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Posts by Sokrates  

Joined: 19 Jan 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Oct 2011
Threads: Total: 8 / Live: 6 / Archived: 2
Posts: Total: 3335 / Live: 615 / Archived: 2720
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Many and varied.

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16 Jun 2011
History / So called "inconvenient parts" of Polish history - what do you think? [156]

You are joking, right? Half a million was on the lower end of the estimates, and you know that.

No i'm not, either you count the victims of the Red Army or the members of SS, Gestapo and those identified as active opressors of the Polish Nation, these were indeed killed or tortured and i wholeheartedly support all that was done to them.

Also Wiki is not a source and cannot be quoted upon, mainly because it takes one revisionist to edit it and we both know there's people in PF who edited wikis to suit them in the past.
16 Jun 2011
History / So called "inconvenient parts" of Polish history - what do you think? [156]

That was not the question. We are talking about "incovenient parts" of Polish history.

But thats not inconvenient! Germans wanted to wipe out over 130 milion people, they deserved death why would evicting them be inconvenient? It was just punishment.

Really? :)

16 Jun 2011
History / So called "inconvenient parts" of Polish history - what do you think? [156]

This transfer (as you call it) was supposed to be carried out in a civil manner. In reality, over half a million people were killed in the process. Ever wondered why there is an Erika Steinbach?

Thats a lie.

Also i dont see how can anyone view german expulsions as undeserving, these people were Nazis and families of Nazis, they deserved death and got off lightly.
15 Jun 2011
News / Poland's Krab Howitzer (the 155mm gun) Has Passed the Test! [49]

I think it's not such a bad idea - it allows Poland to retain expertise in this area, and I've always thought Poland could do well in niche areas.

Artillery, combat rifles, engineering... lots of mainline areas.
15 Jun 2011
News / Poland's Krab Howitzer (the 155mm gun) Has Passed the Test! [49]

Always the optimist, eh Sok? ;)

No i just gave an example, sh*t happens and while Germany is a reliable arms dealer the most reliable arms dealer is always home.

Well, that was just how I see it. Germany's arms industry is not so much about pride or security but a huge economical factor. We sell our stuff left and right....

Thats pretty much the same for Poland, we dont get so many sales but we do have enough, it boosts our science and technology and provides jobs, buying stuff is simply not worth it.

There are times when developing stuff would be too expensive for example tanks are an absurdly expensive doodad so its cheaper to buy used stuff off Germany, Jets are tricky too so it pays to buy from US but artillery, trucks, APCs, mortars, IFVs and much more we can handle and it pays to develop them.

I know. My pops said Huta Stalowa Wola was the largest arms producer in Poland

We sold tanks, trucks, APCs, engineering vehicles, towed artillery, AA guns, radars, radios, minelying and medevec vehicles etc... Currently we have deals with Iraq, Egypt, some South American countries, Turkey and India.
15 Jun 2011
News / Poland's Krab Howitzer (the 155mm gun) Has Passed the Test! [49]

Why inventing so much time, money and effort to build something similiar of what already exist and you could buy easily????

Because our domestic arms industry needs money, when you're a small country in a safe region you dont need an arms industry, when you're a medium sized country you do, also it pushes science forwards quite a bit.

When you don't have a tradition in weaponry

We do.

and no big R&D military industry it will be hard to build something which could be a match for other already successful systems from countries which much more expertise.

Its enough for quite a few advanced projects, Krab is for example a world class howitzer all the way up there with its german counterpart, but cheaper.

If I were Poland I would go shopping instead...

And what if we ever enter a conflict with Germany or if Germany suffers an economic collapse, what about our science, manufacturing and arms sectors? There's a gazilion economic and political reasons to make your own stuff and polish arms industry is quite big, a few decades ago it handled much bigger projects.
10 Jun 2011
History / Poland: Her heroes and her traitors [217]

I saw some websites that tried to soften Bogusław Radziwiłł's image somehow

He was an unredeemable traitor, he had plenty of positive traits, he was a briliant general, an absolutely fearless commander but he didnt care for Poland or Lithuania, he was a typical soldier of fortune.

Sokrates: Another lie by you Pawian (you're quoting text with intent here) both Bogusław and Radziwill defended polish interests in multiple wars and battles.

Only when it suited them. They betrayed the Commonwealth when it suited them, too.

Thats not true, for a long year Janusz Radziwił fought Muscovites and Cossacks untill he had no men left, only after a year long refusal by Jan Kazimierz to issue instructions did he take action.

He fielded an army to defend Lithuania at personal cost since the king refused to pay for even a single soldier so again your claim of him being a conformist is not true, at one point he came to believe Lithuania cannot hope for any support from the Crown and thats when he abandoned his loyalty, thats treason yes but with solid local patriotism as its reason.
9 Jun 2011
History / Poland: Her heroes and her traitors [217]

Bogusław Radziwiłł is a very complicated case, when one of Polish Senators once voiced openly his desire to split Poland and Lithuania Bogusław first called the guy out in a highly vulgar manner and then simply got up, drew his sabre and went up to kill him (which he problably would) so the guy was a fervent commonwealth patriot.

Then John Casimir repeatedly insulted and even stole from Bogusław which lead directly to the later rift, essentially his views on Commonwealth changed due to the incompetence and insolence of the king.

Together with his cousin Janusz Radziwiłł in 1654 during The Deluge, or Swedish invasion of Poland, Bogusław Radziwiłł began negotiations with King Charles X Gustav of Sweden aimed at breaking the Commonwealth and the Polish-Lithuanian union.

Given that the king refused any reinforcements or money to Lithuania when it was invaded by Moscow its little wonder.

Another lie by you Pawian (you're quoting text with intent here) both Bogusław and Radziwill defended polish interests in multiple wars and battles.
18 May 2011
History / Were Nobles during Commonwealth constituting the Nation of Poland? [37]

A 1640 Volley Gun, this baby has its barrels spread out for maximum damage, it wont kill anything thats more than 80 meters away but within that 80m it can bring down up to 50 men in under 10 seconds, there were even 50 barreled monsters.

Used by Poles, Turks and Austrians.
17 May 2011
History / Were Nobles during Commonwealth constituting the Nation of Poland? [37]

Also, Sokrates' claim on low culture in Ukraine today.

My claim of low culture is not meant as offensive, Ukraine does not have a heritage of arts, literature and intellectual thought most european cultures have.

Ukrainian elites willingly embraced polish culture a solid between XV and XVI century leaving Ukraine decapitated, what remained (and flourishes today in Ukraine) was folk culture and peasant traditions, if you look into ukrainian culture you'll find it started to develop only some 30-40 years ago and whats there today is rudimentary at best.

I insist that Moderator removes bad talking of Nathan on Ukrainian girls.
This is offensive, racial, unfounded.

No its not, alcoholism and poverty are rampart in Ukraine, their women are treated like garbage and are poor to boot, most foreigners will have an easy going with most ukrainian girls since they'll see it as a chance to bail out of Ukraine.
17 May 2011
History / Were Nobles during Commonwealth constituting the Nation of Poland? [37]

;) It is more of the Medieval Europe - quite a fancy dressing ;) Ukies looked more like this at that time:

You're kidding right? Those are Cossacks, not ukrainians, and to be specific thats a 15th century ukrainian serf, 70% of ukrainian population consisted of serfs who plowed the fields of mostly Polish (but also some Ruthenian) magnates and nobles.

This is the direct reason why Ukraine does not have high culture today.

World is packed with women, and friend told me the Ukrainian girls were very nice ;)

And cheap:)
12 May 2011
News / Achievements of the Tusk's Polish government [532]

I would like to ask PO supporters to post 5-10 Achievements of the Tusk's government. Thank you.

1. Raise food prices.
2. Destroy railway.
3. Raise electricity prices.
4. Not build the roads they promised.
5. Not give the raises they promised.

Let's just say one - they've managed to keep Jaroslaw Kaczynski out of power successfully.

F*ck you you're not polish nor living in Poland you have no say here.
12 May 2011
History / Were Nobles during Commonwealth constituting the Nation of Poland? [37]

Nobles at the time were believing themselves distinctly different from other social group in the Commonwealth.

At what time Iron?

Where they a separate race as they claimed?

They never claimed that.

Where they constituting a body of citizens, not unlike those of the Romans of old?

Yes, they were the people with civil rights and priveliges.

Maybe only nobles were Poles and the others were only Mazurian, Ruthenian,Zmudzian and the like?

Based on what? Besides Iron this is histmag material not a PF thread.
10 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Can we move Sucks to Off-Topic permanently? Has he said anything constructive or intelligent in the past six months?

Yes i did, quite a lot really, i just believe, firmly and honestly that women as our inferiors should be deprived of all priveligers and rights post haste, just because its controversial doesnt mean its out of place, this is a thread about women isnt it?

you can't deny the reality.

Why? If reality does not serve our purpose we most ceirtanly can and should deny it, in this case we should ignore all positive evidence and deprive women of rights alltogether.
10 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

pgtxThreads: 47
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Joined: Feb 14, 09 [Moderator]

Got a beer bottle?

A non personal comment, the awesome thing about Zimmy is that he takes it all so seriously.
10 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Zimmy c'mon mate what are you trying to fight here? Women are getting more power each day, its just a question of time before they start ruling us, surrender and be assimilated.
10 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

interesting, it's not like that at all where i work...

B*tch you should wash dishes and give birth to children, always.

such as? and prove that no women work as such...

Women cant work, to perform work you need thumbs, women were not given thumbs by evolution.

Now go do the dishes slave.

i was laughing at you, lol

When i was young we'd beat you up with nailed 2x4s just by looking up at a man.

There are limits. If you continue name calling, you'll get suspended. That's the last warning.
10 May 2011
History / The Great Polish History - in pictures. [14]

Seriously the 100kb limit is killing me, who came up with this and what was the logic behind that?

The Eaglets.

When in 1919 Poland started retaking its territories from its former partitioners, Prussia, Russia and Austria in Lwów an ethnic conflict erupted, the newly formed ukrainian army saw the polish city of Lwów as its own, the inhabitants of Lwów having a long standing military tradition rose up, among then 1500 students and pupilis, as young as 14 years old, dozens of whom died, hundreds were wounded before the regular polish army relieved the besieged city to which defence its young polish citizens contributed so greatly.

Dubbed The Eaglets (young eagles) they've been honoured in polish history ever since and Lwów (today in Ukraine) hosts a maginificent cemetary in which they were buried.

  • The cemetary of Lwów Eaglets. Dubbed The Eaglets (young eagles) they've been honoured in polish history ever

  • Polish students defending the Życzykowski cemetary during the siege of Lwów.

  • In combat.
10 May 2011
History / The Great Polish History - in pictures. [14]

A full list, not sure if all are intact though, you can google the name of the town and it'll usually pop up with a wiki article and a dot on a map to place it in, many are in Lesser Poland

Castle in Będzin.
Castle in Bobolice
Castle in Brzeżnica
Castle in Krzepice.
Castle in Lejów
Castle in Ojców
Castle in Olkusz
Castle in Olsztyn
Castle in Ostrężnik
Castle in Rabsztyn
Castle in Żarnowiec

There's more but i recommend the caste at Pieskowa Skała, yes they're open to tourists, most are ruined but still very worth seeing.

  • Castle in Olsztyn

  • Castle in Pieskowa Skała

  • Castle in Ojców

  • Inside Pieskowa Skała castle.
10 May 2011
History / The Great Polish History - in pictures. [14]

Eagles nests.

A series of fortresses built atop rocky hills and mountain tops on the Krakowian Plain by polish king Casimir the Great meant to protect Poland from the Czech invasions.

  • 800pxZamek_w_Bkdzin.jpg
10 May 2011
History / The Great Polish History - in pictures. [14]

Stańczyk - one of the most peculiar figures in polish history.

Living between 1480 and 1560, during the absolute height of polish power he was a royal fool on the courts of three polish king, Aleksander the Jagiellon, Zygmunt the Old and Zygmunt II August.

Presumably of noble birth Stańczyk was known for both his sharp tongue and wise comments, respected by the nobility and kings alike, viewed as a great and dedicated patriot, he died veiled in mystery, to this day no one knows his real name but his brilliant (and often courageous - you try and flame a king) comments, poems and jokes ensured him a lasting fame among Poles, even half a millenium later.

10 May 2011
History / The Great Polish History - in pictures. [14]

Kościuszko's Uprising.

After Poland was defeated in the war defending its constitution (second modern constitution in the world, first in Europe by the way) and the second partition of Poland was enacted the remainder of Poland became a russian dominion.

Russians demanded that the vast majority of the remaining polish regular forces were disbaned, however there would be one last attempt at resistance.

In 1794 when the Russians demanded that a polish national cavalry brigade be disbanded its commander Madaliński refused and began his march towards Kraków in clear defiance of russian orders.

  • Russian colaborators who fled during the insurrection have their portraits hanged instead

  • Kościuszko - the commander of the uprising swearing an oath.

  • Poles battle with Russians for the crossing.
10 May 2011
History / The Great Polish History - in pictures. [14]

Pictures and paintings, i feel it would be dull to post them in any given order so i'll just drop them at random.

Panorama Racławicka - this enormous painting 25x120m displayed in a rotunda hall built specifically to house it in Wrocław shows the Battle of Racławice, the first major battle in the first of the great polish uprisings during the partitions, the Kościuszko Uprising.

The battle was fought on 4th april 1794, while small in scale it secured the initial development of the uprising by destroying the russian forces.

Also who's an idiot who limited pictures to 100kb and 4 pics per post? It makes posting stuff really difficult and i have to make a bloody milion posts just to attach pictures.

  • wroclaw panorama