The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
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18 May 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Nobody cares.

You are exactly in the same situation. You just don't want to admit it.
Do you know what to do when two foreign drunks with knives break into your apartment?
I do.

Do Poles buy life insurance?
Do Poles have fire extinguishers?
Do Poles have police?
Do the cops in Poland have guns?
Does Poland have an army?

Why? Bad things happen so what's the point of planning for them...
18 May 2024
UK, Ireland / "Strange " English language.. [247]

They don't.

Good answer, Milo. You are now officially a decent and honest guy, unlike the always-deferential PF Euro bootlickers.

Hey, you have the same problem in the USA.

Yes, we do, and that's why we call the criminal scumbags who are doing it to us the worst of names here and elsewhere. This is also why Trump will be president. Joe, please die soon...

The silence from the PF bootlickers is defeating. Occasionally, these slimeballs give me a lecture about "our democratically elected legal representatives"... never a harsh word...

The UK has been a class-based society for millennia. What held it in place was homogeneity.

And that is why the UK will be Brazil soon.

The mystery is why the UK ruling mob sacrificed the country by giving it this incurable migrant cancer. Seriously, I really do get it...
17 May 2024
UK, Ireland / "Strange " English language.. [247]

My question is:

Why would white Brits want to become a minority in so many UK cities and 75% in the country?
17 May 2024
UK, Ireland / "Strange " English language.. [247]

Mancs is probably short for Manchester

Short for Manchester - Hell.

White: 66.7% (59.3% White British, 2.4% White Irish, 0.1% Irish Traveller or Gypsy, 4.9% other white) Mixed race: 4.7% (1.8% white and black Caribbean, 0.9% white and black African, 1.0% white and Asian, 1.0% other mixed race) Asian: 17.1% (8.5% Pakistani, 2.7% Chinese, 2.3% Indian, 1.3% Bangladeshi, 2.3% other Asian)

Leicester has become one of the first cities in the UK where people identifying as white are no longer the majority, the latest census data shows. Figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) have revealed 41% of the city described themselves as white - the lowest of any city in the UK.

Why did the Brits resist the Germans? Only to surrender to another invasion without a shot fired? A minority in their own country...Please tell me this nightmare is just a bad dream...

BTW, would would white Brits want to become a minority? They used to be a 99% majority...What happened?
17 May 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Irony: Nobody attacked Poland since 1939. Yet Poland is arming itself to the teeth because somebody might and the US may not come to the rescue in time. if at all...

Well, Polish azholes and faggots, I am in exactly the same situation. Nobody killed me since I came here in 1967 but I am armed just in case somebody may decide that I lived too long.

Got it, morons? Or is my English as incomprehensible as Lyzkos's?
17 May 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

One more reason that Poland will eventually liberate their stringent gun laws for self defense.

The right to defend my life is mine and not open to debates.

I had choices once I was out of prison known as Poland. I chose the US for many reasons. Two of them were the right to own a gun and say whatever I want. That First and Second are addictive. Europe never had those two so I am not surprised we can't communicate with them on such subjects How do you explain to a blind guy what a rainbow is?

Even in "free and democratic" Poland they have neither. In this respect, nothing has changed since I left.
16 May 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

The ultimate in impotence - the feeling that is against nature and the instinct of self-preservation - is when a man has to ask another man to protect his woman.

That's exactly what happens when a powerless pussy calls 911.

The feeling of powerlessness is so disgusting that normal men reject this concept as intolerable and not open to debates. Begging some azhole not to rape her and spare her life is a vomit-inducing image.

Unless one is a slimy Euro bootlicker with a severe case of Stockholm syndrome...

Memo to Euros: There is a 12-step program designed to convert men from subjects to citizens.

Step 1: Get a gun.

Step 2: Shoot all royal garbage dead. These useless parasites are just paid actors. There is nothing royal about these morons. Bolsheviks were right.
16 May 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

One weighs 95 pounds and her brother weighs 120 pounds.

I admit that under these conditions locking the front door is not necessary.

My favorite YouTube videos are about animals. I am amazed how intelligent they are and how they bond with people who care for them. Even the wild ones like wolves...

As somebody said, the more I know people the more I like animals. I was devastated when we had to give up our cat before moving. She was declawed and nobody wanted her because of that.
16 May 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

So you arm yourself against home invaders only to get shot by law enforcement. You couldn't make it up!

I am not a stupid nig*er. When I see LEOs I don't even have a phone in my hand. When they pull me over, my hands are on the steering wheel.

And we never open the door to a random knock. No, I don't carry a gun at home. Some do.

I fear no one breaking into my home and rarely even lock it up.

We lock everything. We sleep better that way...
16 May 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

People here (and there) aren't psychotic pussies and so are able to settle their differences with words,

That is ironic coming from a Euro...Almost funny if dead people can laugh...

BTW, how many wars did you have in the last 200 years? The last one took already close to a million lives. The one before that - 60 million.
16 May 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Thet bring out the worst in you for sure.

No, moron, I have 7 women in my immediate family and would kill anyone who would try to harm them. Would you do the same for yours?

Oops ...I forgot you have only fists... like any Euro eunuch...

Do you need a permit for fists in Poland? You know fists can be lethal...Ask Mike Tyson...
15 May 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

That is all any man needs to protect his family.

Hey, Polish genius and a hero, half of the earth's population are WOMEN - those creatures with vaginas that bring out the worst in men...

When God created the first gun he meant it as the greatest equalizer ever...It's not equal rights, income, or even martial arts....It's the fvcking gun that makes women equal.

And then there are pussies like Lyzko with biceps the size of another man's wrist. And the seniors who are feeble or confined to wheelchairs - an easy target for all kinds of scum.

Didn't think about them? Of course not...So take your stupid arsenal and shove it up your ass ...

Man, do I hate stupid Polaks...
15 May 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

People here (and there) aren't psychotic pussies

Pussie - A Euro who begs for his life when two scumbags break into his house.
Man - An American who says "die, you piece of shyt", and shoots two scumbags who broke into his house dead.

Now that you know the difference between Euro pussies and real men, let's discuss the "statistics".
When you separate blacks from Whites, the rates are as follows:

US blacks - 20 per 100,000 per year.
US Whites - 1.7
Finland - 3.3
Austria - 2.8
France - 2.6

Can you divide 20 by 1.7 or do you need my help?

BTW, it must be a real bit*ch to be disarmed, muzzled, and still die like pussies no different than 10-year-old girls...

Oops...I forgot you can escape through the chimney...sorry...
15 May 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

I don't have to believe you. I know...and that's why Sweden is now in the top 4 on the list of countries with the highest rape rates...hahahahahahahahahahahaha...

Those Swedish broads must like Somali dicks...they are so quiet about it...

This is why Poland is petrified about open EU borders that allow the black Muslim garbage to travel and sample white vaginas all over Europe. Did they sample yours?

Luckily for faggots, they are not on the Muslim menu...
15 May 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

So you are trying to imply that your murder and gun crime rate isn't far higher

We are not implying. No abuse please.

We are telling you that the murder rate in white America is actually lower than in fascist Europe. Want proof?

We are not responsible for what your beloved Africans do. They are low-IQ subhumans to start with. See their rape statistics.
15 May 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Didn't help Senior Airman Roger Fortson who opened his front door only to be shot dead by a Florida deputy who went to the wrong apartment.

Are you stupid or just playing one? Are you saying that cops in the US should not be armed because humans make errors?

Tell it to your wife, daughters and granddaughters.

They never said that men and women are equal.
The decision not to be armed was made in spite of statistics, not because of statistics.

To say "I will not be armed because home invasions are rare" is beyond moronic. See Europe...

I am prepared to die if my luck runs out because I didn't have a gun when it was desperately needed is what some sane adults say. I am not one of them.
14 May 2024
News / Polish judge begs asylum in Belarus - Did pro-EU, pro-NATO option in Poland started to crumble ? [82]

This is a thread about a Polish judge who defected to a hostile state.

A person defects if there is an arrest warrant or another official demand to appear or surrender. Without a warrant, a person leaves a country. Got it?

I left Poland. I didn't defect from Poland. Duh!

Those Brits not only don't know how to spell...they don't even know English well enough to converse with adults...

BTW, since he left for Belarus, I am going to assume that the place is not "hostile" enough.

Your hostility to Belarus, on the other hand, is another matter. My personal advice to you is to avoid the place. Quoting:

Belarus provides no anti-discrimination protections for LGBT freaks, nor does it prohibit hate crimes based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Many Belarusian people believe that homosexuality is a psychiatric illness, and many LGBT persons in Belarus tend to hide their sexual orientation in public.

Did you know that Belarus is still looking for Gender 3, 4, 5...?
14 May 2024
News / Polish judge begs asylum in Belarus - Did pro-EU, pro-NATO option in Poland started to crumble ? [82]

So a murderer isn't a murderer until after the trial?

Yes, moron.

Just because you saw A kill B doesn't tell you why A killed B, you idiot...

The "why" is often the difference between the death penalty and the Citizen of the Year award.

God, please take all the idiots where they would be harmless and less annoying...

It will take you a long time to win a debate with me...