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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
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23 May 2024
History / Honoring - Otto Schimek [47]

Anybody who is claimed to be "well-known" is not well-known.

Only an idiot would say: Rembrandt - a well-known painter...Or: Chopin - a well-known composer...

Well-known in reference to Winding means:

I am a stuck-up snob and you are an unwashed bum I would let in just to fix my kitchen sink...

If Da Vinci is 100 on the scale, what is Winding?
23 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

Sylvia Browne was one of those freaks who could talk to the dead and predict the future.
She was wrong more than half of the time. A coin toss was better being 50% correct.

She predicted her death at the age of 88. She died at 77.

BTW, this crook charged 2000 bucks per hour...

No, there is no such thing as telepathy. Only probabilities combined with greedy crooks and the suckers who buy this crap... Like those farmers in Arizona seeing green people with horns. Or maybe antennas... who knows...Somehow, those spaceships never land where we all can see them...Always in the middle of nowhere...

Hey, Robin, are you a man or a woman?
23 May 2024
History / Honoring - Otto Schimek [47]

What is Kai Winding known for?
Kai Winding was a trombonist and composer who emerged from the bebop era. He was known for his association with fellow trombonist JJ Johnson, having a near identical style during the 1950s. Born in Aarhus, Denmark, Winding moved to the US with his family in 1934 and became a naturalised American citizen.

With the exception of the Americans, Russians, Serbs, and one German...Is everybody here a moron?
23 May 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

Poland is just itching to get involved in the war.

...and drag us in the process...
That Katyn thing is looking less bad by the day...

Hopefully Trump will opt out of NATO and let Europe fight it's own war.

You made my day with this sentence. That's how I and millions of Americans feel.

As the barbarian of this forum, I express this sentiment less politely: Euros, GFY!

Who was being attacked before 2014 in Donetsk and Donbass?

Danny...You will be waiting for a very long time for this answer.
23 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

I can speak to people from the past,

When you learn how to speak to people from the future tell JR. He would love to know what the stock market will do...Somehow those lying Gypsies for 20 bucks per reading can't predict anything worth knowing except for a tall handsome man you will meet soon if you are a woman or gay.
22 May 2024
News / Will Poland as a NATO member be drawn into the Israel/Iran war ? [151]

Hey, moron, I didn't ask you for any advice.

Are all Polaks dumb azholes? Hey, idiots, how about just once reading a post, quoting what you don't like, and simply saying why?

Now I know why Russians and Germans can't stand you...Never a linear conversation...Always a conclusion before the facts, metaphors, poetry, slogans, one-liners, or some other verbal contortions...

Or arguing with what the other guy never said and smiling victorious like a retard...
22 May 2024
History / Honoring - Otto Schimek [47]

What is your source, Lyzko, to say this:

he nonetheless gave his life for his fellow Danes in their fight against Hitler.

A source is a direct quote with attribution or a link. I don't want another unsourced claim.
22 May 2024
News / Will Poland as a NATO member be drawn into the Israel/Iran war ? [151]

When I see a coffin draped with the US flag I am more angry at the the sobs who sent this man thousands of miles from here than the guys who killed him.

The reason is simple...I want the US government to use every possible device I paid for first - even if it is a tactical nuke detonated as a warning in the middle of nowhere.

That is why to me Vietnam was a crime against the US perpetrated by the US swamp that wanted a nice war - a war that didn't include all the NV targets.
22 May 2024
History / Monte Cassino 80th Anniversary [18]

...and geographies, chemistries, biologies,...

How many maths are there in the UK? As many as genders?

The difference between a genius and a typical dumb Polak is that the genius - that would be me - wants Polish contribution to any war to be zero - including WW2. Too late for that but the idea still stands...
22 May 2024
History / Monte Cassino 80th Anniversary [18]

It was a major victory for the Allied forces, not just propaganda

No, it was not and the math of Monte Casino proves it:

Allied losses - 55,000
German losses - 20,000

...with the Allies in full control of the skies...With that kill ratio, only a suicidal idiot would hope for another such "victory".

Churchill was the mind of Polish troops being insignificant

Churchil was right.

Polish losses - 1000 or 2% of the total.

Polish idiocy: Instead of wishing for Polish losses to be 0, Poles are offended when one points out that their losses were insignificant.
22 May 2024
History / Honoring - Otto Schimek [47]

A source is a direct quote with attribution or a link, you idiot...Duh!
21 May 2024
History / Monte Cassino 80th Anniversary [18]

I think you did,several times.

That was a stupid thing to say. DNA and ethnicity are forever because those are FACTS, not feeeeelings...
21 May 2024
History / Honoring - Otto Schimek [47]

I want you to support your claims.

he nonetheless gave his life for his fellow Danes in their fight against Hitler.

You claimed it. You support it.
21 May 2024
History / Honoring - Otto Schimek [47]

Munk gave his life by leading his fellow countrymen into a situation

Wikipedia says nothing about him leading anyone.
20 May 2024
History / Monte Cassino 80th Anniversary [18]

I didn't insult Poles or anyone else in this thread.

Nobody can reject his ethnicity or DNA.
20 May 2024
History / Honoring - Otto Schimek [47]

he nonetheless gave his life for his fellow Danes in their fight against Hitler.

Danes fighting against Hitler? What planet are you on?
In 1939, there were 4 million Danes. Of those 4 million, 6600 died as "a direct result of WW2" or 0.16%. Those brave Danes...

No, he didn't give "his life for his fellow Danes". He was murdered, and not even by the Gestapo. He was arrested, given a cup of coffee, and let go.

The Gestapo arrested Munk on the night of 4 January 1944, a month after he had defied a Nazi ban and preached the first Advent sermon at the national cathedral in Copenhagen. Munk's body was found in a roadside ditch in rural Hørbylunde near Silkeborg the next morning with a note stating, "Swine, you worked for Germany just the same."[4]

The poor sob was murdered by his fellow Danes, it seems...
19 May 2024
History / Monte Cassino 80th Anniversary [18]

Consider the source, Novi.

I did and I sympathize with Milo and his personal attitude about the events where his family was involved.
But the numbers have no feelings and don't lie.

Poles suffered 2% of the overall casualties. Individually, Poles may have been heroes...but their contribution was simply 2%. In other words, if they were not there, the outcome would have been the same.

I am not entirely stupid. I realize we need heroes we can elevate and admire. Vasily Zaytsev with 242 kills at Stalingrad was one of them.

At the same time, we should be able to be less emotional as historians to avoid the mistakes that have been swept under the rug not to hurt people's feelings.

In the end, Monte Casino was a Phyrric victory full of blunders. One of the often cited reasons was Churchill's ego and incompetence. Another holy cow that is best left alone...

Not to take anything away from the US...WW2 was won by the Red Army which had 200 German divisions to deal with vs 20 in the West. Their losses of 11 million soldiers were staggering and hard to appreciate when compared to other participants.
19 May 2024
History / Monte Cassino 80th Anniversary [18]

with a Polish victory on the 18th of May 1944,

Polish victory? Tell me you are kidding.

There were 240,000 Allied soldiers from 10 countries.


Total - 55,000.
Poles - 1,000 or 2% of the total.
New Zealand - 1,600


It was time to seize the monastery.

Expecting a violent climax to the battle, Anders and the courageous Poles prepared for the worst. However, what they did not realise was that German Commander Albert Kesselring had already ordered a withdrawal from the ruins, sensing impending Allied victory.

19 May 2024
UK, Ireland / "Strange " English language.. [247]

Just look at the place though. It says everything about you

Normal people should follow the Hitler rule of if you can't beat them, upstage them. Say what you want, but stealing May 1 from the commies was brilliant. But I am digressing...

Back to faggots...We should design and assign a flag to each mental disorder and paint every wall and sidewalk to show our deep concern and endless love for the victims.