The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Bobko  

Joined: 13 Mar 2017 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 1 day ago
Threads: Total: 27 / Live: 23 / Archived: 4
Posts: Total: 2063 / Live: 1987 / Archived: 76
From: New York
Speaks Polish?: Y
Interests: reading, camping

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23 Jan 2024
Life / i went to poland and killed myself [13]

I hope others who hate Poland will follow your example.

"I Went to Poland and Killed Myself" could be a good title for a novel, or alternative rock band.

There is already a song by an American rapper about going to Poland:

23 Jan 2024
Life / Satanic and Heretical Manifestations in Poland [123]

Proto-Germanic was spoken in c. 500 BC-200 AD

Are you saying that the Proto-Germans polluted the environment, and had much anal sex? Alternatively, are you saying that there is a connection between Russian religious practice and the emergence of Old English? What are you saying?

My point was simple, and empirically confirmed. For example, when I go to stay at an alpine lake cottage - I can drink AT LEAST twice more than I can in the city, and still not have a hangover in the morning. I drink, say 300-400 grams, then I take a dip into the ice cold lake water. Energized after a swim, my appetite makes itself known. This allows me to eat more delicious grilled meat, which in turn allows me to drink again. In this way, the cycle continues, in glorious 360 degree lucidity.

If I tried to do this in the city - I would die.

Now imagine if I was drinking in Ancient Rus.
23 Jan 2024
Life / Satanic and Heretical Manifestations in Poland [123]

the Eastern Slavic religion at the time, also forbade excessive drinking for just about anyone

Define "excessive drinking". Is 3 buckets of honey mead considered excessive? Perhaps for you, even two buckets of medovukha is too much?

Our ancestors grew up with crystal clear air, and unpolluted water streams. The birds and bees were numerous, and anal sex was still not invented. That means, that in those days a man could easily drink three times more than a man today, and still wake up feeling ready to take on the day.

I struggle to understand your post.
23 Jan 2024
Life / Satanic and Heretical Manifestations in Poland [123]

wouldn't see any contradiction between the two belief systems and neither do I.

Another fairy lover.

Russians in general struggle with the concept of Christianity and morality and God, but you go fully Marxist BS

Russians chose Christianity, because it allowed drinking alcohol (also they were very impressed with the Hagia Sophia). Islam and Judaism were no good, because we love pork very much, and there are many delicious shellfish in our waters.

From Wikipedia:

The Primary Chronicle reports that in the year 986, missionaries from various peoples representing various religions arrived in Kiev, trying to convert Vladimir to their religion. In 987, after consultation with his boyars, Vladimir reportedly sent envoys to study the religions of the various neighboring peoples whose representatives had been urging him to embrace their respective faiths. Although in both stories Vladimir ultimately rejects all options except Eastern Christianity, he hesitates and does not convert.

So as you see, we have a deep and nuanced understanding of Christianity.
22 Jan 2024
Life / Satanic and Heretical Manifestations in Poland [123]

ER. It never occurred to these morons that they can pray while their kid is being treated by the guys a lot smarter than Jesus.

F*cking hell... don't get me started.

Jesus does not know how to cure advanced cancer with metastasis.

Smart people at Merck that develop immunotherapy medications, may have a chance - however...
22 Jan 2024
Life / Satanic and Heretical Manifestations in Poland [123]

Today, I was disgusted to read about the proliferation of gnomes throughout Wroclaw, Poland. First appearing in 2005, these deformed creatures now fill the public spaces of this city. It speaks of the depths of Poland's spiritual nihilism, that people find these things "quirky" and "fun". The same country that produced Jan Pawel II, now allows a folkloric abomination to sit on the grounds of a cathedral (I'm not joking).

In some ways, this can be blamed on the legacy of the PRL... However, it's also clear that this would never be allowed, if men in power studied well their Bible.

Gnome worship is problematic, for at least the following reasons:

1. Idolatry Concerns (Exodus 20:4): The Second Commandment warns against making and worshiping graven images.

2. Distraction from God (Matthew 6:24): The Bible cautions against serving two masters.

3. Guarding Against Worldly Attachments (1 John 2:15-17): The New Testament advises believers not to love the world or the things in the world. My friends, gnomes are most certainly of *this* world, and not the Kingdom of Heaven.

4. Prioritizing Eternal Values (Colossians 3:2): Another piece of scripture, wherein Christians are encouraged to set their minds on things above, and not on earthly things.

To understand better why gnomes are manifestations of evil, I suggest reading some literature about their origins and proclivities. It will quickly become apparent to you, that they are neither "quirky" nor "fun". We must protect our children from them, just as we protect them from the globohomo invasion - focusing their attention back on the living message of the Christ.

To be honest, gnomes are just one thing which I find explicitly satanic about life in Poland. This is why I wanted to create this thread, so that I may continue covering the subject.

Thank you.

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21 Jan 2024
History / Pol-Shorpy Photo Thread [950]

15 years of hard labour.

A szlachcic could not be made to serve hard labor. He essentially lived as a free man, but on Sakhalin.
21 Jan 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan wasnt a proxy war either by the same definition.

It was. The West used Pakistanis and Arabs (like Bin Laden), to infiltrate Afghanistan and fight the Afghan and Soviet armies. They supplied them with Stinger missiles, ATGMs, communications equipment, intelligence, and money. They also trained and advised them.

In Vietnam, we did the same thing. We armed, advised, and supplied the Viet Cong.

It's a proxy war, when one of the sides does not put boots on the ground. Just because there are no American boots on the ground, does not mean the US is not a participant in this war.
21 Jan 2024
History / Pol-Shorpy Photo Thread [950]

1) The Russian and Polish delegations during the first plenary session of the Riga Peace Treaty negotiations in 1921.
2) The Polish delegation
3) Polish wax seal
4) Head of Russian delegation, Adolf Joffe, meets head of Polish delegation, Jan Dombwski.

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21 Jan 2024
History / Pol-Shorpy Photo Thread [950]

After graduating from the Wilno Gymnasium, Jozef Pilsudski continued his studies at Kharkov University (medical faculty). Already during his first year there, he was arrested multiple times for participating in revolutionary discussion groups. In 1887, he was finally charged with participating in the planning of the assassination of Emperor Alexander III. However, he was lucky, and he was soon downgraded from a suspect to a witness (still earning 5 years of exile in Siberia). Lenin's older brother Alexander Ulyanov and Pilsudski's older brother, Bronislaw, took part in this conspiracy as well. They were sentenced to death, but the emperor pardoned Bronislaw and replaced his death penalty with 15 years of hard labor on Sakhalin Island. Lenin's brother was, however, executed, and this is when a young Lenin vowed to destroy the Tsar and the Empire.

Below is a Polish produced "brochure", with a translation of his Russian arrest warrant.

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19 Jan 2024
History / Why Poland achieved nothing at all? [69]


It's mostly Mordvins/Moksha that claim him, but also he seems somewhat obsessed with them. He talks about them often, in pretty glowing terms. This makes people think he may be one of them.

To be honest, I don't think there's any way to tell a Mordvin from a Russian. Technically, they are closer to Estonians and Finns.

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19 Jan 2024
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [945]

Rape could easily have been seen as breach of discipline

Rape is seen as a breach of discipline in Russia as well. In fact, anywhere in the world, military atrocities, including rape, are seen as detrimental to morale.

There are hundreds of documented cases of summary executions of Russian soldiers during the Battle of Berlin, for the crime of rape. A good officer, understands that letting rape go unpunished is deletirious for esprit de corps.

The reason I said Jon is arguing an idiotic position, is because he put the rapes on the other side of the scale, when talking about the liberation of literally millions of square kilometers of Eastern European territory from Nazism.

I'm not using Stalin's argument that a little bit of rape is deserved by the frontline men, but that the rape did not cancel out the overall "GOOD".
19 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Personal Pan-Slavic Manifesto [37]

They are a western slavic speaking group (linguistically).

Interesting... because after Ukrainian and Belarusian, Slovak is the easiest for me to read and understand.

They are basically mountain slavs

This is an interesting notion. Mountain people, whether they are from the Scottish Highlands, or from the Caucasus, or Central Asia, or Appalachia - all share certain characteristics. I wonder, if the Slovaks have these qualities.

yet more rough then Czechs.

It's not hard to be more rough than the Czechs.
17 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Things People Say in Ireland - Even though Novichok thinks they can't. [66]

Who would be the warring parties?

I don't know.

I think China will be a huge component of it.

Russia alone cannot hope to endure in a confrontation against the richest billion people in the world. Therefore, the only thing that could balance the scales, would be the ability to tap the virtually infinite manpower reserves of China. Then, as the more experienced party, Russia could act as the "elite" firefighting component, while China plugs the holes everywhere else through its sheer mass.

But even having China on-side, is no guarantee that we can outlast the West. Brazil, India, Egypt, Iran, South Africa, and Indonesia will have to decide where they throw in their lot.

The end goal, as I see it, is to redraw the security and trade infrastructure created after WW2, to more objectively reflect the shifting power balance in reality.
17 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Personal Pan-Slavic Manifesto [37]

I'm ashamed to admit, I really don't know anything about Slovaks - except that they fought for Hitler during the War.

Are they reasonable people? What should one know about them?
17 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Things People Say in Ireland - Even though Novichok thinks they can't. [66]

It's funny... when small countries do it, isn't it?

Nobody bats an eyelash when a Buryat calls himself Russian, a Japanese an American, an Indian a Brit, an Algerian a Frenchman.

But if it's a Syrian claiming Irishness, it does cause some cognitive dissonance.

But why should the rules that apply to large states, not apply to smaller ones as well?
17 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Personal Pan-Slavic Manifesto [37]

Ukrainians are Slavic and many ruSSians aren't.

We have 4 times more Slavic people, than there are people living in Ukraine.

There are also a substantial number of non-Slavic people in Ukraine. Mostly the usual suspects, like Azeris, Armenians, Jews, Georgians, and Tatars. However, there are also some more "exotic" flavors, like Greeks, for example. Obviously, what's missing in Ukraine in comparison to Russia are East Asians and Central Asians.

Sort of off-topic, but one thing that surprised me about Ukrainians when I started talking to more of them, is that they really are quite a bit more racist than Russians (who are themselves, not exactly enlightened people). I think the whole "Europeanness" with which they have been recently obsessed, went to their heads a bit. Sometimes, I hear a seemingly educated and normal Ukrainian, spout off something about Azeris, that would really never fly in polite society in Russia. This tells me, it must be more normalized there.

No Eastern European nation does very well in terms of attitudes towards blacks, but Ukraine is definitely the champion when it comes to racism against Africans. I find this very peculiar, since even Africans are smart enough not to emigrate to Ukraine, or even transit through it on the way to gaining refugee status somewhere else. Quite literally, there are many countries in Africa with higher per capita income than in Ukraine. Algeria, Egypt, Botswana, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon - all have a higher gdp per capita (PPP). Yet, any article about something to do with Africa will have the comment section full of monkey gifs.

Recently, on a Ukrainian forum which I visit, one guy was pointing fun at how the "apes" in Thailand were "idiots" for bulldozing luxury cars which were confiscated from criminals and tax dodgers. Others were agreeing with him - "what can you do with these natives...". This really got under my skin... for a lot of reasons - not least because they were seemingly getting angry about a country taking corruption seriously.

I ended up arguing that Thailand has an economy 3X larger than Ukraine's, and that an average Thai earns almost 2X more than an average Ukrainian. They became very sour after this, and started nitpicking about nominal vs ppp numbers (neither really helps their case).

I hope the next time one of them goes to Pattaya again, he won't lord it over the locals as if they were untermenschen.

P.S. - I'm sorry Kania for polluting the thread. I still have to write my Pan Slavic Manifesto.
15 Jan 2024
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [945]

Well, he certainly had more medals. ;)

With all due respect, not only.

Rokossovsky (before becoming head of the Polish Armed Forces, and a Marshal of Poland himself), was head of the 1st and then 2nd Belarusian Front. It is often said, that the battles fought in Belarus as part of Operation Bagration, were the most decisive battles of all of World War 2.

Here is an enumeration, from Soviet sources, of the resources at Rokossovsky's command:

"В состав группировки войск входило 20 общевойсковых, 2 танковые и 5 воздушных армий. Всего группировка насчитывала 178 стрелковых дивизий, 12 танковых и механизированных корпусов и 21 бригаду. Поддержку и прикрытие войск фронтов с воздуха осуществляли 5 воздушных армий. Общее количество войск составляло 2 500 000 человек, более 6000 танков и самоходно-артиллерийский установок, более 45 000 артиллерийских орудий и миномётов, около 7000 боевых самолёт"


"The group of troops included 20 combined arms armies, 2 tank and 5 air armies. In total, the group consisted of 178 rifle divisions, 12 tank and mechanized corps and 21 brigades. 5 air armies supported and covered the front troops from the air. The total number of troops was 2,500 000 people, more than 6,000 tanks and self-propelled artillery units, more than 45,000 artillery pieces and mortars, about 7,000 combat aircraft"

How many divisions did Pilsudski have again? How many tank armies? How many air armies?

Were there even 2.5M soldiers in the Polish army during Pilsudski's time?

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13 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Personal Pan-Slavic Manifesto [37]


My own path to growing sickly curious of Slavdom - I could write a 12 tome series.

So to distill it into something that is pleasant for people to read - that is very difficult.