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Posts by trener zolwia  

Joined: 8 Jun 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Dec 2010
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From: USA
Speaks Polish?: Me no speako Polandish
Interests: Llamallamallamallamallamallama...

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trener zolwia   
2 Nov 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

Be tolerant and give a chance to the louse who says

How he said it might seem a bit abrasive but the broader point is that some girls are attracted to blacks only because they are black, and not for their individual looks/ personality, etc. And it can be said that therein lies a degree of racism in peeps who pick partners this way.
trener zolwia   
2 Nov 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

Those who believe that those blacks got lucky because their character or looks won from their white competitors need a reality check.

That's for sure.
trener zolwia   
22 Oct 2010
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

Should we fix something that isn't broken? I mean, look at the number of shooting incidents in Poland, and then compare the number of such incidents to what's going down in America on a daily basis.

Ok. Granted, P-Land doesn't have the same demographics as us and therefore doesn't have the same issues to deal with -no Injuns or homies to defend against. I'll give you that. But hasn't it been overrun so many times through the years that peeps would like to be able to defend it themselves should the need arise again? If our history were Poland's history there is no way I wouldn't keep personal weapons on hand, no matter what the law said.

Or would they prefer Crow's rollover and surrender mindset?...
trener zolwia   
22 Oct 2010
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

As with many such issues, people first make their choice and then try to rationalise it, so what we get is mostly noise.

Yep. Many such folks lead with their feelings. This is partly why it's so easy to shoot down their feeble arguments.

has axi... axs... damn that language... axes


I don't think you'd disagree with this logic?

At least you put in the effort to craft a rational argument.
But should we craft laws for all of society based solely on how criminals may or may not behave? Wouldn't this put the criminals in charge?
trener zolwia   
21 Oct 2010
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

Great stuff, N. Indeed it is statistically worthless. I started thinking in that direction but then my head hurt and I decided it wasn't worth the effort. Lol.

Thus the very fact that people are using it as an argument means that truth is not what they want to promote.

Indeed. Either that or they're simpletons grasping to justify their 'feelings' on the matter.
In most matters when dealing with Libs they're either liars or just clueless dupes.
trener zolwia   
21 Oct 2010
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

you two don't comment on the graph fstop shows. It's obvious, isn't it?

No, it's not. As has been explained in this thread and in the real world many times, there is much more to consider in the gun debate than mere 'fire arm deaths'. That's too simplistic.

And what's up with the Swiss being so high on the scale?...
trener zolwia   
21 Oct 2010
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

Those who ignore 'who' commits crimes miss the point about gun ownership. Chicago had the strongest anti gun laws and yet the city had more murders per month than soldiers killed in Iraq. States with the most lenient gun laws have fewer gun crimes.

The gun-fearing folks just can't get this through their childish heads. While the grabbers want everyone to pretend it's not true.

According to Heather MacDonald of the Manhattan Institute

Killer stuff, puts in stark terms the racial differences we're dealing with. Funny how this never makes it to print in the mainstream Media... because reality runs counter to their approved racial narrative and endless, misdirected, racial scoldings.

Guns... race... on and on... Libs hate it when you hit them with unassailable facts and stats that run counter to their feelings.

Anyway, without the black problem to deal with like we have over here, I'm sure making guns more available to peeps in P-Land wouldn't bring many problems.
trener zolwia   
21 Oct 2010
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

yes but you need a permit, not that easy to obtain for an average citizen.

Like who can? Banker? Business owner? Must one have firearm training or prior military experience? What determines these special folks who can own and/ or carry a gun and the ones who are not permitted to?
trener zolwia   
21 Oct 2010
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

The militiamen supplied their own firearms. The firearms were not for individual 'home' use.

Lol. What, did they promise not to use their own guns at home? Lol. Do you even see how ridiculously contradictory your sentences are?

Pointing out historical facts is always troublesome to those to 'feel' that everything is 'relative'.

That's the truth. :s

Some do !

Sure there are .....and you can buy guns quite easy, money and know how is enough.

So some peeps can indeed buy/ own/ carry guns?
I still don't have a full picture of the gun ownership situation there. Convex says no, absolutely not, and you make it sound all mysterious, black market-y. What up??
trener zolwia   
20 Oct 2010
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

There's no Constitution here...

Funny how one old document can make all the difference. It shouldn't even take this to keep society free. :s

Toys that look like firearms are illegal in public. Even plastic imitations, true boys' toys.

Then they should outlaw girls' dollies too! You know, for equality sake. ;)
They haven't outlawed toys here yet but there is pressure to make them un-PC.

I didn't quote you but convex... I have no idea how your nickname managed to jump there

Sometimes in haste one will highlight someone's words then accidentally click the 'quote' below another's post. That's how this happens.
trener zolwia   
20 Oct 2010
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

Read up about it.

Oh I have. Extensively.

the changes in wording that ammendment went through.

That they felt the need to single out guns and include them as an amendment tells us how important they felt guns were. No other object is so mentioned in our Bill of Rights.

They didn't feel the need to included a passage about artificial legs for turtles, now did they? :s
trener zolwia   
20 Oct 2010
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

No legislation against kitchen knives BTW.

Didn't someone here mention a movement to only permit blunt nose kitchen knives? Maybe this was in UK?

I have an air-gun... :)

Me too. I use it to get the darn squirrels off the bird feeder. I give it one or two pumps so it only stings them without hurting them. But they still come back. >:
trener zolwia   
20 Oct 2010
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

They just confirmed the natural law, in case somebody in the unimaginable future tried to disarm people.

Funny how they had the foresight to head off future gun-grabbing. See, even they knew that the first thing tyrants do is seize the weapons of the people so they are rendered defenseless. How come those old guys in powdered wigs and funny hats so long ago could see this but Libs today can't?

Good thing you are not sitting on supreme court or we all be domed.
If you do not have gun and the criminal knows it you are more likely to become victim.

So true. x2
trener zolwia   
20 Oct 2010
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

Don't believe her false argument, Nott...

I don't think that US founding fathers meant to give us a constitutional right to run around with guns.

Sure they did. That's exactly what they meant. Back then everyone owned guns, it was common, no biggie.

I believe the second amendment, very poorly phrased, was meant to refer to militia only:

Tired and poorly contrived argument by the gun-fearing folks.

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

And keep in mind that a "militia" back then consisted of your average farmer who could be rounded up to fight when needed. These militias were not very organized so were really just common folks who owned guns. Without them owning guns privately there would be no militia.
trener zolwia   
20 Oct 2010
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

But...not many people are interested in them. Poles really don't seem to care much for guns.

Because they have been largely shielded from them. Whereas here guns are intertwined in our history and culture, society, in our very Constitution.

Btw, the PA Constitution takes protecting private gun ownership even a step further than our national one. The PA Con states the one's right to own arms "shall not be [so much as] questioned". Period. I always throw this in the face of the grabbers, reminding them that their even questioning our right to keep guns is a violation of my constitutional rights. Lol. They hate this. ;)
trener zolwia   
20 Oct 2010
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

Please think of the answers and then, again, tell us why fierarms should not be in Polish citizens hands?

Neither the gun-grabbers nor their weak-minded, gun-fearing blind followers care one bit about things like logic, reason, facts and statistics or reality. All they know is 'guns bad'. They're like unthinking childish robots and one can never reason with such dupes. This is why they should be removed from the conversation and ignored.

On the other hand, there are shooting ranges where you can rent pistols and rifles :)

Well this is good. At least peeps can be exposed to guns to some degree and see they're not as scary as they've been made out to be. :s

I've long said that gun safety should be a course taught in schools here. To remove some of the stigma and fear and promote safety... to remove some of the mystery so a kid finding a gun isn't so intrigued by it...

The gun-fearing folks as well as the grabbers gasp at such a suggestion. The very last thing they want is to remove the anti-gun stigma they have worked so hard to engineer in society.