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From: Poland
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2 Apr 2018
Genealogy / Family Decendent of Gen. Jozef Bem [28]

Was that in Poland?

Yeah, the surname is not really uncommon. There's also that singer Ewa Bem.
I doubt all Bems are related to the general just like not all Dudas are related to our president ;)
2 Apr 2018
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

I doubt they will ban abortion in Poland.
Abortion in Poland is legal just in these three limited cases. And none of these involves 'I'll abort my child because I forgot to take the pill/use a condom'.

No one forces a woman to abort her child in any of these cases, but it should be her decision.
That was what the 2016 protests were about. Both women and men protested. Some say it was temat zastępczy to avoid discussing ceta as no government would dare to totally ban abortion in Poland.

As for the last protests, there were against Kaja Godek's proposition. It was about abortion concerning foetuses with irreparable damage. Lots of people forget that it's not only about children with the Down Syndrome. There are far more serious issues and parents of such children get far too little help from the state. They often need to give up their jobs to take care of their children 24/7 and they get mere 1500 zł or so per month which often isn't enough even to buy medicines.
2 Apr 2018
Genealogy / Family Decendent of Gen. Jozef Bem [28]

He was an important historical figure, a hero of three nations. Had he had any children, at least basic information about them would be available online, I guess. I mean even his stepmother's maiden name is mentioned.

Anyway, he was a member of the Polish nobility, so there should be detailed genealogical records available.
2 Apr 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [945]

That's the point really. As much as some despise the EU, I doubt many would suspect any Western European country to invade Poland. As for Russia, well ...

There's a thick line between a country's culture and politics. The same applies to the mentality. Polish and Russian mentalities are different.
Culturally, Poland has also always been slightly different from Russia, different religion, different alphabets etc.
1 Apr 2018
Genealogy / Family Decendent of Gen. Jozef Bem [28]

There are over 1600 people called Bem in Poland according to I doubt they are all related to Józef Bem.
I haven't found any information about a wife or children of the general. As for siblings, he had four half sisters and two half brothers, Konstanty and Andrzej (the latter born in 1810).
31 Mar 2018
USA, Canada / So happy to be Polish-American [43]

You're not a suspect here. Just a few people here are Poles from Poland.
It's not always a nice place, btw.
Why were the dna results a surprise to you? Didn't you know your ancestors were Polish immigrants? Were they?
30 Mar 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

Watch the video. The amazing thing about is that Szpilman talks about both about good and bad things he experienced during the war - he talks about Poles, Jews and Germans. One's nationality doesn't determine one's decency.

And it's not about Hitler's victims turning against each other, though it probably happened, too. Lyzko's family didn't experience the war in Europe. Yet he dares to generalise about Poles during the war. Why wouldn't I comment on this? Especially that he keeps justifying Germans. My family suffered from what they did.

In the meantime another anti-Polish website was founded by a Jewish American. Why is it ok to talk about Polish antisemitism but Jewish anti-polonism is a taboo.
29 Mar 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

Another video worth watching (with some very poor, but understandable, English subtitles for about 30 minutes) - Władysław Szpilman talking about the war.
Surprisingly enough, his attitude towards Poles is different from Lyzko's. He doesn't hesitate to mention Jewish collaborators.

Lyzko, I challenge you to watch the video.
29 Mar 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

That's the whole point.
I guess it's because it's really hard to accept that your own people may be such scum.
It's not easy for Polish people to hear there were Polish collaborators. But be brave and admit there were Jewish collaborators, too.
Also, from my personal point of view, it keeps amazing me how little some know about what happened to ethnic Poles and how they suffered too. Nowadays, the official narrative requires us to share the guilt for the Holocaust. What about our suffering?
29 Mar 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

So you're saying Jewish kapos were just a minority (what about the Jewish Police and other collaborators? ). So what about Poles? Are you suggesting Polish collaborators were not a minority?????

You're feeling sorry for Germans that they keep being called dirty krauts but you're ok accusing the majority of Poles of betrayal and antisemitism?

Let me explain it to you:
On September 1, 1939 Germany attacked Poland. From day one they started killing both soldiers and civilians, bombing railways, hospitals etc. Watch 'the Siege' by Julien Bryan. Watch Roosevelt's response to the documentary.

So while your family watched Hollywood films, played baseball or whatever, hundreds of thousands of Poles were killed. German troops would enter villages and kill all men. They burned synagogues, too.

Soon ghettos and concentration camps were set up. The first reports were made by Poles ... and ignored.
Your family kept living their ordinary lives. Mine were sent to Germany. Along with millions of others. Poor German bauers, factory owners etc who had to deal with the fact all those Poles were sent back home in 1945. It must have been traumatic. The Poles came back to a ruined country. They were happy they had survived. Some didn't.

Both ethnic Poles and Polish Jews suffered from Nazis - most of them were German. There were collaborators, both Polish and Jewish. They were a minority. There were good Germans - they were a minority, too.

So will you - whose family didn't face the German atrocities - stop judging others.
28 Mar 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

Poland was one of the victims. Germany was one of the assaulters.
Will you please stop blaming the victim and justifying the assaulter, Lyzko?
As for history teaching, I remember when you had to be told about the damage of Warsaw after the uprising.
Poor Germany was traumatised- a good one ...
In the meantime, another person of Jewish origin is killed in France in hate crime.
25 Mar 2018
History / Polish military uniforms - collar markings [74]

The photo seems to have been taken by B. Henner in Jarosław. That's what it says in the Latin alphabet. So it was the Austrian partition. Assuming the man in the photo lived in Jarosław, the uniform was probably Austrian.

Bernard Henner Junior (1866-1913) was a son of Bernard Henner Sr who was a famous photographer in Przemyśl.
25 Mar 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

Why only Poles? Poles know these names. Yet they are unknown to lots of foreigners, some of them regulars here apparently, who talk about Polish death camps or of all Poles being antisemitic.

Yesterday was the anniversary of the Ulma family's death - parents and six children.They were killed for hiding Jews. The mother was pregnant. The labour started as she was shot apparently.
25 Mar 2018
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

That's what the Saxon Palace used to look like. The Unknown Soldier's Tomb are just few arcades left from the palace. The rest was destroyed by Nazis.

So no, that is not totally immaterial as there shouldn't be such people there at all.
Poles had celebrated the Independence Day long before anyone even thought of marsz niepodległości. I remember official celeberations at the Tomb gathered families of three generations. Then several years ago things changed with the march. There have been cases of hooligans vandalising the capital. Now the Nazis.

The Independence Day is not what it used to be.
24 Mar 2018
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

This photo wasn't taken at Marsz Niepodległości. It might have been taken during the Independence Day celebrations but not at the march. You can see the Unknown Soldier's Tomb in the background of the photo, and it wasn't on the march's track or whatever trasa marszu is called in English.

As for Czarny Protest, for a lot of women, it's about their rights to choose if they have a choice in these three exceptions when abortion is legal in Poland. Mind you, Polish women and men (!) attend such demonstrations only when a complete ban on abortion is mentioned.

No one forces a woman to abort a baby if she wants to give birth even if:
-the baby was conceived as a result of rape
-the mother's life is endangered
-the foetus is irreparably damaged
But don't make them give birth in such cases either.
Would all of these defenders of abortion take care of a baby of their wife/girlfriend's rapist? Or risk her life - sometimes it's not 'just' a wife/girlfriend but also the mother of your children. Would you risk them being orphaned?

I have no idea what I would do in these three cases as I don't support abortion as such. But I believe we should have a choice.
24 Mar 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

And the irony here is that we have certain people here who want all Poles to feel responsible for what those who collaborated did. While their own families were safe and sound, my grandparents were forced labourers.

And mind you, only Poles should feel responsible for Poles who collaborated. Other nations and ethicities are excused.
Sometimes the accusations are as ridiculous as the one with the photo I mentioned. If you say anything, you're accused of antisemitism.
23 Mar 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

Don't change the topic. We're not talking about mothers trying to defend their children. We're talking about Nazi collaborators - Polish, Jewish or of any other nation, they should be condemned.

And they were condemned by their fellow Poles and Jews respectively contemporary to them so don't try to bleach them now.
22 Mar 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa - Jewish Combat Organisation sentenced Jewish collaborators to death. Other Jews despised them. I remember watching an interview with Władysław Szpilman ( the Pianist) available on YouTube - in which he talks about a friend of his who joined the Jewish Police or people like Kon ( member of Group 13 - the Jewish Gestapo in the Warsaw Ghetto) with despise.

Jewish Police were volunteers often known for their cruelty. Some Judenrat members would collect money from other Jews and sent them to death. Some of them were killed later, too. That doesn't excuse them. The same applies to Poles who sent people to death for financial gain.
22 Mar 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

Bs. If you send someone to death for the sake of your own survival or money, you're a scum. It doesn't matter if you're Polish or Jewish. It happened in the ghettos and among Poles. The term is szmalcownicy, BTW.

Jewish collaborators were killed by ŻOB so no, there was no understanding for them among Jews.
22 Mar 2018
News / Goodbye Sunday Shopping in Poland - Hello Electoral Reform [246]

@mafketis @Atch
Yeah, I guess so. Just like carp at Lidl ...
Or a lot of families will break up because they will have to actually start talking to one another. ;)
I like your attitude! I can't wait to see you take action! !!
22 Mar 2018
News / Goodbye Sunday Shopping in Poland - Hello Electoral Reform [246]

Of course, the shops will be crowded - two days without shopping! It's always like that.
The same applies to Tuesday after Easter.

I remember the day before All Saints Day last year. Some of the shelves at my local biedronka were literally empty - just one day off ....