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Posts by smurf  

Joined: 8 Sep 2009 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 5 Jan 2017
Threads: Total: 38 / Live: 5 / Archived: 33
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From: Your Ma's room
Speaks Polish?: kurwa

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15 Feb 2016
News / Poland to return to Catholic tradition? [177]

That is why on Nov. 26, 1983, with the approval of Pope John Paul II, the Sacred Congregation reiterated the ban on Catholics joining the Masons

He also said you shouldn't use condoms..........that really worked out didn't it!
29 Jan 2016
News / Poland -- 23rd most innovative country [8]

the pro-Polish PiS government will vigorously promote

cutting-edge solutions

That right there is the best oxymoron you've ever come up with.
10 Jan 2016
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

Polish culture and history on National Television and more Polish music on National Radio

The problem with forcing culture on a society is that it never works and if you're already in such a state that you need to force 'culture' onto a society then it's already too late.

Conservatives don't understand this point, but that's OK. If we all listened to conservatives we'd all still be living in the rain forest, hunting with spears & licking toads for a weekend buzz.

Let Poland be Poland!

What about the tribes that came before the Poles, they have no rights! How dare you!
8 Jan 2016
Study / Polish Language Classes in Rzeszow [12]

Do any of you know of good, decently priced language schools in Rzeszow for non-Polish speakers?

Why pay?
Use Duolingo:
1 Jan 2016
News / British schoolboys very sensibly dealt with by the Poland's authorities after theft in Auschwitz [45]

I think this is a bit stupid. Like have you seen the stuff they stole?

Like, are people really gonna lose sleep over some crap like that?
Sure if it was actual personal items with names, dates, etc I'd understand, but shards of glass, 2 buttons and a hair clip? Seriously?
I think it's an over reaction so people will stop doing it.
The problem being it won't stop people coz most people who are going to be tempted to steal crap like this don't read/watch the news.
24 Dec 2015
Life / All Things Christmassy in Poland [326]

Just tell them that St Nick has legions of little angel helpers to assist him.

No, that's not how it works. Elves work for Santy, The North Poles is too cold for angels coz Mr. God doesn't let them wear much clothes ;)

This is:
23 Dec 2015
Life / All Things Christmassy in Poland [326]

It was recorded by the famous tenor Caruso sometime before 1920 which may account for its long standing popularity in Ireland as the Irish loved a good tenor and he was hugely popular with my grandfather's generation.

Tis an - Austrian song originally
Saw it being sang in its true form a few years back while spending a Christmas in the Austrian mountains and it was spine tingling and yous all know I'm not fan of religion, but in its original language sang in the place where the song was, it was powerful.

which time is usually expected people to arrive to a family celebration starting at "Wieczorem"

Don't go early buddy, the women of the hose'll have ya cleaning.
Check out when the sun is due to set tomorrow and get there about 30-45 mins before, then you're safely there for the first star and then the debortuary can begin ;)

Have a good one everyone :)
18 Dec 2015
News / Previous Poland's government corrupting the media. [125]

How much did Pi$s spend?
Like, you do know that many of these ads were for things like public announcements? Roadworks, offers to tender, construction etc.
Maybe you know of a way where things like that can be advertised for free?
Maybe you could enlighten us.

as this handy infographic shows.

G'man, that's gettin bookmarked :)
17 Dec 2015
Life / All Things Christmassy in Poland [326]

Not really. but the one is derived partly from the other.

hmm, I just thought they were the same. I do remember though when I was a nipper that we did have a few Christmas tree baubles that were blue Santys......yea, for me he's Santy, not Santa ;)

The Santa image with the red suit etc which we know and some of us love is the Coca Cola Santa designed back in the 1930s for an advertising campaign.

Yes, of course, now I remember hearing that before.

You might have missed it, but we agreed no barbed comments and sly digs.

Sorry Ma :( I'll be good, I don't want a rock of coal in me stocking
17 Dec 2015
Life / All Things Christmassy in Poland [326]

Spoken like a de-spiritualised and de-humanised materialist!

Stop talking thru your hoop man, are you seriously telling me you can sit through a whole day of torture with your idiot inlaws without a drink??

G'way will ya and stop acting the maggot. Yuo're not as high and mighty as you think you are..........especially comeing from a man who admits drinking VIP lager!!! LOLz

On topic however:

In pre-Santa days in Ireland, during my mother's childhood the presents were brought by Father Christmas or Daddy Christmas as very young children called him

But Santa & Father Christmas are the same.................aren't they?

Christianity has very neatly absorbed many Pagan customs

Ah sure, look Christmas was stolen by the Christians from the Romans:
And the Virgin birth was pilfered too, but from the Egyptians:

I always laugh when religious people ask atheist why do they celebrate Christmas, little do they know that the Christians tooks the traditions from 'pagan' religions :D
16 Dec 2015
Life / All Things Christmassy in Poland [326]

Not drink on wigilia?

A bit mad alright. Have you heard of the madness at baptisms and first communions where there's no drink.
Jebus, those things are so boring you need drink to get through them!
16 Dec 2015
Life / All Things Christmassy in Poland [326]

You de feckin man Harry!!!!


that bloody oplatek, the food is uneatable, and there is no boozing.

Pfft, jeans and tshirts in my gaff.
The oplatek thing is weird though, actually it's really, really feckin weird.
I don't mind the food, less cabbage-based stuff would be nice though and that cake, whats it called, with all the poppy, that's horrible, the rest is nice though..........except carp, f!ck carp.

As for no drinking, man, you need new inlaws ;) coz that ain't normal.
16 Dec 2015
Life / All Things Christmassy in Poland [326]

Is Christmas pudding Irish? or Plum Pudding it get its proper title.
Love that stuff, make it every year, load of dried fruit, a bottle of Guinness stout and a few shots of Jameson, breadcrumbs and a couple of eggs.

Boil that for 6 hours and you're ready.

I always make that and it's a big hit with our Polish guests and a ton of Irish coffees too.

We used to eat goose for Christmas dinner too.
Might do a sherry trifle this year. I've noticed that cakes with a feckload of booze in them are really appreciated here :)

People from Kawrk (Cork) eat spiced Beef on Stephen's Day, but I've never had that.

Cadbury's Roses, ain't Christmas without them. Me Ma sent mine in the post there yesterday.

Trying to think what else is usually prepared around Christmas......Christmas cake obviously, that's a fruit cake with icing on top. Really easy to make. Ginger-bread men, or ginger-bread cake.

Some people have a turkey and glazed ham dinner, some have goose, although the goose tradition is dying out....some people think it's more difficult to cook.

Mince pies....a dozen after you come home from the pub on Xmas eve.....after you've been to mass of course.....even the priest is a bit tipsy for midnight mass ;)

Christmas above. A yule cake too, have seen that a few times. I suppose it's a bit like a Swiss Roll.

Stephen's Day is a bigger day in my gaff. Xmas day is just the family and you do your penance, then the real party is Stephen's Day with your extended family and friends, a few card games, a few bets on the horse racing and the football. And drink, lots and lots and lots of drink.
15 Dec 2015
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

And as it's a civil case he can't even get his cat Duda to pardon him!

Hahah, yes, very funny.

I wonder where can we sign it? Or if we still can?,PiS-leader-faces-lawsuit-over-%E2%80%98treason%E2%80%99-comments

Thousands of citizens have said they aim to sue the leader of Poland's governing Law and Justice (PiS), after he called the party's opponents "Poles of the worst kind."

15 Dec 2015
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

They should act as leaders and not appear as if they are puppets of Kaczynski.

Of course they should, but they are cowards afraid of uncle Jaro and his cult of followers, indeed, they are part of the cult.

Just maybe it is time for Kaczynski to go?

That time has long past. If he were a bull, he'd have been put out to pasture a long, long time ago.

three university law departments have now came out against him, which is remarkable.

Yea, that's pretty hilarious. The president being a qualified lawyer, breaking the law and his peers coming out aginast him. Like, ya can't make this up :D

The prof is right, PiS won fair and square, but their post-election behaviour is worrying those who fear for Poland's young and fragile democracy.

14 Dec 2015
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

The Constitutional Tribunal is the only thing standing between PiS and absolute power.

That right there is it in its simplest form.

How anyone can argue against that is beyond my comprehension. Either will live in a constitutional democracy or we live in a dictatorship. Siding with PiS on this issue is akin to siding with Mussolini/Hitler/Franco when they did similar things to their constitutions when they seized power.

Now PiS aren't fascists, but if they get their way then the door is open for something like that to happen, because legally they'll be able to.
14 Dec 2015
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

BTW how many fewer percent did PO get?

This is a major flaw with you. This isn't about PiS vs PO, it's about what it law according to the constitution, i.e what is best for the people of Poland. Not what is best for the supporters of a party that finally won an elections. I mean come on, according to the law of averages it was going to happen eventually.

If you could maybe remove your blinkers and look at the situation objectively, as a journalist should, then it's obvious that PiS are engaging in an illegal power grab.

Oh, my quote was Goring, not Goebbels, but y'know close enough
14 Dec 2015
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

It's imperative that Duda stays in power for that not to happen

Too strong a word. But if he's turfed out now, who gets the job, the Sejm's head speaker, so another Kaczinsky flunky. But trust me, if that happens they'll do their best to change the constitution to allow a party leader to take the 'throne' in the event of a President being fired/impeached/dying.
14 Dec 2015
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

I don't think we'll see early elections in the Sejm, but I can see Duda being forced to resign through mass pressure.

That's not a good thing. I firmly believe and those that know me will know I've been saying this since PiS won........Duda will eventually be forced out, PiS will change and butcher up the constitution to allow Glorious In the Closet Leader and Cat Lover to become President, he'll take full power and won't have won a single vote to do it.

People will protest and people will riot, but we've already seen that the cops are in the pocket of PiS.
It's imperative that Duda stays in power for that not to happen. I think that his Catiness wanted an inexperienced nobody in power so that he could be tossed aside when he'd served his purpose, the same goes for the PM.

NOw, this is all a worst case scenario, but you can see how quickly they moved to change things that the ball is rolling now. I think though that he didn't expect such a public backlash. His next move will be interesting.

Wasn't it Goebbels that said a lie repeated 100 times gets believed

He also said

the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

That's quite fitting for modern day Poland isn't it???
14 Dec 2015
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

Wouldn't agree with that at all. I don't vote in elections anymore,

I've never voted in my life, not even in university president elections. But if I was forced I'd do it. I wanted to vote in the previous local election for Ruch Autonomii Śląska but certain clowns weren't able to process my paperwork even though I handed it in months before.

Now I agree that democracy despite its flaws is the best system we've come up with but the bottom line is that all you get with your vote is the chance to give a particular party the power to run the country.

That right there is the crux of the problem, IMO the only European country that has true democracy is Switzerland. They vote on all kinds of mad stuff, the people I mean, not the career-unqualified-politicians like here and in our homeland.

I think though with enough pressure a snap election can be called, or following some huge scandal. And PiS are never far from one of them.

Very good article, no bias, just the facts. Right wingers don't like facts.
14 Dec 2015
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

Isn't it excellent?

It is pretty excellent.
But y'know the fact remains that those that were too lazy to vote are to blame for this mess.
They really should be ashamed of themselves and never allow it to happen again.

I would support a law saying that every one must vote like in Australia. You can still spoil your vote and lodge a protest vote but you must at least turn up and be counted as having voted.

You could see from Jarek's speech last night that he's scared. He's completely outnumbered on this. And while he has the backing of his party and his army of ***** grannies, the numbers against him far outweigh that.
11 Dec 2015
Feedback / Member warning system to prevent abuse / spam / off-topic posts [145]

On topic, off topic, on topic, on topic, the fuq?

They even changed the location from News to Off Topic.

How in the name of Jaysus can a topic be off topic if it's about the topic of the title?
Polish Forum logic.

11 Dec 2015
News / Throwing away the constitution in Poland? [626]

Certainly yea, you are right, people should not bother using the courts for justice. We should all go back to living on small plots of land and grow cabbage and spuds and just do what are leaders tell us. We can trust them. afterall, they are the ones in power, they wouldn't take advantage of us.

Now be a good citizen and do what you're told, comrade.