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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Female ♀
Warnings: 2 - AA
Last Post: 2 hrs ago
Threads: 4
Posts: 8343

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2 Jul 2024
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [728]

If you want to see another a woman-moron in action this video will do the trick

2 Jul 2024
News / European News and Poland Thread 3 [1214]

No, it's not the same, moron. If it was the same, "rightists" in Europe would be in prison.

What an imbecile...
2 Jul 2024
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [728]

does indeed create an elected king.

Hey, stupid, your king is the most impotent clown on this earth. He is not even allowed to post "What the fvck is going on with those damn migrants". I can. Even you can but you are too chicken to do it.

So try to come up with a better example than that moronic "king".

BTW, there are no "dictators", either. Hitler, Stalin, and Mao were not dictators. If you ask me I will explain.

Trump ... a "dictator"....What a bunch of imbeciles...
2 Jul 2024
Life / Poland Is A Gem In Europe [55]

they think that are above for some F up reason.

...and that women are superior to men..."Women can do everything men can ...only better"...Forget equal...Much, much better...
2 Jul 2024
News / European News and Poland Thread 3 [1214]

Fascists are rarely pro-Polish.

But sometimes they are?...Tell us, genius, when "fascists" were pro-Polish.
2 Jul 2024
News / Rape and sexual abuse in Poland [193]

to use the law to demonize men.

Stupid broads went too far here and now are begging men to date them and marry them. To which men say fine ... 50/50...and a prenup...

This is when the broads hit the ceiling...What??? A prenup??? Don't you trust me?

No, because women initiate 80% of divorces for bullshit reasons.
2 Jul 2024
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [728]

I have only one question for Bidenistas. Now pay attention, morons...

Would you leave Biden, the doomsday briefcase, and the launch codes in the same room without adult supervision?
2 Jul 2024
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [728]

Giving immunity was for short term political reasons which now have lohg term consequences.

That was exactly the reason: To make sure, long term, that a sitting president is not harrassed by idiots like you who happen to be the opposition DAs.

If the Supreme Court didn't rule the way it did, every leftist Soros DA bit*ch like the one in Georgia would try to charge the president the bit*ch doesn't like with something.

Now multiply that black Dem POS two dozen times and the president would be doing nothing but going from courthouse to courthouse...Duh!
2 Jul 2024
Off-Topic / Still alive and well [334]

Tell me how you made this picture that big when I click on it...

Do you have a spare room in case my wife kicks my ass out?
2 Jul 2024
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [728]

No, Biden calling for the assassination of his political opponent would not be immune.

In our democracy, there is no need to assassinate anyone.

Just get a Jew from Hungary going and the POS will help elect black Dem DAs who will keep the guy busy in America's courtrooms with Dem judges and Dem juries.
2 Jul 2024
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [728]

The ammo may be blanks but it still makes a lot of noise.

Exactly. Try to undo a false accusation of being a rapist. Or "abuser"...Or "child molester"...

That's what women do all the time.

because Biden has absolute immunity for core duties

...and that's why this POS will never be charged criminally for keeping that damn border open and inflicting epic damage on the United States and its citizens.

Hey, Barney, can you go somewhere else and do your bootlicking crap there...We have enough morons here as it is already...
2 Jul 2024
News / Rape and sexual abuse in Poland [193]

And if you needed even more...

...35% of men who were asked if they would rape if assured of no legal consequences said yes.

Men are predatory pigs. That's why I wrote a book with "Don't Trust Anybody" as the first chapter. Quoting:

Men do such things because it is in their genes, DNA, instinct, or the way their brains are wired. Wherever it comes from, in the end, it works like this: if it has a pulse, he will kill it; if it has a pulse and a vagina, he will rape it - even if the vagina belongs to a farm animal or a 9-month-old baby.

Unfortunately for women, most of them are trusting naive idiots because they were raised by equally trusting and naive parents.
2 days ago
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [183]

[login to read]
2 days ago
News / Rape and sexual abuse in Poland [193]

Is this book available on Amazon? I would read it.

It was on Amazon for a while. Before I took it down, I gave away a couple thousand copies as promos.
If you send me your email address I will send you the file. My email is:
2 days ago
News / Rape and sexual abuse in Poland [193]

The only solution, is to rape them first.

...or drive the point home the Singapore way. No repeaters there...
2 days ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [728]

That's a very good question.

Here is a very good answer....

Because Trump was the first president who decided to ignore the memo, gave the middle finger to the swamp, and was attacked by a bunch of Dem hyenas to pervert US democracy.

That's why it was time for clarity.
2 days ago
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 12 [760]

Supplying tens of thousands of shells that fall on the heads of Russian soldiers?

The most despicable are the Germans. I guess 25 million dead Russians was not enough or they can't forgive the Red Army for this photo op:

2 days ago
News / Rape and sexual abuse in Poland [193]

This method, it works.

Bobko for the head of the Department of Swift Justice.
Yeah no problem for me.

I would give them a break in 1945 in Berlin.
2 days ago
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 12 [760]

Have you rolled your Red Army through their countries actually fighting THEIR armies,

You? Who is you?

Russia doesn't have to apologize for anything before 1990 just as Americans don't have to apologize for slavery and the Civil War.
2 days ago
News / Rape and sexual abuse in Poland [193]

I wonder if you'd say the same thing if you lived in Germany

No, I wouldn't. I also wouldn't like to be in Dresden, Hiroshima, or Nagasaki when those were turned into hellholes...

And your point is that it's not nice to see the enemy suffer?

Actually, it is fun...You see, genius, every Gestapo Hans was once a very cute little baby so killing that baby was a good thing before it was able to torture and murder. Right?

What a stupid woman...

BTW, did you know that Auschwitz female guards were more cruel than their male buddies?

And that German women happily made ammo and guns that would later be used to murder millions of Soviets?

If anything, German women were treated by the Red Army 100 times better than what Germans did to Russian women in Russia and death camps.
2 days ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [728]

but please define for us lay boobs out there

After you define "a woman".
2 days ago
Off-Topic / Still alive and well [334]

than trying to diminish me.

A scared gutless Euro bootlicker diminishing an American? No fvcking way!
2 days ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [728]

natural causes before the November election.

...or "natural causes"...Big difference...
2 days ago
Off-Topic / Still alive and well [334]

Unless your post was meant to be ironic or sarcastic then it was pure idiocy.

Not at all...I don't know how JR feels but I know me. Me and I meet daily and have a very good relationship...

BTW, I have been looking for a reason to feel inferior to anyone and every day I come up empty. Any suggestions?

Also, my daily prayer is to be wrong just once...

If you only knew how many Americans they ran out of here before I showed up here

Ain't gonna happen to me. Actually, I like azholes the way flies like shlt: They attract my attention.

I can take only much of nice and polite crap about flowers and shoes.
2 days ago
Off-Topic / Still alive and well [334]

Why not feel inferior to Brits,

I have no reason since I reject all authority. I only recognize the raw power of the state.
2 days ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [728]

The C.I.A. can get very creative.

...and I like them for this...Right along with the FSB and Mossad...

Hey, Lyzko, if defining a woman is more than you can handle...How many genders are there?
2 days ago
Off-Topic / Still alive and well [334]

My attitude is consistent regardless of the system. That's why I never tell cops here or anywhere else that they know nothin' and are pigs. My IQ is too high for this...

Or it must be that white privilege blacks talk about so often.
2 days ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [728]

let's see this leftie liberal squirm out of that question

He will because he is smart enough to know that if he answered both correctly he would be fired.