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Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]
So you're saying Jewish kapos were just a minority (what about the Jewish Police and other collaborators? ). So what about Poles? Are you suggesting Polish collaborators were not a minority?????
You're feeling sorry for Germans that they keep being called dirty krauts but you're ok accusing the majority of Poles of betrayal and antisemitism?
Let me explain it to you:
On September 1, 1939 Germany attacked Poland. From day one they started killing both soldiers and civilians, bombing railways, hospitals etc. Watch 'the Siege' by Julien Bryan. Watch Roosevelt's response to the documentary.
So while your family watched Hollywood films, played baseball or whatever, hundreds of thousands of Poles were killed. German troops would enter villages and kill all men. They burned synagogues, too.
Soon ghettos and concentration camps were set up. The first reports were made by Poles ... and ignored.
Your family kept living their ordinary lives. Mine were sent to Germany. Along with millions of others. Poor German bauers, factory owners etc who had to deal with the fact all those Poles were sent back home in 1945. It must have been traumatic. The Poles came back to a ruined country. They were happy they had survived. Some didn't.
Both ethnic Poles and Polish Jews suffered from Nazis - most of them were German. There were collaborators, both Polish and Jewish. They were a minority. There were good Germans - they were a minority, too.
So will you - whose family didn't face the German atrocities - stop judging others.