The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Feniks  

Joined: 14 Mar 2024 / Female ♀
Last Post: 3 hrs ago
Threads: 2
Posts: 809

Interests: Reading, Hiking, Science, Travel, Art

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18 Apr 2024
Language / Game - guess Polish idioms/sayings in direct English translation [1756]

But it surprised and worried me that nobody else replied

Maybe people were busy on other threads at the time I posted it. In general though this thread and the riddle ones aren't that popular. I do find that strange to be honest.

What is meant by 'To not be in the sauce' ?
16 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / What's your hobby? [166]

Those are great!

Thank you.

All the pictures make me feel a bit uneasy. There is something dark in those works

Oh dear! I've never really thought too much about how others would see them because I never get them out to show anyone.

I have drawn more conventional things but fantasy type stuff always appealed more.

those Jim Lee's copies of mine were better than any fanart that people were posting on that site/forum.

There you go then! Keep drawing :)

they were sharing their thoughts, their art process and tutorials and that's how I learned about it.

That's the good thing about the internet, it's easy to find out how to do things. I remember trawling the local library for books on art and they didn't have a huge section.

Thanks for posting the videos. I watched both but definitely related to what was being said in the bottom one more. Digital art doesn't do much for me as I'm not a great lover of computers in general. Guess I'm a bit old school in that respect.

As a kid I was fascinated by the 'impossible' drawings of M. C. Escher, the Dutch graphic artist. I think many of them are worked out mathematically, but I loved the fact that they were in black and white. I never really wanted to do art in colour. Don't know why.

I did try watercolour and oil painting but neither really appealed so I stuck with pencil drawing as I really liked trying out different methods of shading.

It's been a long time since I drew anything though, I have to be in the right frame of mind and I'm not sure I would have the concentration required anymore.
14 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [795]

Parents gunning down their children. Your press is nuts if that is what they tell you.
@ dannytoro1


What's a bit more common is kids getting into guns..

14 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [795]

That's exactly my life: my wife, me,

Millions of other families have kids still living at home. So in the middle of the night if the bedroom door opens how is anyone going to know if it's an intruder who has broken in or a kid who's had a nightmare and wants his parents?

Even you must see that there's scope there for accidental shootings. I don't even want to start on all the incidences of kids getting hold of guns in the house and shooting other family members/friends. There's been a lot.

You should wonder how many times armed homeowners prevented a crime by merely showing that they were armed.

Deflection tactics. Obviously victims of accidental shootings are just collateral damage to you.
14 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / What's your hobby? [166]

even tried to copy them :)

I'm not familiar with them so I've just had a look. Were you successful?

you invented and you're not copying, various photos help you to get the anatomy, pose, lighting, etc. right in your drawing :)

You see, this is where your training comes in. I wouldn't even think about things like that.

Could you post some of your drawings

I'm not sure how they'll come out as I've had to resize them.

There's a couple of album covers in there, Meatloaf- Bat out of Hell and Kate Bush- Never for Ever that I attempted.

  • rsz_img_8989.jpg

  • rsz_img_8983.jpg

  • rsz_img_8991.jpg

  • rsz_img_8988.jpg
13 Apr 2024
Life / Poland - what is your brand? [39]

Ptasie Mleczko'

Full of chemicals and looks like polystyrene. I saw some cafe latte flavoured ones in a Polish shop recently. I really like coffee flavoured chocolate but not easy to find these days.
13 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [795]

Would you pull the trigger when an intruder breaks the door to your upstairs bedroom?

I know you don't like these type of articles Novi, which is why you try and ignore them.

only you and your wife are in the house and she is with you.

Real life doesn't work that way. I wonder how many kids or other family members have been shot when parents mistake them for an intruder.
13 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / What's your hobby? [166]

I found today an old notebook and there are some of my drawings in it,

They're really nice drawings Paulina :)

I particularly like the manga style drawing and 'the failed attempt at foreshortening'. You're very good at capturing expressions.
Makes me want to have a go at comic style drawing now, never tried it before.

What I've learned is that there are always going to be people who draw and paint better than you,

Of course. I remember there was a girl in my class at school who drew the most amazing pictures and I really wished I could draw as well as her.

I'm definitely my own worse critic though! Thanks for posting them :))

I wasn't using any photo references, only my imagination, so there are some mistakes there.

I doubt anyone will be looking for perceived mistakes! Do you use photos for some of your drawings?
I've drawn things from imagination, from photos, I even went through a stage of drawing some record album covers just to see if I could do them and to see how well they came out.
10 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

I assume that Poloniusz is always right and go from there

Given that he lives in Canada, doesn't speak Polish and has never been to Poland, I find it hard to believe that he knows more about Poles and their attitudes towards Jews than Pawian who is Polish, lives in Poland, and converses with Poles on a daily basis.

That is simple deduction. One does not have to be a genius to work that out.
10 Apr 2024
Life / Polish film and serial riddles [137]

which in British diplomacy meant: I have no idea and don`t expect me to guess it correctly.

Not really. I've said this before with other riddle questions if I'm not immediately sure of the answer.

I spent too much time in Britain

Yes, you're practically a native :):)
10 Apr 2024
Life / The climate for gardening in Poland [340]

You are jealous that I know my horticulture better than anyone here

Given that you somehow thought that waxy potatoes contained more starch than floury ones, that really does surprise me. You even thanked me for correcting you!

I had long forgotten about this but you even linked to the thread in your post #166!
10 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [795]

Adults who don't own guns

Don't make fatal mistakes like this one. From one of your favourite sources:

Isn't this one of the main reasons you are in support of guns?
10 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / What's your hobby? [166]

I was throwing away most of my drawings when I was a teen,

How could you! I only ever through drawings away if I wasn't happy with them. Bit of a perfectionist I'm afraid!

Could you possibly post any of your stuff on here??

Don't think I'm up to the PF criticism! Especially since I'm the only one that hasn't studied art at an advanced level.

Have you posted any art on here before?

Or do you mean your scientific education?

Yes. I did my A levels and both degrees as a mature student.
10 Apr 2024
Life / Paintings of artists from Poland? [192]

The painting that Kuczyński based his on is "Szał uniesień"

If I'd seen that before I would instantly have known! It's a beautiful painting.
10 Apr 2024
Life / Polish film and serial riddles [137]

you can`t recognise him coz he was still young then

He was in Knife in the Water. I didn't get much of a chance to answer the riddles!

whole thing is on youtube but it is a bit of a downer

Not sure I would want to watch it if it's really depressing.....maybe I'll give Two Brigades a go.
6 Apr 2024
Life / Polish film and serial riddles [137]

Yes..... and no.

There is more than one father?

Can you get the name of the adult actor, too???

He does actually look familiar but I will have think about this.
6 Apr 2024
Life / Paintings of artists from Poland? [192]

I think those murals are a great way to promote some cities or parts of cities that are less popular with tourists.

They are. I've had to actively seek out where some of the murals I've seen are. Means doing a lot of walking but I like getting off the beaten track and you see loads along the way.

They argue that this is simply a skill that you can learn and not something you're born with.

I don't particularly agree with that. To be a good artist requires talent in my opinion. That is something you are born with. I'm not saying that a person can't learn to draw or paint but I think the results would be limited. I'm never going to be the next Leonardo da Vinci no matter how hard I try!

have you ever tried drawing or painting

Yes. I spent years drawing, at one time it was my obsession. I only ever worked in pencil and crayons though. I still have all my artwork. Some of it is so old that the paper has yellowed. I've never had any formal training. I wanted to go to art school but my parents said no and when I left home at 16, I put thoughts of going out of my mind as I had to work. Art and Literature were the subjects I loved at school, my science obsession came later on. Further education for me came years later.

Paweł Kuczyński's art -

I was looking through some of his work yesterday and I realised that I had heard his name before. Wroclaw Boy started a thread on here about him:

The link no longer links to his work though. I remembered only when I came across a painting of a man burning the rungs on a wooden ladder, his only way out of a pit, to keep warm, that I knew I'd seen it before and thought of this thread. You are right in that he is prolific, he's done so much work! I liked all the ' Insomnia ' collection.

Do you know which painting this one is based on?:

Lady Godiva? I don't think so but there are many paintings with that theme. It'll probably be obvious when you tell me what it is.
5 Apr 2024
Life / Paintings of artists from Poland? [192]

Paweł Kuczyński,

I haven't heard of this artist before but I really like his work. I especially like 'The Moon' picture.

I am familiar with Natalia Rak. She is an amazing artist and I love her murals. I especially like 'The Legend of the Giants' mural. Maybe I'll get to Białystok to see it one day.

I have a huge folder/file of street art. Whenever I travel somewhere, I try and check out the street art scene. Kaunas, Kyiv and Malaga have some great murals.

I'm honestly in awe of artists who make murals on entire walls of a few storey buildings

Me too. I wish I was that talented. I would rather look at a beautiful mural than an ugly building :)
5 Apr 2024
Life / Any "wet" plans for Śmigus-dyngus? [51]

it is activists who splash monuments.

Well at least it's harmless. Our activists over here would be trying to destroy them.

I managed to avoid the buckets of water this year.
5 Apr 2024
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 3 [601]

In my experience non-Polish people might be put off by the look

I've always liked bigos, really tasty dish. I wouldn't have got that from Pawian's pic though. It looked to me like he was making coleslaw from scratch!
5 Apr 2024
Life / Polish film and serial riddles [137]

There is another film, a drama, in which Himilsbach appears with a dog: We have to kill that love from 1974.

At least I got the actor right. Can't believe he was in 2 different films with a dog!

What is the relationship between the man and the boy?

Father and son?
2 Apr 2024
Life / Polish film and serial riddles [137]

What is going to happen to the man and his dog??

They have to leave the building? The neighbours from hell eventually win the conflict as they want the dog and its owners out. Jan Himilsbach plays the old porter in the film ' Pies'.