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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Female ♀
Warnings: 3 - AAA
Last Post: 5 hrs ago
Threads: 4
Posts: 8224

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27 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [541]

Cant balance the budget, you cant run for office again.

I have a better solution. Vote for a deficit on Monday = a firing squad on Tuesday.
Also, women should not be allowed to vote until they can be drafted.

Today, women can vote for the worst warmongers and watch men die from a distance while banging their tennis instructors.
27 Jun 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 12 [590]

You Will be shocked by WHAT IS HAPPENING In Russia

Three things are not happening in Russia:

1. No 18-year-old girls tipping the scale at 300 pounds.
2. No black scum pushing you under the train.
3. No grab-and-run shopping.

After that video, I am even more determined to be Russian in my next life. Hopefully, by then Russia's second official language will be American.
27 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [541]

Do you feel inferior to the White race ?

He does because he is.

Thanks for capitalizing "White".
27 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Deepak cargo pants [130]

Who is "we", you got fleas again ?

King syndrome.
27 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [467]

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27 Jun 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 12 [590]

to the lost EU.

In 20 years, Russia will be Russia. China will be China. Europe will be a Muslim and black dump of epic proportions. Unrecognizable, unsafe, with no identity of its own...But still oh so woke and proud...because Euros would rather die than send them away...It would be "hateful" and so unkind...

The US? That will depend on if sanity will prevail in November - the last train out...If not, every man for himself...
27 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [164]

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27 Jun 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 12 [590]

Europe will function as always.

...just as that British "Empire" - now an irritating pimple on Europe's ass...

Did you know that Great Britain defeated Germany in 1945? It's hard to tell, isn't it...

If you don't know what I mean, see Italy...Europe's garbage can for the Africans that stupid Italians fish out and bring home to hug and feed...
27 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [164]

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27 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [541]

and starts reading lectures about corruption and nepotism.

...because to the average American, corruption is passing 20 bucks to a cop who pulled you over, not a 20-billion-dollar contract the MICC got for a new weapon we don't need.

It will be another dog and pony show by CNN.

...that I will not watch.
27 Jun 2024
News / Coronavirus in Poland - part 2 [314]

from Covid is a rhetorical question

No, it's not.

Hospitals were paid more by the feds if it was Covid.
27 Jun 2024
Life / Will Poland ever be multicultural like Sweden, Germany or France? [201]

Theinfo I have- mom Polish, dad British,

Don't BS me with that "British". It's an implication game leftists play to suggest that a man is white. What happened with "African"?

She is an African Pole.

BTW, where is the neggro now? In Poland?
27 Jun 2024
Life / Will Poland ever be multicultural like Sweden, Germany or France? [201]

You do realise that there are black people living outside of Africa, right?

Yes, genius. The Vatican has one black cardinal.
Do your own research.

I Googled "Ugly African Polish transgender woman wins beauty contest" and nothing came up.
27 Jun 2024
Life / Will Poland ever be multicultural like Sweden, Germany or France? [201]

I wonder why that is.

They never get the invoice to pay their share of immigration expenses.

Rumors have it that the US spends 160 billion bucks on migrants every year.

There are about 40 million Americans who work and create wealth. If you divide 160b by 40M, you get 4k per year per person.

Try to send 40 million invoices to the tune of 4k each and then ask the payers if they are for or against open borders.
27 Jun 2024
Life / Will Poland ever be multicultural like Sweden, Germany or France? [201]

PolAm's comment was retarded.

On his worst day, he is better than all of you Euro bootlickers combined.

Sorry, PAK, but I couldn't let it slide...

She's not transgender, idiot,

You don't know that...If she is not, Poland is not progressive enough.

I just changed my gender to a woman. BTW, did you know that there are only two genders? I was shocked when trans freaks told me this.

So where is the sperm donor today?
27 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [541]

But if you are the daughter of the American president - then nobody can say anything.

Sending his daughter was brilliant. She is a person he can trust absolutely. Everybody else is a suspect or a traitor. Remember Pence?
27 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [467]

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27 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [541]

WOKE Activists MELTDOWN Over NY Republican BANNING Transwomen From Competing Against Girls In Sports

No, morons, "trans girls" are not girls. They are boys with dicks and a lot of chutzpah.
27 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [467]

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27 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [467]

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27 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [467]

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27 Jun 2024
History / Historical Polish parades [42]

LGBT: I am sick and I don't reproduce...

And we thank you for it. When you finally figure out why you are proud please let someone who gives a fvck know right away.
27 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [541]

The real Nazis would have shot you on the spot,

I would join them first to deport all foreign scum that does not meet my specs.
27 Jun 2024
History / Historical Polish parades [42]

Anyway, the more the merrier.

How many LGBTs can a tribe have and survive? 50%?

Pride London

So now sick pervs have a reason to be proud? How about schizos? Should they be proud, too? Or bedwetters...
27 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [467]

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27 Jun 2024
History / Historical Polish parades [42]

we're actually talking about the tradition of parades in Poland.

Pride parades have two subgroups.

1. Paraders who know they are biologically worthless, and
2. On-lookers mumbling: I am so glad it's not me or my kids...

Kind of like at a circus with a bearded lady...or a midget with two heads...

But this LGBTQWERTY+++ thing is just a joke gone too far!

Guess what! You and I are not included in that ever-growing chain of madness...
I stopped at a fagot church near me and asked them about that omission...They asked me to leave...