The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by wslipach  

Joined: 27 May 2024 / Male ♂
Warnings: 8 - TTATTTBT
Last Post: 17 Jul 2024
Threads: 8
Posts: 97
From: Dupa
Speaks Polish?: Aha
Interests: To the fucking idiot who set up this form: I don't have gender you moron, I have sex , my sex is male you stupid lefty cunt

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31 May 2024
News / Polish Government of runs on 2 engines: Bribery from EU and Polish inferiority complex about being Polish [25]

, I personally seen reality when working in Poland. General image of a country "modern, not old fashioned and future oriented" only to come downing on them when visiting the country.

What are you talking about? You have seen nothing and on top of it you are off topic, but I will comment nevertheless. Firstly, what transformation you mean? The shops? The cars? The buildings? In the 80s when in Poland we rebuilt a lot of what Germans destroyed we had normal buildings, cars , shops, roads, sexshops and guess what , even video cameras and other ****, just not tthe quality that westerns enoyed. Yet Americans thought that we wallow in mud, hourses walk around everywhere and that we never seen a tv screen. So really, not much has changed Mr Gruunwald , just your perception , but Poland is not hat different to what it was before. Your ignorance is what has painted a false image of Poland. And to me Europe is not modern, it is old , faking old and mostly ugly and restrictive. You want modern, go to Asia or USA.

If by modern you mean McDonalds and Hungry Jacks, cannabis in chocolate and cars everywhere then wow , so cool
31 May 2024
USA, Canada / Why Americans don't allow men to be in briefs at the beach/swiming pools? [90]

I was 13 when we went to a summer camp and heard about the nudist beach near by. We visited obviously but we got scared and run away.
@ Lenka

This is a thread about weird prohibition laws and negative attitudes towards men wearing briefs on American beaches and swimming pools as oppose to free attitudes in Poland towards the same issue. The thread is not about nudidy or nudist beaches, unless you want to make some kind of link to the briefs wearing and nudity then feel free, but your comment does not link the two, so stay on topic.

To those who ask how this thread relates Poland , I say look above and also consider the fact that it is the very prudish American fashion of wearing shorts to the beach that started to spread all over Europe , including Poland, lucklily not everyone in Poland follows that fashion.
30 May 2024
News / Time to clean the swamp - dePiSification of Poland [298]

Neutral media in Poland?? No , you are full of ****, show me neutral media. Some are left? I just listed all the leftie media, that is already 99% of media in Poland, you are full of **** again. And there is no centre in Poland anymore, even Polsat is more left than right, triple full of **** you are, stop spreading false news here.
30 May 2024
News / Time to clean the swamp - dePiSification of Poland [298]

Worlds media is overtaken by the lefties who continue to paint a false picture of reality by guessed it - the social media that is allegedly occupied by the right It is there that the left spreads its propaganda of bullshit. The left have more funding , more psychos on their side and as such they can push forward whatever they want, they can present false picture, basically its what we call in Poland "Złodziej krzyczy: łapać złodzieja!" meaning a guilty party diverts attention from itself by projecting its crimes onto an innocent party. Its what OP did here, by making us think that the right in Poland have all the media in hand, where in fact it was only one media outlet that was nowhere near as biased as all other media that outnumbered rightist media by 100 to 1 , but continued to play on the emotions of the weakminded making those people think that the right have all the power of the media. All the media in Poland like GW, Newsweek, Fact, Polsat, TVN, DTTV, Eska Radio, Radio Z, Sok z Buraka, Oczko and many many others are all in the hands of the left and play hard, aggressive propaganda all day long, every faking day for decades now. You open internet in Poland and it is all lefty media who cry how much the one rightist media outlet dominates news in Poland to paint false picture of tyrany of the right in Poland. Hilarious how they switched it around, but some people bought it because Polish are too emotional and all you have to do is work out what will work on them and that way you can manipulate them easily. Polish are easily manipulated .
30 May 2024
Life / Polish songs with religious motifs [23]

Funny but its arrangement and choir remind me of Jewish songs that I heard in New York.
@ pawian

Thats not funny at all, its horrible, but thats Christianity for you - it comes from Judaism. The good thing is that "remakes" of Slavic songs or creations of songs that suppose to simulate Slavic festive sounds have no trace of anything Jewish.
30 May 2024
News / Polish coal will be back [129]

There's not much charm except for a coal fire at home and mining is dirty and dangerous work.

And nuclear energy is much safer for individual household owners and workers at nuclear plants - radiation is fun and exciting. Besides, Poland relies on coal, without it can not function and not long ago it was the eight biggest exporter of coal in the world. Poland needs coal.
30 May 2024
USA, Canada / Why Americans don't allow men to be in briefs at the beach/swiming pools? [90]

If prude means limiting what you expose children too; I'm a proud prude who will gladly kick a nudie perv's arse. How is that?

Social acceptance has limits. Get over it.
@ dannytoro1

What children have to do with it? What perving have to do with it? I did not put out a thread so an idiot will post anything in response to it. Do not post on my thread, the level of your response is on a 5 year old child's level , no wonder you are obsessed with children.
30 May 2024
News / Polish Government of runs on 2 engines: Bribery from EU and Polish inferiority complex about being Polish [25]

PO (Civic Plaftform) party, and the rest of the current ******** government that came out from goats ass relies on ignorance of their followers who are behind times and have not realised that the world runs on economy not emotion. All you have to do today is **** out some fakup article in the social media abt how being Polish is unEuropean or oldfashioned and it works like an electric current on dickheads who are petrified of not being accepted by the "world" community of superior beings like Western Europeans or Americans.
28 May 2024
News / Polish coal will be back [129]

She won't be needing coal to stay warm where she's gone to now.

Like your comrades from the tribe . How do you know where Thatcher is? It is not right to speak **** abt the the dead as they cant speak in their defence , for a start. I heard abt her and her ideas did not appeal to me , but anyways...We have our own Thatcher here , his name is Leszek Balcerowicz , a real ****

Balcerowicz is one of the idiots who wants to get rid off Polish coal. Another fukwit who desn't care abt Polish economy.
28 May 2024
News / Polish coal will be back [129]

Hey, on this board we refer to our German friends and neighbours without the use of words which are replaced with asterisks by the forum software. :)
@ Torq

Hey, I dont give a toss abt your faktastic germans or u
28 May 2024
USA, Canada / Why Americans don't allow men to be in briefs at the beach/swiming pools? [90]

We can speculate like dickheads on this, but the anwser is quite simple: Americans are prudes. But then you may wonder why then women are allowed to wear bikini and walk around with boobs sticking out in a bra as well as wear skimpy briefs , if Americans are so prudish wouldn't they dissallow also women from wearing skimpy garmets to the beach? Well, they wouldn't, so why the double standard and why this prohibition at all?
28 May 2024
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]

What??? The ...are you on about? Who showed scorn towards the whole world, who for centuries focused on itself and only itself, who makes Hollywood movies about itself and only itself? Who comes from a nation that is the most closed within itself and separates itself from others and diregards other people as equal to itself?

Answer: A Jew
28 May 2024
News / Polish coal will be back [129]

German ***** want to get rid off Polish coal industry, but coal will be back, simply because there is nothing else that is as cheap and in such abundance and is useful.