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Posts by Foreigner4  

Joined: 18 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 5 Sep 2013
Threads: Total: 12 / Live: 1 / Archived: 11
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From: tychy
Speaks Polish?: yes and no
Interests: sports, politics, the economy, history, writing, yadayadayada

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21 Jun 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

The facts are that you don't like the numbers f stop provided so have "looked into" the methodology used by these agencies to gather and analyse the data

Actually no, only one thing you've stated would constitute something akin to a fact.
I have no emotional attachment to those numbers, I neither like nor dislike them (except for the murders as 1 would be too much).
I did not look into them but expressed my doubts as to whether those numbers truly reflect the situation.

Look I know it doesn't take much courage to join a mob and fair play to you for working with what you've got but are you really suggesting that examining how stats are gathered is unwise?

Perhaps these agencies are failing, perhaps they are not I would like to see your research, is it published?

Why not do your own research?
20 Jun 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

Have some respect mate. That's a lady you're addressing.

Oh, thanks mate, had no idea. Now it's crystal clear.

you have a problem

Why! Whatever do you mean?
I merely addressed the lady in a complimentary fashion in the vernacular I am most accustomed to. There is nothing wrong with a compliment now is there?

Seeing as I did not mention you in even the slightest, it would appear the problem is all yours my dear.

I strongly disagree that it should be upheld above anything else. Incidents of Domestic Violence are the key exception and the safety of spouses, and more importantly the children, trumps any notion that keeping the family unit together ought to be paramount.

In the event of exceptional circumstances, one must adapt exceptionally well. I agree with you there.
But, I should have written it more clearly because my comment about upholding the family unit above anything else doesn't mean it should be preserved despite anything else.

It means that the healthier the family is, the healthier society is. The nuclear family works better in our society than other models. That should be respected and the roles both men and women play in the family are different and of equal value. Removing either from the equation is not generally desirable.
19 Jun 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

ask yourselves this: since feminism is the social movement seeking political, economic, and social equality of both sexes, why does it anger men so much?

The first thing you should ask yourself is this: Is feminism in the west really just a movement seeking political, economic and social equality of both sexes?

I think it is not and that is why I do not support "feminism."

Marginalizing the role of the nuclear family. I grew up in a broken family and feminism's effect has been to undermine the integral role of the father.

Undermining the strength of the nuclear family. That is the most intolerable thing that feminists do. The nuclear family is INTEGRAL to the fabric of Western civilization and should be upheld above all other things.

Villainizing normal male traits and behavior. Men make omelets and feminists often characterize breaking eggs as inherently wrong.

Here's the big one: Women have it easy in Western society and feminists don't acknowledge this.
Allow my man to bring it home for ya:
19 Jun 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

Believe it or not, I fullly agree with you on that one.

I believe it. You and I may have opposing views on a lot of things but I've never got the impression you're not genuine in your beliefs.

then it is entitled to whatever exemptions those categoreis legally entail.

legality and morality are not synonymous terms
The idea that the church officials/leaders would excuse their own sins by saying "hey it's legal" doesn't really instill any faith in me. What about you?
19 Jun 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

Why single out the church?

Why even ask such a profoundly stupid question?
But to answer it, the very foundation of the church is SUPPOSED TO BE based on the love, selflessness, compassion, sharing and forgiveness, NOT luxury.

You are right, it is no more horrible than politicians and corporate executives making bank on lies and false promises but if those people are who you have to look for to make your comparisons then it's fair to say the church is in need of a shake up. FFS even the Pope has that kind of thing on his hit list, or does the RCC in Poland now follow its own rules now that the Pope wants to purge corruption and greed from the church?
18 Jun 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

To continue on the same line as f stop, here's something else that sheds some light on this issue (U.S. based):

18 Jun 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

But where jobs exist that exhibit the dangers you described, I would argue they are done by men and women in broadly similar numbers.

To be completely blunt, you seem like the sort of chap who would argue a great many thing with no practical experience. I presume this to be one of them.


And you may find more men than women, because men are usually more 'physical' than women

You are probably correct.

The point here is that there's no reason for men and women to not have the same rights. And that goes for work too.

You have my complete agreement here. That being said, it is time for some of these career feminists to look at men's roles in the work force with the same level of objectivity

they are "encouraging" men to do for women.

but do we need to compare the degrees of risk? Risks are risks.

This isn't the thread for it but I couldn't agree less.
17 Jun 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

Yeah dude, it's pretty f-in easy on a farm or working on an oil rig or in a metal fabrication shop or with heavy machinery or hydraulics in general. There are tons of jobs in which a guy's head could easily be sheared off his neck with a little complacency on the job.

Lots of guys choose to do that kind of work and lots don't.
Don't kid yourself that everyone wants a cushy job a lot of people find value in physically demanding jobs.
17 Jun 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

Again, you're twisting my logic.

Your logic never needed any twisting. I merely held up a mirror for you to behold.

I agree there's less demand for male than female prostitutes. However, this is irrelevant to the point I was making, which was that women do dangerous/unhealthy jobs, but we don't give them credit for that because our mental image of such a career is a male one.

Your point doesn't actually support what you've just written.
Most men don't give prostitutes the credit they deserve because we've no experience with them. That and if we could, a lot of men would do this job.

The fact of the matter is most western women do not actively seek out jobs in which not keeping your head on a swivel in your daily routine will get you:

- blinded
- suffocated
- burnt alive
- burnt badly
- minus one or more appendages
- hard of hearing in 15 years or more
- electrocuted
- shocked
- dec apitated
- poisoned
- mulched
- ground up
- falling to the ground about to receive impact trauma

I hope no one's saying women don't do dangerous jobs. That being said, the Western woman is quite often a sheltered creature with little concept of what dirty and dangerous work really is. Why is anyone pretending otherwise?
17 Jun 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

If men could prostitute themselves for the money women can then you'd have A LOT of male prostitutes. It's not that men don't choose that profession, it's that the demand isn't there.

Cabin crew on an airline would be another example.

So you think the average commercial passenger flight is no safer than a fire which requires firefighters?
17 Jun 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

For instance, I would suggest that being an underage sex worker, trafficked to a foreign country and held against one's will is a very risky occupation, and that most people who do it are female.

I would suggest that is an example which in no way shape or form really addresses the point which was made earlier.
If you want to take the conversation that route then you'll find "choice" is entirely absent in your pretentious and self-righteous response. His point is that women frequently don't choose dirty and dangerous jobs. If you don't know what those are then you likely have little to no experience with the kind of jobs he meant.
17 Jun 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

What this Congress is about is equality for women, and i don't see anything wrong with that. You obviously do.

Oh heaven's no, it's not about that for a good many of the women there.
It's about the women organizing and heading these things to grab power and influence for themselves. That they hitch themselves to this cause is merely a means to an end.

Ah yes, the viral social disease of feminism and all its hypocrisies rears its ugly head almost everywhere.

I think Bill Burr said the same thing...of course his delivery is what makes it funny.
11 Jan 2013
Life / News on driving in Poland [57]

Its a shame the financial aspect is taking priority over the safety. In the UK speed cameras and mobile cameras are placed in the most profitable areas not the notoriously dangerous ones.

Odd how that happens, isn't it?
That is my one big "against" speed cameras and speeding tickets. The revenue becomes the ends and not the means and that is as serious a problem as speeding imo.
10 Jan 2013
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

What makes me chuckle is that the same people who are saying this is impossible are all also saying things like *the Greeks can always spot tourists* or That Poles can spot non Poles in Poland..

Of course you're completely correct, it's just kind of amusing to see the lengths some people will go to defend their knee-jerk reactions.

Both, because the number of descendants from one "intermingling" increases almost exponentially over the centuries.

It seems to me the opposite effect has happened. Those descendants have x % Germanic "blood" in them and y % Polish but the longer they stay in Germany, the greater x% becomes.

But hey maybe 700 years of some intermingling here and there is enough to negate thousands of years of the complete opposite from happening. Going by appearances, it certainly doesn't look that way.
10 Jan 2013
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

Yeah, that intermingling "here and there" lasted for at least 700 years and happened all over Poland.

Is it the time frame or the degree to which it occurred that is more of an influence?
10 Jan 2013
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

Do you think Poles and Germans look the same or do you think there are distinguishing features? Would you say it's impossible to distinguish a Polish person from a German person (similar age and gender) based on appearance?
10 Jan 2013
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

However, if you want to believe closely related nationalities smell and walk differently, then it's up to you.

I don't nor will you find any evidence of me suggesting as much. I have no idea why you even wrote that.

When you asked me about how I know that Poles and Germans have mixed ancestry, I have already mentioned the surnames.

Okay, okay congratulations you got me, I didn't read something you wrote- shame on me.
But I am unsure as to how you then came to the conclusion that "most Germans" have Slavic ancestors and what conclusion you are then coming to from that.

Even if we entertain your assumption that still merely suggests that at some point there was some ethnic intermingling here and there.
So what?
Most Germans can be distinguished from Poles based on appearance and vice versa -are you seriously challenging/debating that?
10 Jan 2013
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

Wopps now you're stereotyping again ;)

check your reading comprehension on that last one and look up the meaning of the word stereotype and yet again you should be surprised...that being said, I commend your willingness to engage in English- and despite this latest failed coup it is far better than my Polish.

Take a bow.

Obviously, we can tell with 100% accuracy if someone is black or white.

Even when the skin colour isn't the deciding factor we can tell this because of features. It works this way for ethnicities as well.

For example, most Germans have Slavic ancestors

You know this how?

The idea that there is an English, Polish and German 'look' that applies to most members of each nationality is pseudo-scientific mumbo-jumbo.

Because you say so?

I simply disbelieve anyone who claims to 'know' what nationality anyone is simply by the way they walk or smell.

10 Jan 2013
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

Go to sleep then? We got your point and respect your opinion :)

Do you also tell people to take a drink as they are putting cup to mouth?
I would suggest you do a few things but I'm confident you've already done them, got my point?
That is one thing which I will always identify as being Polish in nature; telling people to do something they are just about to do. I'm sure people of other ethnicities do this too but it is embedded in my mind as being Polish.

Well played Poles, well played.
9 Jan 2013
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

No, dude, I really don't. I don't know what you mean by "real" differences in this sense. If we take out the word "real" and just go with "subtle" or "behavioral" then sure, I can see where you're coming from...those differences are more likely to reflect a mindset....and there are differences in people's mindsets...and those differences affect greater things in society than just our appearance.....but this could be a bad interpretation of what you wanted to say...would it be an understatement to admit I'm tired?
9 Jan 2013
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

folk may look a little different in pictures, but well travelled folk are more likely to recognize a subtle regional difference from simple things, such as a handshake or manner of greeting.

eh, not trying to be picky but how the heck are "subtle" differences more real than obvious ones?


You're free to imagine other words for people but rest assured the rest of us read the word "think."
9 Jan 2013
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

What word would you substitute?
9 Jan 2013
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

You don't need to be a genius to understand that you can not describe a populations look based on how 20 people in that country look like.

You've mislead yourself with what you should be looking at and how to properly interpret the information available to you.

No rational person believes that a sampling of merely 20 people out of 40,000,000 gives a fair average.

I agree but where did you get the number 40 million from? I'd be surprised if there were that many Polish men in Europe to be honest.

People, people, I implore you be rational for one moment of your lives:
I did not suggest that the sampling of 20 people offers a national average of 40 million men in Poland mainly because there are not 40 million men in Poland.

I did not suggest that the sample in question represents 40 million people of Polish identity as that would likely result in some transvestite average Pole- odd not average.

I did not suggest the sample in question did anything but give an average of the people selected.

I have every reason to suspect 20 Polish men were chosen and from those 20 participants an average of their collective faces has been arrived at. I didn't read anything more into it than that because there is nothing more to it than that. Nonetheless we can still note differences among different nationalities. Why is this hard for people to grasp?

it is they way people carry themselves, move, talk etc that show any real difference.

What defines a "real" difference?
9 Jan 2013
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

They used about 20 pictures on each nationality and then mashed them togheter, nothing average about it.

look up the word "average" some time, you may be quite surprised by what you read: )
9 Jan 2013
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

Well, pics won't necessarily say a lot - I'd probably get loads of blue eyed blonds which you could get in Sweden, Russia, Ukraine, etc. ;)

I think this might be helpful:
It's the average male and female face of many countries from around the world. I am not sure if age has been taken into account. See if you can spot any differences between the average Polish and others: )
9 Jan 2013
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

Honestly, a picture says a 1000 words so let's just start posting pics of people native to one country and native Poles and you'll see the difference.

I'm not trying to be difficult but there's no way I could explain it as well as others.
Just choose 2 countries, 1 of them Poland, type in "typical x face" and "typical Polish face" and let google images do what I can't.
9 Jan 2013
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

Why don't you describe those "typical facial features"? I'm curious :)

this is why:

I don't want to invest the time in "proving" something that is easier just to observe.

Everyone has typical facial features. Unless they are in some way 'atypical'. You are kinda proving zetigrek's point for her.

You're proving my point for me.
9 Jan 2013
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

not typical facial features.

negative on that one Nancy. Poles do have typical facial features. I don't want to invest the time in "proving" something that is easier just to observe.