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Joined: 10 Apr 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 13 Jun 2010
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4 Jun 2010
Language / Polish and other slavic language differences [60]

may I ask how come?

Why did I not learn Slovak, or why did I learn Czech?

If it's the latter, it's a long story, but the short version is that I won't go anywhere on holiday unless I learn enough of the language to get by. Which means I've only ever spoken Italian, French, Czech and extremely basic Cantonese/Mandarin, apart from English and Polish of course, lol. My mum thinks it's really funny when I speak Czech, because she can't speak it, but thinks it sounds like Russian, which she can speak, lol :) I like to confuse her sometimes by saying things like "kde je vase toaletni ubrousky"** and she says, what do you mean where are my toilet tablecloths LOL.

I was brought up bilingual from birth, so learning Polish was no bigger an achievement for me than learning English. But it definitely helps with other languages!

** hopes Magdalena doesn't laugh at my grammar lol
6 Jun 2010
Travel / Public Transportation in Poland [30]

Indeed. Sorry for any misunderstanding there, I generally use the names of cities that I'm most used to, which is in Dutch.

Fair enough. But please be aware that we may be a little insulted by the use of Germanic names such as Warschau, Breslau and Posen, for obvious reasons. We don't insult you Dutch by saying that you're "just like the Germans really", so please be careful with your choice of words on this Polish forum, thanks. ;)
6 Jun 2010
Law / Any good business ideas - what Poland needs? [114]

Don't you mean Sparkbrook, lol.

But you do realise that there's only way you are going to get a cheap "British-style" curry house... and most Poles don't want that.
6 Jun 2010
Travel / Public Transportation in Poland [30]

Some Poles consider this very offensive. For historical reasons, not because they necessarily dislike Germans in general.

Yes, i agree! i hate when people use german names to call polish cities. And i dont have anything against germans.


I don't dislike Germans (or the Dutch, btw ;) ) but having been brought up in a Polish family, anything "German" automatically switches on some kind of "warning bell" in my mind, unfortunately.

Bus 175 stops at the Central Station. And then it drives toward the Old Town (via very fashionable streets like Nowy Świat and Krakowskie Przedmieście).

I've not been there for over a year, but I bet it still says "trasa czasowo zmieniona" on the route map, like it always did every time I was there, lol.
6 Jun 2010

Since airlines are reducing weight.

If you're flying with LOT, don't worry... I was once 9kg over weight and they didn't charge me a penny more :)

When you arrive at Wwa-airport and go through the doors after having picked up your luggage, turn left and walk to the end of the Terminal 1-building.

It's more likely that he will arrive at Terminal 2 these days; in which case, he needs to turn right once he sees all the people holding cards up, which will take him in the direction of Terminal 1. The directions to the cash machines are correct, though ;)

I agree that Polish girls dress really OK.

They look like they mostly wear market clothes over here.

Don't forget the white socks and sandals for your husband/bloke he will instantly blend in.

and the backpack, can of Tyskie in one hand, and fag in the other! lol
6 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Fish and chips - do Polish people in the UK like this? [108]

What's with that strange myth about Poles keen on everything with ketchup?

Every Pole I've met under the age of 40, who was actually born in Poland, seems obsessed with ketchup. Like many myths, there's a lot of truth in this one ;)

Personally I prefer HP Sauce, but certainly not with everything. Mostly on my bacon barm!
6 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Fish and chips - do Polish people in the UK like this? [108]

There's already a Fish & Chip shop in Warsaw:

Ha! Next time I'm in Warsaw, I'm definitely going there! :)

It's quite expensive though isn't it? British food at British prices!

I wonder if they have big jars of pickled cucumbers on the counter, like over here? Would be a bit strange if they didn't, considering we love our ogórki but English people don't really eat them, except with fish and chips lol.
6 Jun 2010
Language / Polish and other slavic language differences [60]

Slovak comes across as a sloppy form of Czech with lots of slang. Not sure how it evolved, but that's probably one of the reasons that Slovaks usually don't have a problem understanding Czechs, but quite a few Czechs have serious problems understanding Slovak.

Aha, that explains a lot... and I just thought my Czech was rubbish, lol. What always also gets me is the randomness with which Czech/Slovak words are similar to Polish (or not).

Like breakfast is śniadanie in Polish, snídaně in Czech, but raňajky in Slovak (though you can work out that it's something to do with the morning if you know Polish). But then cellar is piwnica in Polish, pivnica in Slovak, but is sklep in Czech (which in turn is "shop" in Polish, but shop in Czech is obchod, lolz: ) ).

You've got to love false friends! :)
6 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Fish and chips - do Polish people in the UK like this? [108]

i always thought they were called Gerkins ;)

I suppose they are, haha!

They're called "wallies" in London, lol :)

What is there not to like?

Fish & Chips just totally rules. And the fish part was originally Jewish, so of course Poles will like it; look in any Jewish cookbook - it's like a Polish cookbook without the pork ;)

What he said ;)
6 Jun 2010
News / What is wrong with Poland that Poles emigrate? [167]

Nearly every Costa coffee or coffee shop I have been to (airports and Motorway service stations) have a Polish or an Eastern European person working there.


One Costa I used to go in regularly had Polish, English, Irish, Turkish, Thai and Brazilian staff. But the majority of the staff were English. But, if you look at the area it was in, and follow your argument, then you would think that working in Costa was "a job which Pakis won't do".

We have TEN MILLION people in the UK who don't work. You can't seriously tell me that ALL of those people don't want to work. I'm sure there's a few million who don't, but as for the rest, they probably can't get work because immigrants have filled those jobs.

Remember also the other lie, that "immigration is good for our economy"? Well, we've had years of mass immigration, but the economy is in the worst state since the 1930s. So how on earth has that "improved" things?

And see what happens if you're a "local" these days...

Yet people with foreign accents have no problem finding similar jobs, and no-one expects them to go for elocution lessons!

But the Left still can't understand why more and more people are getting fed up of unrestricted immigration. It's not racist to look after your own first - everyone else does it!
6 Jun 2010
Life / Are you too selfish to leave Poland? [22]

good night out costs £50 + a pack of cigarettes are nearly £6 a beer £3 a room to rent £60 + a week so a night out your room and a weeks supply of smoke is half your wages and you havent eaten yet.

The answer is obvious - drink less and don't smoke, then you can live in a decent area like I do, instead of flatsharing!
6 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Fish and chips - do Polish people in the UK like this? [108]

can you imagine asking for them in a shop "i'd like some wallies please".. oh dear I'll stop now with the humour before i start ;)

you ask for "fish an' chips an' I'll av wan a dem wallies an' all mah san", lol :)
6 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Fish and chips - do Polish people in the UK like this? [108]

Me too


(i still dont get the pickled egg thing though..yuk!) not that Id want one with my fish and chips.

ugh, no way! Eggs are for starting a fried rice dish, not for fish and chips!
7 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Fish and chips - do Polish people in the UK like this? [108]

The link was broken, but I guess you can pickle cucumber, Ive just never seen it in a chipper over by mine..I do like gurkins though..

fixed :)

Go into a Jewish shop and they do sliced pickled cucumbers which look like... ordinary salad cucumbers! lol

i always think of gherkins as those small things which look really wrinkled. Polish-style pickled cucumbers are mostly much bigger, and look/taste different. Those I've seen on the counter look a lot bigger than what I would call "gherkins", more like the Polish varieties but probably not Polish.

Oddly enough, I've never asked for one. I've always wondered if they are just for display, like edible pot pourri or something, lol.

from a nice pub yeah ok,

z grilla is just not the same, lol.

GRRRRR this thread made me want to go to the fish and chip shop, but I couldn't, because I'd had a few drinks and couldn't drive, so I had to make do with some Cantonese-style pork and prawn fried rice. Good job I had some BBQ pork and prawns left! But I wanted FISH AND CHIPS really!!! grrrrrrr!!! lol
7 Jun 2010
Love / Not used to dating a Polish man [28]

Ahahahahaha- sorry I don't think he's your boyfriend.

He's not, she dumped him two years ago, lol :)

im broken up with the one i was talking about...just broke up with him...

7 Jun 2010
Life / 80% of Polish people are boring or can't party, why? [179]

Think about it this way: if a prostitute costs you £50 an hour, all you get is sex for your £50, then that's it, you have to pi** off. If you want anything else, even just conversation, you pay extra.

Then consider a girlfriend: you may spend 20 hours a week with her and have sex each week. Each sex session may last quite a bit longer than it would with a prostitute. During that 20 hours, you may have gone out for a meal, taken her to the pub, or for coffee, and maybe spent some money on other things like cinema tickets, etc. Let's just say that you spent... hmm... maybe £100 on her each week, and sex was guaranteed each week. 100/20 = £5 an hour. Assuming that you value each part of your relationship as much as the sex part, that's a bargain. Southern just gets sex for his £50 an hour, while those who prefer to have a girlfriend only spend £5 an hour and get a lot more out of it than just sex.

Of course, few people would ever consider a relationship in purely cash terms like these, but if you do, paying a prostitute seems like even worse value than it seems. That's why, among other reasons, I'll never do it.

Besides, many of the best things in a relationship cost nothing at all, and can't be bought. But that's the problem with a lot of people today - they know the price of everything, and the value of nothing.
10 Jun 2010
Language / Why x.xx$ in Poland? [20]

And just to confuse everyone even more...

lol :)
11 Jun 2010
Travel / A beach in Krakow [7]

and does Krakow really need to generate more tourists to the area by doing this?

Well, they had one in Birmingham, so why not, LMAO :D :D
11 Jun 2010
Life / Know any Polish English bilingual childrens toys? [11]

When I was there at christmas I found a lovey teddy bear in REAL that spoke a few phrases in English and Polish. Since then I have searched on many different sites and have not been able to track it down - or any other toys. Does anyone have any idea of that teddys name or any other childrens toys? (for a one year old)

I imagine that a lot of this stuff is made in China these days, so be careful, or you may end up with something like this:


or this:

11 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Oxford Polish bride 'heartbroken' over arrest - accusations of sham marriage [126]

well... she is cute (but no, i do not claim that polish chicks are 'the most beautiful in the world')

If you say so :) she looks closer to 30 than 19 imo!

Oddly enough, even my mum has noticed the lower standard of Polish people over here these days - she told me the other day "it's easy to spot the recent immigrants, they seem to all have such weird, ugly faces - which villages are they importing these people from these days? We used to be known for being a good-looking people" :D
11 Jun 2010
Work / How is the Warsaw job opportunities for international students? [43]

This stupid caste system they have in India, forbids the laborer (the lowest caste, the 'untoachables') to even touch anyone in higher caste.

We've got something similar here, in a way. Some of the benefit underclass won't go with anyone who earns enough to lose them their benefits or their council tenancy. Inverted snobbery, I guess.
11 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Oxford Polish bride 'heartbroken' over arrest - accusations of sham marriage [126]

You need to get over yourself! If you heard the way these Poles talk about the local population in Polish, you would understand why even previous Polish immigrants despise them - that quote above is tame compared to what they say about English people and non-white Britons, many of whom have much more to offer the UK than the Polish underclass has - this country has plenty of it's own wasters, it certainly doesn't need Poland's idiots as well!