The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
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26 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

Did you think UN healthcare rankings were about 'hurt feelings'?

Yes. The UN is there to lie about the US on the US dime and to make Africans feel proud.

I hope that if Russia decides to nuke NY, they will be precise enough to hit just the UN when these idiots are in session.
26 May 2024
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]

You've never been.

I am old but not stupid. In your UK shilhole, I would already be in prison for hurting someone's feelings. Like this:

I hate Muslims.
I hate migrants.
I hate LGBT freaks.
I hate NATO.
I hate Brits.
I love Russia.

OK, jon, can you post the above in your British gulag and not be arrested?
26 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

Why do you pretend that global rankings aren't neutral'?

For the same reason why Sweden refers to Somali garbage as "Swedes" when reporting crime is unavoidable. To prevent hurt feeeeeelings...

Or why the UK thought Gestapo arrested a British woman for posting a rap "song" with the n-word in it. Yes, she was arrested, charged, and convicted - in your gulag...
26 May 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

Poles would rebel against their government.

They won't. They didn't under "commies" so they won't under the EU and the money they get.

Nothing massive.

This will work very well. Small enough to kill tens of thousands instantly but not enough to trigger a full-on, life-ending nuclear war.
26 May 2024
Off-Topic / Feed Back on the Moderating - Part 2 [190]

Its having the opposite effect

Please keep in mind that he is charged with 34 counts. If they find him guilty on only one count, he could be immediately arrested and cuffed right there in the courtroom and taken to prison.

What I would enjoy more than anything is if the Secret Service guys had a shootout with the court deputies and in the process killed the DA and the judge. That would make a great movie...

It's exactly what it deserves.

Go where faggots thrive. It is not here.
26 May 2024
Off-Topic / Feed Back on the Moderating - Part 2 [190]

The kangaroo court verdict will be overturned by the appellate court if convicted...

The sobs know it. All they want is the spectacle of Trump in prison and to prevent his election.
26 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

How many Brits die waiting for that "quality" care prematurely?

Good question, Ptak. Since the azhole will never answer it, here is my best shot at it. Not exactly what you asked but telling...

Showing results for average wait for MRI in the UK

The average estimated time for an MRI scan with the NHS is between 6 and 18 weeks ...

My last non-emergency wait was 2 days.

Global rankings by UN organizations are useless;

...compiled not to hurt feeeeeelings...
26 May 2024
Off-Topic / Feed Back on the Moderating - Part 2 [190]

Have you noticed how these ppl inflicted with TDS havent any proof, its only innuendo and B

TDS caused that stupid jury to award 80 million bucks to the broad that is now collecting SS. This should trigger a debate how to muzzle stupid juries and their idiotic awards.

For that kind of dough, I would be happy to be defamed and insulted 24 times a day every day...
26 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

I will ask Novichok to write my foreword.

You and I are quickly becoming spiritual brothers. OK, grandson and grandpa...
When I read the first sentence of your post, my first thought was how I could help...
Sure enough, down below, there it was: "I will ask Novichok to write my foreword."
Thanks for the honor...
26 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

No. Officially, NATO is a tyranny by a minority. See trans freaks and faggots. The Warsaw Pact was run by the USSR, not Poland or other me-toos.

Democracy is a rule by a majority. In NATO, the US is the majority so STFU and obey.

If you are too stupid to figure out why...The US mil budget is 800 billion bucks. The rest of you, parasites, add up to about half of that amount. So, as I said, you, parasites, don't matter.
26 May 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

Crow, you should be the president of Poland. Or at least stick around here...

NATO: Denmark used to spend 1.4% of GDP and Russia didn't attack the "happiest" place on earth

EU: Once out of the EU, Poland would be free to do what it wants.

Neutrality: Switzerland is doing well. Not scared of "evil" Russia.

Middle finger: Save it for Western azholes and migrants.

Hungary and Serbia: Brilliant! Neither of the three could dominate the other two.

Poland will cease to exist: It will be swallowed by the hordes of foreign scum just as the UK is slowly disappearing as a white nation.

Research shows that white paint that was made gray will never be white again. Goodbye, Western Europe...

Before you die, I want an explanation why the US lost thousands of its best to liberate you from "Nazis". Looking back, Nazis were your friends compared to the millions of incompatible migrant garbage you are now stuck with forever.

God bless Hungary, Serbia, and migrant-free Poland...
26 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

and any 'demand' from NATO is voted on by NATO members....

So Albania has the same vote as the US!!! Fvcking unbelievable!!!

Memo to Trump: Get the US out of this bullshlt the day you are sworn in.

we ALL get medical treatment where as you guys can wait for years to be treated.

I can testify to that...I pulled a muscle and in two days I got CT and MRI scans. Just a stupid muscle...nothing life-threatening...I can prove it...
26 May 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

NATO pulls out these countries

Demark is claimed to be the happiest country in the world. It's easy when somebody else protects their Danish asses and the Danish ruling mob collects 60% in taxes but spends only 1.4% of GDP on the military. Quoting:

Denmark has come under pressure from Washington to bring military spending back up to a NATO target of 2% of GDP, from 1.4% last year.

Memo to Washington: Don't bother with the deadbeats. Get out of NATO and Europe. We have a problem at the border...
26 May 2024
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]

The saddest country on earth is the UK.

In this Orwellian shlthole, you get arrested for causing anxiety.

The shocking truth about these idiots starts at 5:15 if you want to skip over that fat black imbecile...

25 May 2024
Off-Topic / Feed Back on the Moderating - Part 2 [190]

Once upon a time, we all spoke one language,

...and the first sentence ever spoken in it was:
Hey, Eve, you wanna fvck?
Eve: Got twenty?
25 May 2024
Off-Topic / Feed Back on the Moderating - Part 2 [190]

Now, I must tell you that ignorantia juris non excusat.

How many languages are you fluent in?

I am in two. Still trying to get it down to one but my prayers are not working.
25 May 2024
Life / Why Poles are so much different than other slavic nations? Poland must return to mother Poland. [37]

Let the record show that Mr. Weasel is unable to choose between 66,000 and 137 dead people. Now we know why 360,000 Jews went to their deaths from the Warsaw Getto to Auschwitz and why the survival rate among those Jews who decided to fight as partisans was higher than among the pacifist sheep that went to slaughter without resisting.

Weaselness is what separated US Jews from Israelis - cowards from heroes...
25 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

in Canada IQ is lower than in most developed white countries,

Canada's problem is not low IQ. It's the mind-boggling wokeness that wants to criminalize wrong pronouns.

Once you allow this nonsense you are in a 1984 gulag with no easy escape.

Memo to transgender freaks: Please transition into flushable excrement.
24 May 2024
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]

They may not be sad but they sure lack common sense...

We have friends and we have enemies. You (editorial) have to be a world-class moron to be friends with people who are 6000 miles away and the worst enemies with the guys next door.

Poland is that world-class moron.

Memo to Russia: I am not one of them. I have witnesses.