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Posts by Bobko  

Joined: 13 Mar 2017 / Male ♂
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Threads: Total: 27 / Live: 23 / Archived: 4
Posts: Total: 2074 / Live: 1998 / Archived: 76
From: New York
Speaks Polish?: Y
Interests: reading, camping

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28 Nov 2023
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [945]

whom you think noone would defend or stand up for

Defending small helpless countries is Russia's middle name.

Nobody, in the history of humanity, has spent as much blood, treasure, or political capital as Russia on liberating small, helpless peoples.

Sorry, just a fact.

1) Slavs from Ottomans
2) Vietnamese from Americans
3) Cubans from Americans
4) Angolans from a whole host of a$$holes
5) South Africans from racists
6) Ethiopians from wannabe colonizers
7) and everybody else, too many to list
28 Nov 2023
News / Time to clean the swamp - dePiSification of Poland [323]

Abuse of operational surveillance is one of your greatest villainies

This guy should relax.

Russia and America spy on their citizens 24/7. I won't even mention China.

Poland is in good company now.
28 Nov 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [670]

Migrants are like rats

Your language... is not very Christian.

We have problems with migrants in Russia too. I judge those that argue for extreme measures. I ask them to look at our demographic profile, and then ask them if they want us to go extinct as a country.

Unless you can come up with some way to get white Americans to start making large families again - how do you propose to keep up America's competitiveness?
28 Nov 2023
News / Time to clean the swamp - dePiSification of Poland [323]

Pegasus wrecked their business, when one of their Ugandan clients used it to snoop on the local US embassy employees.

This pissed off the State Department. It also pissed off Tim Cook, CEO of Apple.
28 Nov 2023
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [945]

I must admit I don't get it either.

I think he was under the illusion Russia had 330M people like in the United States, but that they are simply too idiotic and corrupt to make it as rich as the US. Other explanations don't make much sense.

Yes, Miloslaw. Your bloc of a billion people is attacking 150M strong Russia, with just 73M labor force, and the fight still looks... close?

Also, your combined economies are about 25 times larger than Russia's.

Given how you usually like beating on liliputians like Gaza and Afghanistan - this must truly be a heroic battle on epic scale. I understand.
28 Nov 2023
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [945]

because you were talking about the population/labour force of today's RuSSia and you have no proof that

You have no proof either. I gave a wide ranging estimate that I scooped from reading a lot of academic literature on the subject of Russian demographics.

Bottom line - Miloslaw asked a retarded question.

I don't even accept the premise that 73M is something to be ashamed of. We have more working people than there are people in general in France or the UK.

France had the largest population in Europe for ages. Russia only caught up with it recently (in historical terms).

Why is it that through our enormous territory we are also expected to populate it like mice?

Why doesn't anyone come up to a Canadian or Australian, and ask him if he's ever looked at himself in the mirror and thought about why they have such tiny populations despite a continent-sized landmass?
28 Nov 2023
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [945]


I'm glad.

As I told you it's not a competition.

30M is used as shorthand for when discussing WW2 losses for the USSR. The actual number is more like 26M.

As Velund argued, there's many ways you can slice that data. To many of those 6.8M Ukrainian dead it would be a surprise to learn that they were written down as Ukrainian in the afterlife. They very well could have been Russians, living in what was then known as the UkrSSR.

The same story you can tell about Belarus. Even countries like Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan sent many thousands of Russians - surprise!

That's why I LOLed. Your nitpicking over the dead is stupid.
28 Nov 2023
History / Recommended Poland's history books [251]

He was a highly moral person

The current Thai King appears to be a not so moral person.

Germany has not affected him well.

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28 Nov 2023
Life / Differences between Irish, British, Polish, American and other nations culture, tradition, music - loose talk [241]


That's a funny story.

Not as funny as one that happened in Chicago a few years ago, however.

Famous French-American gay black actor, Jussie Smollett, claimed he decided to walk several blocks at 2 AM in the dead of winter, to buy himself a Subway sandwich. Tragically, on the way he was accosted by two white men, wearing MAGA hats. First they insulted him, by asking "Hey, aren't you that fagg0t nigg*r from Empire?", and then they proceeded to pour bleach on him and beat him up for good measure. As they left, they yelled "This is MAGA country!"

Hoot! As JR would say.

Subsequently, the nation was enraged. Such a thing should not happen in the 21st century!

But then it emerged that Jussie had hired two Nigerian brothers, who were his work acquaintances, to stage the attack.

The brothers, Abimbola and Olabinjo Osundairo, had worked as extras on the set of television drama Empire, in which Smollett was a cast member. It is not known how their political views align with Donald Trump's.
28 Nov 2023
News / Polish Parliamentary Elections 2023 [933]

No. This isn't russia

Ah, so then Morawiecki's premiership of several weeks, will not yield any important appointments.


Will check back with you in a few weeks.
27 Nov 2023
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [945]

I know you won't reply to my questions.

Why do you think so badly of me?



Is that all?

I'm quite sure. This is data from the World Bank's website. Do you know that there are actually many more, secretly working for Russia somewhere? It sounds like you do.

One reason our country has such a tiny labor force, as you say, is that we lost almost 30 million people recently - in part, because we were defending your ass.

Estimates for what Russia's population would be had it not been for the world wars, range from 200M to 300M+. However, I think it's a very strange question to ask me, and also strange that you think there's something about it that would offend me.

Outside the war shocks, Russia has a demographic picture which is pretty typical for Eastern Europe.
27 Nov 2023
News / Ups and downs of the democratic government 2023-2027 in Poland [363]

cooked books you think?

The reason the Zloty has recovered so much in the past month, is because investors expect PiS to be replaced by a government led by Tusk.

The hope is that Tusk will mend relations with Brussels, unlocking 37 billion euro in EU aid that was blocked over the judicial scandal.

Beyond EU aid flows being restored, there is a general hope of an improved investment climate.

Another way to look at it, is that foreign investors were so fed up with PiS, that the market priced in a "fair price" for the Zloty that was discounted to a far greater degree than even the fundamentals would indicate. In this interpretation, the strengthening of the Zloty is just a return to its fair value - again, because PiS has been voted out.

It's hard to overemphasize how bad PiS was for Poland's image among the global investors.
27 Nov 2023
News / Polish Parliamentary Elections 2023 [933]

a signal that what follows is sarcasm

Well - the topic is sort of sarcastic to begin with. This Morawiecki fella, is all but certain to lose his post in a matter of weeks.

PiS is doing some strange things, in a bid to extend their hold on power.

You can appoint a lot of people to various unelected positions in two weeks, and then it may take years to get rid of them.
27 Nov 2023
News / Polish Parliamentary Elections 2023 [933]

Wishing to congratulate dear Polish members on the appointment of Morawiecki as the new prime minister of Poland, by Pan Duda!

Wishing many years of successful rule to Pan Morawiecki over his loyal serfs!

May all power accrue to him and only to him, and let his opponents all be vanquished.
27 Nov 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [670]


Thinking of Russian history, I can't think of any leader in modern times that I could "trust".

Gorbachev - I suppose - was trustworthy in delivering to his Western overlords on the promise of selling Russia down the river. So, he was trustworthy, but unfortunately an idiot. I don't know which is worse.

Yeltsin was also somewhat trustworthy, or rather - he was sincere. But he was weak, and fully compromised by his family and his alcoholism.

Russian history seems to teach that trustworthy guys are somehow unreliable.
27 Nov 2023
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [945]


Russia has a labor force of 73M people. If you count war casualties at 250K, that results in a minuscule reduction in the size of the labor pool, which cannot account for the statistics provided.

The Russians that fled the war, are still Russians and are still counted.

What accounts for much of the reduction is massive hiring by MIC companies, and competition of the private sector with the army for labor.

So you are partially correct, the army does account for a large part of this reduction, just not so much through the dead.

A good article on the subject:
27 Nov 2023
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [945]

rather than not invade other countries and live like human beings

If not invading countries, led to ever rising living standards - then Bhutan and Lesotho would be quite developed.

Spending on war, can be economically stimulating - as I'm sure you must know.

After all, your country emerged from WW2 as a superpower, though it entered it whilst still in recovery from the Great Depression.

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26 Nov 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [670]

Algeria is quite developed.

Quite funny when people try to make barbarous savages out of Algerians.

Probably more polite and educated than your average Mexican.

Also, respect to those guys for kicking the French out.
26 Nov 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [670]

His fan base is composed of exactly the type who ran amok in the city the other night.

Amen. Every Connor fan I met in my life was suspect in terms of moral qualities.

As God is my witness, there is no champion but Khabib.
14 Nov 2023
Off-Topic / Ukrainian language [50]

I was told once that the closest living Slavic language to Polish is actually Czech

Probably correct.
13 Nov 2023
Real Estate / Would you rent from me? [24]

Please don't ruin this person's perfect business plan.
13 Nov 2023
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [669]

It's a variant of Ukrainian corrupted by influences from a hostile neighbour.

Ebonics, as spoken by American negr0es, is further removed from standard English, than Surzhyk is removed from Russian.