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Posts by GefreiterKania  

Joined: 26 Dec 2020 / Male ♂
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13 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Are they wearing 'thousand dollar jackets'.

Yes. There were pictures posted of one of the the c**ts cutting the tree to destroy the border fence, wearing a brand new "Canada Goose".

trying to destroy the border fence of a country by another country's military forces must consitute an act of war

... and Belarussian forces were openly trying to cut the border fence yesterday and run it over with their cars whilse blinding Polish guards with lasers in the process - it's reported on Polsat at the moment. Surely this cannot be allowed.
13 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

These migrants are opportunists,who are trying to take advantage of the system.

Opportunist paying Lukashenko's criminal regime thousands of dollars to traffic them to the EU, carrying iphones and wearing "Canada Goose" thousand-dollar jackets, using children as human shields and propaganda weapons in the process, destroying the border fence and attacking soldiers guarding it. Poor innocent pawns indeed.

If this keeps up, Novichok's methods of dealing with it will no longer look that implausible. People are getting radicalized and for a reason.

EDIT: not to mention that there are confirmed intelligence data that there are veterans among the "refugees" trained to conduct terrorist attacks in the EU territory. This has to be finally properly dealt with.
13 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Remember that these are the innocent pawns in all this.

No, they are not. Last night those "innocent pawns" once again attacked Polish army with tear gas provided for them by the Belarussian forces. Meanwhile, Belarussian engineer units tried to destroy the border fence whilst attempting to blind Polish border guards with lasers. At least some of those "poor innocent pawns" are willful accomplices of Lukashenka's criminal regime.

One thing that comes to mind is that trying to destroy the border fence of a country by another country's military forces must consitute an act of war. This is becoming less and less "hybrid" and moves towards a regular conflict.
11 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

So that would help Putin with NS2, OK, but how does this help Lukashenka? He gets fees for every cubic metre of gas he sends through Yamal - it's not as if he's sleeping on money at the moment. It looks like Putin is getting ready to take over Belarus and Lukashenka has lost the plot completely (he might even be sacrificed by Putin and replaced with another marionette).
11 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

That is just one single date in 20th century. Tell us about 19th century, for example.

Oh, so you're saying the 19th century was less "patriarchal"? :)

Today women are breaking off the chains that dominating males put on them in the past

And on this humorous note from Pawian I end my participation in this thread. :)
11 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

But that of course is exact that situation why NordStream was being build in the first cut out such unreliable middlemen...

There are no middlemen here, BB. Lucuntshenka would never even dream of stopping the Yamal gas transfer without explicit permission from Russia.
11 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

I supported the previous compromise

Yes, the previous law was not ideal, but it was more humane... if that's the right word. :-/

Abortion is a matter of conscience while robbery or murder have been a matter of law since Hammurabi times.

Not really. Abortion has been a matter of law all over the world as well. In Poland abortion, fully on demand without limitations, was legal only between 1943-45 under Nazi occupation.
11 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

No, it doesn`t, it is a woman`s choice.

So you support the right to legal abortion on demand (even though you wouldn't have it yourself)?

Every individual in his or her own conscience.

Well, every individual can decide in his or her own conscience whether to steal money from the bank or murder his neighbour - that's obvious. The question is: should it be legal?

Forcing anybody to adopt the view they don`t believe in is coercion.

Like the view about private property or the right of another person to life that they don't believe in? You are oversimplifying the matter, Pawian. It's very unlike you.
11 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Because a lot of people don`t consider a fetus a child.

That's the crux of the matter. Tons of paper have been used to write about the problem. Who is to decide when "a fetus" becomes a child? And if we give ourselves this right to arbitrarily decide the age until which it is legal to kill the child, then if 3 months is OK then why not 6 months... or 9? Or 8 years?

I am against abortion and right now my attitude is that I would never have it

Same here.

But some women have the right to think differently and I am fighting for that right to have a choice.

Well, it all depends what choice we are talking about.
11 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

If so, you have mistaken threads, I am afraid.

Not really. He's probably just speculating about possible consequences of people being allowed to arbitrarily decide which children and when to kill.

Philip K. Dick's The Pre-persons come to mind.
11 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

who he blames for his brothers death

The person whom he blames for that is first and foremost Tusk, and the officials responsible for the organisation of the tragic flight. I don't think Kaczyński believes in the Russian bomb theory (that's up there with nanobots in the vaccines).
10 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Remember that in the European Parliament Kaczyński is already allied with pro-Putin Salvini, Orban and LePen. This whole thing begins to stink

... I wouldn't be surprised if that's why Kaczynski is not letting the free press or Frontex anywhere near the border. If that's all concerted with Lukashenko and Putin to make Polexit more acceptable to the Polish society then we are all in deep ****.

Hopefully it's just my paranoia.
10 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Tusk warns the EU leaders that they have to use all the necessary means soon to stop the destabilisation of the EU eastern border...,nId,5637367

... he's concerned that something unpredictable might happen; there are rumours of Iraqi veterans among the "refugees" being trained by Belarussian army to conduct terrorist attacks in the EU, as well as of possible military force provocations.

However, I think he might also be concerned about something else. If the EU doesn't deal with the crisis accordingly, and instead concentrates on teaching PiS a lesson (stopping the euro funds, condemn abortion and anti-LGBTQ laws, enforce the payment of fines for Turów and judicial system reform etc. etc.) and the border operation ends with a failure, then Kaczyński might say - "look, the EU are absolutely useless in times of need, and all they do is bully us and meddle in our internal affairs! Maybe it's time to reconsider our allegiance?".

Remember that in the European Parliament Kaczyński is already allied with pro-Putin Salvini, Orban and LePen. This whole thing begins to stink and I start to notice the underbelly of it all...

Tusk is right to call for immediate action.
10 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Meanwhile in the European Parliament...

"We are using barbed wire against human beings. Do we have to see people freezing in Polish forests as a weapon?" - asks Ska Keller, representative of German Green Party;

"My God, where am I? Polish government mustn't used the rhetorics of calling refugees a "weapon". What an ultranationalism! It's a shame! Be ashamed of yourselves!", says leftist deputee Cornelia Ernst.

Sometimes I understand Novichok's contempt for some of the western politicians. Absolutely despicable. *rolls eyes*
9 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

I assume they paid Lukashenko more than the pocket money they receive from Poland, so it's not a profitable trip for them; besides the entire adventure was far from pleasant anyway and I doubt they will want to repeat that (especially that winter is coming :)).
9 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]


Refunds might be a problem. PiS are not exactly close friends with the EU at the moment (but they are doing the EU border defence duty as they should, we have to give them that).
9 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

At the moment 1800 refugees are inside Polish migrant facilities, and about 300 have already agreed to go back to their countries of origin. Poland will pay for the return tickets and provide some "wyprawka" (pocket money) for them. :)
9 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

We can get gas on reverse from Germany, and buy it from the US, Norway or Quatar, even if it costs more. We can also increase our domestic production by about 1 billion metric metres, so all this combined should suffice. In the long run Russia cannot afford to lose their gas money, so this wouldn't work very well for them.

Do you think they will risk losing s*itloads of money (the mainstay of their economy, in fact) for this refugee comedy/parody? I think not.

EDIT: As a matter of fact we can increase domestic production by 7-11 billion metric meters...

... he, he - take that, thugs and human traffickers. :)
9 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

a nasty personal comment

The fact of your being stuck on a significant depth inside the anus of the current Russian president can easily be inferred from your numerous posts on this board, so that's hardly an insult. Merely stating a fact in, perhaps, somewhat direct manner but a fact nonetheless.

in response to legit questions

What legit questions? Those that directly or indirectly suggest the lack of involvment of Russian support behind the entire refugee crisis? You're having a laugh.

So what about those "firm coordinated steps"?

I already mentioned them: total and immediate closure of cargo transport to/from Belarus and Russia. When the gangsters calculate the amount of money they lose, they will quickly end their hybrid war antics. Other sanctions were mentioned here too by BB - it's all here to read, but I appreciate that those solutions can be hardly visible from the dark and rather smelly place where you currently reside (yes, I mean the Putin's rectum and it's not an insult).
9 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]


Good article. Their plan is simply to stretch our lines and get as many migrants through as possible. There is not a snowball's chance in hell that Lithuania will effectively guard 679 km of border with Belarus (compared to our 416), so that's a huge problem (NATO should first reinforce Lithuanian border), and Ukrainians have their problems in the east. Unless a coordinated response by the EU/NATO is prepared soon, things will get even worse.
9 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]


We already have razor wire and state of emergency, as well as throngs of Army/Police at the border (more than the entire Lithuanian Army), and still some of them manage to get through. This is not looking good...
9 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Lithuanian authorities report that migrants are being transported from Polish to Lithuanian border. I said that this would happen - they will cross Lithuanian border more easily and head towards Lithuanian-Polish border, stretching our forces. If the same thing happens on Ukrainian border it will require doubling the forces at least. :-/

This will cost billions and the EU is blocking Polish funds, because we are "undemocratic". Brilliant...
9 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]


I agree with everything in your post except for this...

nothing will be done (...) German media will start propaganda how fascist Poles beat innocent women and children once **** hits the fan.

... it would mean betraying Poland, and Germany are our allies.
9 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Polish soldiers were attacked with tear gas by migrants...,79cfc278

... so now Belarus is arming them with gas. I wonder when will they give them proper weapons. This will get nasty if the EU/NATO don't do something soon.

Police also reports armed migrant groups robbing houses in the border area. More police forces are being sent from Masovia. This gets more and more serious...
9 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Close the borders with Belarus and Russia completely for both cargo and passenger movement. The cost will be overwhelming for them.

They only understand the language of power.
17 Sep 2021
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

No, it's not. Neither is modesty, truthfulness or common decency for that matter. How can a theoretically Christian country have political class so completely and utterly devoid of anything even resembling Christian virtues is beyond me...