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Posts by GefreiterKania  

Joined: 26 Dec 2020 / Male ♂
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3 Dec 2022
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

There some scum and sell outs

... yes, it's amazing that there are people willing to publicly calumniate their own country abroad and act against it on the international level, just so that they can get back to power. They don't mind Poland as a whole - ordinary people - suffering because of their actions, as long as they can hurt their local political opponents. That's simply unimaginable level of skurwienie.
3 Dec 2022
News / The Baltics states rely on Poland as their main defender against Russian aggression?? [78]

Most of those directive is to undercut Poland econmy

Well, there certainly is a grain of truth in it. Poland is still sanctioned by the EU, and our funds are blocked under idiotic phony excuses, whilst we provide disproportionately high humanitarian, material and military aid to Ukraine. Russia attacks and weakens Ukraine, whilst the EU attacks and weakens Poland - a tandem work.

they are on Russia side for their own reasons

Germany always needed Russia's resources to dominate Europe and their approach never really changed (merely the methods). Scholz's recent willingness to get back to business as usual with Putin (if the KGBist liar promises to be nice) only proves that.
29 Nov 2022
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]


So what's the story with German Federal Constitutional Court and the primacy of European law over the German one? Please, do tell.

you are lying like a rabid ritard (...) harmful azholes (...) You are one of them.

Since you are not interested in a civil discussion but insist on ad personam insults, I shall not discuss with you.

Something wrong happened to you, Pawian, and you became an "all-knowing", condescending twat. Until you change your boorish manners, don't expect cultured people to talk to you. :)
29 Nov 2022
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

When exactly did it happen? (...) many Poles

Not "did happen" but "has been happening". Ever since the leftard EU "elites" decided that it would be a good idea to "starve" Poland, as Frau Katarina Barley - Vizepräsidentin des Europäischen Parlaments, so charmingly said. And, of course, the lies concerning Poland have been spread with the help of local useful idiots. :)

European law trumps national law.

German Federal Constitutional Court would beg to differ, nicht wahr? :)

more than 30 years after the communist regime fell

You're so naive, Tacitus, it's almost charming. Almost.

If it was so easy to get rid of mafia-like structures, just by waiting for the mafiosos to retire, there would be no active mafias in the world left. :) They would all just retire and all mafias disappear after 30 years or so. :)

As for Poland being forced to leave the EU under the leftard pressure, well... it might happen. Quite likely. Whether it will be beneficial for either Poland or the EU is a completely different matter altogether.
28 Nov 2022
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

Poland signed up to respecting the rule of law

How is the rule of law violated in Poland? Which treaty was broken? As far as I know the infringement procedure against Poland was about the functioning of the new disciplinary regime for judges (the Disciplinary Chamber of the Supreme Court) and not about the way of appointing Constitutional Tribunal judges. In any case, in Poland Polish law takes precedence over laws coming from Brussels (just as it is in Germany, isn't it?), so the treaties will have to be adjusted/renegotiated or revoked altogether. Polish law must take precedence over Brussels law or we are not an independent country anymore.

the majority needed to confirm judges to 2/3 of the parliament

'Analogus' doesn't mean 'the same' - it means similar or comparable in certain respects. The differences stem from the fact that Poland, as opposed to Germany, never conducted a verification of post-communist judges and it led to enormous pathologies within the judicial system. To cut the long story short, any reform of corrupt judiciary would be impossible without new, not entangled in old mafia-like structures, Constitutional Tribunal. Hence the way the judges were appointed. What looks from the outside like creating an autocratic system is merely an attempt at much needed reform of the judicial system. It's difficult because the rot was allowed to spread for too long.
28 Nov 2022
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

Undermining the rule of law

Nonsense. I explained it here on numerous occasions.

Brussels has no business meddling in a member state's judiciary, and the solutions that PiS proposed are analogous to German judicial system. As I said, phony excuses and an attempt to hostile forcing of government change. It doesn't look good, Tacitus. Doesn't look good at all.
28 Nov 2022
News / The Baltics states rely on Poland as their main defender against Russian aggression?? [78]

sell weapons in Europe as a competitor to France and Germany

Funnily enough, PiS was willing to closely cooperate with Germany/France in European arms manufacturing projects, but when the EU decided to force the government change in Poland by financially "starving" us, as the EU-Vizepräsidentin Barley so charmingly said, PiS turned to the US and Korea.

It's a pity that EU's ideological bias and cultural neo-marxism stood in the way of closer European defence cooperation. Angry leftards should really be removed from positions of power - they are destroying the Union. :(
28 Nov 2022
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

while there is unsettled question of billions in reparations

Even if we put the question of reparations aside (as it probably should be done), there is also the issue of blocking the EU funds for Poland under phony excuses.

Of course, PiS have only themselves to blame, as they idiotically agreed to the conditionality mechanism, but these issues are much more pressing and should be settled first to show the good will of Germany and willingness to realistically help Poland. The millions of Ukrainian refugees that Poland accepted apparently don't count as much as the German desire to enable government change in Poland. That's what makes the entire Patriot batteries issue seem secondary and insincere.

Maybe, after the elections, the current opposition leaders will be able to clear this mess. I wouldn't hold my breath though.
12 Nov 2022
Life / Are Poles mentally more Eastern European or Western European? [170]

Eastern European for (...) Italians.

What? As far as corruption and "creative chaos" are concerned, Italy is much more "eastern" than Poland. Not to mention that Szczecin is further West than half of Italy, so geographically it's also inaccurate.
11 Nov 2022
News / 11th November Independence Day in Poland [64]

Piłudski or Dmowski?

I am more of a Piłsudski guy but I think 15th August would be a better date for Independence Day (much warmer). :)
11 Nov 2022
News / 11th November Independence Day in Poland [64]

GK, what historical depiction is the top photo?

Reconstruction group of late 18th century infantry (Gdańsk had quite a sizeable garrison back then and a huge arsenal). Contrary to common (especially in the West) belief, Gdańsk was a Polish city from its foundation through most of its over 1000-year history. So, in a Gdańsk parade you can see medieval Polish knights, Polish troops from horse-and-musket era and, of course, more modern units.

How was the parade, GK. Take any pics?

Watched it online - too cold for my old bones to stand in the streets. I followed my usual 11th November routine: put out the flag early in the morning, read some patriotic literature/magazines and then watch the parade(s) on TV/online. I'm an armchair kind of patriot. :)
11 Nov 2022
News / 11th November Independence Day in Poland [64]

That sucks. :( You should have parades as everyone else. I'm not saying historic WW2 units should take part, but modern forces and from other periods - why not?

*off to watch the parade*
11 Nov 2022
News / 11th November Independence Day in Poland [64]

Can't wait for the annual parade in Gdańsk. There will be historical units and vehicles...



... it starts in half an hour! Yes, I know - I'm such a kid. :)
18 Oct 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

they lost their Eastern territories for the war they started against Poland

Exactly. The loss of their eastern lands was a direct result of the lost war of nazi aggression, not of some sort of reparations deal between Germany and Poland. Bringing it up is useless in reparations discussion. You lose a war, you lose some land - nothing unusual here. However, if on top of that you organise the greatest genocide in human history against the country's population, murder its ruling class and intelligentsia, raze its capital to the ground and rob it blind, then reparations are definitely in order. Ask the French or the Brits how long it took Germany to pay all the reparations for WW1.

Luckily, as I said before, Germany doesn't have to pay a single dime. All they have to do to make the reparations nightmare disappear is to stop meddling in Poland's internal affairs, stop trying to install their Gauleiter in Warsaw, and start conducting more friendly policies regarding e.g. the EU funds for Poland. If they can find it in their hearts to accept that Poland is an independent country that has every right to order her internal affairs as she sees fit, then there will be no reparations issue to bother our German friends and neighbours. Can they do it? I hope so. :)
18 Oct 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

no living German in his or her right mind would dare to petition somehow reclaiming these

Of course not. Even the former DDR lands are depopulating - who would settle in former Polish lands if Germany ever somehow regained them?

Pragmatism and political realism should rule the behaviour of states, especially the allied ones - yes, Poland and Germany are still allies (at least on paper). The question now is, can Germany accept strong, independent Poland, ruled by a conservative Christian coalition, not willing to accept either the cultural revolution or meddling in her internal affairs. If they can do so, then I am quite sure the issue of reparations will disappear as quickly as it recently appeared.

The ball is on the German side (as usual). :)
18 Oct 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

they lost their Eastern territories to Poland

Where are the Eastern territories that Poland lost on your map, pawian? They are the same in terms of area as those we got from Germany plus the equivalent of the entire Czech Republic.

The fact is that neither Germany nor Poland had anything to do with the land swap - it was ordered by Stalin and nobody asked either Poles or Germans if they were happy with it.
18 Oct 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

You forgot to include the legal approach

Germany's case might (just might) be solid from the legal point of view but that's not the most interesting thing here.

The most interesting thing is the question of reconciling being a "moral superpower" - having the right to lecture others on pretty much everything - and "taking full responsibility" for III Reich's crimes while, at the same time, flatly refusing to pay for them. :)

Interesting from moral and pragmatic points of view, and yes - perhaps also from the legal one. Can you, legally, take full responsibility for something but refuse to pay for damages? As in - "yes, I take full responsibility for burning my neighbours house, raping his wife and killing his grandma BUT I am certainly not going to pay for it".

Did Poland try to collect from Sweden?

Of course. Poland have been trying for over 300 years and will continue to do so. The problem is - thieves, being thieves, are rather unwilling to return stolen goods.
18 Oct 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

Tacitus owes Kashub anything

Apparently you fail to grasp the idea of legal continuity. Tacitus may not owe Kashub anything, but at the same time Germany can owe something to Poland. Modern Germany is the legal heir of the Third Reich and Germans build their image of a "moral superpower" on the fact that they admitted the crimes of Third Reich and accepted their consequences.

As far as the issue in question is concerned, Poland can take two approaches: moral approach or pragmatic approach. Let's take a look at both:

a) moral approach

German reaction to Polish demands is somewhat disgusting (at least for people with weak stomachs) - on the one hand we have undoubted fault: unjustified aggression, millions of slaughtered civilians, country in ruins, works of art stolen etc. etc. and on the other hand legal tricks and small print from the times when Poland was a Soviet puppet-state (and even then, questionable legal claims). Basically, what Germany is saying now is: "Yes, we take the responsibility for III Reich's crimes", so Poland says "Well, then pay up", to which Germany replies: "No, no - we take the responsibility, BUT we won't pay - we don't have to pay because of X*". Absolutely indefensible approach and morally vomit-inducing. In this scenario, Poland cools down the relations with Germany, maybe even to the point of Polexit, seeing that Germans still think it suitable to block Poland's European funds and try to meddle in affairs not covered by European treaties (e.g. much needed judicial reform) and feel it also suitable to lecture Poland on democracy and European values (!). An unlikely scenario? Perhaps.

b) pragmatic approach

Germans are still Germans. People don't change that much in 75 years and certainly not nations or countries. They are still the 1939 Germans** but, luckily, they are much more pragmatic now, so maybe we should adapt their approach too. Sure it's unfair, sure it's disgusting, but for an average Jan Kowalski Poland in the EU, strong economic ties with Western Europe and wide cooperation with Germany is much more important than moral high ground and satisfied righteous indignation. So, if Germany gives up the meddling in Poland's internal affairs, we should adapt the pragmatic approach and keep the widely understood cooperation with Germany as an important part of the EU, and put the issue of reparations ad calendas Graecas. An unlikely scenario? Perhaps.

*X = legal tricks and small print;

I would be inclined to adapt approach B. Having said that, German reaction surprises me. I would expect at least some sort of negotiations; certainly not the quick and cold "nein" that we heard. Surprising (or maybe not - see **). Oh, well.
9 Oct 2022
News / Poland Sports News [1076]

Poland will play Czechia, Albania, Faroe Islands and Moldova in qualifiers to Euro 2024 in Germany.

I watched the draw but I didn't notice in which group Russia will play. I have to check again... oh, no... wait... I forgot that bandits who invade neighbouring countries and murder civilians are excluded from international football family.
7 Oct 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

I find the idea of a Polish socialist, after all that Poland has gone through, frankly, as disgusting as I find Polish fascists

Yes, socialism (and its more radical kind - communism) is as disgusting and vomit-inducing as fascism (and its more radical kind - nazism). Having said that, I don't think Pawian is a leftist. He hates PiS and is old enough to remember "good old days", and he can surely draw numerous analogies between PiS and PZPR (also personal analogies - there's literally throngs of post-communist PZPR apparatchiks in PiS).
22 Sep 2022
Po polsku / Jak zwykle chodzi o kasę! [48]

Próbowałeś kiedyś palić węglem brunatnym w piecu, Grunni? :) Dlatego pisałem o węglu opałowym, z którym jest problem. Ludzie jeżdżą nawet do Czech po węgiel, co jest już zupełnym kuriozum.
22 Sep 2022
Po polsku / Jak zwykle chodzi o kasę! [48]

Spada, bo wzrasta krajowe wydobycie, zapewniane są nowe źródła dostaw, a magazyny mamy prawie pełne. Proste. Z gazem nie powinno być większego problemu (chociaż nadal z 20 mld m3, których potrzebujemy, mamy zapewnione około 17 mld), gorzej będzie z węglem opałowym. To jest jakaś paranoja, żeby w Polsce brakowało węgla.
21 Sep 2022
News / Poland Sports News [1076]

Robert Lewandowski announced that in the coming World Cup he will wear captain's armband in Ukrainian national colours. He received the armband from Ukrainian football Legend Andriy Schevchenko. For some reason the nice gesture annoyed Russians.,nId,6299207
21 Sep 2022
News / Poland Sports News [1076]

Great news from sports...

Russia will not be allowed to compete in the 2024 European Football Championship over the Kremlin's invasion of Ukraine (...) UEFA has announced.,Football-Russia-banned-from-Euro-2024

The qualifying draw for the Euro 2024 tournament, which will be hosted by Germany, is due to take place in Frankfurt on October 9, without Russia.

Fair play to UEFA. Well done.