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Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [638]
can gauge the real state of mind of your average Urkainan who is interested in politics.
Otherwise, you need to conduct actual surveys.
Going to Kiev for a business trip, and talking to a dozen Ukrainians - does not qualify as evidence.
The fact is - Polish actions over the course of the past year are interpreted as being extremely hostile in Ukraine. Goodwill between the two nations, is evaporating rapidly, while it was built on a shaky foundation to begin with.
Why I can`t forgive you
I know, I know. I'm just having some fun this morning, while waiting for my plane)
It's kind of you, to be able to understand the Ukrainians despite the present intensity in relations.
You must admit, however, that it is interesting to you to read these perspectives? I really was not trying to pick the worst ones, but rather the ones that were most popular. When you finally figure out how to access the comments there (maybe a VPN?), you'll see I wasn't misleading you in any way.
In the last post, I included all the pro-Polish rebuttals.
Poland may view Ukraine as a "strategic ally", but Ukraine does not view Poland in the same way. This is why Polish complaints about ingratitude mostly fall on deaf ears in Ukraine, because in their view it's America and Britain that are helping altruistically - while Poland is just covering its ass.