The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Crow  

Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 1 day ago
Threads: Total: 154 / Live: 56 / Archived: 98
Posts: Total: 9264 / Live: 4016 / Archived: 5248
From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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9 Sep 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]


Fine. If Poland hesitate, there will be Serbia from Adriatic to Baltics. After all, as it was in past.

Poland's claims are in any way justified, legally or historically?

Sure they are. Its minimum of demands to negate all harm done to Poland by the papacy that always preferred Germanics.
8 Sep 2022
News / The Baltics states rely on Poland as their main defender against Russian aggression?? [99]


You think you have correct data on Serbian economy?
Then also, standard of living isn`t only GDP.

In Serbia people don`t worry for heat during the winter. Or electricity. Or food shortages. We travel. We have good night life. We live. Go ask western Europeans and Baltics. Go ask them.

Think about all that.

See? Things change. In fact, returning to normalcy, again. Designation of West returning to its original birthplace and that is Balkan and Serbian lands, ie Slavic world.
7 Sep 2022
News / The Baltics states rely on Poland as their main defender against Russian aggression?? [99]

The Polish expansion with took place in the East in previous centuries was chaotically accidental.

because of Pope, say it openly, brate. Instead to raid on Western side (where Germanics started to consolidate on Sorbian lands), you moved to Eastern side. If you are Polish, you can speak openly when speak to Serbian, you know.

Back in that time Europe was urinated and architecture that led to today`s disaster was created.

We know because we raided with you back then all the way to Orsha and to Moscow. Just we did it for Poland. Over ancient Sarmatian connection and because only Poland was able and willing to help us against Ottomans.

But, we are back in theater again. The Dragon is awaken.
7 Sep 2022
News / The Baltics states rely on Poland as their main defender against Russian aggression?? [99]

I suggest immediate deployment of Polish troops in Baltic states. They need protection. Actually best would be to merge with Poland. Sweden and Finland, too. All in Poland. Eastern Germany, too. Not to speak of Galicia.

Poland would be only bigger. I told it here long ago.

Because Poland is wise and has good investments.
7 Sep 2022
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [471]

Jest i dobrze nam z tym. hahahaha

Dobra, mój ku*asie. To miłe dla Polski w pakcie NATO jak świnia w Teheranie.

Watykan źle zahipnotyzował Polskę, ale to trochę schrzaniło. Miłość Serbów uratuje Polaków.

Tak bo to polska specjalnośc - umierać za wolność naszą i waszą. Tacy jesteśmy.

Weź się w garść. Musisz żyć.
7 Sep 2022
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [471]

Pozdrowienia Sarmaci. Jak więc nasza dobra Polska jest nadal w pakcie NATO? Cóż, nie zwariowałeś tam, żeby umrzeć za głupich Niemców i szalony Bidena?
31 Aug 2022
Life / What do Poles really think about cats? [381]

You are sick if you have never kissed a cat on its wet nose!!! ...... feel the difference in your lousy life!

What is next my virtual friend?

To walk on leash? To imitate animals? Beware, one easily sunk in fetishes these days. Put cross on yourself and even spit several times against spells. And pray.

31 Aug 2022
News / Options for Poland and Europe if Russian border reaches delta where Danube river meets the Black Sea? [7]

There is war if you didn`t know. Borders sometimes changes after wars. This is about one possible option.

A good option when we are at it. Russia on Danube would practically mean that Russia has access to the Central and South-Eastern Europe. No domination of hostile non-Slavs on Slavs would be possible. Nothing won`t be same. Region will return to pre-Roman conquests in strategic sense. Essentially, Europe would again become Slavialand.
31 Aug 2022
Off-Topic / Random movies (not Polish) proposed by forum users [91]

MY GIFT TO ALL HERE - raw dosage of Serbian humor

The cult Serbian movie - Maratonci trče počasni krug ( Marathoners run a lap of honor ) - COMPLETE MOVIE with ENGLISH SUBS - VIDEO very good quality


Maratonci trče počasni krug | CEO FILM

29 Aug 2022
Off-Topic / Random movies (not Polish) proposed by forum users [91]

Arabs are weaklings and their woman are mostly very ugly, unable to motivate man. Its Dinara.

Its when Nikola Jokic answers. `Basketball? No, I don`t like basketball. We Serbs only likes to win.`
29 Aug 2022
Life / What do Poles really think about cats? [381]

But happier. Spot nuttela on that image. On the shelf. For sure he shared nuttela with his cat. Maybe killed cat with nuttela. Sure he wanted only the best. Cat died happier, I telling to you.

29 Aug 2022
Off-Topic / Random movies (not Polish) proposed by forum users [91]

Why? It only increases passion. Then also, woman's brain demand constant action and reaction.

Here you see Raka isn`t satisfied with his dinner and he says to his wife `I know where I can find good diner` and move. When wife says she will abandon him but, he counter to her `go somewhere to learn how to cook and then come back`. Then he goes to neighborhood, while his wife begs...

`Vratice se rode` - Raka pita sta ima za veceru




Go speak to Raka about woman`s rights and other mental shi*. Man, woman must be ruled. They are happier when ruled.