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Posts by SouthMancPolak  

Joined: 10 Apr 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 13 Jun 2010
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11 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Oxford Polish bride 'heartbroken' over arrest - accusations of sham marriage [126]

If daring to criticise foreigners who abuse British people (and think that it's OK because they think they won't be understood by the locals) makes me a "snobbish hater", then so be it. Many Poles have been told (in Polish) what I think of their attitude to Britain and the British, and I'll do it again if I have to.

My generation respected this country, and I'm not going to stand back and just listen to these people put my country down like this - if they don't like it, and think that somewhere else is far better (and, as they keep telling me "where there are fewer badly-dressed, fat, ugly, lazy, drunken wh*res") then they know where they should move back to!
11 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Oxford Polish bride 'heartbroken' over arrest - accusations of sham marriage [126]

but why to lower urself to their level, thats what i m asking. It is good and respectable that you defend England and british people, i do it myself wheenever someone says something bad and make generalizations but we are humans after all, just coz someone does something it doesnt mean we are justified in doing the same. And after all not all people are the same. Why to have the same attitude as the people whom u despise?

Human nature, I suppose. Or, giving as good as you get. I'm one of the politest, most respectful people you can imagine... unless you cross me ;) It's sad that it's my own people (Poles) who have abused me more than any other group of people. And people on here wonder why some people say Poland is "50 years behind the West". East/South-East Asians are the ONLY group of people I have never had any hassle from whatsoever, I'm sorry to say. It doesn't make me hate all the others, but maybe I have good reason to be more critical of Poles??

Do they? maybe those people who think that cant think on their own, same as you.
I am a polish girl living abroad and i dont know even one girl who would go with a guy coz he is dark skinned.

I keep telling people this but no-one believes me :)

I've had two Polish girlfriends who made the BNP look like yoghurt-knitting liberal-lefties, and I've only ever met one Polish woman who admitted to liking non-whites (or indeed non-Poles).

However, I'm sure there are plenty more - there are definitely some white English women who say "I only date blacks or <insert ethnicity here>" so why would Polish women be any exception?
11 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Oxford Polish bride 'heartbroken' over arrest - accusations of sham marriage [126]

I wouldnt be surprised if new laws are intruduced making it even more difficult for certain nationals to marry in the UK..which is a shame for those who are actually genuine.

It already exists, and is already keeping the wrong couples apart:
11 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Oxford Polish bride 'heartbroken' over arrest - accusations of sham marriage [126]

We'll mark you out of 10 when we do the meet up lol :D Im going to have some score cards made up ;0)

haha the lads will have to do something similar LOL

I mean something more stringent - because what we have atm doesn't seem to be working

Considering that terrorist laws can be used against people who over-fill their dustbins, I'm sure the legal profession could find a way round it - unfortunately, I don't think the will is there, when it comes to immigration at least.

Maybe the priest got to nob all the EE girls before he agreed (bad taste I know, but I couldn't resist)

I think that Scottish priest who killed that Polish girl a while back was "getting some", so you may even be right!
11 Jun 2010
Polonia / Trip to Sweden - questions [39]

i'd like a game of hide and seek in one of them :)

You hide, I'll seek ;)
11 Jun 2010
Polonia / Trip to Sweden - questions [39]

;) ok wont be that difficult to hide, but you'd give up after a while and seize seeking me out :)

That depends on how much I want to find you, doesn't it? ;)
12 Jun 2010
Love / Ten things to remember when you have a Polish girlfriend [79]

1. Her name
Bear with me, I’m not being (completely) flippant. About 90 percent of all women in Poland are named Magda, Ola, Anna, Dorota, or Kasia. That’s it. This can be confusing. If you can’t remember your Polish girlfriend’s first name ask her what her second name is. Everybody has a second name here. Unfortunately it’s usually just one of the above, but you might get lucky and come across a Jadwiga (if you’ll pardon the expression).

This is why she only gets called "kochanie" lol

2. Women’s Day

same with all women really

3. She is a a princess
Polish girls are brought up in the tradition of old-fashioned chivalry and deference to the ‘weaker sex.’ That means YOU carry the bags, open the door, mend things, make tea in the morning, escort her to the bus stop etc. When a little exasperated by this I often point out to my girlfriend that she’s being a ‘bit of a princess’ to which she usually smiles and flutters her eyelids in complete ignorance of the negative connotations of the phrase in British and American English. Oh well.

She just needs to be reminded occasionally about who is the prince :)

4. Walking is impossible
Part of the chivalry thing mentioned above is the expectation that whenever you are walking somewhere together she should have her arm looped through yours. Down narrow and crowded streets this makes progress painfully slow. It’s sweet, and I kind of like it sometimes, but it would be nice to walk through crowded areas in single file sometimes instead of having to go through ridiculous sideways-shuffling maneuvers, every five feet.

This is 100% true LMAO

5. You are furniture
While trying to relax and watch a film in which hundreds of Russian troops are hosed down by panzers she will use you as a pillow / footstool / nose-scratching device. This is also kind of sweet and nice, but it can make it hard to concentrate on the body count.

And this! But all women do this ime. I object to being a doormat but I don't mind being a footrest lol

6. She has a mother…

Actually, no. She died young.

7. Your food is not your own
It’s a well known fact amongst men that women mysteriously become ravenously hungry only when you happen to have a large plate of long-anticipated chips in front of you. However, the effect does seem to be particularly pronounced among Polish women, who claim to eat almost nothing. Always, and I mean ALWAYS, order or cook more than you can possibly eat because your stick-thin Polish girlfriend will inevitably develop the appetite of a blue whale the moment her anxiously selected ’small salad’ arrives.

100% true again - but you forgot to mention the ketchup lol

8. You can kiss other women

I wouldn't want to lol

9. She’s smarter than you are
The Polish education system is a marvel and good education is respected above almost everything else here. Chances are that your Polish girlfriend not only speaks English, German, and Russian (how many languages do you speak)

she usually isn't, three and a bit, and she could barely speak English never mind Russian or German haha

but also has a pretty good grasp of a lot of things that you slept through at school. You’re only hope is to pretend that such things ‘aren’t considered important in Western culture’ and shrug until she buys it.

all that education and they go and work in a nail bar when they leave school lol :D

10. …uh oh I’ve forgotten the last one! I’m in big trouble.

That's why she dumped you for a foreigner ;)
13 Jun 2010
Language / Polish people: did you struggle learning English - differences between both languages [75]

Rubbish. It all depends on your mother tongue, and how much you want to learn. Unless, as in my case, you grow up fully bilingual from the moment you start to learn to speak.

Japanese is easier for Chinese speakers to learn than Polish is, and French is easier for an English speaker than Kiswahili is.

And if, as is often alleged on here and elsewhere, certain ethnic groups have low IQ, then how come those ethnic groups mostly speak at least two or three languages?

By the way, multilingualism is more common than monolingualism, so if anyone should be regarded as "thick" or "low IQ", then it would be monolinguals. But this is not true!
13 Jun 2010
Love / Dating a Polish guy for three years. Will he ever marry me? [44]


because of


Same could be said for the man, to be honest. Some guys just aren't ready or willing to take on... er... "baggage".

That said, my cousin is in her late 40s and has been with someone who is barely into his 30s (and is legally too young to be her daughter's father) so it takes all sorts, doesn't it.

Three out of four of my most recent girlfriends have had children, and it didn't put me off. But after one divorce which nearly destroyed me, I'm not exactly going to rush into marriage, am I? lol
13 Jun 2010
Love / Polish men what is the worst thing a girl can do upon first impression? [360]

i had to prove I could drink vodka with his polish mates

he gets annoyed when I don't clean up

but he actually said to me the other day, Why don't you ever have dinner ready when I get home?!!


And they wonder why many Polish women are fed up of them and most English women don't want them! It's not the 1950s any more, lads! haha! :)