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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
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3 Dec 2020
Life / How much money to comfortably retire in Poland (a married couple)? [57]

Polish miracle Version 2.0...Quoting:

According to the Central Statistical Office national average salary in Poland in 2019 amounted to 5,169 pln gross in the enterprise sector. In Poland, residents of large cities like Warsaw, Gdańsk and Katowice earn the most. This is where the average salary exceeds the 5,000 pln.

How the hell can a couple retire on even less than that if it takes 12,000 a month?
To even think about leaving the US and its Medicare is beyond my comprehension. Once you are debt-free and you know where to buy things as you go along, "America" is cheap.

sophisticated culture

All culture comes from the US. Celine came here to score big. So do actors born in the UK and Australia. An old church or a museum get old very quickly - like that ocean view you pay double for.

Something tells me that half of Poland is on Netflix - not Netfliczek - half the time. Or on the Internet. Me too.
30 Nov 2020
Love / Adultery- Is it ok for Polish women [41]

I think this is more one of those don't ask don't tell situations.

...which may be made more complicated when he brings home a gift he got as an extra.
30 Nov 2020
Love / Adultery- Is it ok for Polish women [41]

Cheating almost never ends well. Only a total human scum does it when there are kids at home. Later, go knock yourself out and die from AIDS, as far as I am concerned.
29 Nov 2020
History / Poland rightwingers` bonds with PRL communist regime [191]

The Americans had a plan to open a base in Sevastopol and bring in rockets, stir up s**t and justify more money we don't have for that corrupt crap we call MI complex. Putin beat them to it. Good Putin. Hello, Crimea. Welcome back...
26 Nov 2020
Work / What is a good monthly salary for an English teacher in Poland? [124]

My sister is a school teacher and is saying the exact same thing.

It's all a union thing. There is no justification for it - scientific or in statistics. In fact, someone up there said that kids are safer in school than anywhere else. If their parents are in the 25-50 bracket, it's even harder to justify school lockdowns, especially if the bars and the airports are open.
26 Nov 2020
Polonia / Behaviour of Polish migrant workers in the Netherlands [43]

Europe has a huge problem with xenophobia based on ethnicity.

...which is fine with me as "xenophobia" will one day be Europe's salvation. In that sense, xenophobia, like greed, is good.
And, like most such claims, Poles or anyone else have no obligation, moral or legal, to explain or justify. A shot FO will do fine.
25 Nov 2020
Life / Why does Poland need racial diversity? Opinions [67]

DIVERSITY RULEZ! That`s another thing I have taught you here.

You were smart not to say that diversity is good for the diversified. If the whites tried to "diversify" an African country today they would be accused of genocide. It actually happened.

Name one country where the whites told their rulers through a referendum that they want to be "diversified".
Don't bother looking. Never happened. All of it was imposed on them.
25 Nov 2020
News / Women`s Party in Poland - a good means to end Women`s Hell ? [62]

I have no idea who wants what in Poland other than what I read here. Still, I know one thing that's worth repeating as a warning:

No matter what, if it's supported by Western governments or NGOs, Jews, or, ultimately, that pos creep, Soros, reject it immediately with extreme prejudice and never waste time to check what's in the box. Never!

BTW, Poloniusz, you are a genius.
24 Nov 2020
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

Dow Jones just broke 30,000 for the first time ever!

I am happy for you.
That number - 30,000 - is just another proof that the voters are morons.

In the Trump years - '17, '18, and '19 - Dow went from 20,000 to 28,000, or 40%.
In the same period, average wages increased a lousy 2.5% per year, or simply the rate of inflation. Which means not at all.

That is not a booming economy.

This spread is not unique to Trump. Since 1965, the Americans did not get any benefit from the increase in productivity while the CEO's to workers' salary ratio went from 20 to about 300.

All of that is a scandal and goes to show how America's owners are disconnected from the bottom 80%. Historically, 1% owning 40% is unsustainable and a reason for a revolution. Everybody knows it and that is why "socialism" and Biden won. The Americans rebelled against the status quo, not because their president was not a nice guy.
24 Nov 2020
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

Everyone needs some fat. No one likes the bulimic look.

That's a 0 or a 100 argument.

We remember how much was our weight at 20 yo. There is no reason why we should not weigh the same at 70 other than bad habits and indulgence.

I don't want to read about "metabolism", please.

That dry look comes from skin losing elasticity. Filling the balloon with fat to stretch it is a race to an early heart attack and grave. Fat is good when it's a thin layer like butter on a slice of bread. That fat never jiggles as we walk. If it jiggles, it's hideous and unhealthy
23 Nov 2020
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

Fat, like butter, has no shape by itself. It's a passive load that stores the energy of last resort and acts as an insulator. The body shape comes from the other body parts.

In its ugliest form, fat is cellulite and as a "spare tire". And a source of embarrassment. That is why nobody sane wants to go to a nudist beach as it would be hard to unsee what's there.
23 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

At what point does the ovum become a chicken?

If you want to see a feminist tapdance, ask when exactly a fetus becomes a human being.
We know the endpoints: (1) inside - fetus, (2) outside - a human being. Where in between the endpoints did the change take place?

Alternately, how many inches of the total length has to be out to make killing what's out a case of murder?

Back to abortion...
Abortions for any reason should be legal and shown on the Abortion Channel - in hi-res, living color, and with a microphone to show how the heart stops.

This would be consistent with every woman's desire to be on teevee.
23 Nov 2020
Life / To Poles: some food for thought [31]

Allright, you may feel successful as you have baited me.

I never bait. I shot directly and post what's on my mind. That is why I react poorly to the accusations of trolling. Nobody is important to me enough to lie to get a reaction.

Out of curiosity, please let me know which post of mine was "bait" and what "Sunday" has to do with it. Would Monday be better?

Rascism... There are many ways as to look at rascism.

A tactical blunder. When some moron accuses you (editorial) of racism, you don't explain why you are not a racist. The burden of proof is 100% on the claimant. Let him first define what racism is and how the accused - you or the Poles - meet HIS definition. If he refuses, you are done.

Think courtroom, not a bar.
23 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

And the guys don't need a deterrent?

They do, but that's a different subject since guys don't bring babies home for their parents to raise so that they can hit the party circuit the next day. Girls and women do it without any hesitation and shame. Over and over again. Or want an abortion.

A year later, it's rinse and repeat. By the time she is 25, she is a single mother of three - minimum wage and on drugs - looking for another unemployed bum to "love" her.

Abortion should NEVER be for the idiots like that - unless it comes with sterilization for her and castration for the bums.
23 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

"Village wh**es" don't "sleep". They f**k around. Without DNA, the tribe is at a loss whose sperm made it to the final destination first. Tribes don't like that, hence that label to deter future copycats.

Today, being a single mom is a badge of honor. "She is strong and independent!!!" - and will likely raise a delinquent, out-of-control thug. That last part is never mentioned, but the tribe elders - usually men - know it and hate it.
23 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

And somehow the guy who took part in creating that fatherless baby wasn't mentioned...

Because that village had no DNA lab and the girl had intercourse with a dozen men the week she got pregnant.
Their medical facilities were in form of a water well, right next to the communal s**t hole.
23 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

Then came false Christian morality,

Christian morality - like any morality - comes from practice and learning what works and what does not. People everywhere are free to reject Christian morality. If they don't, it's because they like it.

The term village ***** was used not to be mean, but to deter "immoral" behavior that produced fatherless babies the rest of the tribe had to support. In that sense, it was proper.
23 Nov 2020
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

Problem in society is too much ''fat normalisation''

The body is shaped by muscles, not fat. Fat is never good. Fat is ugly. Fat people are a liability to society. Just like alcoholics.

It's my body and I am proud is just another version of that stupid You are OK, I am OK.
If being fat were OK, we would not be reading underlying conditions, all fat-related.
Darwin was a very smart man. Today, he would be fired and chased out of town.
23 Nov 2020
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

Eastern European and Scandinavian women are far more beautiful than Western European and arguably the most beautiful in the world.

Are you kidding? When did a EE or Scandinavian woman win Miss World? The last five are from Jamaica, Mexico, India, Puerto Rico, and Spain.

Miss Universe: South Africa, Philipines, South Africa, France, and Philipines. No EE's.
23 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

Bottom line: Poland should make abortion available only for extreme cases, not as a remedy for the oops situations or I don't feel like having baby afterthoughts.

Don't want to have a baby, don't screw until you are married, and don't get drunk and stupid with random morons. Don't like those rules, then suffer the consequences.
23 Nov 2020
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

I like you more and more...What's happening! Nobody wants to argue that there are 73 sexes. Got to come up with something....
What else can we agree on?