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Previous Poland's government corrupting the media. [125]
still didn't answer me what you think about 500+ for rich people :) What do you think about it?
I have multiple people to reply to in at least two threads now, so please excuse me - what I think of 500+ for rich people - I don't know maybe it's some malicious twist to silence those who oppose it - maybe the law would be deemed unconstitutional by the opposition if it didn't cover every child - how do i know
We live here and now. PiS is screwing up now -
PiS is exactly screwing up now what? and when you look in the past you see what kind of challenges PiS faced/faces - corrupt ministerial clerks, corrupt judges, corrupt special services - or as Mr Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz once remarked - państwo teoretyczne czyli ch... du.. i kamieni kupa
Where is that "good change"
the good change is in the economy (at least before the pandemy) thanks to wallets of millions of once deprived Poles