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Posts by Bobko  

Joined: 13 Mar 2017 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 1 day ago
Threads: Total: 27 / Live: 23 / Archived: 4
Posts: Total: 2063 / Live: 1987 / Archived: 76
From: New York
Speaks Polish?: Y
Interests: reading, camping

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21 Feb 2024
News / Reactions in Poland to Alexei Navalny's death [128]

What would be the old man's upside from killing a harmless Siberian prisoner?

Maybe he didn't kill him.

Likely - he didn't kill him at all.

But could he have done something to prevent this guy from dying? Like not sending him beyond the arctic circle?

21 Feb 2024
News / Reactions in Poland to Alexei Navalny's death [128]

Sure he was a good leadership matterial

Maybe better material than most.

He was hard, soft, stubborn, flexible - in all the necessary ways.

Nobody is perfect - Velund.

Also, Velund - I hope you are ready for what will come.
21 Feb 2024
News / Reactions in Poland to Alexei Navalny's death [128]

Che was a different kettle of fish

He was a God amongst men.

I read the biographies of his comrades. His effect was nothing short of magical.

The kind of charisma, which cannot be taught.

Leadership - in its rawest form.
21 Feb 2024
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [638]

it only proves that we belong to the culture.

What culture?

From this moment please explain things in more detail.

Be careful with this board though - being here is not healthy in the long run

I am stronger than you think :)

So are you. Hope family life is joyful and without problems.
21 Feb 2024
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [638]

You're eerily smart for someone your age, Bobi.

I learn from my teachers. Thank you again, for all your kindness during these past years.
21 Feb 2024
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [638]

in Russia it is only important what those on top think




In Poland, of course, they ask your opinion.
21 Feb 2024
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [638]

Towards Truth.

The modern West seems to be all about denying the Truth.

Closing your eyes and ears to it, and yelling very loudly.

As Russians, and as Slavs, our main orientation is always towards Truth as the highest Good.

We are bad at playing your Western games of Kabuki theater, but we know what Truth is, and we hold onto it.
21 Feb 2024
History / Pol-Shorpy Photo Thread [950]


Carpet beating has brought some good memories back)
21 Feb 2024
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [638]

Even though I'm an atheist, I would say that despite emerging from the yoke of communism - you have found yourselves a new state of spiritual bankruptcy. Deeper and more alienating that the last form of spiritual bankruptcy.

We may not be perfect, and we make a million mistakes, but at least our compass direction is correct.
21 Feb 2024
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [638]

What do you mean?

You have been corrupted.

You are little shadows of your former selves.

You call me a slave. Ask me if I'm afraid.

Look at you?

Who has freedom, and who has a simulation of freedom?
21 Feb 2024
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [638]

visiting family you see.

You Poles are hopelessly compromised through all your work and study adventures in the 90s and 2000s.
21 Feb 2024
History / DO YOU KNOW ABOUT ORDER NO. 00485? [11]

The more I study Polish history, the more shocking it becomes

Perhaps stop reading Polish history, to preserve your gentle psyche?
20 Feb 2024
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [638]

they must be Putin agents.

The world's rapidly heading towards a place, where at least 50% of the population will be Putin's agents.

On Twitter, I see Democrats accusing Republicans of being Russian agents.

In the Financial Times comment section, anyone that thinks there's something fishy about Zelenksy - is immediately branded a Russian agent.

In the world of business, Elon Musk has become a Russian agent, because he doesn't want his company's products to start World War 3.

Even in goddamn Ukraine, if you question the wisdom of current military strategy or methods of mobilization, you are an agent of Putin.

Soon, people working outside of the Russian intelligence community will constitute a minority of the planet's population.
20 Feb 2024
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [638]

Lies, lies all the time


First - you can check this for yourself. At least, with the two websites I mentioned.

Second - perhaps there was one period of positive coverage, when Tusk was elected, but it very, very quickly turned into greater disappointment.

What exactly did you think you did for Ukraine, in the last 9 months, to merit positive mentions?

First it was PiS openly standing against Ukrainian exports. Now it is Tusk "secretly" standing against the same.
20 Feb 2024
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [638]

I guess all the smiley faces, are because you know I can't prove it.

Even if I fly to Kiev tomorrow, and schedule an appointment with Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmitry Kuleba, and the head of Ukraine's Security Council Alexei Danilov - I would not be able to provide you this answer.

Simply, you will have to take my word for it - which of course you won't. To Ukraine, all your intermarium/visegrad bullsh*t is a joke. They think they should occupy a different category - at least on the level of Spain or Italy. Their allies are Germany, UK, US.

Poland almost never gets mentioned in Ukraine, except negatively - for probably the last 9 months at least. Even though it's America, which is not delivering on its promises.
20 Feb 2024
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [638]

as the closest of all to their own ones.

Only an idiot could answer that Poland is the closest country to Ukraine culturally. Even Muslim Azerbaijan, is closer to Ukraine culturally than Poland. Forget about places like Belarus and Russia.

Also, only an idiot could rate Polish culture as the most interesting in Europe - no disrespect. But seriously, there are countries like Italy and France in Europe...

Finally, I said Ukrainians do not see Poles as "strategic allies". This has nothing to do with culture. Then, Brazil would be the closest ally of Portugal.
20 Feb 2024
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [638]

according to a RuSSian any criticism is being "anti-some-nationality"

No, no.

Quietly wishing Poles get invaded by Russia, or that they experience on themselves starvation - is totally not anti-anything.

Accusing somebody of thinking only of themselves, and calling them backstabbers - that also doesn't necessarily mean that you don't like them.

Only when the other side begins to come up with funny words like slave, orc, subhuman, etc can one confidently state that we are dealing with some kinda anti-something.
20 Feb 2024
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [638]

Ukrainians are angry, because of the situation with grain at the border

No sh*t.

That doesn't make them "anti-Polish".

Strangely, their anger is making them write many anti-Polish things.

I love your argument, that Ukraine is angry, but not anti-Polish. It's completely meaningless.

A post does not have to say "Poles are greedy colonizers, just like the Russians. Butchers and exploiters." - to be anti-Polish.

It's enough for a post to say, "Poland can go f*ck itself.", or even "Poles are behaving extremely irrationally" - for it to be anti-Polish. By the criteria of any university, journalist outfit, or surveying organization.

You just made up your own criteria on what is anti-Polish, by defining it as near racial hate.
20 Feb 2024
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [638]

If you cared one jot about Ukrainian grain

I don't.

Instead, I'm highly amused at how Poland and Ukraine managed to f*ck up their relations this badly within just two years. Especially when I remember how great they were at the beginning.

Not even the most optimistic Russian propagandist could have predicted it. What's even better, is that Pawian can't blame PiS anymore.
20 Feb 2024
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [638]

they need time

Time for what? That view is correct. PF is the best confirmation, that Poland is precisely not helping Ukraine out of some sense of altruism. Even people like you and Paulina, argue why Poland should aid Ukraine primarily from a pragmatist point of view.

Ukrainians are not stupid, so I think their read on Polish intentions is pretty spot-on.

No, liar, they do it for Ukrainians primarily

How does this work, in your imagination?

I am a Ukrainian, I go to a website to read some news. I read that Poland is dumping my grain on the ground, and guys are walking around with posters that read "Koniec gosciny - niewdzieczne skurwysyn". I decide to go to the comments section, to see what my fellow countrymen think about it. I open the comments, and horror of horrors - everybody is angry at Poland's actions. This makes me very depressed, and I feel that I don't support my country's continued efforts to resist Russian occupation any longer.

Is that how?

When will the two of you be able to take some responsibility for your actions? Always Putin soiling your underwear.
20 Feb 2024
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [638]

r*SSians have been writing crap in comments fields since

Alright guys, I get it.

Russians come, and stage entire virtual town halls on Ukrainian websites - for the amusement of the occasional Western reader.

Ukrainians, meanwhile, abhor their own newspapers, and never post comments there out of principle - preferring instead to write posts in the Christian Science Monitor and San Francisco Chronicle.

Thank God for Russians, creating some semblance of civic society discussions in the Ukrainian press, because otherwise there would be a vacuum.

20 Feb 2024
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [638]

can gauge the real state of mind of your average Urkainan who is interested in politics.


Otherwise, you need to conduct actual surveys.

Going to Kiev for a business trip, and talking to a dozen Ukrainians - does not qualify as evidence.

The fact is - Polish actions over the course of the past year are interpreted as being extremely hostile in Ukraine. Goodwill between the two nations, is evaporating rapidly, while it was built on a shaky foundation to begin with.

Why I can`t forgive you

I know, I know. I'm just having some fun this morning, while waiting for my plane)

It's kind of you, to be able to understand the Ukrainians despite the present intensity in relations.

You must admit, however, that it is interesting to you to read these perspectives? I really was not trying to pick the worst ones, but rather the ones that were most popular. When you finally figure out how to access the comments there (maybe a VPN?), you'll see I wasn't misleading you in any way.

In the last post, I included all the pro-Polish rebuttals.

Poland may view Ukraine as a "strategic ally", but Ukraine does not view Poland in the same way. This is why Polish complaints about ingratitude mostly fall on deaf ears in Ukraine, because in their view it's America and Britain that are helping altruistically - while Poland is just covering its ass.
20 Feb 2024
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [638]

Another fresh article on Ukrainska Pravda, this time about the decision of Polish farmers to prolong the blockade through April. A morning of much fun for Bobko.


Again, I will show you comments that Pawian say do not exist.

Translation (I'm translating the replies too, so you see the pro-Polish aspects):

1) "Again, it's Slavs. Do you take it, that there really are no brothers? A war on two fronts. In this case, the Muscovites have a great chance to occupy the whole of Ukraine. Mobilize us into their army and attack Poland. And our guys will definitely remember what the Poles are doing. They don't remember the good for a long time, but they don't forget the evil they did, and there will be a new division of Poland.

Politicians, think and solve the problem, not start a fire." /// "Grisha you want to fight? Quickly, head to the Eastern Front. They're waiting for you there."

2) "I just had a conversation with some friends from Poland - there is a lot of Ukrainephobia there now. They have always been like that, and the ancient historical habit of treating Ukrainians as masters to serfs - with disdain and contempt - is back.

When the war began, the Pshekas were well aware that the Muscovites would eventually go for them, besides, they sincerely hate and fear them, and here we simply acted as a hypothetical ally. This explains all their help. And there is no need to deceive them." /// "Not everywhere. Mostly working class people. As far as I know: the main mass does not support radicalism in protests. And they don't really like farmers, because they have too many benefits. A lot. Of course, benefits at the expense of buyers. Maybe I'm talking to the wrong Poles?"

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