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Posts by Filios1  

Joined: 13 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 28 Oct 2010
Threads: Total: 8 / Live: 2 / Archived: 6
Posts: Total: 1336 / Live: 207 / Archived: 1129
From: PL
Speaks Polish?: Tak
Interests: Polska, History, Nature

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10 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Look Sokrates, I hope I'm not ruining any dreams of yours here. But there are certain, shall we say, cultural, social, ethnic whatever you want to call it, differences which would have nullified any attempts at your glorious alliance. So as much as you sit here right now, and ponder, what if, can you just realize that it is highly doubtful that such a pact could have been made, when Hitler had already tried to make similar ones years earlier? It was not Hitler who rebuffed this alliance, it was the Poles themselves.

I'm no idealist, either, but there are huge, huge barriers which would have to be crossed in order for an alliance to work.

Definitely, over one milion good soldiers, a military orders of magnitude more effective than for example Italian one, Poland could have provided the skilled troops that Germany lacked in the critical moment.

Napoleon tried that once, didn't he? With the Poles. You think 1 million men would be suited up, and ready for direct action against the Russians? Can you imagine the leadership issues, transport, supplies... And would this 1 million force be used, only in this offensive? Or used elsewhere in Europe? And again, you're whole plan relies on the simple fact, of whether or not they are going for Germany's goals.. or for their own?

Germany commited one of the most horrible crimes in the living history and the West elevated their economy to the status of regional power while Poland was brave, noble, true to its ideals and got sold, fucked red raw and will take decades to recover so screw legacies, go with whats profitable the most, legacies wont rebuild our economy or culture.

Yes. A rather unfortunate fact of life, I'm afraid.
There are certainly decisions made by Poland, which are not well thought through.. all throughout history. The heart, rather than the head, is what has guided them.

Perhaps a classic example, one which I've mentioned before, is in the late 17th century, where Poland had a chance to ally themselves with the Ottoman Empire, or save Western Europe. Right when the scales were tilted in the Ottoman's favour, Sobieski allied himself against the wicked Muslims.

And to think. Austria would backstab Poland in the partitions, only a few decades later.
I've contemplated the idea of Poland sitting back, and letting the Ottoman's carve up Western Europe, and giving Poland free right to take some in the East, many times before. Not only would they have been overstretching themselves at that point, and looking for an ally to help them keep their land, they also would have left Poland alone, for the respect they had for Sobieski and his armies.

So we can dream all we want, Sokrates. What has been done, is done.
10 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Like i said Jews would most likely had to go but in retrospection seeing how they behaved in 1939 when Soviets came i would be unhappy but willing to make such a sacrifice for the greater good of Poland.

Yeah, sure, thats all well and good. But tell me.. do you actually think Poland would have made that big of a difference, in the grand scheme of things? Would Germany have taken all of Europe, and been able to hold onto it? What happens after? I don't think the Soviets would be too happy as they make their way through Poland back to Germany. You'd encounter devestation, not to the same extent perhaps, but devestation nonetheless. So now you are forever seen as Nazi collaborators, instead of freedom fighters. What in your mind, is the better legacy?
9 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

No interest? Even in the women, for breeding purposes back in the fatherland?
9 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

true. its ridiculous question

Crow, it is nice to see you again, bracie!

A very interesting article you sent.. May I ask you a question. What factors kept Hitler from occupying Yugoslavia (not including Croatia), and enslaving the Slavic population there, as in Poland?
9 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

More or less.

Ok. Well, Sokrates, I hope you are not mistaking me as anti-Polish, and trying to play down the skill of the individual Polish soldier. I was not trying to, by any means. However, it is well known that not only training and experience come into play during war. Other, more ambiguous factors come into play, like morale, courage, and determination. France fell, mainly because she had underestimated the German's, and their speed, and had over relied on infantry, rather than motorized vehicles. France, after seeing Polands large army fall, probably did not feel very confident that her own army could withstand the Nazis.

it put up such a fight because despite all these shortcomings it was one of the best fighting forces of Europe at that time with skilled determined personnel who performed miracles with what they had at the time, the very fact that the war would drag into 2 or 3 months without Russians is testament to this skill it had nothing to do with the desperation you imply because:

So you would not call retreating all the armies to the capital, a desperation move? Large supply columns, artillery, all being hurried back for a last stand. Was it merely skill that was slowing down the Germans, then? You would not call the countries leadership fleeing to Romania, a desperation move? Thats shite, and you know it. All these things factored into play. You obviously did not see similar manoeuvers by the French army, after the Germans had broken through. The French back had been broken, as soon as their Maginot Line was surrounded from all sides, the troops there stranded.

But, I do agree with you about the 2-3 month time frame, had the Russians not invaded from the East. Simply, the armies would have kept retreating further, and further towards the East, creating problems for the Germans of placing occupation troops along the way.

In 1939 no one had ANY idea whatsoever as to what Germans were up to, everyone expected Prussian occupation at the worst, which was a lawfull and disciplined affair without genocide or racism,

Yes. Although Hitler's intentions in the East were widely publicised, since the 20's, no Pole had ANY idea of what was coming, right?

And, I was not referring to extermination. But rather, very harsh occupation. For a country that had been free for 20 or so years, this was not a very nice prospect. People forget, nations forget, in times of peace. It is times of war that give new found appreciation to freedom.

If Poland had France's equipment the war might have ended in Berlin

What if? Yes. It might have. The German army, looking back, had not been as invincible as widely perceived. If France had struck, with British help from the West, and Poland from the East, with a more modern army, the war would have been over in a month or so.

I think you are missing the point though. The point is, that Hitler never had any intentions on keeping a promise, and actually respecting an alliance, AFTER, it had already given him what he wanted. Poland would have been eventually invaded, and taken over, as soon as Russia would have fallen. And then what? You are hated by the Germans, and you are hated by the Allies. Not a great position to be in, certainly.
9 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

A rather tricky subject, today a German friend of mine and i had a chat about WW 2, when asked what was Hitlers biggest mistake he told me "not allying with Poland".

Either your friend is an idiot, or you're an even bigger idiot for asking such a ridiculous question.
lol, domination of Europe by Germany, AIDED by Poland?

Polish army while not modern has proven to be the most effective opponent that Germans faced up to

Poland was the most effective opponent that the Germans faced up to, simply because they relied on sheer grit and determination. They knew that if Germany was allowed to take Poland, then Poland would be in chains, once again.

Let me ask you one question. Do you think that the Polish army would have been as effective in slowing the German advance down, IF they had no knowledge of the brutal occupation the Germans had in store for them?

Freedom is one thing, as in France's case. When one still has the memory of being enslaved, freedom will never be taken for granted.
2 Dec 2008
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

What else we can call black peoples from Africa so not to offend them?

Afrikanczycy? lol...
29 Nov 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

So, you are free when you are captured

I think Constantine has more metaphisical, Kantian-like, notion of freedom.
For example, freedom of thought, of conceiving fundamental laws... even when constrained by physical barriers, like in a jail.
29 Nov 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

I am stoic, so let it be

And if you knew what the stoic philosophy is based on, you would know that there is a fundamental belief in a "giver" or God.

Perhaps read up on Epictetus or Marcus Aurelius.
29 Nov 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

I find it amusing that the Marxist Jew Lenin, who was used as a tool by the Germans to start internal revolt and lead Russia out of the war, became such a hero for the Russians. He would never have succeeded without German involvement, and most likely would never have returned to Russia.

Russia would probably still be under a tsar today. God knows they were subordinate for so long. Why not a few decades longer?
29 Nov 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

By killing man you just push the off button like on computer

Perhaps you would enjoy it if I pushed the off button on your computer then? Or your families? Or your friends?

You are a disgusting, vile, human being. Communist scum like YOU deserved to be turned off, and I have absoulately no sympathy for anyone of your family members, friends, whoever, who were put to death by Stalin. Hell, you are just proving Hitler right by acting like a Slavic animal.

You are wrong on one thing though, Poland would not have acted like your beloved, barbaric Soviet rulers. Never in their modern history have they been apt to commit such atrocities to such an extent, as in Katyn.

It really is a testimony of the backwardness of a society when utopian Jewish ideals like Marxism become so enthusiastically installed, and where the citizens actually believe it can work without being corrupted along the way.
29 Nov 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Clarify please

2 psychopaths like Hitler and Stalin obviously would not command any authority without some support or backbone if you will. Each society was ripe for such dictators.
29 Nov 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

that the decisions of 2 men shouldn't blacken the name of their countries.

If it were as simple as it being the decisions of two men, I doubt there would be any animosity between us today... there is much more to it.
28 Nov 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Do you have kind of complex

£ukasz, why do you still use the Prince account? Why not your old account?
24 Nov 2008
Life / Do Russians and Poles get along? [53]


What hatred spews from that mouth of yours...
It is distorted view points like yours, from both the Polish and Russian side of the boarder, which are slowing negotiations down. It is in our best interests to cooperate and form a stronger economic partnership.
12 Nov 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

Lawrence of arabia was violently gang raped by turks when he was captured by them

ha ha ha.... oh my...
So they 'conveniently' left that part out of the motion picture?
8 Oct 2008
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

wouldnt want to live in Poland

So you take these peoples word for it, and think you wouldn't want to live there? You're playing right into their filthy hands...
8 Oct 2008
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

I hate the polish because they are beneath me. I hate poland because polish culture is inferior to western culture.

You vile, disgusting man. I had hoped a bus maybe ran you over so you would simply go away from here. Please, I want you to come pay us Poles a visit and say the things you have the "guts" to say here.

Like I said, negative titles, attract negative and disgusting comments about Poland. Why are threads like these even allowed to exist? I think the liberal moderators are for filth like no-immigration, rather than trying to make this a forum that promotes Poland. It surely needs to be cleaned up a bit around here.
8 Oct 2008
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

oh dear... the cons list is longer than the pros list.... but I'm just grumpy tonight maybe :p

Why don't you just get on the next plane that leaves Poland then and do us all a favour.

3 reasons why do you hate Poland.

If there were any doubts from us Poles that you were a swine, I think this idiotic topic itself answers all our questions.
23 Sep 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

History, natural beauties, sea, rafting etc.

I've mainly been to the big 2, Istanbul and Ankara... and in the surrounding countryside. I am interested in history, mainly, and architecture.. A place where I could stay and sample Turkish cuisine would also be nice..

Of sports, I am interested in windsurfing..
Are there a lot of places which accomodate tourists with equipement, for rent?