOT and NEVER have implied or stated that "all Polish women were/are prostitutes"


You simply argued, that the type of social behavior of women from this region is rare to find in the West, and as such can only be encountered in "Red Light Districts" - such as the one in Amsterdam.

The "Red Light District" in Amsterdam is famous for... containing many prostitutes. Does this mean that Lyzko is saying that "all Polish women are prostitutes"? Of course not - this is statistically impossible. He merely says they ACT like prostitutes.

Big difference.

Now everyone apologize to Lyzko, tidy up on their English reading comprehension skills, and back to work.
9 Jul 2023
Life / Are Polish Women very promiscuous towards foreigners and refugees? [197]

In many Eastern Block countries, promiscuous sex, at the very least, forward flirtation, sold very well indeed


In case you have not access to books or to other forms of media, there was such a thing in the United States as the hippie movement, summer of love, and all sorts of other wonderful things - which didn't slow until AIDS appeared on the scene.

This American "free love" then got exported around the world, just like Transformers are being exported now.

Every dirty, vulgar, ugly thing that came into existence in the last 70 years comes from the West - but our women are prostitutes? If they are prostitutes, in some numbers, then it is because your men love prostitutes, or alternatively cannot get laid without spending a buck.
7 Jul 2023
News / Should Poland pay for gas in rubles? [180]

Does Udmurtia have any autonomy

Udmurtia is a republic, which is highest level administrative division possible in Russia (there are only 21 republics). However, Udmurtia is 70% Russian by ethnicity. The remaining 30% of Udmurts also look super Russian, except they have a high frequency of red hair. Attaching photos of Udmurts below.

does Poland maintain any trade contacts with Udmurtia

Yes, I'm sure. Even after Feb. 24th 2022.

and does it have to pay in rubles?

Not necessarily. Food, cosmetics, medicines, etc are not sanctioned (unless company is self sanctioning).

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7 Jul 2023
News / Should Poland pay for gas in rubles? [180]

That's why the ruble fell so much.

It fell a long time after those events.

The ruble fell not because of the war, or sanctions, but because oil prices dipped.

$100B being frozen in Europe is not the problem. Since we earn a $100B every few months, and have literally no idea what to do with it. Though we are thinking of some creatives uses.
6 Jul 2023
Off-Topic / Poland - The U.S.A. of Europe [20]

Poor is poor

Of course, and poverty is not a sin. Some of my best poor people are friends.

While I entirely agree that far from every poor person qualifies as "white trash", you would have to also agree that the frequency of this term being applied to people from higher socioeconomic strata is similarly vanishingly rare.

There's a connection between low income and white trash behavior. Up to you how you want to trace it. Through a broken household, alcoholism, access to education, etc. etc. Origin is the same.
6 Jul 2023
Off-Topic / Poland - The U.S.A. of Europe [20]

"White Trash" is a very offensive term that could be used in Poland as well as the U.S.

It is not used in Poland, or elsewhere in Eastern Europe. I can't speak for Western Europe.

I am sure the word white trash is used in Poland too.

Again, it is not. Why would this term have any currency in a country where 99.9% of the population is white? Only in America, where you have a myriad flavors of degeneracy, is it necessary to specify what precise type of sh!t you are referring to - a n!gger, a white trash specimen, or a beaner.

In Eastern Europe, "white trash" are simply called "poor people" or some similar locally-relevant term. Not sure if Poles use the word "bydlo" the way Russians do, but that's one approximation. Literally translated - it means cattle.

I'm sorry to say, but poor people worldwide rarely earn positive nicknames from the surrounding populations.

To me they are some of the most down to earth common-sense loving people there are.

Poor people are just like rich people - minus the money.
5 Jul 2023
Off-Topic / Benefits to Poland of being annexed by Russia [17]

I would say a lot.

I don't want to live in a Russia that sends innocent Poles into the oven.

there are no racial hatred it cultural

America is a good example of a country where cultural hate has eclipsed racial hatred. Culture is just as good a basis for hate, as color of skin. If you really want to hate - then you don't need much reason at all. Right?
5 Jul 2023
Off-Topic / Benefits to Poland of being annexed by Russia [17]

my point the glass celling in Russia for Poles wouldn't be that much of a problem like somewhere else


You are saying that Poles will not be immediately marched to the crematoria if your wonderful country is annexed by Russia?

Some Poles can even become millionaires or middle class specialists? What about Russian racial hatred for Poles?
5 Jul 2023
Life / The "I am never wrong" phenom - is it the Polish thing? [63]

Their job require to be paranoid to foresee and take precautions towards their enemies.

This describes cops well, but has little to do with intelligence professionals. A little too much Hollywood, and not enough appreciation for labor specialization within the intelligence apparatus.

Police officers are conditioned to expect that everyone hates them and is more than likely lying to them. This makes them rather irritating companions to the non-initiated, and is the reason why cops are friends with mostly other cops or family.

If you are working in foreign intelligence, then most of your acquaintances and family will have no idea that that is your current occupation. Consequently, they are not likely to lie to you more than to any other civilian or as dictated by their personality.

Neither do you as an intelligence professional really need to lie to people, to get them to help you.

Just generally - I don't think a former spy is necessarily more paranoid than some bureaucrat that managed to rise through the ranks. In fact, Gorbachev and Yeltsin probably had to do an equal amount of slimy things as Putin did, to get where they got - if not more.
5 Jul 2023
Off-Topic / Benefits to Poland of being annexed by Russia [17]

First, Vincent must be addressed.

Sir, I could not find on the forum a single thread dedicated to elucidating the benefits accruing to Poland if it decides to rejoin the Russian sphere. If such thread exists, I would be endlessly grateful to you for merging mine into the other.

Now - many people here know that as a Russian I have an uncommon love for Poland. Its people, its history, its culture. Recently, my Polonophilia has progressed to the point where I feel I am ready to see it annexed into Russia. God willing - this reunion is not to far off in the future.

While we wait, I thought I might list some dividends which Poland could expect to collect:

1) Unimpeded access to the Russian, Armenian, Belarusian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, and Tajik markets.

2) Freedom of touristic and labor mobility. Want to work for your $1B startup remotely from Dushanbe? No residence permits or work permits required!

3) Chance for Poland to become cultural superpower through DiscoPolo and Polish tv series being disseminated throughout the Slavosphere. Watch out Korea!

4) Give your young people a chance to assume the "wheel" of one the most important countries globally. In the past, whether through science, arts, or politics - Poles always found a way to play leading roles in Russia, and consequently on the global stage. Big fish small pond < small fish big ocean.

5) More Poles making more babies with Russians or Ukrainians, will absolutely cement our status as source of the world's most attractive women.

6) You cannot be "Christ Among Nations" - if you no longer suffer for the sins of others.
5 Jul 2023
Life / The "I am never wrong" phenom - is it the Polish thing? [63]

yet it's a consequence of having a former intelligence officer as head of state.

Are you saying that intelligence officers are inherently untrustworthy?

I think that out of all people that work in law enforcement, or other security agencies - intelligence people are the most conscientious, educated, and emotionally stable people.

It's rare that money, or welfare benefits leads someone to an intelligence career. Instead, these people are typically romantics. Patriotism is not considered a mental defect, and lying - paradoxically - is deeply frowned upon. As an intelligence agent without official cover, for example, working to exploit local HUMINT - your word is all you've got to convince an informant to turn their life upside down.

Did you know that George Bush Sr. - was previously head of the CIA - not just some anonymous agent in Dresden?

George Washington - besides being a statesman and a soldier - was also a great spymaster.

In my book - picking presidents from amongst the intelligence community is not the worst thing that could happen.
5 Jul 2023
Life / The "I am never wrong" phenom - is it the Polish thing? [63]

Anyway- is this a Polish thing? Making something that is your fault -somebody elses fault.

I don't know if this is uniquely Polish, but it's a smart strategy.

For example - you are flying as a delegation to an important event abroad. After hearing warnings from the pilots controlling the aircraft that landing is too risky, you choose to berate them and leverage your higher rank to force them into making further unsafe decisions. The plane crashes killing all aboard.

Immediately the eternal question arises - who to blame? Just as fast - the answers comes - blame the Russians.
5 Jul 2023
Off-Topic / Human colonization of space - Where are Poles and Slavs in it ? [10]

Poles are famous for not being able to go to space. I doubt they will be going there anytime soon, or at least not before a coal-fired rocket is developed by the Polish Academy of Sciences.

However, once Europe colonizes some section of the Moon, I am sure Poles will take full advantage of the right to freedom of movement within the Schengen Zone and will begin emigrating in large numbers.

Once established on the moon, I have no doubt that the Moonian Poles will begin petitioning the Lunar Commission to ban entry to Russians and Belarusians. The chance to start from a fresh page, on a new heavenly body containing no Russians, would be interpreted as a once in a millennium opportunity.
3 Jul 2023
Travel / The tick in Poland are very dangerous is it true? [27]

It's a miracle you survived

Not really, but it was a fun two months.

Now every night, in the tent, I check my hairline, pant line, around my collar and around my ankles with a flashlight. Check my dog also, because I always find a ton on her as well.

If you find them in the first 24 hrs, your chance of getting a disease is minimal.
3 Jul 2023
Travel / The tick in Poland are very dangerous is it true? [27]

Lyme Disease is named after Lyme, Connecticut in the US. The American east coast is really the epicenter for encephalitic ticks.

After every camping trip I find a few ticks on me. Usually it is without further incident. However, one time I got bit by a tick that gave me a whole "bouquet" of diseases. I think I got 5 total, of which my tropical medicine doctor rated Lyme Disease as only the third most dangerous. The others that were rated as "worse" were Ehrlychia and toxoplasmosis.

Probably one of the worst ways I've ever felt. Jungle fever, audio/visual hallucinations, cold sweat, and non stop nausea.

Similarly bad was probably the cocktail of industrial strength antibiotics which I had to take for 8 weeks. They wipe out all your gut bacteria, so diarrhea is all you really have to look forward to for two months.
22 Jun 2023
Off-Topic / Curious Books of PF [50]

Here's a good one:

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22 Jun 2023
Off-Topic / Things We Love [288]

Pikantna papryka

Have tried. Can confirm 5/5.

that is calculated into my daily intake.

Hahaha, pathetic. You call yourself a free person?

I love books.

You are on the wrong forum.
22 Jun 2023
Off-Topic / Things We Love [288]

I like to eat on my own as a treat but eating with people I like talking and laughter.

I only enjoy meals in silence when it is two. If it's more - a silence is of course a burden, unless it is really with my closest friends. Then we can sit all 5 quietly, on a terrace, or in a forest camp, for 20 minutes easily.

With my girl right now, I have finally arrived at this point after many years. You notice so much more (and maybe communicate more), when you don't talk.
22 Jun 2023
Off-Topic / Things We Love [288]

This is nice.
22 Jun 2023
Off-Topic / Things We Love [288]

I'll come to the rescue:

I'll do what I can to help.

Things I love, list #2:

1) People that know how to enjoy a meal in silence
2) People that can hear, as well as also be heard.
3) Kind people
4) Good fathers
5) Good mothers
18 Jun 2023
History / Enemies, Strangers, Friends. Poles and Germans. [82]

We want ultimately the same thing. Trade and work with each other and live in a peaceful Europe.

You know who else is aligned on this matter? The other 26 EU countries, with each other, and also with Poland. Not exactly a profound indicator of great commonality.

There are differences to be sure, but broadly Warsaw and Berlin have the same long-term goals.

Have you considered a career in politics or diplomacy? You seem quite good with these sweet nothings.
16 Jun 2023
Travel / Scuba in Poland [6]

The Baltic is cold and murky and there isn't much to see there besides the Word War II shipwrecks

Sounds a lot like New York. I have only ever dived in New York twice, the overwhelming majority of the rest of my dives in the northern half of the East Coast happened in an abandoned and flooded quarry in Pennsylvania called Dutch Springs. The owner sunk some helicopters, planes, buses and other trash at the bottom of the quarry, and then there are floating platforms at different depths where one can rest or regroup with your class. I did a lot of training there for night diving, blind navigation, and other poor visibility shenanigans. It has a certain attraction.

It's nice to look at a school of mackerel, play with an octopus, or float above a reef. But at its core, scuba is a buddy sport, like alpinism or climbing. The fun is in taking care of each other, being obsessive about safety, and then later being able to share the story. I always got more of this on "technical" dives in more "gloomy" waters.

Plus I love wrecks.

I have an active Schengen visa now, but if this war goes on too much longer it will expire and I'm not sure if I can get a new one given the circumstances.
16 Jun 2023
News / Poland is the new military power of Europe. [275]

50% surprisingly correct, 50% exaggeration, and 50% bullsh*t.

Very well, sir, but you could you now explain what the structural breakdown is by associated claim?

Are russian? Talking stuff that makes little sense.

Please, I'm not a mind reader. What do you mean?
16 Jun 2023
News / Poland is the new military power of Europe. [275]

I had some thoughts about why Poland harbors all these strange paranoias about Russia.

Poland - really - is a caricature of a Great Power. If it thinks other don't notice, that's only Poland's fault. Everyone can see how Poland is very comfortable wearing the "big brother" mask around Lithuania, Slovakia, Belarus, Hungary, and even Czechia (somebody here keeps posting a graphic that shows how much more population and resources Poland has than the Czechs). Poland is many times bigger than its neighbors, and enjoys throwing its weight around.

The mere existence of Germany and Russia at its borders, two states that dwarf Poland's ambitions in terms of their reach, raises Poland's blood pressure. It's a constant reminder that there is a further "tier" above its little Visegrad and Intermarium bullsh!t. An ever present "reality check", that does not let Polish chauvinism flourish in all its glory, and instead makes Poland toxically vindictive.

If somebody is greater and stronger than Poland then there must be something intrinsically wrong with those countries. Russians are thieves and rapists, while Germans are soulless and murderous. In this way, Poland regains the higher moral ground and can continue feeling superior despite all outside indications to the contrary.

But seriously, please don't pretend Poland does not throw its weight around with its smaller neighbors. In some instances it behaves worse than Russia. For example, the tone in which Polish politicians speak to Lithuanian politicians. Reminds one of how Britain spoke to the Maharajas of India.