The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by GefreiterKania  

Joined: 26 Dec 2020 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 3 mins ago
Threads: 29
Posts: 1370

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17 Aug 2022
News / Ruling PiS party tried to cover up eco disaster in Odra River [88]

Horrible... if PiS doesn't find and punish the perpetrators that will be a huge nail to their political coffin. They set up an award of 1 million pln (over 200k euro) for information about the source of toxic pollution.
16 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

rebeling against going to the chruch or adherence to the church morality

You don't have to be catholic to go to church or adhere to very strict moral standards (regarding e.g. abortion, euthanasia, family values etc.).

I am very socially conservative and live my life according to the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ, but don't want to have anything to do with RCC. And I'm not alone - the ranks of evangelical Christians are swelling in recent years in Poland. Abandoning the corrupt and apostate RCC doesn't equal changing ones moral views and values (most often than not quite the contrary).

Please stick to the topic of the thread
16 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

As I understand you do not see the church as an extension of the body of Christ on earth?

I do not see the so-called roman catholic church as having anything to do with Our Lord Jesus Christ or his Church at all. I do not want to go into details, because I would probably hurt somebody's uczucia religijne and in today's Poland one can be severely persecuted for that.

In any case, everything is in the hands of our sovereign God and the perfect justice of Jesus Christ will eventually reach all the wolves in sheep skins who are leading people astray.

Soli Deo Gloria!
16 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

Poland as a nation belings to God. Any individuals betraying the cause on an individual level does not change that one bit.

Agree 100%.

you can't deny that the Polish nation belongs to God and sees Jesus Christ as it's king of kings

I am not denying this at all. I am simply refusing to consider the membership in the apostate pseudo-ecclesiastical Roman organisation (aka Roman Catholic "Church") to be some sort of measuring rod of Polishness.

As for the papal curse, I read about it somewhere. Couldn't be arsed looking for details.
16 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

He made a spelling mistake

Iron has never been very good with spelling (or your biggest fan) but that's a bit harsh even for his standards. In any case, when your opponent in a discussion on an internet board resorts to this kind of rhetoric, you can assume that you won the argument, so that's a bit of a consolation for you.
16 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

Cojest who dreams of sending me to a gas chamber. He admitted it openly.

What? Why is it that when I take a break from PF, I always miss all the best handbag fights? :)

I thought you are

Well, I have always been something of a philosemite (under my previous nickname I was even called a Jew on this forum on several occasions :)), but philosemite doesn't always mean an expert on all things Jewish.
16 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]


I am not an expert on Jewish matters, so I don't think I can help you with your question. You are probably referring to American-Jewish hutzpah boys trying to extract billions of dollars from Poland. If you ask me, it's totally groundless and should be dealt with by psychiatrists rather than by politicians, but explaining what's happening in the depths of Jewish psyche is beyond the scope of my limited abilities. :)
16 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

Sorry but I do not consider being Catholic as a prerequisite to being Polish.

If it was a prerequisite then we would have to say that neither Mikołaj Rej (a Calvinist), father of Polish literature, nor Marshall Piłsudski (a Lutheran) were Polish. It would be spitting in the face of the Orthodox, Jewish and Muslim (Tatar) soldiers who died in September Campaign, for example.

Luckily, the influence of the CC - the church who cursed Poles after the battle of Grunwald, condemned Polish national uprisings and quickly appointed German bishops for conquered Poland in 1939 - is decreasing every day.
15 Aug 2022
Polonia / Polish bus crash in Croatia. Is there a fate? [118]

@Crow Sorry to hear about the Serbian children. Hope they will get well soon.

God telling to Poles not to travel to Medjugorje to adore the false miracle

Even when I was still a Catholic I considered Medjugorje to be a horrible scam (and the local Catholic bishop of Mostar-Duvno seems to be of the same opinion). If I were a Catholic, it would make much more sense for me to go to Gietrzwałd (as I did in the past) - a place of officially recognised Marian appartitions in Poland, than drive through half of Europe to a place where the CC forbids to go on organised pilgrimage.
5 Jul 2022
History / Introduction to Polish history! From a Polish perspective [94]


Don't mind Novichok. He wouldn't know good literature if it slapped him in the face. :) He hates poetry and denigrates the Polish language in which the greatest poetry of the 20th century was written (Miłosz, Herbert, Szymborska).

If I were to give you any advice regarding your writing, I would advise using more poetic metaphors and slightly longer sentences.
5 Jul 2022
News / Lukashenko - removes graveyard - AK resistance fighters [51]

the Soviets care for their graves in Poland is disgraceful

There are no Soviets anymore. You surely meant Russians?

Russian attitude and care for their graves changed. A long time ago (sometime in mid-90s), a small village somewhere in central Poland (I completely forgot the name) renovated their local Red Army graveyard - entirely on their own: cleaned and renewed the gravestones, planted flowers, built paths etc. and they thought Russians would be quite content, so they sent an invitation to the Russian embassy to visit the cemetery on the following Victory Day. Nobody came, they didn't care - they didn't even reply to the message. Local folks were shocked. But things changed and a couple of years ago local authorities in Kartuzy notified Russian Embassy of the damages done to their local Red Army graveyard by the trees falling in a storm. Russians not only replied but also financed all the restoration works...
5 Jul 2022
News / Lukashenko - removes graveyard - AK resistance fighters [51]

Razed to the ground... pure barbarism...,103086,28655317,bialorus-zrownano-z-ziemia-kwatere-ak-w-mikuliszkach-na-grodzienszczyznie.html


Simple soldiers' graves... not commanders, not officers... razed to the ground. Mostly soldiers who died in 1944 "Ostra Brama" operation, fighting to liberate Vilnius from the nazis. One of the operations in which Home Army cooperated with Red Army against Germans...

"The Polish attack on the morning of 7 July stalled almost immediately under heavy fire from German positions. At mid-day, the first armoured units of the Third Byelorussian Front appeared on the battlefield. From then on, until the conclusion of the battle on 13 July, Polish troops fought on the Soviet side."

3 Jul 2022

Apparently you don't recognize the importance of eros in culture - even in high culture - and the extent of artistic creativity that it can incite. :)

Geez, Maf... cheer up.
3 Jul 2022

Three great artists evoke a dirty joke response...

Oh, come on - let's not be such puritans. ;) A joke is a joke.

but also some call to action to be better in the present. To work hard harder towards a better future.

Definitely. I think this generally should be, and hopefully it is, the right approach to history. To learn from it, not repeat the past mistakes in the future and also appreciate what we have now, and what wouldn't be possible without the sacrifices of our heroes.

What about this Borisev dude? And is the Polish flag back in Katyń? Any news on that (I can't find anything on the internet)?
3 Jul 2022

This is the right way to do a Polish history of Katyn.

I'm not quite sure if a rap song about Katyń would be entirely appropriate... but who knows - generations change, sensibilities change.

A Ukrainian way to do Holodomor.

I would leave that for Ukrainians to decide.

How do Poles educated the young generation about Katyn?

Well, this one is relatively new...

... and a history teacher that I know plays it to his highschool students (there are English subtitles).

Talking about Katyń, is this... what was the creature's name... Barisov(?) - is he supervising cattle breeding somewhere in Siberia already? That would help Polish-Russian friendship a lot (to come back to the original topic of this thread).
3 Jul 2022

Bobko injected some Russian culture, Cojest some Polish culture, so I will inject a guy that is somewhere in between... ladies and gentlemen - the one and only Alosza Awdiejew...

... :)


Geez dude... we are injecting culture here, not some infernal clangor :-/

Want to show something Yugoslavian? How about this...
3 Jul 2022
History / Why American military aid to Europe and Poland is important to America itself? [148]

Russians were not imperial overlords, but honest brokers

According to Janusz Kaliński, professor emeritus of Warsaw School of Economics (SGH), who examined economic relations between Poland and the USSR, Poland was a beneficiary of the trade relations from the end of WW2 up to more or less mid-70s. In that period, as Professor Kaliński claims, the conditions of mutual trade between our countries were by and large satisfactory for Poland. It changed in the later period (mid-70s to the fall of the USSR) when Poland received for her exports to USSR on average one quarter of its value. However, prof. Kamiński avoids giving the unambiguous answer as to whether Poland achieved net loss or gain in her trade with USSR and claims that giving a straight answer to this question seems very difficult because of limited possibilities to measure mutual gains and profits in centrally steered economies, isolated to a large extent from wider world economy. (Source: "Stosunki gospodarcze między Polską a ZSRR", in Białe plamy czarne plamy. Sprawy trudne w relacjach polsko-rosyjskich (1918-2018), red. A.D. Rotfeld, A.W. Turkonow, Warsaw: PISM 2010).

Can you guys tell me what you imported from USSR?

I have no idea, but I made a quick call to my Dad and he said:

- Zorkij and Smiena photo cameras;
- "Ukraina" bikes;
- various household appliances;
- cars (Volga, Lada, UAZ).
3 Jul 2022
News / Poland, Western Europe and the USA - What if Ukraine disappears from the map? [78]

How exactly is it, that you know already in what shape the withdrawn/encircled Ukrainian formations are?

My secret is: certain knowledge in military matters, skillful use of internet (various sources from both sides), the ability to separate propaganda from valuable information, and - last but no the least - brilliant analytical mind.

From what is being reported(...)

Thank you for your answer - it is being processed. ;)

Just don't turn "ukrainian mode" later and do not ask "what are they beating us for?"

Sure. You've got a deal, Veli.
3 Jul 2022
News / Poland, Western Europe and the USA - What if Ukraine disappears from the map? [78]

Polish "neo-schlachta" should prepare, right after their masters...

You are repeatedly threatening us - do you notice much fear and trembling in response? How about some change of tactics then? You know what they say about doing the same thing all over again and expecting different results. :)

One thing about this war does seriously bother me though... why don't your forces pursue, or at least attack with artillery/air-strikes, retreating Ukrainian forces (like in Severodonetsk recently)? It is during retreat that you can inflict the heaviest losses on withdrawing enemy. Why isn't Russian army doing it??? Watched from the outside it looks almost as if you want to minimalise their losses. WTF? Something is not right here...
30 Jun 2022
History / What makes you feel Polish? [167]

And of course the recent nobel laureate.

A very skillful writer with admirable way with words. I enjoy reading her books from purely linguistic/technical point of view; after all she got - deservedly! - the title of Wielki Ambasador Polszczyzny.

As for the content of her books, I can't help but feel that she's a Wodehouse desperately trying to be Márquez or Allende - the linguisitc skill is there, the depth not so much, so as a result we get Tokarczuk, a writer that will charm you, confuse you but ultimately leave you with a feeling of emptiness.
29 Jun 2022
History / What makes you feel Polish? [167]

What contemporary writers could be mentioned instead.

I'd say Myśliwski and Rylski.
29 Jun 2022
News / Strange object over Poland's Silesia [27]

I really want to visit Gdańsk - all my life been wanting to go there.

And rightly so! I was in Florence with my wife once, got a local newspaper on arriving and read an article in it encouraging people to visit "Danzica magica" lol So, I said to her that we had driven (my better half is not a fan of flying) so far only to be told to go back home to a magical city of Gdańsk.

Anyway, make sure to let me know when you're around.

Polish people are extraterrestrials

Of course we are. And we have secret weapons that make your nuclear bombs look like kindergarten toys, so keep that in mind.
29 Jun 2022
News / Strange object over Poland's Silesia [27]

High on my list of places to visit when I will be in Poland

Why? Is there anything else interesting there apart from that odd memorial? Booooring...

You better come to Gdańsk, so I'll abduct you to a good knajpa for a glass of something stronger :)
28 Jun 2022
History / What makes you feel Polish? [167]

Polish antisemitism's about as old as the Church in Europe itself.

As old as the Church? Really? That's why persecuted Jews from all over Europe were running away to Poland? That's why Poland before WW2 had the largest Jewish population in Europe? Interesting...

Those Jews must be some sort of masochists - running away in droves from enlightened, tolerant countries to backward, anti-semitic Poland.
27 Jun 2022
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [737]

I wish Lewy would stay

I doubt he will. They negotiated with Haaland and hence refused to extend Lewy's contract - he wanted one till June 2024 but Bayern thought they could get Haaland, so they totally ignored Lewy's agent's questions about the contract, even though most of the first team regulars already had their contracts extended by then. Lewandowski is one of the best players in the world and he was treated like a youth team junior. He knows that in Barcelona he will earn less than half of what he was getting in Munich, and he still wants to go - tells you something about how pissed off he is.

This Salihamidzic guy is a disaster. I wonder how much more damage he will do to Bayern.
27 Jun 2022
Feedback / "Ignore" option for certain posters [58]

i have strzelec35,novichok,crow,gregy741,crnogorac3

I only have strzelec35 and Paulina on the list so far.

Give it time Torqi! :)

You know I'm patient, BB, but even my angelic patience has its limits. :)