The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Feniks  

Joined: 14 Mar 2024 / Female ♀
Last Post: 4 hrs ago
Threads: 2
Posts: 806

Interests: Reading, Hiking, Science, Travel, Art

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1 Apr 2024
Food / Polish Pizza !! The best in the world? [330]

I got some Henderson's Relish a while back.

I've never heard of it before. Fish free Worcester Sauce.

Deedahs (Sheffield people) around the world take it with them or buy it online.

I feel a bit like that about Worcester Sauce. I've always got it in the cupboard. Bit of an addiction. Why are Sheffield people called Deedahs?

nobody outside Cornwall (where it was pretty well forgotten too) had even heard of it until about a decade

I knew what it was but I can't say it looks appealing.

Mushroom ketchup is nice.

I've not tried that either but I've seen it in supermarkets:

Dock and Herb Puddings sound interesting. I bet there's lots of Northern dishes I don't know about.
1 Apr 2024
Life / The climate for gardening in Poland [340]

I copied some of it

All of it from what I read. So it isn't your method. Just be honest. Let's face it the only time you're not copying and pasting is when you're being abusive.

If you did, you would have shared your experiences long ago.

Asparagus wars!!! :):)


How very Christian of you! On Easter Sunday too.
1 Apr 2024
Food / Polish Pizza !! The best in the world? [330]

used to serve pancakes with decorative swirls of it on.

Ugh! There are so many better things you could serve with pancakes.

I quite like HP

I've tried it but never bought it. Not a fan. The only sauces I currently have at home are soy and Worcester sauce.


Never tried them. I doubt most people have. I'm willing to bet that most people from other countries no little about British cuisine. Time and again if people comment it's only to talk about our fish and chips, like it's the only dish we ever eat. That or an English breakfast.
31 Mar 2024
Life / The climate for gardening in Poland [340]

What is this veg which requires hilling for better growth?

Parsnips? Although they're not overly popular in Poland.

Give my method a try

Copied from
31 Mar 2024
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 3 [601]

Something else?

In addition, white linen to go in the basket, greenery, bread/babka. Friends of mine usually put a sugar lamb in there that their kids have made. I think horseradish is also included.
30 Mar 2024
Life / Neoliberalism and family formation in Poland [100]

Funny how the Tate brothers have had charges dropped isnt it?

They haven't been dropped:

"Tate and his brother Tristan are currently awaiting trial in Romania after being charged with human trafficking, rape and forming an organised crime group to sexually exploit women on June 20, 2023, along with two Romanian women. A trial date is yet to be set."

His message that is changing young men from objectifying women to respecting them must be terrible.

His message is the very opposite of that statement.
30 Mar 2024
Life / Neoliberalism and family formation in Poland [100]

You dont like Tate because why?

This interview with him says it all for me. Guess you are one of his admirers as you are actually repeating almost verbatim some of the the stuff he comes out with. If you can't see what is wrong with this guy then there is a problem.

29 Mar 2024
Life / Neoliberalism and family formation in Poland [100]

I think the problem lies almost exclusively with some men

Sadly, quite a few men on this forum.

women were either like this or this with nothing in between and no other options.

That's about the size of it! Prisoner Cell Block H!! Love it
29 Mar 2024
Life / Neoliberalism and family formation in Poland [100]

Such a woman reminds a (straight) man of other men which is a turn off.

I can't see why. Being assertive and standing up for oneself doesn't mean being aggressive. Sometimes the two get confused. Rather that than be a doormat.
29 Mar 2024
Language / Dupa - what a beautiful Polish word [103]

grown ass means you have become very big-headed after gaining self confidence and the feeling of importance which you lacked before.

OK, I get that from the mechanic situation. I was getting confused with trying to link Ivan Denisovich with prehistoric cavemen. Lol. Fed up with asses now!
29 Mar 2024
Language / Dupa - what a beautiful Polish word [103]

I sort of know what you're trying to get at but I can't put it into words. The guy has all the knowledge and Mark has now outlived his usefulness I'm finding the clues too confusing.
29 Mar 2024
Life / Neoliberalism and family formation in Poland [100]

you have some narrow minded views,

Tunnel vision in my opinion. I'm getting fed up with hearing from many of the men on here how if women don't have those traditional views they must be career hungry leftists who will end up alone full of regrets. One extreme to the other. If women want to be stay at home mothers and are in the position to do so, that's fine, but many women want a little more out of life and why shouldn't they have careers too. Men just don't like the fact that the status quo has shifted.
28 Mar 2024
Language / Dupa - what a beautiful Polish word [103]

The one about an enlarged ass is still pending...

Probably still not right but someone has become tougher, harder, stronger?
28 Mar 2024
Language / Dupa - what a beautiful Polish word [103]

what is the reason for that first reason?

Greed or lack of self-control?

to break sth on the edge of the ass

Saying that something is no good for anything, useless, a waste of time?
24 Mar 2024
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

I went to Poland twice in the last 7 years and it was "ty" no mater who was in front of me -

It might not matter so much to younger people but with older people it's showing a lack of respect. Clearly, you don't care if you come across as rude. Ryszard wie lepiej!
23 Mar 2024
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Poles should join the civilized nations that know how to use "ty" without causing heads to explode.

I would hardly call the US 'civilised'. It's the land of fruit and nutcases. Unless you take a trip to Poland you'll never have to address any Poles anyway, so why are you whining?

Because you are scared.

I know your mentality and that fear of being reported

More arrogance!!

I don't tend to engage with strangers because I've got better things to do with my time. Get this through your thick head. If I want company, I'll go with a friend for coffee. If I'm on my own having coffee it's because I like it that way. I don't want somebody asking me to join them. Make of that what you want but you're talking out of your arse.
23 Mar 2024
Language / Game - guess Polish idioms/sayings in direct English translation [1756]

Someone fitting closely to another like a patch to a piece of clothing. :):):

OK, now I get it.

pollinate or zapylać meant rush, hurry, speed etc when I was a boy a few decades ago.

I'm not sure how.....

Why bikers?

They wear embroidered patches on their leather jackets, often it's the name of the club they belong to e.g Hells Angels MC