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Posts by Wedle  

Joined: 27 Sep 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Feb 2012
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4 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

That's a very dangerous assumption to make

I will say I am more in touch will Polish reality than you are based on your posts on this thread.

Exactly Magda, so we should keep to the original not not cut short for the benefit.

but I am and will remain an outsider.

After 6/7 years outsider of Poland, you are also an outsider here, things move very quickly here, if you have forgotten.

do exactly the same job in the UK as I did in Poland. It just took a lot of work to build the business up from scratch.

Success with business.Btw I really mean that
3 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Guilt, for crying out loud?! Do you feel guilty about moving to Poland? Would you like to talk about it?

Magda, I know and understand that I have been so long outside of the UK, I have lost touch with UK reality, I know more about Poland circa 2011 than the UK.

Awww, you must be feeling so hurt because we rejected your offers of re-education...

lol, i respect your humor.

Seriously though - were does your feeling of superiority come from?

Magda, no superiority, I will say I am more in touch will Polish reality than you are based on your posts on this thread. That aside you are a good girl irrespective of your lack of understanding lol
3 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

My loyal Polish friend explained it all to me. Foreigners must bear in mind that Poles are well aware of what goes on and they voice their opposition in their own wa

Seanus very interesting story, but how can Poles overseas of descent ever understand this, it is a Polish problem and needs a Polish solution, so maybe you pseudo-protagonist outside of Poland - back off.
3 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

some older folk looking for a bit of business, after a first meeting, might be seen as chancers.

Wroclaw, let us focus on today Phillips and Euro 2012?

These Poles living in the UK are so detached it defies belief. They're all so used to delivering, invoicing getting paid etc.. they've forgotten what its really like.

This is my opinion as well, Yet their guilt of deserting the old country, makes them take up arms when anyone mentions anything that they consider disparaging about Poland. I can have conversation with locals in Warsaw and we agree on actions that need to be implemented to clean up corruption/dishonesty/cheating in Polish society, yet you come on this forum and its like the problem does not exist in the mind of some folk.
3 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

I think the point here is that lying isn't inherent to Poles. There are quite a few noble folk around who do the right thing.

No one is disputing there are good folk in Poland, it would seem to be that those Poles living in the UK or of Polish descent in Canada/USA refuse to believe that corruption/dishonesty/cheating is rife in Poland, even though it is wildly reported by both the internal and international press.
3 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

So you are on a mission. Well, good luck then.

Absolutely no mission, I understand that Poland has to change from the inside.
3 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Magda, as a defender of all things Polish from a distance, I understand and respect your stance, being out of Poland for over 6/7 years you can get a little lost in daily lives of those of us that live and operate our business's on a daily basis in Poland. Once you are at distance, you are at distance, you are no longer part of what goes on in PL, you operate your trade in the UK, you may be Polish at heart, but you are UK occupied on a daily basis. So please don't patronize us that we don't understand/realise Poland circa 2011. We are living it, not talking it, not distant to it.
3 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Most people are OK. The crooks and bastards will always be with us but with a little street smarts and goodwill most of us rub along with our fellow man just fine.

Nice to see we are on the same page. Teffle

an we get back to the topic, please.

you all know that personal comments will end up in the bin.

thank you.

Apologies, sometime you can get sucked into the abyss.

So don't be surprised that you get the sort of reaction you do. It's really not about the size of corruption in Poland or elsewhere. It's about your attitude.

Listen to your mother in law, she knows best, she sees you from a distance.

In respect of my attitude it is spot on, I don't suffer fools and liars gladly.
3 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Your patronizing/immature attitude deserves nothing else.

You bitter/twisted attitude is an embarasment to the passport you hold and the place you once called home. Misery loves company and that is your motivation for visiting PF.
3 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Because he NEVER experienced any cheating/dishonesty/corruption before, of course. Poland is degrading his pure/innocent soul. I totally buy this notion.

Jadis, once again you are proving the type of individual you are, I am open with my opinions and you need to ridicule.The measure of a man is what he has achieved in life, you really need to do more.
3 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

If anything, the fault lies in Poles that are indifferent and turn a blind eye but that is changing a bit too.

I can go with that, Seanus. I am in agreement

Stalin and Mao, to name just the two that immediately spring to mind...

This is exactly what I expected you to say Magda, I know you are smarter than that.
3 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

And then you are surprised you got stiffed?Trusting no one until they prove to be trustworthy is the way to go.Saves you money and/or frustration.

Grubas, I would much prefer to get up in the morning and believe it is going to be a great day, then deal with all that life throws at me. Than get up in the morning convinced it is going to be a **** day thinking everyone I come into contact with is trying to shaft me. There are many good people out there my judgement is not clouded by the bad eggs.
3 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

You know who else liked the idea of "re-education"?

Re-education is valued by many, I am not a guessing or gambling man, Magda please do tell.
3 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Look who has more to gain by lying.

So based on what I understand from your example, cheating/dishonesty/corruption in Poland only exists in the establishment and not at street level. Seanus, I would disagree with this, I believe that dishonesty is so rife in Poland ( 2011) at all levels,there needs to be a re-education program. I also believe that each and every foreigner who is a guest of Poland who comes into contact with cheating/dishonesty/corruption in Poland should not get involved, even if they lose business.
3 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Grubas, you are only further proving what I have previously stated, thank you for the confirmation.

I trust no one.

I trust everyone until they prove they are not trustworthy.
3 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

I want proof of that. I have read extensively about these riots, and I know there was a German "contingent" involved, and that approx. 50% of those arrested were foreigners, I have not come across the statement that over 50% of all the rioters were German.

Magda thank you for bringing this to my attention, I was referring to the numbers of those arrested apologies, my mistake.
3 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

As for lies, I haven't heard that many. Some lie and some don't, just like anywhere else

As wroclaw boy, previously pointed out this thread was started more out of his personal frustration 4 years ago and he has now moved on from his original opinion,although he still considers cheating/dishonesty a problem in Poland ( this is my understanding of his more recent posts). Seanus in your opinion living in Poland for x years, is corruption/dishonesty/cheating rife in Poland circa 2011 and does it have a negative effect on Poland as a place to do business in 2011. We can take into consideration Phillips. Euro 2012 and Zlota 44 as recent examples.
3 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

I know many Poles who I'd never see as liars. They have no real reason to.

Seanus, so do I, can we establish your side of the fence,

1 Would it be in Poland's interests to improve its system in order to stamp out corruption/dishonesty/cheating at all levels.


2.Corruption/dishonesty/cheating is not a problem in Poland and therefore should be ignored.
3 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Firstly I do not know this guy or have first hand experience of his actions. If he stole the tools as you mentioned and the tools were not his property, he is little more than a common thief irrespective of his nationality.Moving on, from my understanding Polishforum is centered on all thing Polish specific, from my experience of this forum when issues arise focusing on the negative elements of Polish mental/psyche/attitudes too many people seem to justify unacceptable actions by Poles in Poland , by posting examples of equally unacceptable actions of people from other nations. This I find difficult to accept.
3 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Well, not a single shop was even entered by the young people rioting in Warsaw on 11 November. Nothing whatsoever got stolen, though the opportunity presented itself. Won't you agree that in this case, the Polish nation demonstrated a very high level of moral integrity?

Over 50% of the rioters in Warsaw were German.

Sure, the reason is simple: a lot of people, given the opportunity, will lie and cheat.

It still does not make it acceptable, this is the problem as a Pole you are justifying lying and cheating as being a norm, as a Brit I am saying it is not a norm should not be considered a norm and those that practice it should be considered outcasts.

Well, not a single shop was even entered by the young people rioting in Warsaw on 11 November. Nothing whatsoever got stolen, though the opportunity presented itself. Won't you agree that in this case, the Polish nation demonstrated a very high level of moral integrity?

Over 50% of the rioters in Warsaw were German.

Sure, the reason is simple: a lot of people, given the opportunity, will lie and cheat.

It still does not make it acceptable, this is the problem as a Pole you are justifying lying and cheating as being a norm, as a Brit I am saying it is not a norm should not be considered a norm and those that practice it should be considered outcasts.

I am afraid it's you doing the squirming. You still haven't provided a single example of Polish dishonesty from your personal experience, an example which would prove once and for all that's it's really typical of Poland.

Almost every week I encounter Poles lying in business, personal situations I firmly believe that the increasing lack of morality especially in the young in Poland is partially to do with the dwindling numbers of practising catholics, I have met some Poles over the years who are so moral due to their religious beliefs. Now I am witnessing that moral backbone slipping away here in Poland. I also believe the school system in Poland is failing the young there is so much pressure put on good exam results and getting into the best schools, many children will cheat. A recent story I was told of a child at Batory in Warsaw, this is a School that turns out many of Polands future lawyers, there was a boy who had a hate list of his co pupils, he was planning to do something bad to them, all the children on the hate list were the ones with better grades than him. These children are the future they should be nutured, the Polish system fails them and is turning out students intent on getting to the top at any cost, they do not know how to work as a team they are individuals and their emotions are suppressed.
3 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Using big words is not going to change the fact that you failed to provide any hard evidence of Polish propensity for lying, cheating and corruption which would be specific to that nation. You can try to spin it any way you wish and it will still be a failure. Your car-salesman examples were pathetic.

Jadis, you are so on the back foot here.

Give me examples of Poland being the most honest nation in Europe for a start, we won't go global at this stage - just Europe only?

I'm not boletus. And don't need to know Polish reality at all. The hard fact is that Poles are nothing special when it comes to cheating

My quote was: jadis, a.k, boletus not jadis a.k.a boletus, seems you are a bit paranoid jadis old boy - what are you hiding?

In Poland corruption is rife. I've never denied it, but sometimes I feel like foreigners on this board are exaggerating a bit.
I'm giving up this discussion.

It is what it is a.k, so accept it, if you wish to discuss dishonesty in any other country open a new thread, this thread is Poland specific, no matter how much you, boletus, magda and jadis squirm like slippery pigs, It is what it is and that is fact.
3 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Actually I suggested Magda go to google to find examples of corruption in Poland as there are many.


But Wedle was caught in his own trap … again; these are the numbers for google results for <corruption some-country>, as he advised:
Poland 24,900,000
Britain 46,200,000
Italy 55,500,000
France 108,000,000
Noooooo… :-)

I am sorry but if you believe the number of hits in google is an accurate statistic for corruption figures in Poland more fool you my friend, I would be more inclined to believe the quantitative analysis.

Jadis, a.k. boletus, grow up to Polish reality and stop clinging at straws...
2 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Backpedaling much? You are hysterical :)))

There is absolutely no backpedaling, it is apparent from your comments, you have very little knowledge of reality in Poland.

A google search for corruption canada shows 113,000,000 hits and it comes number 6 for corruption at yet corruption UK also gets 113,000,000 hits and comes in at number 20 at
2 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Your method of using the google number does not stand up you may want t check this link
Canada comes in as the number 6 spot. wow
2 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Show me the evidence (i.e. so called hard facts) and I will see the light. Otherwise, stop with the generalisations already.

Magda, just place " corruption Poland" in your google search option, there will be a plethora of articles.reports and facts for you to read. Now enough already.
2 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

about your personal experience.

a.k, what is the use of me giving any examples, all you are going to say is you don't understand Poland or you are not Polish. Standard excuse remarks.

what other country does not have the same problem?

Magda the same countries that have been told by both the EU and worldbank to stamp out corruption.

why are you so worked up over Poland as opposed to the rest of the world

We are debating Poland on this thread, if I started to bring up other countries I would be generalizing and non specific

It's like saying that some Polish women are prostitutes and you have a problem with that specifically

I would consider a prostitute of any nationality to have a lack of moral fibre.

If you cannot stand the level of corruption in Poland, you can always leave,

Corruption in Poland is an issue for the government to deal with, my only issue is people coming on this thread and trying to hoodwink us into the belief that dishonesty is not rife in Poland.
2 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Now you are twisting everyone's point and apply a new suitable for you interpetation because you can't give us an example when you were cheated by a Pole.Magda is right - you're a never-wrong Wedle and now you've lost your grip.

Please stop your diatribe a.k, you just don't want to see another point of view, you are now hiding behind Magda's skirt. I have provided plenty of information from other qualified sources, that indicate Poland has a problem with corruption, lying and cheating.

Corruption: Dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery.The action of making someone or something morally depraved or the state of being so

Lying: the deliberate act of deviating from the truth
Cheating: To act dishonestly

All three fall into the category of acting dishonestly, now if you prefer I will change my angle to, Dishonesty is rife in Poland.

Here is an example of a lie - Polish People are Idiots

The reason it is a lie.

IQ tests aren't perfect, but if independent IQ studies repeatedly determine that a country has one of the highest average intelligence quotients in Europe, and if you average a bunch of different national IQ tests together and that country does better than your own, it might be time to scale back all the submarine screen door jokes. Yes, Poland handed America its ass in the IQ department, and if Europe was a high school, Poland would be the resident nerd (which might explain why Germany and Russia made such a habit of taking her lunch money.
2 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

No one? Maybe read the title of the thread fist.

Poles - the Nation of Liars?

A.K, the title does not read ONLY Poles are - the Nation of Liars. or Poles - the ONE AND ONLY Nation of Liars?
2 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

How is corruption / lying / cheating Poland-specific?

No one is suggesting that corruption / lying / cheating Poland-specific although you seem to wish to justify the bad and unacceptable habits of many Poles, by suggesting it is ok, because other people in other countries do it. This is exactly the point that Poles always jump to, you wish to justify your bad habits, its about time you cleaned up your own house. Further more you don't even live in Poland, if you are so nationalistic come back to Poland and pay your taxes here, contribute to the country you claim to love, instead of sitting in the UK.

I say that it exists everywhere.

We are not debating everywhere, we are debating Poland corruption,lying,cheating.Unless someone has been living in the boonies for the last 22 years, they should know that corruption is a problem in Poland and needs to be stamped out.